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1109/ Seahorse Cove, JINDALEE, WA 6036
Property ID: #L26549288
- 661
Harcourts Alliance
0451669*** Enquire
Ocean Front
Jindalee Beachside is a prestigious, master-planned coastal enclave providing a rare and diminishing opportunity for those fortunate enough to be able to afford the ultimate reward. A luxury beachside lifestyle. Jindalee has it all. The ideal location between the glorious, pristine beach and Marmion Avenue. An extraordinarily high level of world class planning and community facilities, fringed by a unique and protected foreshore eco-system. But best of all, there's the long, delightfully clean beach interspersed with scenic cliffs which afford spectacular vistas across the warm expanses of the reef-dappled Indian Ocean and its coastal fringe. It's a difficult place to leave but a wonderful home to return to whenever you do have cause to venture beyond this safe, five-star sanctuary for relaxation and boundless, healthy pleasure. You'll love it! Added 19 February, 2024
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Est. bond $1920
- 661
Property ID: #L26549288
Ocean Front
Jindalee Beachside is a prestigious, master-planned coastal enclave providing a rare and diminishing opportunity for those fortunate enough to be able to afford the ultimate reward. A luxury beachside lifestyle. Jindalee has it all. The ideal location between the glorious, pristine beach and Marmion Avenue. An extraordinarily high level of world class planning and community facilities, fringed by a unique and protected foreshore eco-system. But best of all, there's the long, delightfully clean beach interspersed with scenic cliffs which afford spectacular vistas across the warm expanses of the reef-dappled Indian Ocean and its coastal fringe. It's a difficult place to leave but a wonderful home to return to whenever you do have cause to venture beyond this safe, five-star sanctuary for relaxation and boundless, healthy pleasure. You'll love it! Added 19 February, 2024
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- Property Type: Land
Harcourts Alliance
0451669*** Enquire
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