Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

TIEASK'S "Clarified Ks4F9.ee IIrhoaaA LO PRESSl'RE SYSTEM at CORXIWS Store still continues in a ciowded state. aug 19 CARRIAGE TOPS Received this-morning from New-York, 250 yards heavy double Lastings, an excellent article for carriage tops, almost as durable as leather. IVOTICE The subscriber would respectfully git-i pub-1 1 lie notice, that he Has taken the spacious store recently occupied by Mr. J. W.

Stowell, lately deceased, where he will keep a general variety of Millinery, Fancy, and Staple DRY GOODS, at wholesale and retail, at the'lowest prices. Milliners and ths public generally are invited to call All kinds of Goods sre solicited to sell on commission. MKRINOES 1000 ysrds fine French Merinoes, juit received. These goods, the public will plense take nonce weie bouaht rr ccsh by t.k cant, ami they mily can be, but shall be offero I at less prices than by any other me nt in the State. JJ Go to Birge's for Meriuoea, 305 Main street sept 8 ABERXETIIY 4e 213 Main, street hare just received from fresh importations, the most extensive-atid unrivalled sssortnient of black, blue-black, and colored ftoin tlie manufactories or Pattirle, Lupin St Paris Therion St Millard, Kenard Atuiena.

These good are well -worthy the attention of chaseni. sept 8 D. M. Sirwouit, Auctioneer. ITiriMriTFKK, Ac.

AT ACCTIO.V Wednesday, ikyt at iiici Muin street, viil be ol a large quantity of Hounehoid Furniture, the ellects of a family removing frcuu town, ami of a deceased persou's estate, consisting in part of 4 elegant Bureaua, 1 Secretary, I Centre Table, beautiful Work Stand with leaves, Bedsteads, Beds. Chairs, Tables, Ac. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. i I N. B.

If the weather is stormy, sale next fair clay. septS lw L. SEXTON. TVOKTUIiltX LUK FKAT1IKRS 1 1 pounds prime snow white selected Northern Live Geese Feathers, just received by ept7 HUDSONS PUTNAM. IV COAMtiXiTlKNT SJO0 dozes "Ame" Shovels and Spades, all J- 2000 casks Fall River superior Cut Nails.

100 do. State Prison' fin wrought do. i 200 seta do. do. Carriage Springs, superior quality.

100 Cast Iron Pumps, good, and cheap. 500 buudles best Juniata Slit Rods and Shapes. 1500 doz. VickerV' warranted east sieel Files and Rasps. 00 case and bundles Naylor 4 Steel, all kinds.

100 bundles fine Lock Plate Iron, 300." Iron Wire, all sizes. i 1000 small round American Rods, all 10 thousand best English Fire Brick, 200 tons Nova Scotia Grindstones. 100 bundles genuine 'Halback' German Steel. 100 superior Coach Spring Steel, with a good assortment of Iron, Steel, Shoe Shapes, Nail Rods, Scroll, Band. Hoop and Sheet Boiler.

Plate, Sleigh Shoes, Axles. Crow Bars, Scale Beams, Horse Nails, Caldrons, Clothiers' Screws, Wrapping Paper, Axes, Manure Forks, Screw Plates, Screw Drivers, Anvils, Vices, Chains, For sale at 98 Front stree on the most favorable terms. RIPLEY CITNE. BO.HBAZIKES This day received, 3 pieces more of tlHwe superfine Bombazines which have given such universal satisfaction, and will be sold low for cash. The public er especially notified that these Bombazines are from a new manufactory, and made particularly for Ladies' apparel, and are far superior to any thing of the kind.

PleRse exa- mine tliem, at sept BIRGE'S, 205 Mainst. IT CatMly, compounded from 83 different ingredients. material adfuuuge in this preparation is, thst it contains valuable medical properties iu a pleasant, agreeable form for Put up iu pa kayes at 12, 25, aud 50 cents; each of which is signed PEASE SON. For sale at the Sign of the 'GOOD 1 septS 3wdAw46 I'OAK, MOLASSES, Jtc- 35 l'hds. superior Porto Kico Sugar, La Delores." SO hhds.

common Potto Kico Sugar. SJ .18 Cuba Muscovado do. 30 prime Porto Kico Molssses. 50 Trinidad do. 70 superior Cubs do.

SO'" common do. 'do. 15 boxe white snd brown Ilsvsna Sugar. 145 bag Rio, Cuba, Old African, and ava Coffee. 4 100 kegs yur Ginger.

Refined Sslssratus. 110 chest aud halfcheu Young Hyson, Hyson, Souchong and Gunpowder Teaj Starch, Soap, Nutmegs, Cloves, together with a good assortment of Groceries. For sale on favorable terms by J. M. BUNCE CO.

sept 4 dAw46 52 Commerce st CHEAP PRINTS 1 esse more of those chesp Cali-coes, worth 8 cents, for 6J cts. Also, Victoria Skirts, Kabyle Shawis. White Flannels, For b-rgains, call at the New Brick Store, just above the Centre Church. sept 4 MEAD it CO. BLACK GROUND PRINTS Go to Birges' 205 Main street, for a very rich style of fashionable black ground Chintz.

CJiime quick or you tose tnein. sep JLATKU SNUFFERS AND TItAVS at 91 25. 91 50, and 2 a pair. Japanned Tea Trays, of all sizes and qualities, the best assortment in the city, for sale by sept4 HENRY OAKES CO. RITANNIA LA.TIPS at 50 and 62 cents each, for sale by sept 4 HENRY OAKKa CO.

ATCHES and JEWELRY of the hnest kinds and newest patterns, for sale cheaper than ever, by sept 4 1 4 HENRY OAKES Jc CO. KW BOOKS Woman's Love siidTthe World's yof 5 by Edmund Phipps. 1 i i i 5 Element of Chemistry. By Alonzn Gray, A. M.

Anecdotes on the Catechism. By John Whitecros Exposition of the Law of Baptism, By Edwiu Hall, M. Winslow on the Holy Spirit. The Dew of Israel. "By FW.

Krummacher. -The Sacred Lvre. Ry Thomas Hastings. Just received by SPALDING STORRS, sept 4 192 Mainst 1111 (f Yus- CALICO, compriaingthe best ment to be found in the city, to be sold at prices which will insure a sale quick, by" aug 21 WELLS St CRANE. "I Cases "Slater fr Son" BROADCLOTHS, superior styles J.J and finish a fresh lot, just received and for sale by aug 20 A.

M. COLLINS SONS, 18 Asylum st LOVES Superior Black Mohair Gloves, a scarce ar-UT tide, just received by A. F. HASTINGS, BUC28 219 Mainst OIL, OIL The subscribers offer for sale 50U0 galls, winter pressed Sperm Oil. ''iS-'5 HI 2000 do, spring strain'd do.

do. 5000 do. Whale Oil, of all qualities, some very superior just received on consignment, at very low prices; sept3. R. B.

W.A.WARD. "MI OLASSIiS 50 hhds. prime Porto Rico Molasses this lfX day landing, and for sale by aug 29 HILLS BOLTER. 1INEN HANDKERCHIEFS 21 dozen, just re ceivedand for sale at the New Brick Store, 134 Main street Also, 20 Victoria Sk it ts. MEAD St CO.

aug 19 in Robinson's building. IJII.VEH AKE A splendid assortment of Silver (-3 Ware always on hand, of our own manufacturing, war ranted as pure as the purest coin, new and elegant patterns. SILK NET BAGS, a large assortment, entirely new patterns, just received. WM. ROGERS, sept 2 2w46 1 No.

4 State street. TV KW 4SOODS Fresh from the great city, making the ll greatest assortment of Fall and Winter Goods we have ever offered to the public; consisting in part of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Merinos, Circassians, Bombazines, Silks, Mouslin de Laines, Sheetings, Shirtings, Tickings, Laces, Edgings, Cambrics, Lawns, Muslins, Diaper, Crash, Toweling, Table Linen, Ac. Ate, which will be sold at bargains unequalled iti this city or county. A call, will only prove it to the puichaser. N.B.

Prices given hereafter. WELLS St CR ANE, sept 4 220 Main st REMNANTS A few hundred yards Remnants French Calicoes, from Is. to 25 cents per yard they are of good quality, and will be cheap to the purchaser. sept 2 A. F.

ALPRESS. ivTEW" GOODS Received this davTYrom New York, by C. WOOLWORTH sept 3 140 Mainst. WRAPPIIvn PAPER 50 reams straw Paper, suitable for grocers. i 50 reams rag do.

suitable for grocers. 7 J' 50 do. hard ware do, superior quality for sale at reduced prices, by sept 3 GILBERT St CO. STEEL PENS Gillott's Prince Albert, Baronial. Barrel, and Damascus patterns Hayden's Pens, of all patterns for sale at wholesale and retail, bv sept3 GILBERT Sc 1 RENCU KID SLIPPERS of a superior quality and latest fashions, for sale by WM.

A. LAW, sept 1 241 Main st AMERICAN CALICOES 4 case Prints just re-ceived, prices 7, 9, 10, and 12 eents. They undoubtedly comprise the best lot of patterns, in fine, wide and heavy cloths, this market affords. Also, a few pieces splendid British Prints, in full and win ter colors, imported per steum ship President, and just in store. N.

B. New Goods constantly receivuig, and full fall supplies to arrive in all this week. sept 1 (RATLIN As CO. will sell 6,000 yard good yard-J wide Sbeeting at 6J cents. 1 case yard wide bleached, at lOcents.

2 cases yard ide Seu Island, line, at 15 cts. 1 case Calico, 5 cts. yd. 5 do. assorted qualities, better goods, White Cotton Hose at 9d per pair.

1 Ribb'd brown fine and good, at 37 cts. pair. -100 pairs English black Silk Ribbed do. at 91 25 per pair, (heavy.) Linen Diaper, 9d per yd. Liner.

Napkins, $1 50 per doz. or 12 cts 7 100 pieces of superior Bombazine, very greet bargain. 140 pieces Broadcloth, Cassimere and Satinet, cheapest in the t---i -a. The above goods will be sold st the prices named, by the single yard or piece. aug 21 6w44 CARPETING An extensive assortment in every variety of Carpeting, Mattings, Oil Cloths, and furniture Dry Goods, for sale at lowest New-York prices july 14 JOHN OLMSTED St CO.

fllO MERCHANT TAILORS T. M. ALLYN JL kees constantly on hand an assortment of goods selected for the above trade, among which are superfine black, blue, green, drab and brown West of England Broadcloths black, blue, and fancy Cassimeres I Pilot and Beaver Cloths Worsted, Serge. Silk and Cotton Velvets Padding. Canvas, Buckram, Italian sewing Silks, Irish Thread, Vesungs, Wig-ings, Cottou Flannel, twill'd wool Flannels; Silicias bleached and brown Drills; mariners' Shirting; Su-cks, Collars aud Bosoms, India-Kubber Suspenders, Italian Cravats, worsted Shirts, buckskin aud Hoskin Gloves, Silk Braids Coat Cord, See.

aug 25 36d FOR The fine fast sailing copper-fastened schooner Marmion, Smith, master, havin? considerable part of her freight engaged, will sail about the 20th inst For balance of freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board, or to M. W. CHAPIN It CO. sept 3 2w46 FOR BALTIMORE. The fast sailing regular packet Schooner Mait Master, wilt meet with despatch.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to aug 25 M. W. CHAPIN CO. FOR BOSTON New Like. The regular Packet Schr.

Baltic, L. Crosby, Jr. master, will sail on Saturday, the 12th instant For freight or passage apply on board, foot of State-street, or to C. H. NORTHAM, sept 7 or HILLS St BOLTER.

FOR SALE The Schooner ELIOT, 8 years fVfwSoId. 141 tons burthen, stores about 1200 barrels deck, built of the best materials, and copper fastened. The Schooner is in complete order for business, and will be sold on favorable term. Apply to Captain E. FLOWER, or JAMES M.

BUNCE CO. "P1 1 STRAY COW Broke into the pasture of tbe "Vtiwjl subscriber, on the night of the 3d inst, a block Cow. miThJl. 'rt" owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. H.F.GARDNER, Sept.

7. Keper of tha Hartford Alinshouie. -a HIUSUJI8 it rUTJNAlW. atATS FOOT OIL 5 bbls. received on consign.

wmsm, with orders to sell very low. aur 98 B. A. WARD, ,08 88 S5 State street GERMivrnf01 CORNS The-mfallibls, Aii.S"Rf, prepared by T. AxtelL- hd a very extensive sale for upwards of half a century, awlcomiuues to maintain its tfrear tupenority over all other Omtw.a, Salvw, fc, of thee tlescnptton.

It afford, immediate relief to perWB. with Corns or recent or long standing, which it speedily eradicates, without pain or In the least injuring the feet SokUa Boxes at 37 1 cents each, at the sept 4wdtw46 GOODS OCT OF SEASON 10 pieces FrencI Merinos, lemarkably chesp, Tbe season will soon approach when tbey will be sold 20 per cent higher thsn at this time. Jseptl A. F. ALPRESS.

IXTRA RICH GOODS ABERNETHY SX -i WOODRUI'F have received among their New Goeds, several pieces of Gro de Royal, Gro de Genes, plain and heavy rich figured Silks, which are truly elegant, and can be sold at the most reasonable prices. sept I PC RN ITlTilrrplUNTS, a go.id assortment of ce-lour and patterns, from 5cents to 30 cents per yarL -v WELLS 4t CRANE. MOLASSES 50 hhds. prime Porto Rico, landit.g this day, and for sale by HILLS St BOLTER, la foot of State street 1 ORN 1400 bushels prime Yellow Pennsylvania CORN afloat, and forsale bv h-, kiCHMOND 10 1 -oot State-street. TE'JBOOMS-The History of ScoUand.

By Sir WaV il ter Scott In 9 vols. i The History of Frsnce; By Eyre Evans Clare. 3 Just received and for sale by SPALDING STORRS, aug 13 -h 193 Main rpCRNIP SEED New crop, of a very superior kind' JL of Turnip, for sale by J. S. HE WLETT, july 30 132 Main street.

MINIATL'RE PAINTING MRS. C. W. COO-LEY would respectfully offer her services to those person who may desire to have the likeness of themselves or friends painted. Her best efforts will be msde to give satisfaction.

Specimens of her painting may be seen at the store of Charles Hosmer. 138 Main st Her residence is 78 Train-bull street. July 23 6indis lw40 (1LERK WANTED A young man about 15 years of age, is wanted as Cleric in a Dry Goods store, 'one that is sstarl and active none other need spply. GEORGE SEXTON, aug 27 12d 2w45 SITUATION WANTED As Clerk in a Dry Gooda Store, by one who hus had five or six years experience. Good references will be given as to character and qualifica lions.

Address W. H. N. Berlin Post Office. sept 9 SITUATION WANTRD-By a young mrm who ha had seven years experience as Salesman and Bookkeeper in the Dry Goods and who is willing to devote his whole time and attention to the best interest of his employ er.

He would be willing to engage in any business where liberal compensation would be given. The most satisfactory reference as to character, ability, itc. will be furnished. For further information enquire at this office. jnne 25 tf IMPORTANT CAUTION It is a singular fact, and one much to be regretted, that valuable medicinea, as soon as they become popular, and have received the test and approval of a discriminating public, are sure to be counterfeit- td.

and thus a bad and spurious article is immediately palmed upon the unsuspecting is the genuin. This ha been ootori-; ouslv the case with all nnrinlnv tril nnA cines for years pnst, and will probably continue to be the case for years to come. -x The base and contemptible counterfeiter in this way meanly takes advantage of all tbe efforts and the advertising used by the proprietors of the genuine article to get their medicines into use and deserved popularity. It is therelore not less the-duty than it coutributes to the tafety of every honest lndividu al in the community to trpose, frown down, and forever after' DISTRUST all HEARTLESS INGRATES who thua i irresponsibly trifle with health and life. KT THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE.

Jj There ia a person by the name of J. B. now engaged in selling a Pill done up in boxes in exsct and perfect imitation, of the gfuin INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, with tbe omission of only one word on the Boxes viz. Wright. The Pills sold by this Rochefort are evidently intended as a fraud snd imposition upon the community, or'; they would not hsve been done up in such exact imitation of f' the genuine.

person is tall and blustering with a great theatrical swagger. He was recently known as a poor Slayer in Baltimore, under the musical cognomen of Jim irown, and is about twenty -five years of ape. It is almost i beyond a doubt that he is supplied with the Pills from a Drug- i gist firm in this city, who have been heretofore notoriously connected with counterfeit medicines. As soon a proof ia', obtainsd, tlieouiitnm head of thi nefarious business will be-! exposed, that the comtr unity may shun themss they would serpent 1 i IN THE MEAN TIME THE TUBL1C ARE CAU- ION ED against buying WRIGHT'S India Vegetable Pills of any one who does not exhibit a certificate of Agency signed -by the Agent for the New England States, and bearing date 1 since January, 1840. Also take particular notice that the following wording is on the Boxes WRIGHT'S ImeUms Vegetable PUI(lni.

Purgative) 'off the North American College of Health. i The Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for disease in iu every variety of form, because they thoroughly cleanse the s'ouiach and bowels, induce a proper by tlie lungs, skin and kidney, and stimulate the blood to purify- itself. In other words, they open all the natural drains, and leave NATURE (THE GRAND PHYSICIAN) free to- drive disease from the body. The above outlets, or drains, sre the common sewers of the body, through which all mor- bid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease) are carried off, and so long as they are all kept open, and discharge freely their allotted portions of impurity, the body will continue ia health but when from eating improper food, breathing impure sir, sudden transitions from heat tocold, over exhaustion, or any other cause, the bowels become costive, the pores of the skin become closed, or the kidneys fail to perform their functions properly, the impurities wllich should be drained, from the body by those outlets will be retained, snd continue 1 to accumulate until the body becomes literally loaded with The above Pills may be taken at all times, and under all perfect safety. They suit all complaints and all ages, and nre as natural tn the human constitution es 5 food consequently they can never injure even the mostcleli cate.

Like our fooil they are digestible; therefore they enter into the circulation, and impart an energy to the blood, which enables it tn flow with freedom quite to the extremities, and consequently to keep the pores of the skin open. They are true and perfect purifiers of the blood because they drain all corrupt humors from that life giving fluid. They impart strength and vigor to tlie whole system, and their effects are always benefirial; because they only remove those humors -3 which ore opposed to health. They aid and improve diges-' tion, and sound sleep follows their use because tbey cleanse the stomach snd bowels of their slimy humors which not only Irritate and excite the nervous system, but paralyse and weak-; en the digestive organs. In short they possess all the good i properties that can be claimed fbr sny medicine snd what i very remarkable, it is utterly impossible to use them without i i Price 85 cents per Box, with full Directions.

i i The Regular appointed Agents can receive their sup plies of the above popular Pills, as heretofore, from thefy ojic snd lieneral Depot lor the New England States, 198 Tre- uiont street Boston. ic Hy Pedlars or travelling agents tre not allowed to sell the- Genuine Indian Vegetable therefore never purchase from them, for if you do you will be sure to obtain a dangerou and Counterfeit article. (T5" OFFICE ami general Depot for the sale of the above' PILLS in the New-England States, 198 TRE MONT STREET, wherethey can be had at Wholesale or Retail. AGENTS have been appointed for the sale of the Pills in every town in New-Englsnd. 14 All lettersrelative to the Pills must be addressed thus E.

OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF, HEALTH, 18 Tremont-street, Boston, Mass." -U AGENTS. HARTFORD, JOHN BRADDOCK Bristol, Almond Lewis; Norwich, Gilmant Huntington min Taylor; Fair-Ha'ven, Lester Keep; W.Woodstock. An )l drew Williams; Thompson, Hubbard St Knight; Tariffville, ii -Allen Pinney; Chatham, Hall St Ladd; Chester, Socrate "Denison; Burlington, Hiram Webster; Wallingford, S.

E. Leonard, Stoniaeton, B. F. Palmer; New-Canaan, S. St Manchester.

Theodore Barnham H-tchco*cksvill, W' i H.Vhelps; New-Britain, Angnstas Windsor. ifI St Thelps; Sonthington, Whitmore, Dickinson Water- Son; South-Coventrv W. Boynton ft Co. Co. Rocky.Hill.E.

Goodale. march 13 sag 4 1 There are also two pleasant rooms attached to the store, where the Millinery snd Dress Making will continue to be carried on. by Ladies who are well experienced in the busi ness, Special pains will be taken to have all the work done in the most fashionable style and aatistactory manner. Store No. 830 Main street si AARON CL APP, sept 4 6A 3w46 TVEW DRV GOODS EVERY WEEK- This il day opening by the subscribers, a large assortment of Hupui irxi Ui vxuuus, wiiica wui oe uiu lur Astt cucp- er man any in the city.

Purchasers who consult their own interest will come and examine before they purchase else where. ZT Mors) New Goods next week on Wednesday. 89 CATLIN tt CO. SATINETS Extra fine and heavy, real cloth finish, in risible green, black, blue, drab, and mix'd Satinets also, in medium quality, bottle gn-ens, blue, drab, gray." dark mixtures, together ith light fancy colors and mixtures. vf The above are now in store, and aie supposed to be as desirable goods as were ever offered.

They are for sale at a great reduction from former prices. "P1 8 A. F. HASTINGS. lVTEH" Mud desirable Lace and Faster Gaada, 11 just received by WM.

A. LAW, 241 Main street among which may be found the following 1 Rich Capes and Collars splendid Tartan Scarfs. Thread Laces and Inserting; Lisle Thread Edgings. Hobinet Edgingsand Black Lace Veil. Silk and Wire Net Lace.

Swiss Muslins. Fancy and Ponsee Silk 5 Purse Twist Welling Cord Spool Thread Silk Tassels. Silver Plated Hooks and Eyes. Silk Purses and Rings, Working Chenilc Zephyr Worsteds Canvas. 1 Rug Patterns Tapes, in white and colors.

Needles of all descriptions. A-- 7 Combs Brushes Fancy Soaps. Ture Cologne Water, Ac. sept 3 The attention of purchasers is i ilfHITESATIN RIBBONS, enquiiedTor by the ladies every day, may be found at sept 1 ALPRESS. T' OST At the time of the accident last Friday afternoon, Jk in the west part of Morgan street, a small Dead Pur, with 3teel clasp, containing between 98 and 910 The finder shall be rewarded if the same is left st the store of JAMES JUDD, sept 3 6d 3 doors westConn.

River Bank. INDIGO cases, fine Bengal Indigo, just rweived, for sale on favorable terms, by aem 4 dtw J. M. BUNCE St CO. tOUAIitS! CHAIRS t- -Just received, at the New Auction Store.

22ti Main atreet a lares Quantity of ma hogany, curled maiile. cane and wood seal Chairs and Rocking Chairs, to raise the cash. They were made by the best workmen, ana warranteu. sept 2 LORIN SEXTON tASH ADVANCES made on property left for ssle at Auction, at 22t Mam street by sept2 LORIN SEXTON. "TEV KICH GOODS 7-4 and 9 4 heavy silk Shawls, i.1 colored and black.

Plain mode colored and black Mouslin de Laines. Printed do. Tlnid Merinoes. French Prints. Printed Thibet Cloths, very rich.

Rich blue black Silks. Satin striped Gros de Afrique. Reps Helenia. Colored Satins, Bombazines, a full assortment just received by aug 22 JOHN OLMSTED St CO. GROCND SPICES Pepper, Spice and Cassia, fresh, ground and pure, at wholesale and retail, by aug 4 FOX PORTER, li Centralltow.

THE NORTH ELM MARBLE St GRISWOLD invite the attentiou of the Ladies to the most extensive assortment of Bombazines offered in this market. We boast of them as being under the market prices. Also to the new and extensive assortment of elegant Taglionies, a most beautiful article for Ladies Clocks aud Dresses. We net the above goods direct from the manufacturers' They are uat landed from France. Gentlemen are invited to examine ait assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres.

We have commenced the Fall trade, and are receiving bargains, fashionable, constantly. All kinds of Dry Goods in any a BUS 29 HOUSE AND FURNITURE TO LET A oftHsmost desirable locations the city, wilt be wr, with pnvileeeof part or whole of the furniture, to a good ten ant, at a reasonable rate. Possession can be given immediate ly. Address Box No. 149, Post Office.

sept 4 6d TO RENT A nart of the Dwellinc No. 69 State street, a convenient Tenement for a small family. Inquire of GEORGE UA1CH. sept 4 j- -j-u' tf HOUSE TO RENT A brick House situated on Front and opposite Temple strreet, formerly owupi. ed bv J.

Savaee. and now occupied by Mr. Geo. D. Morgan, will be rented on application to SAVAGE ft or aug31 fid D.

MORGAN SON." fjXi COTTAGE FOR SALE The subscriber will A nil sell hisCottcge on Church street, which will be rca-i dv for occupancy in 20 days. It has been built by the day, of the best materials, and will be found to combine as many comforts and convenienes as any house of the size in litis or any other place. The principal part of the purchase 1 money may remain on mortgage from one to ten years. Possession given immediately. E.

W. BULL, aug 27 24d THE PAVILION. NEW-HAVEN This establishment, pleasantly situated near the depot of the Hartford and New-Haven Railroad, and the Steamboat lnnclingr. continues to be kept bv the subscriber. The house is large and airy, commands a fine view of the har-bor, and offers many inducements to those who wish to enjoy the sea breeze durinethe summer months.

The table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and especial pains will De la Ken in procuring sea ioou. Active ana accnmuHxia-ting waiters, and every other means in the power of the sub. scriber, will eid to contribute to the comfort of the guests. An Omnibus rnns to the centre of New-Haven, back and forth, during the day, in which boarders will be conveyed without charge. CURTIS JUDSON, New-Haven, June 9, 1840.

d3m TO RENT A convenient brick Dwelling, being No. 106 Front street the north Tenement of the 1- building. Possession given immediately. Inquireofk may 1 d- T. D.

GORDON, at Dean's Tavern. TO RENT One bark and one front Room on the third floor of the subscriber's building, entrance 196) ainstreet. U. SlUUCKJSfcilt. may 9 tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE The subscriber being much out of health, and necessarily oblieed to spend the winters in a more genial clime, is induced to offer for sale bis property situated in Washington street, nearly opposite the Connecticut Retreat consisting of a commodious Dwelling-House, Barn, and other out buildings, all erected the last year, and in the most substantial and convenient msimer together with twenty acres of first-rate Land, that will of itself, under proper cultivation, more than pay the interest of the whole purchase.

The front is of sufficient width to afford several of the best building lots in tbe street This property is too well known in the city and vicinity to require further description. Apart of the purchase money can remain on mortgage security fora term of years. Inquire ol the subscriber, ou the premises. i Aug. 21 18d JOHN II.

BUELL. TO LET A part of Store No. 3 Asylum stiect, Inquire of ane7 SSF ALUI ac TO RENT The three story brick House No. 21 Chutcb street, corner of Trumbull. Possession given latter the 5th of August Inquire on the premises.

fnu KAT.KTlmt vervdesintble residence for merly owned and occupied by F. Raphael, Esq. situa ih road, about one mile from the city, containing about sixty acre of very superior land. The buildings upon the farm, consisting of a Dwelling-House, i 1 Ram Pttrriflrr.house. Granary, Fowl house, and two Greeu houses, are ail in perfect order, having been recently much improved.

A pleasanter or more desirable residence cannot be found in the neighborhood of this cily The Dwelling House is spacious and very elegant, and the land is in a high state of cultivation, containing much fine fruit. Any gentlemen desirous of country residence near to ths rity, are requested to call and examine this Farm, as one more de- sir-ble is rsrelv presented. i The above property (if not previously disposed of at private sale) will be sold at public Aui-t on, on the premises, ou Tues- day, 15th September, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Terms, which will be accoinmodating to the purchaser, will be made known at the titao of sale.

Apply to JASON SAGE, s-jn 1 14d 2w46 36 State street' liliil LllL fcUiL Bill NO DISEASE INCURABLE! DR. LENKl'R'N Ufe-Preaerving Vegetable Caiversal PILLS, Prepared on the Cheiuico-Or. ganic principle. Entereil according to Art of Congress, iu the year 1 tU6, by F. Leseur, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Connecticut This medicine removes disease it all eases, by regulating, purifying, and renewing the blood and other fluid ol the human system.

The unity of disease ia founded on correct theory. The principle waa adopted in Europe many years ago, by men who spent their lives in the investigation of science; and a medicine, professedly universal, wan used by some of the nobility with considerable sue-cess. But chemical and physiological science waa not sufficiently advanced at that time, to warrant its entire success. Other discoveries remained to be made, before a safe medicine could be prepared for general use. Accordingly, after more than seven years close application to the study of Medical Science, and after curing himself of consumption, and others of various diseases, which had been considered incurable, the proprietor was enabled, in the year to place before the public these VALUABLE PILLS, with the solemn assurance that they are a SAFE and EFFECTUAL MEDICINE for general use.

They are prepared in accordance with late discoveries in science, and are perfectly harmless, being entirely vegetable, and warranted on oath not contain one particle of mercurial or minerat substance. Thousands hare taken them, many of whom have been restored to health when hope was gone, and they were given over as entirely beyond the reach of medical aid, ana now bear testimony to their power. But the difficulty in preparing this medicine has been such thai its sale has been confined to very narrow limits, notwithstanding the repeated calls fur it from the most distaul parts of the country, by those who knew its value many of whom could not be supplied even with a single box. But after great expense and untiring exertions, the proprietor is now enabled to prepare these Pills in larger quantities, and the sale of them is rapidly increasing wherever tbey are introduced. TESTIMONIALS.

From a great number of Certificates, the following are selected, showing the effect of this medicine, at various times, on different constitutions, and in various diseases: Certificate from Mr. Gardner C. Marsh, of Hartford. Dr. F.

Leseur, Sir I feel it my duty to present you the following Last summer my family was much afflicted with sickness my daughter aged about six years, was reduced very low she was attended by one of the most distinguished Physicians in the country, but he could not help her lie considered her in a dangerous state. She had been failing several weeks, and we were giving up all hopes of recovery, when a friend recommended the Life Preserving Pills. I called on you, and obtained a few boxes, which I commenced using freely according to the directions my child immediately began to recover, and in a short time was restored to health. I have continued to use them ever since, in all eases of diseases in my family, with the same happy result, and would publicly acknowledge my gratitude for the great blessing thus bestowed, in this Universal Medicine. G.

C. Marsh, Hartford, April 12, 1838. Extract from a Letter by judge Montgomery, of Danville, Penn. dated Jan. Wtk, 1840.

Dr. Leseur, Sir, Having suffered beyond all description with dyspepsia, and exhausted all the ordinary and extraordinary means of relief in vain, I have been happily re ieved by one box of your Life Preserving Pill. The first dose produced the most surprising effect, and less than a box removed the complaint From loss of appetite, I had become very weak it returned in a few days, and in two or three weeks my strength and vigor returned. I most sincerely entreat you to send me a quantity, for the benefit of many suffering here. Wit.

Montgomery, CONSUMPTION CURED! To you who are in an advanced stage of Consumption, and who are without hope of recovery to you I would say rejoice be not discouraged The author of these lines was pronounced to be in a dangerous stage of consumption for two years. I was told by one of the most eminent physicians in the United States, that I had the consumption, and that he could do nothing for me. I tried a great many physicians, and took more than a dozen different kinds of drugs of their Inscription, (and in gratitude to them I must say, that I be ieve that they tried according to the best of thetr knowledge to save my life.) But I got no better, and was giving up all expectation of recovery, being so weak that I was unable to raise five pounds weight, and suffering a great deal of pain most of the time. Under these circ*mstances I commencea taking Leseur' Lift Preserving Vegetable Universal Pills. I gained but little for three or four weeks; but aftertaking them two months, I found my health greatly increased.

I contin tied them for several weeks longer, and am now well and attending to business. The. above mentioned person can be referred to, and his name made known, by calling on the Agents in Hartford. Extract of a Letter written by Danfortn, of Hartford, to her friend in Lynn, Mass. I send you half a dozen boxes of Dr.

Leseur' L. P. Pills. Many of my friends in Lynn have suffered much from sickness, and I feel it my duty to recommend the use of these Pills, believing tbey will prove a blessing to them, as they have to me. suffering 14 years with an obstinate Liver Complaint, and having tried almost every kind of medicine the prescriptions of six physicians without success, I have at last found relief in Dr.

Leseur's Pills. They have done for me what other medicine has failed to do my health and strength have been Improving continually since I began to use them. I have taken twelve boxes, in doses varying from two to ten Pills a day. Danforth. This Certifies, That I have been afflicted for many years with Nervous and Consumptive affections, and have made a constant use of opium for the last year, and thought I could not do without it.

I have taken Dr. Leseur's Life Preserving Pills, and left off the use of opium, and find my health greatly improved. My daughter has received great benefit from the use of them also. She has suffered much from sickness Erysipelas and general Debility; her health is now better than it has been for many years. She has spent a great deal for medicine, but found no permanent relief until she took these Pills.

Hartford, Sept. 30, 1836. JCLIA Bunce. Hartford. August 25th, 1836.

Dr. Leseur, Sir Having received great benefit from the use of your Pills, I take this opportunity to offer my testimony to their value. During last spring I suffered a great deal from Rheumatic pains in the back, being some of the time unable to walk about. In July, I was taken with the Dysentery, and after suffering several days, I was persuaded to try your Life Preserving Pills. I took three doses, which effected a complete cure.

I have used them ever since as my only medicine my back has got well, and my health is good. My daughter has also received great benefit from using it. WM. F. TUDOR, College Street, Hartford.

This Certifies, That I have made use of Dr. Leseur' Life Preserving Pill, as a Family Medicine. I have taken them myself they operate without pain, uneasiness, or weakness, and are not attended with consequent costiveness. My family have received benefit from the use of them also, and for several years acquaintance with the proprietor, I recommend him to public confidence. Normand Hartford, Jan.

8, 1837. I hereby Certify, That I have suffered much from soreness of the stomach and lungs, and other consumptive symptoms, from which I received no relief until I took Dr. Leseur Life Preserving V. U. Pills, They gave me immediate relief, after taking only one dose.

I use them now as my family medicine. Hartford, Jan. 1836. i CAROLINE WATTS, i DISEASED SPINE CURED. HavTng been more than four years afflicted with Diseased Spine, and gteat debility, and for a year and a half most of the time confined to my bed, ith excruciating pain in my limbs, and having received great benefit from the use of Dr.

Leseur' Life Preserving PUli, I cheerfully recommend them to all others suffering under that complaint I am now well, attending to business. I have given them to a child six months old, for a bowel complaint I gave it a Pill and a half, powdered with sugar-two doses cured it i The above is from a lady, who will be made known by calling on the Agents in Hartford. tit The genuine Life Preserving Pills bear the signature of F. LESEUR on each box, and are sold only by the Proprietor and his authorized Agents. Price 25 cents Double box, 50 Be particular to call for Leseur's Life Preserving Pills, and see that the signature is on the box none other are For further particulars, see large bills of Direct urns which accompany each box.

Mv personal attention being required at my principal office in New York, Mr. E. Huntington will act as geueral Agent in Hartfird, for the sale of the Pills, contracting with Agents, ate. Office 106 Main Street, Sigourney's Building. F.

LESEUR. The aliove Pills are for sale at Wholesale and Retail, by the subscriber. WANTED, a number of responsible Agentt, to travel the country, with the above Medicine, and establish local agencies, to whom liberal encouragement will be given. Apply to --r v. E.

HUNTINGTON. 9- Sigourney's Building, 196J Main atreet sp 8 '4 w47tf 1 KV GOODS- A full supply of Fall and Winter Goods, this day received bv septS---. HUDSONS PUTNAM. SATINETS The best assortment of super and common Satinets ever offered by the subscriber, at the lowest market prices, may now be found at 208 Main street 5 septS JOSEPH LANGDON.5 AT BIRGE'8 may be found a splendid assortment of new and fashionable goods, for which, see advertisem*nt sept 5 G' KKEIrWdT Mountain Mix'd, or Sheep Gray, just received at the New Brick store. Also 6 pieces extra heavy Satinets, 20 per cent, less than the usual prices.

sept 5 MEAD CO. MARSEILLE QrilVT same style of elegant Counterpanes which have created such a sensation, at the usual prices, at BIRGE'S, sept 5 205 Main street. WOOIj WORTH A CO. Would acknowledge their obligations to their friends and the public for the liberal patronage oestowed the past year, and beg leave here to say, that although we shall not by advertising, or "Glaring Hand- bills," attempt to establish a reputation as the cheapest store in the city, yet we shall make it our aim to select goods of the best quality, as such will be the best recommend for the pur- chaser. We have this day received a large and well selected assortment of Fall Goods, among which may be found, black and blue-black wool dyed Broadcloths; Cassimeres; super steel mix, black, blue and dark mix Satinets; black Matteonis Lustrings; black and blue-black Gro He Swiss; do.

Grode Paris; Poult de Soie; figured do. of various styles, (two pieces of the most splendid patterns ever brought into this city plain black Mouseliu de Laines figured some half mourning do; Silk Camblets; Crape black and blue black Bombazines of the very best quality; Cashmere, Cotton and raw Silk ladies' and gen- tlemen's Gloves; Shawls; Chally Pongee do; boys' Pongee do. Flannels Cambrics Dimities; Muslins; Do-' mestio Cottons Stocks, Collars and Bosoms Ribbons Edgings i Insertings Net and Bobin Lace, which will be sold for cash at prices satisfactory to the purchaser. To the above stock of Goods we would lespectfully invite the attention of the public, hoping that by our endeavors to procure only articles of good quality, and small prices and close attention to business, to merit a liben share of public patronage. septS 46 DRAWI1V43 First Lessons in; a complete little book for Beginners, just published by Mr.

Coe, teacher of Drawing, ana for sale (price Is.) at the bookstore of sept 5 SPALDING STORRS. TABLE t'lTLUBV of every description to bThad of sept 5 HENRY OAKES CO. SI I.K 2VET BAGS and PURSES, a new assortment just received cheap by septS HENRY OAKES CO. 1 for sale by am-' C. H.

NORTHAM. sept 47 Commerce st. RIDLEY'S Vegetable BILIOUS PILLS Price reduced AQ Pills in a box. price 17 rents. septS H.


septS 164 Union Hall Boilding. TllRUSSES To those persons who have been waiting for JL the double Trusses, we would just say we have received a new lot in excellent order. H. H. DICKINSON 164 Main septS -v Union Hall Building.

ENERAL VACCUVATIOW DR. FANSHER having been called to Guilford, where the SMALL POX had broke out, for the purpose of arresting its progress there, and having accomplished that object to the great satis-. faction of the citizens of that place, has returned, and resumed the business in Hattford; and the Selectmen have requested him to call at every house, and at the several schools, and en-'" deavor to thoroughly shield the town against that pestilence that still lurks in the land, having lately spread an alarm in several towns in this State, and which may suddenly visit us when we little suspect any danger. Parents and Guardians are respectfully requested to pro- mote this benevolent object as a golden opportunity now pre- sents itself for those who at this time would wish to nave this invaluable protection free of expense to such as these times would otherwise have precluded. J.

HOADLEY, Select Man. Those who wish Dr. F. to attend on their families may see him at his office over the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. He A will vaccinate even ings, to accommodate those who cannot attend in the day time.

And he has the pleasure to acquaint the children, that for their encouragement he has in his possession fine little articles ftom Europe, which serve as a kind of miniature medals, to be presented to the little ones at the time of their vaccination. It will be attended to at the Stone school house on Monday and Dr. Fansher will call and give notice beforehand at the other schools in the sent WADE HASKELL, Teachers and Dealers in Music, keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Piano Fortes, Musical Instruments, Music Books, Lessons given on the Piano, Violin, Violincello, and in Singing. Young Men wishing to qualify themselves for Teachers can now have a good opportunity. Terms, $12 pet quarter.

N. B. Piano Forte Tuning punctually attended to. No. 4 Asylum street.

sept 4 tfdw46 BOSTON PIANO FORTES W. J. BABco*ck offers for sale a full assortment of Pianos from the facto ry of Chickering Co. of Boston. These instruments sre of various patterns of rosewood and mahogany, with harp pedal, metal) ic brace, They were selected with gt eat care, and, may be relied on as superior in every respect The justly ac-' quired celebrity of these Piano is a sure test of their excel-' lence.

W. J. B. pledges himself to sell them in sll cases at the lowest manufacturers' prices, snd also makes himself per sonaUy responsible fbr every instrument he may dispose of. Call and examine them at his Piano Forte Wareroom, Gil-i man's Building, 146 Main street.

sept 7 Patriot Democrat, and N.E. Review please copy. GUN POWDER The subscribers having prepared themselves according to laws of the city for the selling of Gun Powder, give notice that they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of the best qualities, for blasting, fowling, or rifles, which will be sold on favorable terms, and delivered in any part of the city at short notice." FOX PORTER, 12 Central Row. sepl 3 w4S T3REPARED CHARCOAL The subscriber has procured, or medicinal use, a very superior preparation a of Charcoal. Persons who are in the habit of using it me-, dicinally will find it decidedly superior, and those who use it for Tooth Powder cannot fail acknowledge its excellence, I Swdtwie 0f Qioi Samaritan..

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.