Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

shawls i shawls Prl frora 12 to 14 yearn of aire to take care of, I cml'' nd make herself generally useful in a private fam-' W5l to do what is right and of good habits I may find a good and permanent situation by applying at No. 5fi Irumbull street oct 4 SEPTEMBER REPORT OF THE ONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ot Hnrtford, Conn. TniS Company have issued during the month of September, two hundred and seventy rive new Policies, vii ASordabli" "habitants of the town of reoaired hereby notified and required to return to the Town Clerk's ntH- if Blanks can be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk The law requires the Assessor, to three-fold ail Jn, lecting or refusing to render their lists. persons neg ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND FAIR or THR HARTFORD COUNTY It I ULT URAI SOCIETY, AT TMI! City Hall, Hartford, Oct, 1 0tfa, 1 1 th nttd 12th. rpHE Committee of A rrangemente beg leave to call the special of their fellow citizens of th County, to the subject of the annroachin? Fair.

ul imm th Fr. UNION HOUSE, NEW IT A TEN. tinvtd rfrrrtf eforitt the S'ntian IJnvtr nf tt New Tire end Arts Ht-- KaU'cad Cmpany rrspectfuRT Invito. tb patronag- of 'HH publ.r, confident thf can oupj-Sv Jf i wnt of th transient viitor of New Haven, as as any of hi eanrpstitnra. Tb Hon kept upon the Fa-rofwan plan.

MeaW. n-trwhrncnf mi rvcrv de! icary which hi pjarkct a.tords. will be tx hon nB OT ni.h, upon the Wrns and thf shortest no He. Srra Boston have lim to diiw at New Haven. it( SMITH' t)f WlK)l I.OIlg PJIBW18, OI UltilTt'Ill, f.7.KB i J'JV Shawls, the cheapest lot ever before oBered in I 'll" 1'" q.

11 the above will bo gold at ureal bargain. imp -JjtEAT DOWNFALL OF PRICES LARGE AUCTION PURCHASE OF AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES! VT BECEIVKD FROM NEW TOXK Woolen Long Shawls at all price from $3 to $10 a 1 fill magnificent assortment. all wool, worth 912 will be 0old at $9. 7Br do worth 815, lor $10. SS do extra size for 12, worth 816.

fc gp Wool Shawls from to $3. 1 in Tej taiicUome Scarf, at a bargain. nMve a11 Dough 'he lowest cash prices, and of them less than rout of importation, and will be aold for a Hare bargain 1 ii looking tor Shawls will find it for their Interest to look and compare prices. KUGDEN CO- lu'. 20 successors to Catlin Co.

DO" PAPKlt! PAPKIt! HUE uibwrilier lias in store an extensive assortment of Pa-I r. consisting in part of thR following I 1 nelin blue wnite Iwd Letter. French do do wove do Fiili'h and French Commercial Post. French and American Folio Post French, Eindi'D nd American Note, all sizes. medium, royul and super royal and elephant Ledger n-hsteman's and Uudsan's Drawing Papers.

l'ut Otlice, Blotting, Envelope, colored and fancy medium r.tt.'ra Paper lor Tador's use. m' line and superfine Letter Paper. do no CaP do a do Wrapping, all sizes. Also any quantity of Hinders' Board and Straw Hoard. hints manufacturers and all others in want of Paper, are invited to call at the Paper Warehouse of r' E.

HUNT, 6 Asylum street. oct a 1st i ifne'ftw, Periodienl and Intelligence Office, At A. B0Me va 4 AMERICAN HO TEL ROH i SHvaire. by Cupt. Marryatt.

nwiiiriT. or tne Jew pciiooi ior scanuai, Dy Mrs. trore. Ths Hi4ry of Pendennis, by Thackery. Th mericau Locomotive, or a Treatise on the Steam Engine.

Frank Forreter's Fish and Fishing. aasorunont of Novelettes, Magazines, Sec. A irreat variety of fancy articles, the latest style just re-iiecL Also Stationery, School and Catholic Books at New 1 Ika.aT'the delirious flavored Teas for which the New York kin Tea Company is so cell brated, always on hand. A fa" li respectfully requested. oct 5 NOTICE.

THE STEAMER ALICE, Capt. R. 8. White, will leave the toot of Grovo street for New London and Norwich, every Tues- ryrhiai ii flay, inursuay biiu ouiuruay, ut ciock, A leave Norwich at7 o'clock, A. Monday, Wednesday anl Friday stopping at all the regular Landing places on Cunncnicin Aucart dtf Tl CTIO.N NOTICE The larije sale of Household Furni A Hire, I'ry Goods, advertised for Wednerday, Oct.

3J, will take place on Friday, Oct 5th, ltJ at No. 2'J9 Main St. "aie commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. "t3 2c J- HOWELL OLMSTED, Auc'r.

MUTUAL FlljEIN SUHAN CE. The Tcople's Jlntiml Fire Insurance Company of Worcester, fp Company commenced business in May, 1847, and has is-I nut'il up to this time, Policies, and its assets are in Cash and in Notes l.r)0,000. It insures all kindg of buildings, exc ept Vhos that are extra hazardous, also neat stock, hay and drain, household furniture, provisions, wearing apparel, and stock in process of manufacturing, except stock in Cotton and Woolen Mills and property like hazardous, for 3 months to 5 years, on such terms fts cannot tail to (rive entire satisfaction and such has bprn irs success fliat dividend of tiO per cent, was made on policies winch e.Tjiired on the first of Autust, lcl4f. The business of Mutual Insurance thould be so arranged and renrluctcd, if possible, as to avoid assessments on premium notes, as it causes much dissatisfaction. The proportion paid in cash oujht to be sufficient to render assessments unnecessary.

The amount required by tliis Company to be paid in cash, is deemed mffii ipnt tor that purpose (if it should be more it will be returned ra dividends,) but if it should prove insufficient, the premium iwte will secure the ultimate payment of all claims for loss. Hy strict adherence to the principles of equity in settling all Jwfit have occurred, they have avoided the expense arising fffm law suits, so prejudicial to all Insurance Companies, and it he their aim to continue to do so, and in all other respects so to conduct the business of the Company as to merit a continu-mce of public confidence. Ja.to M. Goodwin, Esq. is appointed Agent of the Compa-tt for Hartford andvicinity.

EDWARD II. HEMEJiWAY, President. Worcester, Oct. 1, 1849. I To those who prefer the Mutual plan of Insurance, the tli mvuTtintre nf th nhrivs fnmnnnv.

Thf-re im. fts in iawt every thing else, a choice in Mutual Insurance Companies. principle or plan upon which they transact their business ia Kail alike. The success of this Company in 15 months from mnnencing business, having divided fiO per cent and having at riiis time, it seems, ft-JO tXM) in Cash, and $150,000 in premium is evidence that their plan of doing business has proved Tery successful, aud needs no recommendation from me For further information respecting it, or tor insurance, please apply to me at my otlice, No. 216 Main street, Hartford, Conn.

JAMES M. GOODWIN, Agent. Hartford, Oct. 4, UATALOON MAKERS WANTED The subscriber I will cive steady employment, the year through, to a few first rate Pantaloon Makers, (none but the'best workmen need apply) if immediate application be made. net 4 THOS.

T. FISHER. FLOUR. TOO WP8tcra superfine Flour, from new Wheat on UUliaiUIIllieill. J.H11U1UU 11UD UHT WIU till ifOirr I oct 4 3d 2w-20 A.

II. POMROY. WIMIETHJXG NEW Tlie subscriber has just received from utie of the best P.roadwav Tailors something entirely new in jf article of GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS, got up in superb Me, from goods manufactured in Europe to the order ol the wmfiictiirerof the Coats. The style, both of the Cloth and surpasses any thing of the kind thnt will be seen in Hart-i'i'he present season. Call and examine.

wi Tiioa T. FISnER. Git EAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOOPS AT FREEMAN'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. RAVING spent the last week in the wo great markets of the world, we flatter ourselves of being able to show as com-if an assortment of Tailors' Goods a can be found in the Something entirely new for Overcoats, and we are very atliey wili give satisfaction to any persons that will take I le to call We have juet opened a very rich lot of those 1 tntlisti Uassimeres, ot an tne cl*tterent colors, aesignea tor cold weather. Also, a very choice lot of elegant lk, Wool and Velvet.

Remember the place. FREEMAN'S Tailoring Emporium, directly opposite the North Stone Church. tj A lw20 copy. ri-tfiET WIXE A few dozen Claret Wine just received "(i tor sale at "The People's Family Medicine Store," by JOHN BRADDOCK. t.KESK FEATHERS.

aro happy to inform our numerous Feather customers, tii at our man has returned with a few sacks more of those Farmers' Feathers Khite, clean, full of dojpn, and en- 'free from smell. t'clmnts supplied as usual. 4 20 B. W. HUDSON.

More Jjighls: Lighter Yet! THE cenuine article of BURNING FLUID, sold only by A. lZftnilui at tViol- I r.mr Tlrii-k Stura MtflrM.liwt no Datent Burning Fluid, as there is no such article in oce, no more than there is patent t-penn Oil. offer the real old fashion Burning Fluid, that gives so uid brilliiint a liirht, that it is a luxury to look at it. are some dealers the article wlio struggle like a man. and wonld make the public the dear public.

in'ariy love oeiievc, ij i rw nmn in all this great, country of I makes Burning Fluid and he-'Wl'T of Fluid only condescends to mm Uif-y do dearly love believe, if Ihey could, that there is ot twenty millions ol peo-he that wonderful manu- Iv condescends to smile upon one man in rr; at city. iinK The public are too sensible to be in that way. If wnt a pure article of Burning Fluid, and a choice of mi oi the largest assortment in the city or, your old firn -vTi at a small expense, and Cans for the Fluid "heiLeomu to Head Quarters, C2 State street, and no where WELLS GOODWIN. (( t.ustomers will find many other Goods worth looking oct 4 A. V.

Ii. M. IIOTCHKISS, ABE NOW OPENING AT THE ii cvisir KW 21J'AIN STREET. -wive oi -im. nun ui jcureign unu i(rnmi(c 1 in part of 18 Suare Wiatcls, new patterns.

all wool do do PlHnCahmere Shawls of different kinds. i Silk, high lustre, extra quality and width. ar sj." rich figured, changeable and stripe. "iiirt' "c1 changeable, a beautiful combination of piain and figured, new and beautiful styles. striped and figured, of the newest k'ue 'ar't' I'Mpto'Minnfiictiire.

a rmm''eon and colored, of all qualities. Ji Lupin's manufacture, all colors and qualities. it ln de figured, of the finest Saxony wool. nd Parametta Cloths, Coburgs Kid Mohair fffc Montpenslc Cloths, a new articic for dresses. in American Prints, in great variety.

N-u. do Ginghams. Vu Satinets and Tweeds. "Sir i) wl, of all colon and qualities, a part unshrinkable. "inea ana brown Cotton rlsnneis.

cned and brown Sheeting of all widths and quali. JrU also Rnl fast colors, well worth eight CASH STORE, 2tU Main Oct 4 A. C. L. M.

IIOTCHKISS. wtf JO Ht-vclationsand Chart, by J. Davis the Clairvoyant. tL t'BXlons, Prti uy yir E- Uulwer Lytton. iL nf the Court, by James.

1 in ITii tn Ti i lmienl Quilts, Piano and 1 able Cot- 5 1-iin-uJ Npkins and Doilies, in great variety. rr'-Hn 1 1 Bnd Towel I'ixper, llosit-ry of all kin.K t- -'( LrVn? ak Rml Hdkfe. of b11 qualities. BelU and Neck Ribbons. TirkinBS.

EKASTUS GOODWIN L.T AS opened a new and fret-h supply of FALL and WINTER. A A GOODd at his Rooms on the corner of Main and Pratt and at prices that will fully repay for the trouble of ascending one flight of stair. Those who wish to purchase by the yard will do well to call and those who keep hut small assortments can find with him many articles that will please their customers, particularly for Pantaloons, and Vesting in great variety. Fashions from London and Paris are received monthly, and all kinds of Garment made promptly, and to order. oct 4 fid 120 4 NGEL VOICES, or Words of Counsel lor Overcoming lm.

the World. Just received and for sale by II. S. PARSONS CO. oct 4 2 Asylum street.

IlOUSEKKEPJNU DItV GOODS. SPEXCEK fc 184 Main, corner A-ylum Street, HAVE just received a full assortment of all kinds of Hmire-Keeping Dry Good, such as double Damask Table Cloths from 6 to 1 0-4 double Damask Diaper, 6, 7 and 8 4 wide brown Linen Table Cloths. Damask lies; Hucabuc, Scotch and Birdseye Diaper; embossed Table Covers, Worsted and Cotton Imperial, Toilet, Lancaster and Marseilles Quilts colored and white Counterpanes, Drapery Muslins, Furniture Prints, Cotton Fringes, Linen and Cotton Shirtings from 4 to 12-4 wide; Bath, Whitney and Duffel Blankets, all sizes, together with a complete assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods wanted by both old and new house-keepers. Also in CARPET PvOOM, The best assortment of all kinds oi Carpeting and Carpet Room Goods, ever before offered. Customers are invited to call before purchasing, and they may be assured of finding the prices less out 4 3IEUIXOES, CASII31EItES and M.

DE LAINES. segoen" CO. HAVE just received and arc now opening a large assortment of these Goods, bought for Cash, and will be sold for Cash, cheap 20 pieces AA Thibets, of black, blue black, maroon, olive, mulberry, mazarine blue, crimson, scarlet light blue, pink and cherry. 15 pieces low priced Merinoes. 20 pieces I'aramettas and Cobursrs.

60 pieces black and colored Alpacas and Mohair Lustres. 40 pieces Cashmeres and Muslin De Laines from Is. upwards. AUo, a large assortment of HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS, muck below the market price oct 20 EUGDEN CO. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! WRE LIVE GEESE FEATHERS 1000 ortfiern Live Geese Feathers, picked np for our own sales and warranted turn, stneet.

clean, and whits- the best orticle in the market selling at a low price. These Feathers we warrant in every respect, and if they do not prove as recommended may be returned. ocu qaj aUGDEN it CO. 188 Main street. TVTEW HOOKS Lanman's Alleghany Mountains, ll Mrs.

Sedgwick's Clarence. Kaloolah, a new supply. Goethe's Faust, Ilayward's Translation. Filmore's do. Annals of the English Bible.

Puritan's and Pilgrim Fathers. McFarlane's Mountains of the Bible. Bridges' Complete Works. Memoir of Mary Jane Graham. Mrs.

Sigourney's Boys' Book. Girls' Water Drops, new edition, A c. Just received by BROCKETT, FULLER fe oct 4 219 Main st. JEIJSEY CEMENT. TVTEWARK and Rosendule Cement, extra quality.

For sale in any quantities by C. H. NORTHAM Acents for Newark and Rosendale Lime and Cement Co. sept 20 EMERY. rilHE subscribers are constantly supplied with London Emery A of all sizes, of the very best quality, aug 23 LEE BUTLER.

T7AR1XA AMI WIIHATEX GRITS For themedicina A efficacy of the preparation of the nbove, look to the Daily Courantof Aug. 20 received direct from the manufacturers and tor sale by HUMPHREY, SEYMS CO. aug 21 DOOR BELLS, fcc MR. CHARLES W. BRADBURY most respectfully informs the inhabitants of the city of Hartford ana vicinity, that he hascomoto reside in the city for the purpose of Hanging and rnnminir all sorts ot House ise.lu, and cleaning and renainntr all sorts of Clocks.

Also, repairing nil kinds of 'Umbrella and Ladies Parasol, etc. He is now residing at VVadsworth Block, on the Stone Bridge, Main street aug 4 juiy at 3ma XMAICA GINGER WINE This is a valuable article warming, soothing and strengthening to the system a pless ant and wholesome drink, and for all affections of the stomach and bowels, unrivalled. No family should be without it. It is recommended by eminent Physicians in New York, Newburgh, Albany, Troy, kc. For sale by sept 10 HUMPHREY, SEYMS CO.

WATCH STANDS Rosewood, Bronze and Ebony a large assortment just received at sept 22 OAICES', 194 Main street A TRESBYTERIAN CLERGYMAN LOOKING FOR THE A-CHURCH, sept 31 Just received and for sale by II. 8. PARSONS CO. 2 Asylum st. LEFT, nbout two weeks since, at the store of the subscriber a PARASOL, which the owner can have bv calling.

Also, lost in Main street, pearl set BREAST PIN. The find er will be rewarded by leaving it at 195 Main street. sept 14 T1JUMAS STEELE. CLUSTER I'IN'S Juft received, another lot of Clueter Pins, which we shall sell cheap. sept 6 WM.

ROGERS 4 State street. TTOVEY'S PATENT STRAW CUTTERS A full sup- oi mcse vaiuuoie luacmnes constantly on nanu. no other Cutters have been ablo to compete with them. For sale by sept 22 WA, BROTHERS CO. OLMSTED, THACHER GOODRICH have now in store a large and beautiful assortment of Carpets.

English Tapestry and Brussells. do Three Ply anil Ingrains. A large lot of the Thompsonville Goods, purchased at the late Auction sale and selling low. 50 pieces English Ingrain Carpets, selling at a bargain the best goods in the market. Also, English Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, Rugs, Druggets, Stair Carpets, Matts, See.

They would invite the attention of all who are in want of any of the above Goods, to their extensive assortment. sept 19 WOOLEN'S We have received -our usual Fall supply of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, Flannels, Blankets, which are offered at the lowest market prices, sept 12 OLMSTED, THACHER SHAKER FLANNEL The subscribers offer for side a few jiieces of beautiful Flannel, manufactured by the Shakers. It is worth walking a mile to look at if one does not expert to buy. F. H.

B1RGE St CO. sept 14 EPHYR NET COATS AND CAPS A beautiful arti-cle for children. Also, Ladies' Net Polkas. Just received by sept 27 OLMSTED, THACHER fc GOODRICH. YEW HOOKS Loyola and Jesuitism by Isaac Taylor, i.

1 Sketches of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ by Jabez Burns, D. D. History of the Puritans and Pilgrim Fathers. The Mountains of the Bible by the Rev. John McFarlane, LL.

D. Just received at HUNT'S BOOKSTORE, sept 27 6 Asylum street. RUSHES Cloth, Hair and Flesh Brushes, of the latest patterns, just received and tor sale at the Sign of the sept 19 "GOOD SAMARITAN." IJHALON HAIR INVIGOltATOR The genuine article of this superior preparation for the Hair, can be found at 193 Main street. HENRY A. GOODWIN, sept 25 rilllE TUEOLOGICLA AND LITERARY JOURNAL, for A )rtoler is received and ready for delivery by sept 2j BROWN PARSONS.

riHE Lady who took, by mistake, a Bundle from our store in A exchange for her own, containing 2 Marseilles Quilts, 9' yards Swiss Muslin, 3'4 yards white Flannel, 1 yard twilled Cotton, Hooks and Eyes anil Cord, will oblige us by returning the same to CORNING CO. sept 12 REMOVAL. nS. PARSONS CO. have removed their stock of Books and Stationery to No.

2 Asylum street, where they will keep constantly for sole, at the lowest prices, a full assortment of all articles in their line of business. sept 4 dtf H. S. PARSONS CO. tJMOKED SALMON for sale by k5 BUST 29 DENNIS IVES.

ICE FLOUR, freshly ground, ior sale by aug 29 DEN DENNIS IVES. HOT of all sizes, on hand, for sale wholesale and retail, by augys UUK1JU.N CRACKERS, BENT CO'S. Hard, Soft Sugar, Butter and Dyspepsia Crackers, this day received and for sule by aug 25 DENNIS IVES. WilEATEN GRITS. HECKER'S WHEATEN GRITS and Ilocker's Farina fresh supply received and for sole by ug a.j DENNIS IVES.

4 MONO the "New Goods" just received by I.ANGDON iY. JUDD. may he found French Lace and Muslin Wrought Col lars, Bi'lgrarian Trimmings in all colors, Wrought Edgings and Inserting, rench Reticules, Belts, A-c. xe. Also a splendid assortment ol ltrcss baHni ana bilks.

rUST RECEIVED, a lot of prime Western CHEESE. For sale by GURDON FOX. aug 28 PLAIN COLORED RIBBONS. TEST RECE1 F.I), a new supply. Among the lot are some of inose Drown ana an 1 drab colors, which arc so much called for aii 27 A.

CI.APP. LEECHES. IRESII SWEDISH LEECHES, just rsreived and for sale by HARVEY SEYMOUR, sept 3 186 Main street. HISTORY OK THE FRENCH REVOLUTION of by A. De Laniartine part Just received and for sale by i II.

S. PARSONS CO. sept 13 2 Asylum street TTISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION' of 11 by A. ie Laniartine part 2d. Just received and lor side fy 11.

e. PARSONS CO. sept 24 2 Asylum street To M-r hnt. and Traders. .64 Manuiwturers 22 Mechanics 47 4 Lawyers 2 Gove'rmnent Officers 3 Clerks ....17 Farmers 14 Clergymen 9 Teachers 2 Students 6 To Contractors.

9 Brokers 4 36 Civil Engineer 2 8 Agents Physicians 8 Secretary Insurance 1 Others Total Polices issued 275 Liberal permission for travelling and foreign residence allowed, except for California residence. oct 2 6d 20 GUY R. PnELPS, Sec'y. THAT BRIDGE. PROPOSALS wiH le received at the Town Clerk's Office, No.

12 Pearl street, for building a Stone Bridge across the Little River, from the foot of Pearl street to Bliss street, to consist of five arches of twenty-five feet span each, by thirty-seven feet in width, with wing and parapet walls complete. And also for placing about seven thousand yards of embankment for a Roadway to said Bridge all to be completed by the 1st day of September, 1350. Plans, specifications and location, will be shown by applying to the subscriber as above. Per order of Selectmen. CHARLES WELLS, Chairman.

Hartford, Sept. 19, 1849. dwtfld TVOTICE By order of the Hon. Court of Probate, six months il are limited to the creditors of the estate of Mr. TRUMAN McLEAN, late of Springfield, (Massachusetts.) deceased, to exhibit their claims sgainst said estate to the subscriber, Administrator on said estate.

SETI! TERRY, Administrator. Hartf ord, Sept 28, 1849. 3dlaw SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. I "ONDS of the Haetford, Providenck and Fishkiu.

Rati, road Coup ant, bearing seven per cent interest payable semi-annually, and secured "by mortgage, may be had on application at tneomc-e 01 me company, Waverly Buildings. Hartford, Sept 7, 1849 dtffc6wisl7 L. M. Hoffman, Auctioneer. JAVA COFFEE.

LM. HOFFMAN CO. will sell 011 Thursday, 11th Octo- ber, at 11 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, the entire cargo of the ship Cynthia, consisting of 4721 bags prime old Java Coffee. Catalogues and samples the day previous. Ncw York, Oct 2, 1849.

9d FOUNDRY FOR Brass, Copper and Composition Castings, Also, all kinds of Metal Patterns made in the best manner at the old Foundry, No. 8 Elm street wm. c. Marshall. MARSHALL BEACH.

CHAUNCEY BEACH. Hartford, Oct 2d, 1849. 6wdiw20 SITUATION WANTED The advertiser is desirous of ob-3 taining a situation in some storein this city. Enquire at this office. dtf sept 2t ELTON DEMI Mi, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ALSO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of CABINET WARE, MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, DEDDING, LOOKING GLASSES AND FURNITURE GOODS, 203 Main Street, Unit ford, Conn.


B. Furniture made to order, and repaired. "coal. NOTICE The nndersigned having discontinued all connection with the Coal Yard in Commerce street, formerly occupied by him, will hereafter be found at the office of H. Brainard 118 State street, where he will be pleased to meet and supply with Coal, as heretofore, all his former customers, sept 28 lmd IL A.

CHAPIN. IJERSONS troubled with Dysentery, Diarrhea, or any Summer Complaint, should remember that KIRIiY'S CHOLERA DROPS stand number one as a remedy for any of these distressing complaints. It can be obtained in this ity of the only Agent at 193 Main street. HEN RY A. GOODWIN, sept 28 I RANK FORRESTER'S FIELD SPORTS of the United States and British Provinces of North America, in vols.

For sale by II. 3. PARSONS CO. sept 28 2 Asylum street COPYING- PRESSES Letter Copying Presses of the most approved syle and made in the best manner, constantly on hand and for sale as low as they can be found in any other place. Maynaid ftoyes's Copying Ink.

For sale bv sept 27 BROWN PARSONS. HUME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, vo. 3, matching Macuuluy's England. Just received and for sale bv 11. S.

PARSONS As CO. sept 27 2 Asylum street. I ON" DON CHOCOLATEi Dumis peculiarly prepared Chocolnte, in Powders, of a nutricious, pleasant and beneficial quality, and made without the trouble ofhoilinsf. Directions on the wrappers. For sale by DENNIS IVES, sept 27 JELSON'S GELATINE AND COOPER'S 1S1N.

GLASS, for Blanc Mange, for sale bv it 27 DENNIS Sr. IVES. sept 17XTRA HYSON TEA, just received and for sale by It sept 27 DENNIS fc IVES. rn SUGARS AND MOLASSES OU Hilda, prime New Orleans and Muscovado Sugar. 150 St.

Croix, Porto Rico and Muscovado Molasses. Korsaleby JAMES M. BUNCE CO. sept 26 53 Commerce street. NORTH WEST WINTER WHALE OIL.

f( Gallons very superior Winter Whale Oil. OU 500 do. Spring Whale Oil. For sale by JAMES M. BUNCE CO.

sept 2(1 lwl9 53 Commerce street. BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE of 9-4 Shaker Flannel con be found It at sept 27 LANGDON JL'DD'S. LANGDON JUDD have just received more of those beautiful Printed Flannels, for children, from Philadelphia, and also intend opening afresh lot of goods Friday morning, of choice styles. sept 27 KEEP THE TtALL IN MOTION. CORNING CO.

having been in New York for the past two or three weeks, attending the Auctions, are now prepared to exhibit as well a selected stock of Dry Goods as ever opened in this city. We have usually bought our goods on time, but this fall we happened to have a little money left, and we have bought them for C'osA, and for that reason we aro enabled to sell 8 per cent, cheaper than out neighbors, who import theirs in the Steamers. We are now openinir one cose of Shawls which were bought very low one case of Bombazines and Alpacas; one case of French Merinoes four cases of Canton Flannels, two of all wool twenty-five bales of Brown Cottons, of every width and price, from 4 to 12 Ms cents, besides lots of other goods too numerous to mention. i Please call and examine for yourselves. sept 29 CORNING CO.

AN AUCTION LOT OF BLANKETS Bought at Auction at a irreat sacrifice, 100 pairs 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 BATH and WHITNEY BLANKETS, which we shall sell less than cost of manufacture, for Cash. 1 sept 24 SUGDEN CO. 188 Main street COFFEE URNS Silver plated, Britannia and Bronze a large assortment of new putterns now offered at xiry low prices by OAKES, 194 Main street, sept 22 3d CARD BASK ETS Mosaic, Papier Machee, tc. A variety of new and tasteful patterns juet opened at sept 22 OAKES', 194 Main street riVIIE AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, illustrated A with three hundred accurate figures by John J. Thomas.

Just received and for sale by sept 17 H. S. PARSONS 2 Asylum street Retribution, or the Vale ol Shadows, a Talc 1 of Passion: by Miss Southworth. I.yell's Travels in the United States a new supply. Southey's Common Place.

Book, both numbers a new supply. Just received and for sale by BELKNAP HAMERSLEY, aug 23 180 Main street. HARRISON'S COLUMBIAN INKS Black, Japan, Copying, Marking, Blue, Indelible, Scarlet, Red, Carmine. These Inks flow more freely from the pen, and give a stronger and more durable color than any other. For sale in any quantity by H.

S. PARSONS fe CO. sept 20 2 Asylum street. LADIES' ELASTIC HAIR TIES A new and convenient article. For sole by THOMAS STEELE, oct 2 A IKON CHEST for sole by oct a THOMAS STEELE.

WRITING DESKS Papier Machee, Rosewood. Mahogany, a handsome variety of new patterns, some of which we can sell as low as just the thinir for younir ladies' use. oct 2 194 Main street. GOODS CONSIGNED Persons having second hand or new Furniture, which they wish to dispose of, would do well to leave them at ELTON DEMING'S, 203 Main street. frgCosh advanced on Furniture left for sale, sept 13 PHONOGRAPHIC BOOKS.

I71IRST LESSONS in Phonography. The Phonosraphic Reporter's First Book. The Phonographic Class Book. The Phonographic Reader. Just received and for sale bv septa II.

S. PARSONS 2 Asylum street A LPACAS, 1 2- Just opened- LPACAS, PARVMETTAS, LYONESE CLOTHS 50 pieces Alpacas, cheap. 20 Paramettas. 25 sept 24 Muslin de Laines at a bargain. SUGDEN fe CO.

BUSHNELL'S 1 P-T IMPROVED nOT AIR FURNACE. piIIS Heater, so superior to all others in its power of kadia-X tino Heat, economy fit the use of fuel, clsanliness, and jbase of management, and its durability and simplicity of construction, can now be procured of the subscriber. Buyers are requested to examine before ptirchasine any other kind. DAVID S. BROOKS.

anjS dtf is ju.najhan GOODWIN i FREDERICK A. HALE, CHAS. T. WEBSTER, JOHN BARNARD, 2d? tt a EDWARD STANLEY, Hartford, Oct 3, 1849. Times copy, Assessors.

18d SO rwf 'MMEDIATELY-Forty hands to make Sack can dr. 8nd.Ve8t None need apply but those who frfv rk' 8udt0 thcm constant eraplovment will be 6d oo C-GfiI" c2 state street WAuTEI) An active, industrious Bov, about 16 years oidl that ean come well recommended, will hear of a good situation by applying immediately North Main stwt oct3 G. D. F. A.

NEWBURY. Ml F.T VVTltV 50 Kegs Refined Salt Petre, for sale by LEE BUTLER. f)ml MOLASSES MOLASSES iiuu.i. prime ni. jroix iuoiasses.

50 prime Porto Rico do oct 3 For sale by C. II. NORTH AM CO. SUGAR. 1 Hhds.

prime quality Sugar, for sale by XXJ oc 3 C. H. NORTHAM CO. JERSEY CEMENT. tOfl Newarlt an1 liosendale Cement, fresh from the iuu kilns, now landing from Steam ichr.

Osceola, and for de by c. H. NORTHAM CO. Agents for Newark and Rosendale Lime and Cement Co. oct 3 1000 Bbls.

Campeachy Logwood. 500 bbls. St Domingo do bbls. Cuba Fustic. Camwood.

Hypernic. Barwood. Sanders, lbs. Blue Vitriol, bbls. Alum.

Sal Soda, casks Madder. Bleaching Powders. For sale by BEACH CO. 500 300 500 150 100 8000 200 20 20 oct 3 91 and 93 State street. 5000 OIL AND OIL SOAFT Gallons Winter Sperm Oil.

Spring do Winter Bleached Whale Oil. bbls. Lard OiL Oil Soap. For sale by BEACH CO. 91 and 93 State street 2000 6000 100 300 oct 3 KEDGE ANCHOR, or Young Saiior's Assistant, illustrated with seventy engravings by William Brady, Sailing Master U.

S. N. Just received and for sale by H. S. PARSONS CO.

oct 3 2 Asylum sfrcet. CUCH A GETTING UP STAIRS lhe subscriber ing determined to pay his customers for walking up one pair Broadcloths, Cassimeres. Plaid Linins'S. Wnolnn TibiTiWptj and White Flannels, Canton Flannels, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Window Shades and Trimmings, Mattresses, Feathers, and a conerai assortment ot urmture, and every article in his line, less than any store on the first floor. The saving on rent and other expenses, enables him to offer inducements to purchasers that can't be heat G.

HOWELL OLMSTED, oct2 220 Main street, up stairs. LOOKING GLASSES. CCArj Mahogany frame Looking Glasses just received an iJVJyj selling at 20 per cent less than ever before offered i this city, at OLMSTED'S, 220 Main street. oct 4 up stairs. WOOLEN 11 A KTS.

rair 12 4 wnite Woolen Blankets, just received on consign-yj ment and must be sold. 220 Main street, up stairs. ct 4 G. HOWELL OLMSTED. BLANKETS.

1 Ofl bought j. i' ai Auction ana win nesoia at about one half their value. Also, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12-4 Bath and Whitney Blankets of very superior quality, very cheap. Also, 300 pairs Horse Blankets of all qualities, very cheap. SPENCER CO.

oct 184 Main, corner Asylum street. 1 LEATHERS Pure Live Geese per 1ST a first rate article at oct 4 OLMSTED'S, 220 Main street, up stuirs. II A.MS HAMS A few extra Sugar cured Hams, for sale by 4 G. D. F.

A. NEWBURY. oct 3 MAN'DIN'E A superior and excellent remedy for chapped J- A hands and roughness of the skin, can be found at 1P3 street HENRY A. GOODWIN, oct 3 ISTAR'S COUGH LOZENGES can always be found at 193 Mam street HENRY A. GOODWIN.

oct 3 rC CNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM This well known XIX and long used superior preparation of Opium, can be obtained genuine at 193 Main street oct 3 HENRY A. GOODWIN. TVEW HOOKS AND STATIONARY AT HI NT'S BOOKSTORE Just received from New York, splendid a.ortmcnt of Annuals for 1850, Gift Books in the most superb binding, with a large assortment of standard works in every department Also, Stationery of all kinds, Transparent Book anj English Slates, Portfolios, Inkstands, common and fancy Envelopes, Steel and Gold Pens of the best kind Rubber Bands, different widths; Rubber Silk Glue, Copying Presses, Oil Paper, Tracing Paper; Wafers, common and fancy; Sea'ing Wax, Pen Racks, Pill Head Boxes, Post Ottice Boxes, all of which, with every article the store, will be sold at the lowest prices by K. HUNT, 6 Asylum street oct 3 SLATES, SLATE PENCILS. c.

Irrt Cases "Snyder's" celebrated Slates, making a complc -)vy assortment of School, Counting House, Wire and In te Iron houna. 100 White Slate Pencils, a new and superior article, from the only quarry of the kind in the world. 3 casks common Slate Pencils. 300 groce Munroe's fine Drawing and other Pencils. 200 Steel Pens, comprising all the new and celebrated patterns.

12 dozen Gunter's Scales. 12 Brass Protracters. 25 Brass Head Dividers, fast and loose leg. 5 Mathematical Instruments, in cases and boxes, a part of which are of extra quality. 50 dozen Eddy's Tape Measurers, in brass and patent leather cases, with folding handles.

Rogers', Wostenholm's and.Crook's 1, 2, 3, 4 blade Pen, Pocket and Desk Knives. American Pocket Knives, a full assortment 'f. 1 "1 i Butcher's and Rogers' Razors in double and single cases. These Goods are direct from the manufacturers and are offered to the trade a grently reduced prices. oct 3 WAY, BROTHERS CO.

Job and Card Printing, IN all their varieties, executed in the neatest and handsomest styles, either or in the most ornamented styles, with promptness, and on the cheapest terms, upon either power presses or hand presses, by. ELIHU GEER, sept 29 I 3wdfcw20 1 State street WEDDING CAKE BOXES, French Enameled both siiles Cards, Billet Papers ia almost endless varieties, Fancy Wafers, Silver Cord Taste, of the most recent importations and of American manufacture, just received and for sole at reduced prices by ELIHU GEKR, sept 29 3wdfcw20 1 State street) GUM LABELS, for manufacturers, a large assortment of which are now offered for sale at the Job and Card Printing Establishment of ELIHU GEER, sept 29 3wdw20 1 State street. rrHE RUGGLES JOB POWER PRESS, continues to A execute in the neatest, cheapest and handsomest styles, with unparalleled dispatch, all kinds of Billets, Invitations, Labels, Wrappers, Bill-heads, at the otlice of sept 29 3wdiw20 ELIHU GEER, 1 State street. milE ROTARY" CARD PRESS is in contnnt operation A in printing Wedding, Visiting, Business and other CARDS, in style superior to any other press, at the office of sept 29 3wdtw20 ELIHU GEER, 1 State street Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, AND THE INHABITANTS OF CONNECTICUT IN GENERAL. TI1IIE subscriber has just returned from New York and Boston A with a large assortment of Card and I-etter Envelopes, Note Papers, Fancy Wafers, Cards, and new styles of Type and Ornaments, which he will sell and use in printing as customers may direct, on the most reasonable terms.

Please call and examine specimens and terms for these and other kinds of PRINTING, at the Establishment of ELIHU GEER, sept 29 3wdkw20 1 State street BRITANNIA TEA SETS A new lot just opened at i oct 2 OAKES', 194 Main street LUSTER PIN'S The best assortment ever opened in this city can be seen for a fete days only at oct 2 OAKES', 194 Main street. COMBS Silver, Shell, Buffido and Horn. The attention of the Ladies is called to these exquisite patterns of Twis Combs, which are selling in defiance of all competition, at oct 2 OAKES', 104 Main street rpHOMAS' ALMANAC The old Farmers Almanac for A 1650, by Robert B. Thomas. Just received and for sale byt H.

S. PARSONS CO. octg 2 Asylum street AUCTION NOTICE. 1JF.K SONS having Furniture to dispose of at Auction, are notified that our first Fall sale will take place on Wednesday, Oct 2d, in front of the Auction and Commission Rooms, 220 Main street G. HOWELL OLMSTED, Auc'r.

sept 29 VNY PERSON having Goods of any description to sell on consignment, will do well to send them to 220 Main street, where the rooms are large and good care is taken of every article. Sales quick and returns promptly made. G. HOWELL OLMSTED, oct 1 220 Main street, up stairs. 1-KOADCLOTHS AND CASSIMERES The subscri-J bechas received a consignment of French and American black, blue and brown Cloths large lot of plain and fancy Cassimeres, fashionable styles, which he is selling at retail at less than manufactory prices, at 220 Main street up stairs, sept 29 G.

HOWELL OLMSTED. ISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY This superior and well known remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds and all diseases of the Lungs, can be obtained gennine at 193 Main street HENRY A. GOODWIN, ept 29 mer. Mechanics. Manufacturers, aadespeciaKv from the Ladies, From their own observation, as well from the testimony of: others, the Committee affirm with contld.

nee that no county can oe n.unrn, wnose annual Exhibitions, in the quantity, quality and variety of the article, produced, can vie with the County of Hartford. That the approaching exhibition may sustain this proud pn. eminence, it is essential that all tome np promptly to the work, and contribute each his otTerins. Let there he no holding back through fear of being out done by others. Trnit a premium.

It is meritorious to excel, but it is also meritorious to try to excel. And rememlier that if you do not enter for a premium, nevertheless your articles are wanted to feast the eyes of other and swell the character of the exhibition. I.t the skill and enterprise of our county again exhibit the best of every thing, and plenty of the best To the Ladies of our City and County especially, whose taste and skill have heretofore been displayed as the crowning excellencies of these occasions, the Committee look with confidence for their eencrous and praiseworthy efforts. The Cattik Show and Exhibition of Stock, will take place at the South Park, on Thursday the 11th, where refreshments will be furnished fur teamsters and attendants, gratuitously. The Plowing Match and Aooaisa to the Society, will be on Friday the 12th.

Contributions of any article either of exceBrnce or of curiosity, of use or ornament, staple or fancy, are earnestly solicited, and the Committee pledge themselves to give any article that may be sent a conspicuous place in the exhibition, and be responsible for its safe keeping and re-delivery to order. Saturday the 6th and Monday the 8th of October, will be devoted to the reception and arrangement ot" articles in the Hall, intended for premium or exhibition. JOStPH PRATT, SOLOMON OLMSTED, II. A. GRANT, PETER D.


Hartford, Sept 18, 1849. Committee of Arrangements. 18 HARTFORD LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $100,000. OFFICE 13fi MAIN STREET.

rtIIE Hartford Life and Health Insurance Company are now A prepared to take risks on Life, grant or purchase annuities, confer endowments, and make contracts upon and appertaining to deferred ami reversionary interests connected with life risks, agreeably to the powers and privileees conferred by the Charter. The business of the Company will be conducted upon the Joint Stock and upon the Mutual principle, at the option of the insured, thus meeting the wants and circ*mstances of the public more fully, it is believed, than purely Mutual Companies con do. On the Joint Stock principle the insured will pay 33'i per cent, less for insurance than the rates of the best orcanized Mutual Companies, or will receive what isequivalcntto Si'a percent, per annum in dividend profits paid in advance, instead of receiving an uncertain amount at the end of each year in scrip certificates, redeemable on certain contingencies, while at the same time the annual cash payments are increased by the interest paid on notes given for half the amount of the premium. On the Mutual principle this Company proposes to insure at the usual rates of Mutual Companies, dividing the net earnings each year, givine scrip certificates redeemable after a Mutual Insurance Fund ofTwo Hundred Thousand Dollars is accumulated, and charging a commission for conducting that port ot the business, equivalent to only about one half the expenses of the Com- I pany, securing (losses being equal) a larger yearly dividend to tne Mutual insurers, hesmes giving the members a lien upon a Joint Stock capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and a large Joint Stock Reserve Fund, which wili lie pledged as security for payment of losses, in addition to the usual Capital and Reserve Fund in Mutual Companies. Annuities will be granted or purchased, and Endowments conferred on terms highly favorable, and according to the rates ot the most liberal and well conducted Companies in this country and in England.

A new und peculiar feature in the operations of this Company will be the granting of Policies on Life to Heads of Families and others, connected with, and a part of which, will be the payment of a specified sum weekly, in case of sickness to the party insured. This will secure an income while livine, in case of disability, as well as provide for the wants of survivors. A new Table of Hates, has been prepared with great care by nn able mathematician from correct data, and is now offered to the public. The Charter of this Company provides that the Wife may insure the life ot her Husband, and the amount to be paid be secure fVfm rrmlirora nt. his An equitable sum will always be paid for Policies surrendered to tne company oetoretney expire.

Traveling, sea and foreign residence Permits, will be granted at a small extra premium. Policies on lives of persons going to California, will be granted on the Joint Stock principle only, and at an extra rate of premium. Pamphlets containing rates of premiums and general information, con be obtained at the office. The Directors and Officers of the Company are as follows DIRECTORS. James Dixon, William D.

Eaton. Chester Adams. George D. Jewett, Charles Boswell. Henry Perkins.

William Mather. George H. Olmsted. William T. Hooker.

A. II. I'omroy. Henry Keney. M.

A. Tuttle. Elit-ha Colt A. W. Butler.

A. E. Burr. Newton Cose. William N.

Matson. OFFICERS. JAMES DIXON, President. W. T.

HOOKER, Vice President. II. MILLER, Secretary. E. K.

HUNT.M. Medical Examiner. II. L. MILLER, Secretary.

Hartford, Sept. 21, 1849. fcwtf 18 C1 LUSTER PINS A larce assortment of the above Pins mny be found at No. 4 State street, fresh from the factory and sold very low. Among them are some entire new patterns, sept 25 WM.

ROGERS CO. TVEW COMBS The very Dest East India wrought Shell 1 Combs, just received by the subscriber. Also, French wrought Buffalo, and a handsome lot of beautiful finish imitation Shell and Buffalo, and a large lot of Side Shell Combs, sept 26 A. CLAPP. ILIXIR TONIQUE DE RICINE Ricine or Castor Oil, has long been known as one of the most efficacious articles tor preserving the Hair, which has been discovered, but its unpleasantness lias almost totally prevented its use.

The proprietors of this article have overcome the objection and offer in Tonic Elixir, a mot agreeable as well as efficacious remedy for I5iildnes8 and fidling oil' of the Hair it keeps it free from 'Dandruff and makes it very soft and glossy, and if used every night it will rarely fail to produce a tine head of Hair. is particularly recommended for children, as it strengthens the roots and makes the Hair crow luxuriantly. For saleby sept 20 CHARLES WELLS, 178 Main street MOLASSES Sugar House Syrup Molasses. St. Croix do Torto Rico do New Orleans do Trinidad do Mafanzas do From 25 cents upwards.

For sale by sept 10 ALLYN A FOWLER. milE WATER CURE IN CHRONIC DISEASES An Ex- A position of the causes, progress and terminations of various Chronic Diseases by James Maaby Gully, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Hydropathy, or Water Cure, illiistroted with numerous cases ot cure by Joel Shew, jni. ij. The Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with fifteen engraved il lustrations: by Edward Johnson, M. D.

The Water Cure Manual, by Joel Shew, M. D. The Water Cure, applied to every known Disease by J. IL Rausse. Translated by C.

II Meeker, M. D. j. Just received and for sule by H. S.

PARSONS CO. rpilE GRAPE VINE A Practical Treatise on itirAOulfure A and Treatment, embracing its history, with directions, by J. Fisk Allen. Just received and for sole by II. S.


are now opening a general assort-. ment of desirable styles of Foreign Dry Goods, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers. Among them may be found Merinoes All colors super French Thibet Cloths. Dress Silks Figured and changeable, glase camelions, rich changeable stripes Turc Satins, all colors black Gro de Rhines, Scarfs and Long Shawls A full assortment of sizes and colors Brocha Scarfs. French Flannels Assorted colors French Flannels for sacks, Ac.

Long Shatrls A large assortment of desirable styles. French Cashmeres Rich Printed Cashmeres in new styles. All Wool De Laines New designs, some high cost and beautiful Laces Very fine English Thread Laces and Lace Edees. French Embroideries An extensive assortment of goods in this line. Evening Dresses An assortment of Swiss Muslins embroidered in colors.

ALSO Gloves, Hosiery, Belt Ribbons, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Collars, Wrist- leis, ciear Lawn om. ate. sept 29 TAR WILLIAMS INAUGURAL DISCOURSE, just received anuior sale oy li. e. rAKSUns UU.

sept 19 2 Asylum street "FREE TRADE." 1 fi fi pPBnifih Cigars, Free Trade brand a direct im- ltijuuv portation. For sale by sept 7 HARVEY SEYMOUR. VNOTHER beautiful lot fine colors Zephyr Worsted, just received. AW, Nob. 6.

7 and 8 Steel Beads, Steel Tassels and Clasps, with an elegant assortment of lors of French Silk Purse Twist on spools, or sale at wholrsale or retail Dy sept 4 AARON CLAPP. TUREAUS. WASH STANDS AND TABLES Just JLt received, a larce invoice of the above Goods on consirn ment and must be sold cheap to raise the cah, at 203 Main street eept 13 at vtMiyu. OOKING GLASSES An immense quantity of Lookiug JL Olasses, ot all sizes, ior eaiw uncymuiumy low uie uicm Furniture Warehouse, No. 203 Main street sept 6 ELTON DEMING.

EEPER'S TRAVELS in Search of his Master a very entertaining book for children. received and for sale by 11. S. PARSONS CO. sept 19 8 Asylam street UILTS 12-4 Marseilles Quilts, of fine quality and Ua-gt siie an Auction lot They will be sold at 3 dollars.

They are as food as we have formerly aold at 8 dollars, sept 10 B. W. HUDSON. mooTH POWDER This Powder, which is creeared bv the subscriber, is considered by those who have used it, as superior to any other dentrifice in nse. Prepared and sold at 193 Main street titruK A.

GOODWIN, sept 25 oTToiiNE WATER A superior preparation, nut no in various sized bottles, or for sale by the gallon or pint, can be obtained at lyj una wen, woere can aiso ne lound a good assortment of Brushes, Sosna, Perfume, stracts. Cosmetics, Ac, all of which will be sold low. HLNRY A. GOODWIN. 8 RE WARD.

BY order of the Conunrti Council, nffArth Sv reward for the arrest and conviction of nv p-ron or rrw, who may be fudry of making or ransinar bo md. hennftw any false alarm of Fim within thti city of IWrtfnrd, wWcf-y Um Fire Companies may be called out for fir duty. PHILLIP RIPLEY, M.vor. Hartford. June ULa.

dtf VFEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with Board at No. 15 Asylum srrert dtf mart A NTED A Boy to learn the Dry Goods business. Apply immediately atNo. 231 Main street aug 22 CORNISH k. OWEN rANTED Six Girls to weave Gimps and Frinro.

Apply at 249 Main street. JOHN" DEAN. sept 15 A rANTED An intellik-Tit and honf-t Boy. about 15 years of to learn tho Watch Repairing F11 THOMAS STEELE. OU MISLAID The wWnUr, --nt abnndlefon-JL taming yard of black CANTON CHAPE, to th boe of Mrs.

Joseph Morgan. on the 10th inst, and by s.mw nacconnta-ble means tt has been lt Any one who has received it by mistake, by returning it or who can give information in r-eard to it, will oblige us by so doing. LAN UDuN JUDD. T-t SILK WRAPPKRS, VE have just received a very lull supply of Filk Wrappers men's and women's sizes which we WI s-U at vury low prices some as low as one dollar and fifty cents. Sept.

21 B. JL W.HUn-'ON. rpRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM Another mipply jut ra. A reived at E. HUNTS, 6 Asylum street.

ept22 XCELloirCHEIIICA STEEL PEN WltitlNli FLUID writes a greenish blue and changes to a deep black, and does not corrode the pen. The above is a new article for Banking and Counting House use. Try it For sale by II. S. i'AUSONS CO.

septfi it Asylum strert. jEWETTfcKESCTTH NEW STOCK FOR FALL TRADE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL sir.nvr, stoke. No. 8 Milk Street, Boston. 000 New CASHMERE SHAWLS, all shapes, sizes, quali-'V7viv ities and prices.

50 packages superior BLACK SLKS, extra width, for Dresses, Visitea, Mantillas, Ac. 50packaesDRESS SILKS, figured, plain and striped, ln choice rnmcleon shades. 1000 Plaid Long and Square Shawls, very best styles. SMX) pieces Thibet Cloths and French Merinoes, in most admira- rable colors. Cases Thibet Cashmeres, Lyoneso Cloths, and Alpaccas, for Dresses.

Cases German, French and India SATINS, all qualities and colors. Cartons Palm figured Cashmere and rich CRAPE SHAWLS, all colors. Cartons THIBET and SILK SHAWLS, in block and fancy colors. 300 pieces superior Black BOMBAZINES. RICH BLACK AND COLORED SILK VELVETS, all widths.

CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, VISITES, of every pattern and material. MOURNING SHAWLS AND SILK GOODS1 of all kinds, to which we ask particular attention. It is enough to say that from this GIGANTIC AND INCOMPARABLE ASSORTMENT or Silk Goods and Shawls, purchasers will be served with ANY QUANTITY FROM A SIXPENCE WORTH TO A PACKAGE, And always at prices entirely beyond the reach of competition, MERCHANTS IN THE COUNTRY, LADIES BUYING FOR THEIR OWN USE, AND ALL OTHERS, are invited to test the advantage of buying at JEWETT PUESCOTT'S Silk and Shawl Store, No. a MILK STREET, (A few steps out of Washington street) Boston, Aug. 24,1819.

2awd3mal3wl5 TO FRUIT GROWERS. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. THE subscriber, wishing to make some alterations in bis fruit grounds, oilers for sale some extra sized Tree, 'consistinn of tlin PKAR anil PLUM, in a bearing atuui. Also, large sized APPLE, CHERRY, and other Fruit Tree, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, etc Peisons wishing to procure extra fine Trees, of large size, will please call, make their selections and mark the same during tha coming autumn. The Pear Trees are all worked on seedlings, and are of the best quality.

A few thousand dwarf Pear Trees, in a bearing state, on quince. TULIPS, in two hundred superior varieties orders for which should be made previous to the hrst of November. BUCKTHORNS Two hundred and twenty tl twenty thousand Buck- thorns one, two and three years old. The whole are offered for sale at the lowest market prices. SAMUEL WALKER, Eustis street, Roxbury.

Roxbury, Sept 11, 1849. 3tawfiw LADIES DRESS TRIMMINGS. JUST received a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Trim, minga, of the newest styles at24'J Main sign of the North Elm, opposite Christ Church. JOHN DEAN, sept 12 OYSTERS OYSTERS! THE subscribers are receiving daily from Fair nrfpri. full Minnlv of OVSTK.RS.

nth kr sbi-11, of the first quality, which they are selling at wholesale and retail, at their old stand. Waverly Building, No. 7 Central Row. H. ROWE St, CO.

P. Oysters delivered in any part of the city, free of charge. ept2r aid LADIES' KID GLOVES. LAMjliD.n JLJ-'u have received a very large Isortment of "Alexander's" superior Kid Glorf. embrae- Mlying every size and all colors.

lie quality of the Kid is suoe superior to that usually sold in the city. sept 20 GOLD WATCHES A large assortment lust re- ceived some of them superior movements, with th subscribers name on warranted to give perfect satis- 'faction. Also, movements on hand that will be cased any desired pattern to order. THOMAS -STEELE, sept 14 195 Main street. STRONG WOODRUFF have received the Fall fash: of Gentlemen's Hats for 1S49.

A complete assortment of our own manufacture now oa hand, ready for inspection and sale, at 204 Main street lOwd aug31st FO itTp li i LA lpiiiaT VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL The regular Steamer Josephine, Capt Clark. will sail with dispatch. For freight apply on oara or to M. W. OCt 1 CHAPIN St.

CO. -p, Lir. i ne nne nete copper iiAasLcoppered Schooner ESSEX, Capt Braddock, having part oi nur freight engaged, will soil 5th October. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board or to sept 13 17 M. W.

CHAPIN A. CO. CALIFORNIA BONNETS Just receivciL an assortment of New Fall Straw Bonnets. With them are some new and pretty styles, called California Bonnets, which are selling well at the Dresent time. sept.17 A.

CLAPP. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A small Tenement for a respectable family that is to remove from Massachusetts to this city. Enquire of sept 23 AARON CLAPP. HOUSES FOR SALE CHEAP. ST-0 FOR SALE at a price that will make it an object for -frii any person wishing to make a safe and profitable invest-i ment or for their own use, two Brick Dwelling Housea, the centre of the city.

They were considered cheap when the present owner bought them, and cost him nearly 2(100 dollars each. Tbey rent readdy at 15J dollars each, and at thia time, when there is so much call tor rents, would probably bring more. We shall sell them at 1G00 dollars each. They will bo sold separately or together. About half the purchase money can remain on mortgage.

Apply soon to sept 25 B. Sc. W. HUDSON. HOUSE FOB SALE The subscriber offers for sale his House on Lord Hill, war the Aylnm.

There is an acre of ground, well stocked with fruit trees, attached to the House. The place will be sold cheap. sept 24 lmd J. P. BRACE.

TO LET The Store No. 6 Central Row. For terms enquire of U. S. PARSONS St CO.

2 Asylum strwt. sept 17 i i-' A FOR SALE The Hoa and I.t (In oi vnA stret. It will be sold on such terms as will muka it jjJij desirable Investment. For further particulars inquire u'i uil Sm FOR. hill ...1 I A 1 Clinrpll street, li ia mw rf clw iiMt mA A.ryAm Xacmliane in the city.

It will be sold reasonable and terms of pay- u.ment made easy. Inrmire of tept i. J. WORK, 32 Sute strwt ROOMS TO LET Anply to BELKNAP HAMERSLEY. 1st) Main street, march 3 FOR mi brick Building near the corner ol Ami and Chan.1 streets, about by 24 feet two stories Mhigh suitable for a mechanic's shop.

There is a Well near it which will aflord an abundance of water to supply i Steam Engine. Enquire oi ROWLEY, North Main strt march 13 tirt TO LET The large Room corner of Main and Asylum su-eeta entrance from Main et. Enqnireot may 11 dt I f3.

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Become an Unlimited Digital Access subscriber for your all-access pass to the Hartford Courant app and the Hartford Courant website as well as other benefits for $19.99 a month.

Who is the delivery manager for the Hartford Courant? ›

Mark Tedesco - Home Delivery Manager - The Hartford Courant | LinkedIn.

What food is Hartford, CT known for? ›

From its rich history and museums like the Mark Twain House, universities, and parks, to its beautiful views of the Connecticut River and of course, its epic food scene. Italian, BBQ, classic New England fare, Mexican and Mediterranean, Hartford has it all.

Is Hartford a wealthy town? ›

By the end of the twentieth century, the “richest city” slogan had turned upside down. Census 2000 ranked Hartford as one of the poorest major cities, with a population over 100,000, in the United States.

Is Hartford CT nice to live in? ›

Connecticut's capital offers a variety of benefits that make it a great place to live. From all the entertaining things to do in Hartford to the city's ample green spaces to explore, you'll find plenty to love about living in this East Coast city.

Is it cheaper to live in Florida or Connecticut? ›

Considering all the amenities that Florida has to offer, you might be surprised at just how affordable it is. Although the cost of living varies depending on where you live in the state, Florida is much more affordable than many other states. In fact, the cost of living in Florida is about 12% cheaper than Connecticut.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Connecticut? ›

$28,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $39,000 is the 75th percentile.

What is the racial makeup of Hartford, CT? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American43,74736.14%
Other race24,57520.3%
Two or more races16,27013.44%
3 more rows

Who bought The Hartford Courant? ›

The Hartford Courant and other Tribune publications were sold to the hedge fund, Alden Global Capital, in 2021.

When did Hartford decline? ›


As a result of the national recession that occurred during 1989-1992, many of the companies located in the region underwent an economic restructuring, resulting in a loss of jobs, a decline in population, abandoned housing and a blighted and underutilized downtown and commercial district.

What caused the Hartford fire? ›

Investigators at the time believed it was caused by a carelessly flicked cigarette; however, others suspected an arsonist. In 1950, while being investigated on other arson charges, Robert Dale Segee (1929–1997), who was an adolescent at the time of the fire, confessed to starting the blaze.

When did the Hartford Times go out of business? ›

October 20, 1976

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.