How to prioritize young people's voices | Eleanor Ryall posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Eleanor Ryall

I grow processes and people to help children live better lives | Disability | Social mobility | Education

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3 times a young person has been mad at me 1. I agreed with the Head of Science they should take double, not triple science.2. They burst in - ‘I already know what’s happened…’3. ‘Last week you said x, so I’m doing y today.’The common thread?I didn’t prioritise the young person’s voice. It’s easy to make this mistake - days are fast-paced, juggling moving parts, trying to get the best outcome for the young person as quickly as possible. And I jumped the step of listening to them first.These examples weren’t catastrophic - and allowed me to model making a mistake and apologising. We got back on the right track quickly.But missing out the young person’s voice can be catastrophic. Prioritise, advocate for and champion the voices of young people.1. Start with their voice in meetings - what’s big for them? What do they want to say? For many young people, they will need to plan this with a trusted adult first. 2. Remember, record and return - remember what they say by recording it. Write it down. What’s important to them, what are they interested in? Return to it often. Is that still right? 3. Explain the power their voice has - sometimes young people won’t want to speak, and will feel unheard. Explain what they can and can’t change, and how much influence they can or can’t have. [image description: a white square with a hand holding a megaphone in the centre. Beneath, it reads ‘champion young people’s voices’.]🏔️🏄🏼♀️📚Hi, I’m Ellie. I get excited about making things better for children and young people!3️⃣+ years experience in EDI.1️⃣ year in projects for social mobility.8️⃣ total years in education.#youngpeople #children #voice #specialeducationalneeds #equalitydiversityandinclusion #SEND #education #socialcare

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    NOT Invited! Award winning 'NOT Invited' delves deep into the world of social dynamics and emotions. Focusing on the sensitive issue of feeling left out, this story is a touching journey co-authored by a mother and child duo. It explores the profound impact of exclusion and the transformative power of empathy and inclusion. Through the character Kellen, readers experience the emotional weight of exclusion, bringing the narrative's message poignantly to life.NOT Invited extends beyond a mere story. It is an invaluable tool for children and adults alike, offering insights into real-life scenarios of friendship and belonging. This book helps young readers navigate their social worlds with greater empathy and kindness. It also serves as a vital conversation starter about empathy, embracing diversity, and the power of acceptance.Every page of NOT Invited is thoughtfully crafted to cultivate empathetic and inclusive mindsets, marking it as an indispensable contribution to children's literature. This moving narrative welcomes readers into a world where understanding and inclusivity are paramount, teaching every child the value of empathy and belonging in a diverse world.#notinvited #belonging #inclusion #empathy

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  • Literary Engineers


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    Are you aware of this? 👀💫📚As educators, parents, and advocates for children's literacy, it's crucial to recognize the profound impact of diversity in books and learning resources. Representation matters, and diverse literature plays a vital role in shaping young minds, fostering empathy, and building inclusive communities.🌟 Reflecting the Real World: Children's books should reflect the rich tapestry of our world, celebrating diverse cultures, identities, and experiences. When children see themselves represented in literature, they feel valued, validated, and empowered to embrace their unique identities.📖 Expanding Horizons: Exposure to diverse perspectives broadens children's understanding of the world and cultivates empathy and compassion. By reading stories about characters from different backgrounds, children learn to appreciate diversity and embrace the beauty of our differences.🎨 Promoting Inclusivity: Inclusive literature creates opportunities for all children to see themselves reflected in the stories they read. It also allows them to explore new cultures, traditions, and perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness in our global community.🌈 Empowering Voices: Diverse literature amplifies marginalized voices and provides a platform for underrepresented communities to share their stories and experiences. By elevating diverse voices, we inspire children to become advocates for social justice and equity.As we strive to create a more equitable and inclusive society, let's commit to prioritizing diversity in children's books and learning resources. Together, we can empower the next generation to embrace diversity, foster empathy, and build a brighter future for all.How do you incorporate diversity into your children's reading materials and learning resources? Share your strategies and recommendations in the comments below! 📚✨#diversityandinclusion #childrensbooks #booksforall

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    🔮 Prediction and Commentary: Empowering Children's Creativity vs. Fear of the Unknown 🔮In a world filled with rapid technological advancements, it's refreshing to see young children engaged in a traditional art form like carving decorations for a lantern parade. However, a recent incident involving a Catholic clergyman's concern over protecting the kids from evil forces presents an unexpected interplay between tradition and personal beliefs. Let's delve deeper into this thought-provoking occurrence and analyze the potential implications.Here are a few key points to consider:1️⃣ Creativity as an Enriching Experience: - Artistic activities like carving lantern decorations not only enrich the imaginative capacities of children, but also foster their motor skills and cognitive development. Encouraging these creative endeavors is crucial in ensuring a well-rounded education for our future generations.2️⃣ Collision of Traditions and Beliefs: - The clergyman's intervention highlights a conflict between the majority's participation in traditional cultural practices and certain religious views. Balancing age-old customs with contemporary interpretations of religious beliefs is indeed a delicate task. The clash of perspectives raises questions about tolerance, respect, and the boundaries of personal convictions.3️⃣ Overprotection or Prudence: - While it's essential to ensure the safety and well-being of children, it's crucial not to let fear drive us towards curtailing their experiences. Finding a middle ground between safeguarding the younger generation and providing them with opportunities to explore and express themselves is vital for their holistic growth.4️⃣ Encouraging Dialogue and Understanding: - This incident calls for open and respectful conversations that bridge the gap between different viewpoints. Engaging in constructive discussions allows us to learn from each other's perspectives and contributes to a more empathetic and inclusive society.In conclusion, the conflicting reactions to the carving of lantern decorations by children for a lantern parade presents an intriguing dichotomy between tradition and personal beliefs. As we navigate the complexities of modern society, it is essential to find common ground that respects both traditional practices and individual convictions. By encouraging open dialogue and understanding, we can foster an environment where children are able to explore their creativity while also respecting diverse belief systems. Let us embrace the opportunity to learn from this incident and continue evolving as a compassionate and inclusive society. 💫✨#SocialCommentary #TraditionVsBeliefs #ChildhoodCreativity #CulturalHarmony


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    • How to prioritize young people's voices | Eleanor Ryall posted on the topic | LinkedIn (13)


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  • Janet Zipper

    Recruiting - Life and Wellness Coaching 🇺🇸🇮🇱

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    Children shape the future of our world. The values, principles, and attitudes they learn from society play a crucial role in determining what that future will look like. However, in recent times, concerns have arisen about the lessons we might unintentionally be imparting to our youth.Instead of instilling compassion, empathy, and respect for others, there are worries that some aspects of societal discourse may be fostering hatred and disregard for differences. As guardians of the values we pass on, it's crucial to reflect on the messages we convey to the next generation.The world we envision for tomorrow heavily relies on the values we instill in our children today. Teaching them acceptance, inclusivity, and the beauty of diversity sets the stage for a harmonious and progressive society. By nurturing these values early on, we pave the way for a future where respect for one another's differences is the norm rather than the exception.It's imperative for every member of society to take an active role in shaping the moral compass of the next generation. Whether through educational systems, media, family structures, or societal norms, the messages we convey to our children must emphasize the importance of empathy, kindness, and understanding.As adults, we bear the responsibility of cultivating an environment that nurtures tolerance and respect. By doing so, we lay the groundwork for a future where the youth grow up appreciating the richness found in diversity and understanding the importance of harmony among all individuals.In conclusion, the future lies in the hands of our children, and it's our duty as a society to guide them toward a future built on the principles of compassion, respect, and acceptance. Only by fostering these values today can we ensure a brighter and more harmonious #humanity#empathy #kindness #future

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  • Claudia Mills

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    Empowering Children's Voices: Six Essential Topics for Meaningful ConversationsAs educators and caregivers, we have a responsibility to provide children with the time and space to express themselves fully. Here are six essential topics that all children should have the opportunity to talk about:💛 Emotions: Let's encourage children to openly discuss their feelings, fostering emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By validating their emotions, we empower them to navigate the complex world of emotions with confidence.🙂 Interests and Passions: Every child has unique interests and passions. By giving them the platform to talk about what they love, we ignite their enthusiasm for learning and nurture their sense of identity.🤩 Dreams and Aspirations: Allowing children to share their dreams and aspirations helps them develop a sense of purpose. By guiding and supporting them, we can help turn their dreams into achievable goals.😔 Challenges and Concerns: Children should feel comfortable discussing their challenges and concerns. By providing a safe space for them to express their worries, we empower them to develop resilience and problem-solving skills.🙏 Values and Beliefs: Let's create an environment where children can explore and express their values and beliefs. By encouraging open-minded discussions, we foster critical thinking, empathy, and respect for diverse perspectives.💭 Curiosities and Questions: Curiosity is the key to lifelong learning. By encouraging children to ask questions and explore their curiosities, we fuel their natural inclination to learn, discover, and grow.Let's ensure that every child's voice is heard and valued. By engaging in meaningful conversations on these essential topics, we empower children to develop crucial life skills, strengthen their self-esteem, and cultivate a sense of agency over their own growth and development.#EmpoweringChildren #MeaningfulConversations

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    📚 Unveiling the Hidden Depths of Children's Literature: Exploring the World of Childhood 🌍When we mention "children's literature," we often think of captivating stories crafted for young readers. However, there is a lesser-known aspect of literature that demands our attention: literature about children. This genre provides adults with a profound glimpse into the world of childhood, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs that some children face.One such remarkable example is Khaled Hosseini's acclaimed novel, "The Kite Runner." Amidst the backdrop of war, this powerful narrative weaves together moments of joy, hope, and resilience, juxtaposed against the pain and bitterness experienced by children across the globe. It captures the essence of their playfulness and determination, as they navigate through a troubled world, yearning for the peace and innocence we associate with childhood.In workshops aimed at nurturing imagination, we often employ techniques like "imagine" and "what if." These exercises encourage children, teenagers, and adults to break free from the confines of their everyday lives, unleashing the boundless potential of their minds. One particular exercise involves visualizing childhood or imagining a world where the values cherished in childhood hold greater importance.So, let's embark on a collective journey of imagination:🌟 What if children ruled the world?🗺️ What if they had the power to draw borders and maps?🤝 What if the sincerity of children became the guiding principle of politics?🏫 What if schools and communities became sanctuaries protecting children's rights?Indeed, each one of us, whether a parent, student, teacher, or member of society, can contribute to creating a better world for children. It starts with understanding the world of childhood, appreciating its beauty, and reconnecting with the dreams and innocence we may have lost amidst our daily routines.Join me in taking the first step towards embracing the world of childhood and rekindling our childlike wonder. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future, where all children can thrive.#ChildrensLiterature #Imagination #ChildhoodWonder #BrighterFuture

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  • Teg Cosgriff C.M.A.A.

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    Excited to receive this book tomorrow - "Never Enough" by Jennifer B. Wallace! The definitive book on the rise of “toxic achievement culture” overtaking our kids' and parents' lives, and a new framework for fighting back.In the ever more competitive race to secure the best possible future, today’s students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. They jam-pack their schedules with AP classes, fill every waking hour with resume-padding activities, and even sabotage relationships with friends to “get ahead.” Family incomes and schedules are stretched to the breaking point by tutoring fees and athletic schedules. Yet this drive to optimize performance has only resulted in skyrocketing rates of anxiety, depression, and even self-harm in America’s highest achieving schools. Parents, educators, and community leaders are facing the same quandary: how can we teach our kids to strive towards excellence without crushing them?InNever Enough,award-winning reporter Jennifer Breheny Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, and finds out what we must do to fight back. Drawing on interviews with families, educators, and an original survey of nearly 6,000 parents, she exposes how the pressure to perform is not a matter of parental choice but baked in to our larger society and spurred by increasing income inequality and dwindling opportunities. As a result, children are increasingly absorbing the message that they have no value outside of their accomplishments, a message that is reinforced by the media and greater culture at large.Through deep research and interviews with today’s leading child psychologists, Wallace shows what kids need from the adults in the room is not more pressure, but to feel like theymatter, and have intrinsic self-worth not contingent upon external achievements. Parents and educators who adopt the language and values of mattering help children see themselves as a valuable contributor to a larger community. And in an ironic twist, kids who receive consistent feedback that they matter no matter what are more likely to have the resilience, self-confidence, and psychological security to thrive.Packed with memorable stories and offering a powerful toolkit for positive change,Never Enoughoffers an urgent, humane view of the crisis plaguing today’s teens and a practical framework for how to help.Larissa MillsJavelin Guidry#thereisabetterway#mentalwellbeing#redefiningsuccess

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  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation


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    What does it look like to grow up in #LA?🌟A new Los Angeles Times program will be diving into the complexity of that question, looking at:📚research📊data👩🏾real-life storiesto help navigate the awesome responsibility of raising and educating little ones🌟Read more about the program.#education #losangeles #journalism #journalists #earlychildhoodeducation #childdevelopment #california

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How to prioritize young people's voices | Eleanor Ryall posted on the topic | LinkedIn (35)

How to prioritize young people's voices | Eleanor Ryall posted on the topic | LinkedIn (36)


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How to prioritize young people's voices | Eleanor Ryall posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.