'fl Si wouldn't' want to devil never, went to school any; and never going, home" now soonr he in the spring," she It ii 1 V. 'ri yiTh i 4-- (WUtojwe wero'; around toc'v campfire'' near theheadwaters'o toe'- iv'. Gros -(Ventre ln Wyoming 'of; theboys came into camp with an f- (a beaT-that he had (seen a mile awayiThe night before, from the bettonbbf bur horsee, we believed 'that a bearwaa( around Vour camp. The conversation accordingly naturally turned forbear atorieo; II enjoyyoursblf sering the Joy youT had (given to others. Sometimes you, would falrly yell with dellgkt the good things ybu had and one of theee outbursts that it actually -woke -me Great heavens! the troubled.
msg-; nate (exclaimed: that waznt a dream Your motherhad an unde (that west always been lt might erop outfa*gainf and( now I my noise! made by. the burglar an the FerpuMmpahtry alight' aa it dij( turbeAthe light sleeper in the' bedrioom net far away aud the midnight marau-( der wu surprised aVmement later find, himself coveredwitk big revolv sr; la the hands determined white Jf jfvf-hsint done a few coM'. victuals stammered the stenuyf replied Oeorge guacm; have, been eatlnjr the re-j maina of a Tstrawberry ahcNrtcake my wifeimado for xny( dlnn last nliL Do you kn w.whafc rm, gblhg todo 3r.flS0O liT A fi i '-I 'I'l'ts t. fcVl worst tears are Here Help WaitOTtf dsrlln be going i where youTl be havln'lots of friends. Bat rwe got to stayhero.
I llve here, he added 1 fiercely. irheflrehadjburneddoTmto, blackened ashea.VThe mounifulwind Mew eolder aboot' themMlsa (Harwood shivered. As she; rose to start on tha long; road home she stepped on a but-tercup Jnat above grodfid jand crushed ijfittkrhVhwlowB room (again with its comfort and color And photographs and other reminding bits of collect life, Mias Harwood; quickly mads another Glhson picture of herself aunong the enveloping cushions of the couch and prepared to read. the lettors which the i west-bound train (had brought in Froluamong -theadvertisem*ntawlth their typewriften envelopesvand the fashionable stationery of glrl friends she picked oat: the big letterTwith the Chicago the letter that she waited tori tram day.c totday, LThey were not engaged-rnot yet, but: 5 she they (would i betsome day when he shouid get established ln good hospital: position and should ask her e. -the fnnnlest experience that I tyK, everhad wlth? bears was overjln Salt rlter valley," began our.
wa over In the getting out' ties for, a contract? that (my brother-inlaw7' andX had with; tlie Utali Northern: Railroad company. We had cut all.the good jjl. bertT there was: In rthe 3 vicinity camp, and i were planning to movA? 1 started up 4 had plentyof meatl so to (carry gun. -1 Went up the jx I river about tan miles and located lot of When l(waa About half rauxedtfip over toe' toward plate where 1, thought had seen some timber that might be suitable up a shallowfflulch. iYhad i rh gone some when 1 sat down' to resL and whlle lfwastoere 1.
heard peculiar noise ln the bushes abote mA listened for. a (spellbind then np toe side, of the gulch to lnvestigatA" (j When(I had reached a (point 'Where I X'i t' i j'wii -r' rV4? A. -i-V i i'f. V'Y f. mo over feto'the SpoUosl (thlstviSr than that," i said with a ferocious grim oing to make you eat a quart of health' Ite a new Und mywlfe heard ofamd fixed up tor, ua Cnd lta pretty dxy.
but you'll eat every partide of it or I'll bore six holes through lt in that big bowLurn yburaelf' loose. oh( It! Wlth grim determinatioxx the lndlg nant householder stood Over Urn 'till it was finished," after (which he. picked up scoundrel, who, had fallen exhausted to Hoor; and threw; out vof the open pantry, Tlt may jldll hlm," sollloiuized fMr. Fsrguson somewhatremorsefully aShe crawled badc lntb bed without disturb-? Ingths of the who breaks into another man's house takes his life tolhte hsnd anyway!" 'QUeigo oi fitnnme wa toe stump of a large tree -that; had broken. off ftftesn rj.
1 Her fragrant petals their beauties showing Creep cmt to sprinkle hill anddell, Like showers of stars jin -the shadows slowing; tOr snowflakes blossoming where they fell charmed wood leaps ixxtojoyotu blooming, twere touched by afairys earth scents in the' rare perfuming Smithers That's an athletic ingchap. (Walks like long dlstanoe pedestrian. 'Wbnder if go Sneeriy: No.hei W( tong dlrtube flltoter. 1 1 A tL vi twenty? feet'- from the grouniLT A feet below toe place where If was broken off. part of single llmk branched aOtyJA tor about' tan.
feel ground, all around toe stamp was 1 beaten down as If animals were in toe( haMt of gathering" towAiThe noise thatf; had heard made; by three small (( Msck coming. foeA' 7 They were yearUngA(; I(( jhdgA. iu But what amused me wms toe solemn totamrLp 1 She tore the envelope open antld-pating the pleasure to come. ('jBut thls Itwas short and (stated; briefly that her expected to be married in lady was Miss Estells Whose father i Virginia Harwood Temembered is chief surgeon on the hospital staff and SThero, was fllttle else Hexcept Vj.thc name which was signed at the bottom The same bid with money ls Jnst as 'good. asa girl said (Miss'.
Harwood aloud with a hard little laugh as the dropped the sheets to the floor and lay staring; at Lsny farewell words came bade to her. iIt will be like death not to see you Let me oome once 1 flsf Jr! more just pneeu i ai long Che' sat before the After awhile she arose' and went to her writing desk. Her 'penflev hurriedly; over page of note' paper. Then she rang. her call-bell furiously.
Chs said to the boy at the saddle bin horse and take this note to the Malchero No, not tomorrow, tonight. Quick' now!" Then to herself, I'll teke another walk tomorrow with Larry VALUABLE GROSBEAK BOOS. look ontoeir faces as id they marched along; They actodj aa Iff (they wtocli' I dressed up and going to; Sunday sehooLi They, didn't see! me and' I kept quiet In 1 I '( TThey. stopped a 1 tewv" feet teem '( trea squatted via a'clrclA looked all? around. and then looked) at each others Finally one of them gave hla.
neighbor r' a push and a cuff, as much as to Go ahead; whafre you afraid (of r. It was. the. smallest, one -that-was urged, and ke got up and started for toe trea0 The solemn look' on the othrs faces gave way, and they watched theix; com-t v. A rade with toe greatest Interest.
1 immediately began to climb toe stump, and when had (reached limb he started (ont just boy that was going perform soma kindof trick And that was Just what 4 '( the bear. was going to do. I.had drawn a reserved seat at. a bear Brain walked oat along toe limb Just as If he was afraid of and toe other two sat down, there and grinned at him. He crawled along until he came to toe end -of toe limb,) where itwas broken off, and there he wlth his head1 hanging over; and; grinned back at his 'V -x Finally' he got upland -carefully -X-J- turned around, stood np on his hind feet Meantime lets build fire here now This stone was just getting warm comfortable hut and he began, to' gather the scattered dry branches, jin a moments -Haywood was down on the ground.
In spite of protests in a rich Irish voice, before a big roaring mass of glowing branches, and decayed Higher the wood flamed among the dark firs, tipping with evanescent fire the green branches of the trees and licking up the dry needles on the ground, Wjille the dirge moaned' on through the tall treeltops. Isn't this a Jolly fire? Youre very good to me, Mr. It 'was small reward for the months (- From toe (London Tit-Bits: bank, in HnH.5 Haying got fair-' ly inslds he.halled toe clerk with: What matey? How's business hey?" i- who was mil things to sH men! replied blandly! that; business was not so brisk; but doubtless would improve, and asksd-( the (briny one what he oouM (do for hlnk i Out came a check tram toe tars pocket, Pay to bearer 100," and he handed it to toe clerk wlth a chuekle. That's toe fruits of being a 'e toady young man, an theres more where that come 'from for rire had several years' crulzing round Chiny, and not for notoiitoTVZ. After scanning the check toe clerk asked toe usual Inquiry: How- will you hare It.
The -salt- hesitated a moment, leaned oyer the ebuntor and said dn a hoarse whisper: 'Well. matey, I don't want to be hard (on yer. Gimme ten pun' and take toe rest a pun a (i From toe BoetonAdvertiser? I walking in the direction 1 of a certain hospital the other, morning when .1 noticed a llttle girl some (five Or six years" pM toddling along at my hbels. Whem-ever. I stopped, she stopped and waited for mO'UntU I started on (TWellBess," I queried.
She looked coyly down atapalrjof ragged shoes. "What do you want? A I ventured. -(( (. I She shook her' head. I wants to toller, er to der "(All right; Come I answer.
ed; But what are (you afrald.of?" I-m a-scared (go alone. So'l tol-lera some one. of what? Iter Salvation she an- Dey ketches yer and brings yer armory house, an den dey says; Yer my chile, an so Im scared." -v-'. aoncHwm -1 From Spare Moments A drunken Irishman: was once lodged in the cell pf a Scotch? country I police station; When he Made a. tremendous noise by kicking' the cell door; with his heavy hob-nailed boots.
I The constable who had charge of the police station, going to toe cell door, opened lt little and (said ye mlcht pit aff yer bolts, an Ill gie them a bit rub, so that ye'll be respectable when ye come up afore the bailie toe (The prisoner. flattered at; the request, at once complied and 'saw his mistake 'only, when the constable' shut toe door upon him; saying coolly can kick awa, noo, my man, as lang as. ye I WilhtbePInelleedlBS. i By, Tisnnle Burling Crawford. (OapyrlshVlM.
by Dally Story PnK On) Isn't this alr fine? she cried en-thualaatf cally, lifting her face to the fresh of the woods. "Tou bet It tel? he" answered, grim- ly. pulling; up' hte coat collar and push- lag his headdown.lnto it another Inch. lovef-- this breesy country (don't you? It reminds me of she continued. I never have cold I weather out herejon the Pacific slope yi do you? Climate mild, but she.
I added Joyously sniffing the aromatic 1 breath of the woods. "Here the sharp i edges of the. Chicago winds aye all '(smoothed and rounded off so that they newcut nor (What thls athletic young woman en-Joyed ini this tramping about I in February weather orer muddy I roads, imlle after mlle, exclaiming oyer I the shifting clouds and the changing oolorslof the pine woods, Larry O'Neil not comprehend. ButTher whim his law and so she walked aid .1: he followed: Bred on a big. ranch, and accustomed to do hi Tehind plow; that kind of exercise presented ii': ai Ca' -a.
s-ns 4 1 '(Y'-T i- by XAd Wbo caugbS of tho Blrd. t-: Last February, when the temperar ture held at aero for a week at a time and the snow, was falling every other day. Hector. aged horse hair snares About his home andy caught more than two. dozen pine grosbeaks, says the oorreepondent of the New York Sun.
Most of them were females. He kept thebirtta ln a large; open and well-lighted room at the rear at thp barh and fed than, on seeds and refuse fruiL While the 'weather continued cold the birds (were mostly healthy and took kindly to the new way of ltte becoming fkt: and, fHsky with nothing to do (but eat and sleep. In March several patar. mated; built ntote and to Aprll the boy had seceured S4' fine spedmens. Then the spring: weather T.
and. started to walk tack to the trank of the tree, showing that he was. only pretending to be. afraid when he crawled' out on the ne had. nearly? reached the trunk he hurried up, i like a baby learning to walk when if Almost reaches Its mother's hands, threw', his paws around toa tree and.
came Gliding to the THe walked over to others, gave one of them a cuff, as much as to say: Well, Spnny( do yotfi think you can beat thatr and tat down as solemn' as-ever. The seeond onetoen started; to do his wht the KKGI.ISH1CAK DnnPT. rlck He went right. In to do hls turn -Pretty. Angelina BwlztleblOssom tad erlthoixt any preliminary flourisheA" He climbed to the top of the tree on the I hlx only the characteristics of hard labor, land he was 'thinking regretfully of the wanni and cosey little room they iV'hadileft atrher, imperious oommand.
Pf fl 1 HK GOT TBI MOITET'. From the London Answers: A-Hen-ley a sxi, aged 6, wha recently clamored for money, after toe manner small, boys' i'V What do you want to do with, asked his father. Oh, iibthing! responded toe (boy 'r'' (You money; and I buy everything you (need. or ought to! want, Bnle6e is some special I can't let you have it There-isn't any: la v. I It.You know how it papa; you were lit-tie atipeal: failed to move the pa-ter'e heart (so; toeyouthful i si y.
mm Now. fire zdilef from; home they were jj sitting down to -rest on a primeTal boulder (where the pine woods (sloped down to a rutty road. Pine cones lay thick upon the Above them (swelled grandly; the music of (the tree topA'Ij v. 0 the tald Miss Harwood, picking up a'' cone land E-arriving her; finger, on the sharp tlnos; iT; Ui ihouldn't thlnk'vthesji things would make a able- bed. 1 fallen from her wheel sprained her wrist; and Augustus A Bloomengar her.
manly escort, was" kneeling- by hier side endeavoring to bind a handker-chlef about the disabled member. Rubber neck, rubber neck," yelled nearby newsboy to a passmg Wheelman; who turned to look backAt the pathetic scene. "But her neck isn't hurt don't you replied toe as-' tdnlshed Augustus and toe newsboy went and pounded; hie headagainst a (ITapa, seppoee I wuto'mebta' hlgti-wajmanf in; a( lonely late at my And. suppose he should pull (out a pistol and say, JTdttle boy; your money or; YOur, what; could doTrff 1 Otf- Vv THB USUAL came and caused birds, to have ocmvulslons, from which ntorly (one blf died. Finding that he wotad be unable to, keep- his pets throug, the summer young Sanborn liberated the survivors allowing -them go north and! seek more congenial i temperature Last weCk the boy received an offer, of $4 each tor every.
plne grosbeak egg he could (spare. He shipped thirty: to the Boston haturallst who wlahed to complete coUection of rare and two "deans ago hef received check for 1120. If next winter proves tolbe cold; enough to drlve.the gros-beaks to MAine the boy can see a big fortune' on 'easy terms; Hi 'Contrary to (prevailing: imprea-zion, the Sultan of (Turkey has a niim-ber of tastea in common wjth; the Eng-lish-epeakixig people. He admires outdoor sportc aud (la. said to; he hlmeelf a good shOtf He iafond of orserand and most or his like j( in gome tiine sgo he engaged an expert ctoch; man froxiij England to teachsome(of the princes to drive tandem(and four-in-hand.
After a littie(whIle; however, the( Bntphmtn-yfak dismissed and had conziderable difficulty In; collecting the 'jxrviMWasnt it pine needles. Instead of pj iburiaTfV; asked her companfon on tho boulder moving more the tree trunkiMC i Perhaps' it was, and the teacher of physical culture in the 'little college -iffit' (-j laughed hHtheiy, Jumping up and up' the hill to another Bide opposite to the limb; JHS went over) the top and came down on the other slda, head first, catching himself on the llmkl Then As walked ouftotoe end of limb standing feef-turned arouud, all the time standing -tot twoX: feet. and walked the same ner. Hc twlatea Vitlrely (around: the1 limb" on- the tree trank anien came' down and Joined hie. grinning oomradeA eolemhly scratching 4 hte nose and nod-; -ding for number three to show what he coulddoi--phv third1 one was soon onjthe limb doing bite stand-up walk.
fhen he waa near, the end he balanced for a mbment others, who grinned tack at him. Then (7 he lay down st.toSr end of thettmb: -X? hte head" iand 4 fore feet- hanging down untH.lt seemed as If Ae must; slide; off; He balanced himself across toe limb, let an four feet hang find grinned at X-; the vV''l- is "As soon as the waa tm (round number one started, for '-toe tree (with regular? eake-Valk and? pranced out on the, limb manner Z--, that proved he had been fooling toe others In hte first attempt. He did aU of their. tricta'; witoiease.Vand: proceeded to let himself out and set a iy; He batencedandf. swung? and hung with hte head downito a.
most reckless he hugged fast; zty 'X with all four paws and swung himslf old story.1 of vj devotion; (which he.had lavished upon her (ever since she: had come to thej It made'; his Irish heart warm, for the darUn. loved to' be good to heK When the brief show fell, before the Chinook wind had. melted- It (like he would leave (the1 chttes at the jpanck to -takeher. sleigh-riding through, the1; sllent woods warm wind fanned thelr faces and the green boughs bent low a bur-denVof molst snow Not sound the jingling of the bells as they flaw7 along not; a human being but them-selTes ln the Hiawatha, toreat." vWhen the. skatlng was good or a dance Miss Virginia Harwood was sure of i haviug the best partner of them alljfor her.
escort. ix. soon as the roads (were passable hevhad promised; to show. her the bi-QreleT and the lakes and hills lying over there against theblue horizon she loved 1 welL The fire.lia going cyNdl. came tho voice that was like a singing Kr.oC.ashlagton(grahite.
--O; come; herur phe 'TTou canhear up the Svj4- lamp zilttl 'ZiAUOHa. saw toe doctor at yota door Is any one slCkl? Nellie" (aged Papas 'goi the; exclamatory? Neigh borXOh; no. Yon mean Inflsmmatorj anyway, hejnst oGw (alii toe 3 i very- muchf afraid 111 mtotTOU In heaven Johimy," said, a Sunday iuool teacher; to a mlschlev-one pupil exclaimed toe ((Incorrigible yonth-what have you, bees doing "xi H' 1 First (Attendant: Well, that's to most.dtecooraglng thing Ive heard yet' Second Whats that! They have thej organ stops all out now," tThe big -Iriah' lad. his (long lashed gray eyes reveling in the Olbson pio- iC4o nnder the limb and up on the other, Whenvhe reached the ground he: gave each of hte comrades a poke In the ribs: and, seated himself': with the(-( v-' -i --r hobhy bf making a (collectfon of old and curious (weapons F'Flrsf Attendant: Heres a man.from Jersey Clty says he'd rather ta Jr T-S WMbUctM! katea'-TMfth. Wt bird in hla (heart He( heaped the odorous, reslqous branches and flames leaped up sgaiu Theh he threw himself down' beside her on thej soft needles and 1.
put his arxnT about her waist-and dragged.her, head down upon' his shoulderandxnadly kissed her lips. A sudden gust tossed the flames high among the treealTMiss HarWood forcibly; satup. and jlooked; at hlte in, an amazement too absolute Truly he waa yery handzome, this uh-j tutored- savage, vi J31s? fire' under the black (eurllng the healthy Mood Showed redlncheek ud gleA cvldantly that he had 1 (( them a' pace that they couM not follow.V! two" wasnY to be outdone' In toismanner," however, and he started tn.Y;;HaXdld (all tricks Af.toAOthcra even: fo, crawling around the limb while hanging far out near toa end. He tosu swung hlmsslf neath again rand ftarted. to sllde along the, limb while hanging in tote: Hte specess Jn tote hlml bolder, XrXX d-1 and he attempted to dhow a -nttte -rj7 r-; BHtlab Ay(.
BaV SlMtflMtaW. isjobt unknown; In, the thiei; Tbntk emr, ploymtiaiateMtpraiMWorthyrpne, in boachlxig ambitious prttotes for thdr first and zecozyiclasi certificate; Among niart -corps -there. itfe'. scores ofgood but; neglected educatioh. Once they attafo thelr vflrst' cla8s certificate they are(Bligible for promotion, and subsequent recommendation for commissioned honors.l(They$.ofaa.employ same thoroughly -well Tanker to coach them! His pay varies.
Pear- v. 1W! (( Did sny one ever his play fera-' ye indemahiswlfs readmit1 A0UBAa (UIIOUTBKiBOT. saldlthsyoung? Whose income was $19,000 hour seemed thatf you had decided not' to buUd libraries or universities Would serre perpetuate; your memory but had made your mind, to 7 withdrawtfrom business-to andfletl somebody; eisehave. the" name Und of a chance; that youhad when you. started, and the jriCheet In the' country wae worth coir about after off aB these eacM -you gpt to piling your' pockets with 'money and going around hunting tor people who really needed a aV iuptwH naiai every Httle while It seemed (thatyou When John (Pierpont Morgan traveli1 would run across; somebpdy who (Was ju has a teain of flve xnost elegantlj Just about to becompened to give up appointed coaches at his disposal 2 ctrugtf and you'd fteoJUm stead of merely a private ear; he hai enough; to set hlm on his feet, or, at a whole i train that; Is under his lmst to make him comfortable in his I laet and toen you'd stand back Thb( Baltimore Dental CoUege, 'toe oldest dental couege In theworld; has In-lts posseazion onfi' df 'toC'totostllfi- terestlng zrilcs of Georgs This' tolle rs A br srttflctelteeto, made by Dr.
Greenwood, a dentist, whs was also an bfflcer In the Continental The teethwers iwdrh for; some by Gen- Wazhtogfoni Dr. Greenwood 1 afterward xnade the general a second whlch i he wore hte. death, which was (Ibnrled wlth The first sri Vas'afterwsrd presented to i toe (dental eollegb. iby Green? As mnch as $SJN)0 has been offered for tola set teeth, bnt the fao-nlty: of the college refused the offi couldn't hdp it1 iT love you! sol an' I know the likes of you" would not bis lookin' at methie daybutil do be lovin. any one Mae tnrr- suye that he leaving a (AVftA ffnp MIA tllti Ml too fmudL He.
let; loose with? one fan paw and hnng for instant thret dlJX: eeL He had Just? started; to reoovei himself when hla off and'down he- came striklfig equardy on his, nosA'X: i had wanted. to laugh I had held In until then. Rq the naiK.CsP. ner In? which "toe, little began' 1 cry andrnb hte. nose! while hte eoaapan-'Veil The teethy were Vexhlbiledy at the lons drmgged aronnd him, appearing trr.V';'ZV Fair In -i poke Dm at him, wu too wad Mughtaright out.lutaeetiUg.?'':-;7XZ-X:v': -That broke up toe chow la soon as toe been locaua the counf they scampered off through the kreto ai Zt mr.
t. Chs eould not What had Che done that this lad should to ridleu-lousf hThs msn she hadknown would hare understood. They could care of themselveslratthls hot-eyedyoung hero -kThe fire wsa burning scain. like you.