Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (2024)

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (1)

Air-Fryer Acorn Squash Slices

1 review

This air-fryer acorn squash recipe was adapted from the one my passed down from my grandma, who always served it at Thanksgiving. I make it in my air fryer whenever I'm feeling nostalgic. —Rita Addicks, Weimar, Texas

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (2)

Baked Acorn Squash with Blueberry-Walnut Filling

1 review

I absolutely love squash—and I've filled it with so many variations of savory stuffing over the years. But my favorite...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (3)

Arizona Chicken in Acorn Squash

1 review

Give stuffed acorn squash a taste of the Southwest with this comforting recipe. We love the crunch of the toasted...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (4)

Acorn Squash with Leftover Stuffing

3 reviews

Our Test Kitchen offer up this unique way to present leftover stuffing. Serve this squash as a hearty side dish...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (5)

Ground Beef Stuffed Acorn Squash

12 reviews

This is an elegant-looking dish that can be served for special-occasion meals as well as everyday dinners. This is a...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (6)

Roasted Fall Vegetables

2 reviews

I love serving this tender veggie side dish as part of a comforting dinner on a chilly night. The cayenne...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (7)

7 reviews

This time of year, I can't resist butternut squash, with its bright color and fall flavor. It helps make this...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (9)

Curried Acorn Squash Soup

15 reviews

Here is an easy acorn squash soup that highlights the sweet flavor of the squash. The curry powder gives it...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (10)

Sausage-Stuffed Squash

2 reviews

SERVED WITH buttered noodles and some fruit, this delicious, satisfying "meal in one" is easy to prepare.
The green...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (11)

Rustic Squash Tarts

3 reviews

This recipe is hiding a big surprise. Flaky, rustic-looking pastry shells hold a sweet and spicy pecan layer under the...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (12)

Maple-Glazed Acorn Squash

21 reviews

With a maple syrup and brown sugar glaze, this squash becomes pleasantly sweet. This is comfort food—easy to prepare and...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (13)

Rice-Stuffed Acorn Squash

2 reviews

We often make this side dish in the fall, after harvesting fresh squash from our garden. A hint of Asian...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (14)

25 reviews

When I became a new mother, my mom helped me find comforting and simple recipes to have on hand. This...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (15)

Acorn Squash Feta Casserole

10 reviews

I get loads of compliments on this out-of-the-ordinary casserole whenever I serve it. The recipe marries squash and feta cheese...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (16)

Spiced Acorn Squash

12 reviews

Working full time, I found I didn't always have time to cook the meals my family loved, so I re-created...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (17)

Acorn Squash Slices

2 reviews

Roasted acorn squash slices are a favorite with my family. This recipe has a sweet maple flavor from syrup and...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (18)

Microwave Brown Sugar Squash

7 reviews

You'll love this sinfully good side dish that works with just about any meal. With brown sugar, butter and honey,...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (19)

2 reviews

If you have a tiny apartment, zero counter space and only two people to feed, hefty meals are out. This...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (20)

6 reviews

I love creating dishes with few ingredients and easy steps, like squash with Brussels sprouts. Maple syrup adds a slight...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (21)

Roasted Herbed Squash with Goat Cheese

1 review

Cooking is a hobby I'm so happy to share with my toddler. She (and all our Christmas Eve party guests)...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (22)

24 reviews

Familiar ingredients make this dish comforting for me. The cheddar cheese is the same kind my family has used for...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (23)

Cider Baked Squash

2 reviews

I'm a freelance writer who sometimes needs a break from a long session of working on a story. That's when...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (24)

Sausage-Stuffed Acorn Squash

16 reviews

Acorn squash gets the sweet and savory treatment when stuffed with sausage, onion, spinach and cranberries to make this cozy...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (25)

Maple Winter Squash Casserole

1 review

This scrumptious casserole combines pumpkin and two other kinds of squash
in a creamy, savory mix. The recipe also...

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Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (26)

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Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (27)

Cranberry Roasted Squash

1 review

I created this recipe one day when I wanted a warm, fragrant side dish. The aroma of the cranberries and...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (28)

Coconut Acorn Squash

11 reviews

Save yourself some time in the kitchen and toss the squash in the microwave for a quick dish. Sometimes squash...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (29)

Wild Rice Stuffed Squash

7 reviews

I made this recipe when we invited both our families to celebrate our first Thanksgiving in our new home. There...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (30)

6 reviews

This recipe was inspired by a stuffed acorn squash dish that my family loves. I took the flavors and turned...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (31)

Ham Stuffed Acorn Squash

3 reviews

“At the end of the growing season, we always have a few acorn squash remaining," says Laurina Jo Tucker of...

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (32)

Greek-Style Stuffed Acorn Squash

2 reviews

With a truckload of acorn squash in my pantry, I wanted to make stuffed squash in lots of different ways....

12Next Page »

Recipes With Acorn Squash | Taste of Home (2024)


How long can you keep acorn squash before it goes bad? ›

Depending on the type of pumpkin or squash, it should last 2 to 6 months when stored at the ideal temperature of between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit; a cool basem*nt can work well. Under ideal storage conditions, acorn squash can last up to 2 months, butternuts 2-to-3 months, and hubbarbs 5 to 6 months.

Do you peel acorn squash before eating? ›

Good news: you don't need to peel acorn squash. Its hard, grooved skin softens significantly as it cooks, and it's edible, too. If you do want to remove the skin, wait until after you cook it, at which point it will peel right off.

Is it OK to eat a whole acorn squash? ›

The one-size-fits-all method for cooking acorn and other hardy squashes is to roast them whole. You can avoid the precarious task of cutting them when they're raw, and the flesh steams to tenderize without drying out while the skin softens enough to eat.

How do you know if an acorn squash has gone bad? ›

A squash with soft spots and is soft to the touch, is a sign that the squash has gone bad. And if it starts to leak fluid, that's a sure sign that the squash is spoiled. Likewise, if the flesh and seeds of the fruit are mushy and slimy, that's a clear sign that it shouldn't be eaten.

Can you freeze whole acorn squash? ›

Acorn squash can either be frozen raw or cooked. Cooking before freezing is recommended if a longer shelf life is desired. Frozen raw squash can be roasted, steamed or boiled, but do not thaw beforehand. Cooked frozen squash can be mashed, puréed or added to pasta and risotto dishes or soups.

Is overripe acorn squash safe to eat? ›

A squash that has turned orange is over-ripe, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has gone bad. If it's no longer firm to touch, don't use it. If you're unsure, cut the squash open to take a look at the flesh and seeds. Warning signs to look for are dull flesh and seeds that are slimy and gray.

Is it OK to eat raw acorn squash? ›

Skip eating most hard-skinned squash raw. "Hard skinned squash is difficult to eat raw," Marz says. "They are usually much larger in size, have a harder flesh, and are much more fibrous." Examples of hard-skinned squash that should not be eaten raw include: pumpkins, delicate, butternut, Hubbard, and acorn.

Can dogs eat acorn squash? ›

Klein explains that the best types of squash to feed your dog are butternut squash, pumpkin, zucchini, and acorn squash. In particular, zucchini is the squash most easily digested by dogs.

How do you store acorn squash after picking? ›

For most winter squash, store at 50º to 55º F with relative humidity of 60 to 70 percent. The one exception, again, is Acorn squash, which should be kept at temperatures less than 55. Higher temperatures cause the flesh to become stringy. Avoid storing squash in higher humidity, which can promote rot.

Is acorn squash A carb or vegetable? ›

Acorn squash is a starchy vegetable, meaning it's higher in carbs than non starchy ones, like broccoli and spinach. If you're watching your carbs, limit acorn squash to one cup or about 25% of your plate.

Is acorn squash good for weight loss? ›

Acorn squash has very low-fat content, with only 0.1 grams per 100g. Most of this fat (0.042grams) is polyunsaturated, a beneficial source for weight loss. Furthermore, it contains fewer sugar molecules than other winter and summer varieties. As a result, squash is a perfect low-carb diet.

Can diabetics eat acorn squash? ›

A hearty side dish or precursor to a soup, roasted winter squash is a delicious and versatile fixture in the diets of people with diabetes. Though technically classified as fruits, acorn squash and butternut squash are considered starchy vegetables that can serve as healthy replacements for russet potatoes.

What is toxic squash syndrome? ›

Cucurbit poisoning, often referred to as toxic squash syndrome, is an uncommon illness that can result in severe hair loss and symptoms similar to food poisoning. Cucurbitacins are compounds that can be found in the Cucurbitaceae family, which also comprises of cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and squash.

What is the white mold inside acorn squash? ›

The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes white mold. This pathogen infects a wide variety of vegetable crops including beans, carrots, tomato, cabbage and lettuce. In the cucurbit family, the disease severely affects pumpkins and some varieties of winter squash.

What is the white stuff on my acorn squash? ›

If it looks like someone sprinkled baby powder on the leaves of your squash plant, you've got powdery mildew. This is a very common, albeit frustrating, problem to have in the vegetable garden, especially if you're partial to growing your own summer squash and zucchini.

How long does uncooked acorn squash last in the fridge? ›

Winter squash will last up to a month in a cool (50 to 55 F) dark cellar or storage area, but only about two weeks in the refrigerator. Ideally, only cut or cooked acorn squash should be refrigerated; they will suffer chill damage at temperatures below 50 F.

How long can you store uncooked squash? ›

Store squash ideally between 41 to 50 °F with a relative humidity of 95%. Under these conditions, squash is acceptable for up to 2 weeks. Squash stored at refrigeration temperatures of 41 °F should have a shelf life of 4 days.

What's the best way to store acorn squash? ›

If storing Acorn squash, curing will not be necessary. Once cured, squash store best in cooler, dark environments, such as a shelf, cabinet or drawer in a pantry or closet. Wrap the individual squash in cloth or paper and ensure that they are not touching each other to prevent bruising.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.