Snakes and Lions - chunkerror - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Annabel Takes The Stage

Chapter Text


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Finlayson,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

I glanced over the letter, and squeaked in excitement before handing it back to my father. He chuckled, and my mother hugged me tightly.

"We're so proud of you, Annabel. What house do you think you'll be in?" I frowned in thought, and burst out an answer.

"Hufflepuff!" My dad laughed.

"Just like your grandpa, eh? I was a Ravenclaw myself, back in the Dark Ages." My mother spoke.

"I was a Gryffindor, but of course we're proud of you no matter what house you're in." I smiled, and bounced up and down. My dad read the letter again, and looked at me over his glasses.

"So, what do you want? Toad, cat, or owl?" I knew immediately.

"Owl." My mom laughed, and nodded.

"Well, it’s the twenty ninth of July, so I'll go get the return letter written up while you take her to Diagon Alley, Jess." My dad hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back before I skipped out of the house, holding my mother's hand, and we Apparated to Diagon Alley, me keen on getting my school supplies.


"So. What kind of owl would you like?" I frowned, deep in thought, and looked over the choices of hooting owls in Eeylops Owl Emporium. I caught sight of a whitish screech owl, and pointed at it eagerly.

"That one." My mother nodded, and the assistant walked over, gently lifting the owl and placing him in a cage. My mother paid for him (15 Galleons) and we exited the cramped shop, re-entering the alley proper. The next and final stop on our path through Diagon Alley was the wand shop, Ollivander's. We entered into the musty store, shelves upon shelves of wands, behind a small desk, at which sat a wizened old man.

"How may I help you?" My mother smiled.

"We're here to get her a wand." He nodded, and rose from the chair, approaching me with a tape measure. He spoke whilst he was measuring seemingly random parts of my body, such as length from shoulder to foot, and length around my head.

"Which arm is you wand arm?" I spoke confidently.

"Left." He nodded, and hummed to himself as the tape measure measured me all by itself. I giggled, and it fell to the floor in a heap as he roamed the shelves behind the desk. He rummaged around, before pulling out a shorter box and opening it.

"Hawthorn with Unicorn tail hair. Nine inches." I took it, and held it for a moment before he spoke.

"Well, go on, wave it." I gave it a wave, and the quill on his desk burst into flames. I very quickly handed it back while he extinguished the fire, and he shook his head before heading back into the shelves. He browsed through the stacks for what felt like ages, occasionally muttering to himself quietly and shooting questioning glances at me. Eventually, after a long wait, he reappeared with a box in his hands that was coated in dust.

"I have had this wand for a very long time, as no one has been able to wield it correctly, but I wonder if you might." He opened up the box, coughing slightly from the dust clouds that rose, and lifted a beautifully ornate white wand.

"Cherrywood, with Dragon Heartstring. Thirteen inches." I took it, and a warmth flooded my hand and arm. He smiled.

"I believe we have a match." I handed the wand back to him, and he placed it back inside the box before handing it to me. My mother paid, while I was busy looking at the wand, having already removed it from the box, tracing the patterns in the handle as we exited the store and headed home, me eagerly awaiting the train ride to Hogwarts.

"Be safe. Make sure to write us. We love you." I replied to my mother and father from the window of the carriage.

"I love you too. Both of you." She smiled, while my father chuckled as the train began to pull away. I stuck my head out of the window, and waved to them until the train pulled around the first curve. I was already dressed in my school robes, as I was incredibly eager to get to the school, and I sat back into the seat, owl (whose name was Marcus) in the seat next to me, sleeping in his cage. I pulled out my wand, and began to look at it curiously, enjoying the beautiful carvings into the white wood, and sat back, determined to read up on Hogwarts by rereading Hogwarts, a History for a fourth time. Just as I was about to open the book, a girl with bushy brown hair opened the compartment door.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one." When I shook my head, she sighed, and shrugged before speaking again.

"Well, I'd much like to take a break and sit for a little, if that's alright with you." I shrugged, and she collapsed into the seat across from me, holding out her hand.

"Hermione Granger. You?" I shook her hand, and replied.

"Annabel Finlayson. Nice to meet you." She smiled, and I smiled back. After a moment of silence she spoke again.

"So, what house do you think you'll be in? I think I'm going to be in either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor." I frowned.

"I don't know. My dad was a Ravenclaw, while my mom was a Gryffindor, but I'm a little curious to find out what the Hufflepuff common room looks like." She giggled, and nodded before leaning forward and speaking in a conspiratorial whisper.

"I hear that if you go into Slytherin, it's almost certain you're going to be a Dark Wizard. Almost everyone who ever was in Slytherin turned bad." I shivered, and nodded.

"Well, let's hope neither of us are in Slytherin." She nodded as well, and stood.

"Well, I'd better keep looking for that toad. It's been nice talking to you, Annabel." I smiled, and replied before she left.

"Let's keep in touch, Hermione." She smiled, and left, replaced almost instantly by a lady pushing a trolley of sweets, severely depleted for some reason.

"Anything off the trolley?" I dug into my pocket, and pulled out a handful of Sickles and Knuts, the bag full of Galleons safely tucked into my trunk. I handed her a few Sickles, and took a Pumpkin Pasty before thanking her. She moved on, and I sat back, enjoying the treat as the train chugged along. Presently, long after I had finished the Pasty and my stomach was beginning to growl, the train slowed before pulling into a station. I jumped up, and left my things in the compartment, as my mother had told me to do, and followed everyone out of the train, meeting up with Hermione outside. We then followed a humongous man who had to be half-giant down a staircase and onto a small dock, where several boats were lined up. He instructed us to climb in, three to a boat, and I climbed into one with Hermione and another girl, who introduced herself as Lavender Brown. Hermione and I talked about Hogwarts for the entire boat ride, only pausing to gasp at the sight of the castle, lit up in the night. We passed under a rock, and found another dock, disembarking and heading up a staircase, the group stopping in front of a severe looking woman.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The Sorting will begin shortly." She led us into an area before the Great Hall, and we waited for a few moments. I looked up, and spotted a group of silvery figures floating above us. I nudged Hermione, and pointed up at them.

"Yes, I suspect that they’re the school ghosts. Apparently there's one for each House." I nodded, and watched them for a little while, until the group was led into the Great Hall, the ceiling displaying the weather outside. I heard Hermione whispering about it, and smiled as we walked past the people sitting at the tables, watching us pass. We stopped a little bit in front of a stool with a hat sitting on it, which, to my surprise, opened its mouth and began to sing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

When it finished, and the applause from all of the tables ended, the woman from earlier unrolled a scroll. I was towards the middle of the group, and didn't really pay attention until I heard my name.

"Finlayson, Annabel." I pushed through the group, and hopped up onto the stool, grinning at Hermione. The woman placed the hat on my head, and I heard a voice whispering into my ear.

"Hmm. You've got a lot of promise, an appetite for power, and I see that you're a pure blood. Well, the best choice for you is- SLYTHERIN!" The last part was yelled to the entire room, and I hopped down from the stool after the lady took the hat off, smile slipping from my face as I trudged over to the Slytherin table, which was clapping loudly. I took the only seat with spaces on both sides, and sat, miserable, as Hermione and Lavender were both sorted into Gryffindor. I listened to the rest of the names, looking up when I heard Harry Potter. He was sorted into Gryffindor, and I sighed, resigned to my fate, and, after a meagre meal of a cheese sandwich (I had lost my appetite), I mumbled along to the school song sadly.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something, please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot."

I stood with the others, and left, following the prefects along with the rest of the first years, a few huge thugs who seemed to be hanging around a short, thin kid with slicked back blond hair and a snooty appearance, with a few girls who looked just plain mean. We arrived at a small door in the dungeons, and one of the prefects spoke the password loudly so we could hear it.

"The password tonight is 'Salazar,' and it changes every night at midnight. The new password is posted on the notice board every morning." The door swung open, and we entered. I gasped at the sight of the common room: it appeared to jut part of the way out into the lake, for the windows looked like they showed the bottom part of the lake, this fact given away by the fish swimming in front of the window. The common room itself was beautiful, green-ringed tapestries depicting different witches and wizards, low-backed furniture arranged haphazardly around a crackling fire, with several tables off to the side with chessboards on them, a chair on either side. The mantelpiece of the fireplace was lined with different jars filled with pickled things in them, such as a small rat, a frog, and what looked like a human eyeball, and a skull resting on the mantelpiece by itself on one corner. The floor was stone, but it had several emerald and black coloured carpets on it, and the prefect led the four girl first years to a door on the right.

"This is the entrance to your common room. Your trunks are inside, and the beds they’re at are the ones you're sleeping in." We entered, me last, and I spotted mine at the foot of a four-post bed with green curtains around it. I sat down on the bed, and felt the soft duvet under my hands before a girl asked me a question.

"So, Finlayson. Pure-blood or Half-Blood?" I looked up, and saw that the girl talking to me was Pansy Parkinson, another first year. I cleared my throat.

"Pure-blood. It's nice to meet you." She sniffed, and replied.

"I'm a Pure-blood, too. What about you?" She spoke to the other girl here, who had straight brown hair and green eyes.

"Half-blood. My dad's a Muggle." Pansy shrugged.

"At least you aren't a Mudblood. In my opinion, a Mudblood shouldn't even bother showing up to Hogwarts." I frowned a little, and spoke up.

"My parents always call them Muggle-born. They say Mudblood isn't a very nice term." Pansy snorted.

"Well, as long as you're in Slytherin house, they're called Mudbloods. Got it?" There was an edge in her voice, and I nodded quickly. She smiled, completely changing her expression.

"Great! Let's go meet up with the boys." We stood, and traipsed out, me taking a seat away from the other girls at a chess table. They met with the boys, four total, and talked quietly. I prodded the chess pieces, noting that they were a traditional wizard chess set, and sat there, gazing at the board while my mind wandered. I was in Slytherin, the one house I didn't want to be in, and I was pretty sure Hermione Granger wasn't going to want to be my friend now, because I was in her rival house. I also had to deal with how strange the other first-years were. Pansy seemed to be nice and happy all of the time, but it was just a cover for a very calculating personality, as she seemed to be glancing at me every so often, and dropping her voice into a low whisper when she saw me looking. I shrugged it off, and was interrupted by an older Slytherin boy.

"Want to play?" I looked up, and saw a boy with green eyes and light brown hair. I shrugged, and he sat.

"My name's Jack. Yours?" I prodded a pawn with my finger, making him scoot forward a space.

"Annabel." He nodded, and we began to play, talking dying down as the game got more and more intense, both sides taking heavy losses and making clever strategies until he checked me.

"And, if I'm not mistaken, mate." I frowned, and peered down at the board, pieces of chess piece scattered over it. My King was corralled by his Queen and a rook, who seemed to be eying the King evilly. I frowned, and moved one of my rooks, taking his Queen and freeing my King. He swore, and moved a knight up, cutting off my path of escape for the King. I laughed, and moved my Queen down to the row the King was on, checkmating him with another rook I had waiting. He swore again, and threw his hands in the air.

"Good game." We shook, and he waved his wand, reassembling the pieces and moving them back to their original positions. I glanced at the clock that hung over the mantel, and was surprised to see that it was quite late. I bid him good night, and he chuckled before I entered my dorm, changed, and crawled into bed, the other two girls already asleep.

I woke up, saw that I was the last person up, and sighed, rolling out of bed before I pulled on a pair of robes, picking up a piece of paper on the bedside cabinet. I glanced it over, and realised it was my schedule.

8:00 Transfiguration

9:00 Charms

10:00 History of Magic

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Care of Magical Creatures

2:00 Defence Against the Dark Arts

3:00 Potions

4:00-Basics of Flying

I set it back down, as I had a free day before classes started, and left the dorm, entering the common room to find that the password had in fact changed (Phineaus). I exited, and made my way to the Great Hall, spotting Hermione walking to it as well. I ran up, and tapped her shoulder.

"Hi, Hermione." She smiled a little in return, and we walked together for a little bit talking about the classes we were taking, as we seemed to be taking the same classes with each other. When we arrived, we talked for a few moments before separating. I sat down next to Pansy, who was watching me suspiciously, and I filled my plate with sausage and toast before she spoke.

"Were you talking to Granger a few seconds ago?" When I nodded, she shuddered.

"She's a Mudblood, Finlayson. You talking to her makes Slytherin look bad." I frowned, and turned to her.

"Why can't we just be friends? She's a nice person, and really smart." Pansy snorted, and turned away, leaving me to eat most of my food, her whispering to the other people at this section of the table. As I was taking a sip of Pumpkin Juice, the goblet suddenly tilted too far, spilling all over the front of my robes. I spluttered, and gasped as what felt like a glass of steaming hot tea was poured down my robes. I sat there, completely soaked through, chest and stomach burning from the tea, and scowled deeply enough at Pansy to make her scoot away from me. Someone whispered into me ear next to me.

"Muggle-lover." I turned, and spotted the thin blond first year, with a scornful look on his face. I jumped out of my seat, tears welling up as the entire group of people at this section of the table laughed at my appearance, and dashed out of the Great Hall, crying. I made it to the stairs to the dungeons before I sat down, tears streaming down my face. I cried for a little, mostly from the scalding burns I had on my body, but also from the laughter that had sounded as I'd gotten up and ran. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and flinched, turning and looking up to see Granger, looking at me with a concerned expression.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I sniffled, and shook my head. She helped me up, and led me to the nearest girl's lavatory, which was thankfully empty. When we arrived, I pulled my robes up, and showed her the burns. She made an empathetic face, and I pulled my dirty robes back on, her leading me out of the lavatory and towards the Hospital Wing.

"Madam Pomfrey'll be able to fix it. Don't worry." We arrived, and found the older lady changing the sheets on a hospital bed.

"Hello? Madam Pomfrey?" She turned, and saw my face, and hurried forward.

"What happened? Are you alright?" I shook my head, tears coming back as the burning feeling returned, and explained that I had spilled hot tea down my robes, omitting the part where someone else had done the tea pouring instead of me. She nodded, and led me over to a bed before pulling up a privacy curtain. I pulled my robes off, and showed her the burns. She grimaced, and left me for a moment or two before returning with a small jar and some bandages. She took a brush, and began slathering the burn marks with the ointment (which felt blissfully cold on the burns), before she would wrap the bandages around me, covering the wounds up. When she finished, she handed me a tight shirt.

"Wear that under your robes. It'll help keep the bandages from moving." I nodded, and carefully pulled the shirt on, making sure the bandages were in place, before I pulled on the robes and met Hermione by the door. When we left, I explained to her quietly what had actually happened. She was shocked, and a little anger.

"Those pigs! Why did they do that?" I hung my head.

"Because they saw me talking to you, and I told them you were my friend." She frowned. I continued.

"It's because you're Muggle-born, or, how they like to call it, Mudblood, and I'm a Pure-blood. We're not supposed to mix." She huffed, walked in silence for a moment, and spoke.

"Well, I'll just have to leave you alone, then." I frowned as well, and spoke.

"Why would you do that?" She turned to me, stopping. I followed suit, and she looked me in the eyes, speaking curiously.

"Because I'm the reason you're getting bullied. Don't you understand that?" I nodded, and shrugged.

"Yes, but you're my friend. They aren't, and I think I want to keep my only friend, even if she doesn't have the same kind of parents I do." She smiled, and I smiled as well before we resumed walking.

"So, what are you going to do when we get back into the Great Hall?" I hummed, thinking.

"Either I'll sit away from them, or with you, if that's alright." She nodded, and we walked back into the Great Hall. I glanced over at Pansy, who was watching me beadily, and smiled imperiously before walking alongside Hermione and sitting next to her.

"I don't know if I'll be able to sit here all the time, but I'll try." She nodded, and I ate some more food, ignoring the strange looks I got from the other people at Gryffindor table.

Chapter 2: Pranks and Bullies

Chapter Text

Over the next weeks, my bond with Hermione grew, as did the number of tricks and jokes played on me by my fellow Slytherins. They ranged from filling my bed with dirt and worms while I was sleeping, dying my hair strange colours while I wasn't paying attention, and, at one point, them drawing MUGGLE LOVER on my forehead as I slept with a magical ink, because it didn't come out for a month. I grew used to hiding my books at night, and double-checking my bag before I left class to make sure it hadn't been jinxed to rip when I was out in the halls. It was Halloween, and I was waiting near the door to the Great Hall for Hermione, MUGGLE LOVER rewritten on my face, beginning to get nervous because she wasn't showing up. Professor Quirrel dashed past me into the Great Hall, and, after a moment or two, I caught sight of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley hurrying out of the hall, and began to stealthily follow them after I heard them mention Hermione. I crept after them, ignoring the screams from the Great Hall, and followed them into the girl's lavatory on the first floor, finding a massive troll. I screamed, causing the thing to turn, and alerting the others to my presence. It roared, and swung it's club, causing me to dive out of the way. I spied Hermione, cowering under a sink, and crawled over to her, avoiding the sight of the troll, who was currently being distracted by Weasley and Potter. I checked to make sure she was alright, and turned in time to see Weasley using the Levitation Spell on the club and dropping it on the troll's head. It collapsed with a rumble, and Potter crawled off of it, wiping his wand on the troll's shirt. I helped Hermione to her feet, and supported her as she shivered, watching the troll fearfully. I was about to thank the two boys when Professor McGonagall, the severe woman from the Sorting, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house, and a few others came bursting in.

"What happened here?" McGonagall spoke. We stood in silence for a moment, before I opened my mouth, speaking quickly.

"I thought I could beat the troll, because I had learned a Freezing Charm in Charms last week, and I almost got killed. These three saved me." Snape scowled at me, and I shrank back. He spoke, voice oily with anger.

"I am disappointed in you, for being foolish enough to think you could take on a mountain troll by yourself. Thirty points are going to be taken away from Slytherin, and you will serve a week's worth of detentions, the task of which these detentions will cover being decided by Professor McGonagall." He turned, and left, me hanging my head in shame, while McGonagall awarded the three five points each for saving me. When she left, Hermione turned to me.

"Why did you-" I held up my hand, waiting for a moment, listening for footsteps, and nodded.

"Sorry. Just making sure no one was listening in." She resumed.

"Why did you lie to save our necks?" I shrugged.

"Because it's the exact opposite of what Pansy Parkinson would have done." She smiled, and I inclined my head to Potter and Weasley before exiting the bathroom and walking back to my common room, speaking the password and entering to find several people waiting. Pansy stepped forward.

"Why did Slytherin just lose thirty points?" I shrugged, and started to go to my dorm, a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"You did it, didn't you?" I sighed, and nodded. She turned me around, and, to my surprise, slapped me hard across the face. I stumbled back, and reacted on instinct, as I had been doing ever since people had started bullying me. I kicked her in the stomach, and she doubled over. I flipped my hair over my shoulder, and entered the dorm, intent on getting some sleep before they began to harass me again.


Hermione had left for Christmas break, leaving me alone, so I consoled myself by rereading the letters my mother and father wrote me. I always wrote back, not necessarily telling them everything that was going on, just the high points of my week (which were few and far between, but I made it work). I was sitting in the Great Hall, alone, at Slytherin, face graffiti-free for the moment, working on a scroll for Potions. I was making slow progress, mostly because I was having to check every few moments to make sure no one was sneaking up on me. I sighed, and wrote out the last sentence, shuffling around my notes, looking for extra information. I finished, and wrote my name at the top, as well as the title. I was an inch over the minimum length (one foot), but I was happy with it, as it was well-written. I looked it over a few times, and, just as I was about to roll it up, a thick, black substance dripped all over the paper from above it, blotting out the words on the scroll as well as most of my notes. I turned and saw Jennifer, the other first year girl, holding an upturned glass with a nasty smile on her face. I smiled back, and drew my wand, clearing off the mess and returning my notes and scroll to their former state before rolling up the scroll and packing up my notes. I rose, grabbing my bag, and walked past her, out and along a roundabout route to the library to work on the rest of my work in peace. The reason I took a roundabout route was because if someone followed me for a moment, they couldn't determine where I was going without following me the whole trip, giving me a chance to catch them following me. I arrived, and found a quiet corner before settling in to work through the rest of my homework.

I woke up on Christmas Morning to an empty room, with a small, neatly organised stack of presents at the foot of my bed. I sat up, and checked my face in the small mirror I kept by my bed. Nothing written on my forehead, and my hair was its natural blonde. I climbed out of bed, and approached the pile, picking up the first box and inspecting it. It was small, golden coloured, and neatly wrapped with with a black ribbon. I untied the ribbon, setting it gently on the top of the pile, and pulled open the box. Inside it was a gold ring, with the Slytherin S in green emeralds on it. The note attached read:

We thought you might like a piece of jewellery to wear. This was your great-grandmother's when she was alive. We love you.

-Mom and Dad

I smiled, and slipped the ring on, admiring how it reflected the eery green light of the room, and set the box down, lifting a significantly larger one up and opening it. Inside it was a package of sugar free sweets, with a note from Hermione wishing me Happy Christmas, and that she'd be back soon. I smiled, and pulled open one of the small wrappers, popping the candy in my mouth. I enjoyed the taste of black cherry as I set the box down and moved on to the remaining three boxes. I picked the closest one up, and opened it to find a fluffy green sweater with an 'A' sewn into it. Inside the box was a folded up note.


I asked my mum if she could make you a sweater too, seeing as we're friends and all. Meet me and Harry at lunch, we can hang out in Gryffindor common room.


I pulled it on over the shirt I wore, and smiled before picking up the next package, a moderately sized one with a pink bow. Inside it was a bracelet made into the shape of a snake, and when I touched it, it gently curled up and around my arm until it rested comfortably around my wrist. The note with that one read thus:

Congratulations on being a Slytherin. You know, maybe the Slytherin genes skip three generations.

-Uncle Archie

I shook my head, and gazed at the bracelet, which was remaining cool to the touch despite being in contact with my warm skin. I grabbed the last box, a long, slender black one, and opened it to find an ornate eagle feather quill. The note attached was only three words, and very mysterious.

From your admirer.

I shrugged, and placed it back in the box before heading to the Great Hall to hang around until Ron and Harry arrived, as it wasn't quite lunchtime. I arrived at the Great Hall, and made to sit down on a step when I heard my name being called. I looked up, and spotted two people who looked exactly alike, sporting red sweaters with the letters 'F' and 'G' sewn into them. I walked over, and one smiled.

"I'm Fred, and he's George. So, you're the Slytherin that we heard Ron talking about?" I nodded, and sat with them.

"It's nice to meet you two." George chuckled.

"She's definitely a lot nicer than the other Slytherins." I winced, and nodded.

"Sorry about that. They're pretty nasty most of the time." Fred nodded.

"So, I hear that you've got a cunning, sneaky side. Care to elaborate?" I grinned.

"Well, it's only a rumour, and I'm not claiming responsibility, but those cauldrons didn't spring leaks on their own, especially on the day we were making Sleeping Potions." George laughed, and we shared a high-five. Fred leaned forward.

"So, we've got a prank in mind, but we need a third person with a quick set of hands and a disposition to pranking. Know anyone?" I pretended to think, frowning in concentration.

"There is one person, but she needs to know what the prank is before she decides whether she joins in." Fred shrugged. "Well, we were planning on slipping a few choice ingredients into the Slytherin House's food before the Christmas dinner. Of course, the third set of hands would be over here, enjoying the chaos. But, the only problem is, the ingredients we need are in a special place, and we need a third person to get in while two people keep watch." I shrugged. "I'm game. As long as it's Slytherin, I'm okay with anything." George chuckled, before Fred continued.

"So, we've got to get into Snape's private stock, to retrieve a couple special ingredients such as completely Undiluted Bobotuber Pus, Venemous Tentacula eggs, and a hair from a unicorn. We need you to be the one who gets the stuff, while George picks the lock and I stand guard." I shrugged.

"Sounds good. But, I've got to meet Ron and Harry here for lunch at noon, so that gives us just under two hours." We rose, me eating a slice of toast with a fried egg on top, and headed out quickly, hurrying to the dungeons as fast as we could, entering the Potions room and shutting the door behind us. George picked the door to the private stock using a bobby pin (which I found strange, but didn't question it), and, when he finished, pulling the door open silently, revealing a musty hallway with shelves lining the walls and hundreds of jars sitting on them. I moved quickly, snagging a large jar of bobotuber pus, a small box of Venemous Tentacula eggs, and a single silvery unicorn hair, which I carefully handed to George along with the rest of the ingredients. We left the way we came, George relocking the door, and moved down a series of hallways until we reached a painting of a bowl of fruit. Fred reached up, and tickled the pear with his hand. It chuckled, and the painting swung outward, revealing a large kitchen filled with house elves. Fred and George entered quickly, followed by me, and they explained the need to add these ingredients to the food going to Slytherin's table at dinner. The house elf they were speaking to nodded, and a few others carried the things off as we left. The painting swung shut, and Fred and George slapped high fives, me walking behind them.

"Of course, this won't be permanent, but they should start to feel the effects after the feast is over." I nodded, and we re-entered the Great Hall, sitting down together at the Gryffindor table.

"So, what are those ingredients going to do?" Fred shrugged.

"Undiluted Bobotuber pus is going to cause some horrible acne, the Venemous Tentacula eggs are going to give them an incredible stomachache, and the unicorn tail hair is going to make them all emotional and sappy. It's quite the interesting effect." I nodded, and resumed eating breakfast, chatting with the two, until breakfast turned into lunch and Ron and Harry arrived.

"Hey, Annabel." I smiled, and they sat next to me.

"So, what do you say to a few games of charades in Gryffindor common room?" I swallowed the bacon I was chewing, and replied.

"Sure. I don't think I've ever played charades. Is it a Muggle game?" Harry nodded.

"Sort of. You write down a bunch of things on little pieces of paper, and put them into a hat, and the paper you draw is the thing you've got to act out. Whoever guesses correctly gets a point." I shrugged.

"Sounds fun." We stood to go, and the twins stood with us.

"D'you mind if we play too, Harry?" He shrugged noncommittally, and they followed us to the painting of the Fate Lady, which was the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Ron spoke the password, and we entered into a much warmer and welcoming common room than Slytherin's. Red and gold carpets, with soft chairs that looked to be overstuffed for comfort, and a much larger fireplace with no skulls on it. I gazed around in wonder, and Fred laughed.

"Doesn't hold a candle to Slytherin's I bet." I shook my head.

"This is better. Slytherin common room is beautiful, but it isn't very nice. It's always cold, and they've got a skull sitting on the mantelpiece." He chuckled, and I watched Harry write different things on slips of paper and put them into a hat.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" We all stood there in silence for a moment, until George stepped forward and stuck his hand into the hat, withdrawing a slip of paper and reading it before he stuffed it into his pocket, and turned to us, with a condescending face.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for being a minute late." His impression of Snape was spot-on, and I called it out as we all laughed. I stepped forward as the others dragged chairs to make a half-circle around the area, and stuck my hand into the hat, withdrawing a slip of paper and reading it. I smiled, and glanced around, grabbing a walking stick from a small stand near the door and mounting it like a broom. I rode around for a while, eliciting a laugh or two while they began to call out things like 'Quidditch' and 'Broomstick' until I placed it on the ground and began balancing it, reaching out in front of me for an invisible Snitch. Ron leaped in.

"Harry on his first game for Gryffindor!" I nodded, and took his seat as he stood to pick a slip from a hat. We played charades for a while, with the winner eventually turning out to be Fred. I waved to them, nodding slightly to Fred and George as I did before leaving for the Great Hall, as it was growing near time for dinner. I took my seat at Slytherin table, alone, as usual, and didn't eat anything. I just had to make sure I was seen at the table, so I wouldn't be fingered as the culprit. I entered, and took my normal seat at the far end, sitting carefully away from the food as the Slytherins that were staying over for Christmas dug into their food. I covertly watched, stomach rumbling but me ignoring it, as I was interrupted by Harry appearing.

"Hey, Annabel." I smiled, and patted the seat next to me.

"Sit down. What's up?" He did, and shrugged.

"Ron, Hermione, and I have been working on something but we can't find out exactly what it is we're looking for. Care to help?" I shrugged, and nodded.

"Sure." He sat, and reached for a turkey leg. I quickly stopped him, and spoke quietly.

"I wouldn't eat anything from this table tonight, Harry." He looked at me curiously, and I explained the situation between glances at the other people at the table. He nodded, and continued talking, carefully avoiding the food.

"We're looking for information about a certain someone named Nicholas Flamel. Ever heard of him?" I frowned.

"No, but the name seems familiar. I might have read it somewhere. Come find me if you find out, please. I'm a little interested now." He nodded, and rose to go back to the Gryffindor table. During the rest of supper I was lost in thought, trying to remember where I had heard the name Nicholas Flamel, and I walked out behind the rest of my House, eventually arriving at the door, finding it closed. I spoke the password, but, to my surprise, the door didn't open. I sighed, and realised that the password I knew wasn't today's password, but yesterday's, because I had forgotten to read the notice board this morning from the note from Ron to go to the Great Hall. I sat down next to the door, intent on waiting for someone to come out of the common room so I could get in.

The cold from the stone floor had long since seeped into my skin, and I was shivering an incredible amount, teeth chattering loudly. I knew that knocking on the door would be pointless, because no one would let me in, as they would think it funny to let me freeze, me having found that out after five minutes of pounding on the stone door. I heard robes sliding across the ground, and looked up to find Professor Snape looking down at me gruffly.

"What are you doing out in the corridor? It is past midnight." I shrugged.

"I don't know what the password is, and no one would let me in." For a second, his eyes seemed to soften, before his gaze hardened again.

"The new password is 'Archibald.'" The door rumbled open, and I stood, still freezing cold, and entered. He followed, and, as I sat close to the fire, he asked me another question.

"Who are the people that have been bullying you, Miss Finlayson?" I shrugged.

"No one, really. Just a few people. It's not really bullying, it's just-" he interrupted me harshly.

"These people left you to freeze outside the door on Christmas Day. I'd say that that is bullying. If you don't want to tell me who, at least tell me why." I shrugged.

"Well, it's mostly because I'm friends with Hermione Granger, the Gryffindor Muggle-Born, but also because I mostly talk with Gryffindors between and during classes, or that I won't call Muggle-Borns Mudbloods, like they do." His face darkened, and his voice was devoid of any oiliness or emotion when he spoke.

"Annabel, you must tell me who these people are, so I can punish them for this. Have they done anything else?" I sat quietly for a moment, debating with myself whether to tattle on them, before nodding. I slowly explained all of the things they had done to me, including the part about writing MUGGLE LOVER on my forehead twice. His scowl grew deeper as I spoke, and he sighed.

"I would normally take a significant amount of points from their House, but, as it is your House as well, I won't. Detention for a month will have to suffice." I quickly interrupted.

"I don't want them to be in detention. I mean, they're mean and all, but I don't want them to spend time in detention for it." He looked at me curiously.

"Strange. Normally students would beg for retribution, especially a Slytherin such as yourself. But, you don't. Strange, indeed." He mused for a moment, before rising. I did as well, and he spoke.

"Farewell, Miss Finlayson. Make sure to read the notice board tomorrow." I nodded, and, once he had left, crept into the dorm, silently undressing for bed and slipping in amid Pansy's loud snores.


The next day, I was woken up by Pansy, who hissed at me.

"Professor Snape has called a meeting in the common room. Probably because of something you did." I groaned, and rolled out of bed, quickly pulling on a pair of pants and a jumper before hurrying out and into the main room. Snape was waiting, with the entire Slytherin House, in the common room. Once he saw that I had arrived, he cleared his throat.

"I won't bother with a speech." He moved through the crowd, singling out the individuals who had bullied me so far.

"Twenty points from Slytherin. Ten points. Fifteen. Thirty, ten, forty, five, and..." He had arrived before Pansy, the last person on his list. He looked down at her imposingly.

"Seventy. Plus a week's worth of detentions. If any of you have a complaint as to why this happened, please come to me. Thank you." He swept out of the room, and the eight people who had been singled out were mobbed by the other Slytherins, who demanded that they explain why this had happened. I slipped out of the room, and headed quickly to the Great Hall to escape the inevitable backlash as they figured out that the only people who had been punished were the ones that had bullied me. It never came, and I heard a huge wail sound behind me, as I dashed into the Hall and sat in a seat next to Fred and George, quickly trying to act normal. With a flood of footsteps, the entire Slytherin House burst into the Great Hall. I noticed that almost all of them had severe acne, blackheads and huge white-headed pimples covering every inch of exposed skin, while around half of them appeared to be quite queasy. Fred and George contained their laughter as the teachers converged on them. Fred leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"The best part is that it doesn't last that long. It should go away right about... Now." As he said that, I watched, and saw that the acne was slowly fading, as was the nauseous looks. I giggled, and turned back around, digging into breakfast as the other Slytherins filed to their tables, heads hung. I continued giggling, soon joined in by Fred and George, and we laughed for a while, until I was bent over, holding my stomach, and they were still chuckling when they left the Great Hall.

Chapter 3: A Quick Year

Chapter Text

I was in the library, working hurriedly on a bit of History of Magic homework, when I was approached by Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

"We figured out who Nichloas Flamel is, Annabel." I perked up, and turned to them, interested to finally hear who this guy was after almost a month of waiting. Hermione spoke up, setting a couple books down on the table next to mine and sitting down.

"Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone, which can turn any metal into gold and can produce the Elixir of Life, which is said to grant the drinker immortality." I frowned.

"Okay, but why does that matter?" Ron dragged his hand over his face.

"We forgot to tell her. Right, quick story is, Snape's trying to steal the Stone for You-Know-Who, and it's hidden under a three-headed dog." I looked at him incredulously, until I realised by their grim faces that they were serious.

"Great. So now I've got that to worry about now along with all of my homework." Harry shook his head.

"No, I don't want you to worry about it. We'll take care of it, you just work on your homework, and keep a normal life going." I chuckled.

"Harry Potter, I'm not going to back out of anything as exciting as this. I'm in, for whatever it is we're doing." Harry groaned, and shook his head.

"Seriously, we can handle it, Annabel. There's three of us." I nodded along, and responded once he finished.

"Yes, but four is better than three. It's simple strategy. Might as well overwhelm your enemy than fight to a stalemate." Harry frowned, and sighed.

"Fine. We'll come find you if we need you." They left, except for Hermione, who was working on her own homework. A few minutes after they had departed, Hermione whispered to me.

"Hey, can you... Er-well, I mean, hmm." I frowned, and looked over at her.

"It's for an extra point, and I... Uh... Couldn't figure it out." I looked over the question, a Transfiguration riddle (McGonagall sometimes put in a riddle for extra credit on her assignments.).

"'I've got four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three at night. What am I?' Well, that would be a human, wouldn't it? Because a baby crawls on four 'legs,' an adult walks on two, and an old person towards the end of their life might use a cane, hence the third leg. It's the Oedipus Riddle." She nodded fervently, and copied down the answer.

"You're a lifesaver, Annabel." I smiled, and replied before turning back to my work.

"Call me Anna. It's what my mum calls me." She smiled, and we resumed working in silence, one of us occasionally rising to put back or look for a library book, until she finished, leaving me alone working on my homework. I scribbled out a few sentences, wanting to finish as soon as possible, and rolled up the scroll on Giant wars, picking up my bag and hurrying out of the library, intent on grabbing a snack from the Great Hall before I stayed up all night in the library to work on an assignment for Charms. Normally, I would put it off until the next day, but it was a Saturday, and I wanted to have a day off from working. I grabbed a handful of peanuts, and ate them hurriedly, downing a goblet of orange juice and leaving for the library once more. I arrived, and found my spot taken by a Hufflepuff third year, so I relocated to a section farther down, and set my things there. I pulled out a spare sheet of parchment, and opened my Charms book, horrified at the prospect of a two foot long scroll on Levitation Charms, and set to work.

I sighed, rolling up the scroll and glancing out of a window. It was bright outside, me having successfully hidden from Madam Pince through the night as I worked on my assignment, only pausing to sneak out a little before midnight and memorize the new password, and stood, drowsily making my way out of the library. I yawned as I sat down at Gryffindor's table, next to Fred.

"Where's George?" He shrugged.

"Working on a scroll for Potions." I nodded, and dug into a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy, a bad substitute for a healthy breakfast. I ate, and sighed, thinking about the Sorcerer's Stone and Snape, resigning myself to keep a close watch on the three to make sure they didn't sneak off to the three-headed dog without me. I yawned again, eyes drifting shut despite my earnest attempts to stay awake, and I leaned over on Fred, dropping my spoon as I fell asleep.


I jumped up, and dashed after the hurried footsteps I heard passing by me, carefully following them, utilizing my abilities at sneaking to follow undetected until they stopped before a door on the third floor. I ran up, not attempting to be secretive anymore, and spoke, breathing heavily.

"You can't sneak past me. I'm a Slytherin; I've learned how to be sneaky." Ron swore, whilst Hermione unlocked the door with a spell and Harry withdrew a flute. We entered, and I gasped at the sight of a sleeping dog, so large it appeared to fill the entire room, brown fur covering three massive heads, which were resting on its paws as it snored loudly. I spied the corner of a trapdoor under one of its paws, and cautiously stepped forward, noting that a harp was quietly playing itself, keeping the dog asleep. As I neared it, it slowed, and stopped. To my horror, the dog began to awake. I waved quickly at Harry, and he stuck the flute between his lips, playing a simple tune, causing the dog to fall back asleep. I gently pushed on the paw, slowly moving it out of the way until it wasn't covering the trapdoor anymore. I opened the door, beckoning the others forward, Harry still playing the flute, and we peered down into the hole. It was dark, without a discernible bottom, and I shrugged before glancing at the others. I whispered, "Well, what are we waiting for?" and jumped into the hole, robes billowing out around me. I landed in a tangle of vines, and moved quickly out of the way, as the others landed one by one, ending with Harry. I glanced around, spotting a door on one side of the room, and struggled over to it, realizing with a start that these weren't ordinary vines when one began wrapping around my legs, almost causing me to fall down.

"Hermione! It's Devil's Snare!" She gasped, and drew her wand as I stumbled, vines threatening to pull me under.

"I can't remember the last half of the rhyme, Anna! Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare. Loads of fun, but..." I shouted out the last half just before I was pulled under the surface of the vines.

"Sulks in the sun! Light, Hermi-" I was pulled under into a seething mass of vines, slowly constricting my throat until the pressure suddenly vanished. Light returned, and I was pulled out of the vines by Ron. I gasped in a breath, thanked him, and followed them through the vines until we reached the doorway, me making sure I was well away from the vines before stopping for breath. I placed my hands on my knees, and breathed for a little bit, shaking my head. I stood back up, and followed them through the next door into a tall room, full of keys that seemed to be flying with the assistance of wings. I spied three brooms leaning against the wall, and spoke.

"I think we have to catch the key. You guys take the brooms, I've never been good at flying." They nodded, and I watched as the mounted the brooms, kicking off and quickly figuring out a plan to catch the key. They swooped back and forth, almost working in perfect synchronization, and Harry caught the key after a few misses. They landed, and we hurried through the door, Harry releasing the key back into the air when we were done. I nervously led the way, stepping out onto a large, flat space in the dark. I squeaked in surprise as braziers lit around a square area, me grasping the meaning of it immediately.

"Guys, it's a chessboard." Towering marble statues, black and white, shaped like the pieces on a wizarding chessboard, the black side closest to us. I frowned.

"Do we just... Walk across?" I stepped out into the board, and the white pawns drew their swords, blocking my path.

"I suppose we've got to play across, Annabel." I nodded, and retreated behind the white pieces.

"Let's pick out spots. Harry, you play a bishop; Hermione, you be the queen's rook; and Ron, you be the king's knight." The pieces in question shuffled off of the board, Ron mounting the black horse. I frowned.

"Where should I go..." I peered around, evaluating multiple strategies, and sighed.

"I'll be the king." The corresponding piece shuffled off of the board, leaving a black marble scepter, which I picked up.

"So, traditionally white goes first." As I spoke, a pawn on the white side moved forward. I calmly breathed, and began the game. It progressed painfully slowly, me thinking extra carefully after I saw what a pawn did to the other bishop. I picked up on the patterns that the white side followed, and presently began to realise that I would have to sacrifice someone to win. I played dangerously, moving the king about the board like any other piece, narrowly avoiding checkmate after checkmate until I had been corralled by the white queen, not yet in check but two moves away. I swore. Ron spoke up, watching anxiously.

"Annabel, I've got to sacrifice myself so Harry can checkmate the white king." I shook my head as the others reacted vehemently.

"I can figure out something, I have before." I sat there, precious seconds wasting away, until I was hit with an idea.

"Ron, if I check myself, can I force Harry to checkmate the king? Because this isn't an ordinary game of wizard's chess, and I might have a chance at getting someone through." He sighed, and shrugged, before nodded.

"I guess so, but be careful." I nodded, and moved out of the spot I was in. The queen moved after me, checking me in an easily escape-able space. I nodded to Harry, who stepped forward diagonally, checkmating the king with an already-placed rook. The king turned to Harry, and dropped his sword, signifying we had won. I smiled, and made to step forward, but was stopped by the queen, who, out of nowhere, swung her fist at me, back-handing me so hard I flew across the board, landing painfully on the centre, several ribs cracked and my face bleeding. The others rushed towards me, and I grunted in pain.

"Annabel! Are you alright?" I waved them off, and spoke.

"Go. You need to stop Snape from getting the Stone. Leave me, I'll be fine." They seemed reluctant to leave, but I scowled at them until they did. I looked angrily at the white queen, who was watching arrogantly (which was hard to tell, because she didn't have a face) from her space. I laid back, panting, the broken ribs sending waves of pain through me as blood dripped down my face and onto the floor. After a few minutes, Ron and Hermione returned.

"Where's Harry? Are you two alright?" They nodded, and Ron picked me up gently, pulling my right arm over his shoulder as Hermione did the same with my left. They explained the situation with the potions to me as we slowly made our way back, me trying not to slow them down too much, and, once we reached the entrance to the Devil's Snare room, I gasped, and fell out of their arms, hands clutching my side. I leaned against the wall, and coughed, sending what looked like blood onto my hand. I swore, and sat down, back against the wall.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll only slow you down." Hermione sighed, and squatted next to me.

"We can't. We don't know how to get out, and there isn't a ladder." I nodded, and sighed, before snapping my eyes open at the sound of someone's voice.

"I believe that I would be remiss if I didn't offer you a little help, yes?" I looked up to see Dumbledore, looking kindly at me. I shook my head.

"Harry needs your help more. He's farther down." Dumbledore frowned, and waved his wand, floating us up through the hole to where the dog was asleep, a floating violin playing sweetly. I found Madam Pomfrey waiting, and she loaded me onto a stretcher as Ron and Hermione told her what had happened. She waved her wand, and the stretcher rose, me on it, and we quickly moved down the hallways until we reached the Hospital Wing, her unloading me onto a bed and bustling around, giving me a potion to drink.

"This will help you to sleep while I work on some of the more serious damage." I drank it in sips, and, as I finished, my eyelids began to droop, sleepiness overwhelming me.


I woke up, with bandages running around my ribs, and an empty Wing except for Harry, who was unconscious on a bed a few spots down, with a veritable mountain of candy and cards next to him. I sat up, and swung my legs over the side of the bed, wearily standing, leaning on the frame of the bed for support. The entrance opened, revealing Dumbledore, who walked quickly over to me.

"Are you alright?" I nodded, and he stood in front of me.

"That was very brave, what you did. How you played the chess game. Ronald Weasley told me." I smiled weakly, and he smiled as well before continuing.

"So, I'm planning on giving you a measure of fifty points to your House, thus putting you in an unbeatable position for House Cup." I shook my head, to his surprise.

"No?" I continued shaking my head.

"No, the points shouldn't go to me. All I did was play chess, Ron, Harry, and Hermione did all of the real work, like finding out who Nicholas Flamel was, or Harry going up against whoever he fought after the last test. I don't deserve them. They were the ones who caught the key, and beat the potion riddle." He chuckled.

"Perhaps you'd have been a good Hufflepuff, Ms. Finlayson. I wonder if the Sorting Hat considered that before choosing Slytherin." He winked at me, before helping me up from where I had been sitting on the edge of the bed, and we walked to the Hospital Wing door, exiting to find an empty hallway.

"I'm surprised that your Slytherin friends didn't make an appearance once they found out you were in the Hospital Wing." I snorted.

"I'd be surprised if they had." He frowned, and looked down at me.

"And why would that be?" I shrugged, and looked down at my feet.

"They don't like me too much." He queried me as we continued walking towards the Great Hall.

"I heard as much from Professor Snape, but I didn't know they disliked you to that extent." I nodded grimly, and we stopped outside of the entrance to the Hall.

"This is where I leave you, I'm afraid. I'm going to see if Harry is awake, to get him to the final feast on time." I smiled, and thanked him for walking with me. He chuckled, and nodded before patting my shoulder and leaving me there. I waited for a second, and took a breath before limping into the Great Hall, tottering dangerously because I didn't have anything to lean on, and slid into a seat at the edge of the Slytherin table, filling my plate with lamb chops and roasted duck before digging in, occasionally sipping from a goblet of ice-cold water, and ignoring the looks I got from the other Slytherins, who had scooted as far away from me as they possibly could. I sat there, alone and a little sad because no one would talk to me, and was interrupted in my loneliness by two voices.

"Are these seats taken?" I looked up, and spied both Fred and George standing next to me.

"Not at all, gentlemen." They sat on either side of me, and began to eat, talking happily to me and each other as we waited, eventually shouting in joy as Dumbledore announced the new additions to the points. I smiled, and clapped as they embraced each other. I chuckled, and was watching them pretend to swoon as I felt a trickle, then a flow of something ice cold down my back. I jumped up, and turned, spying Pansy Parkinson giggling madly as she backed away from me. I scowled, deeper and more maliciously than I ever had before, and she quailed. When she had sat back down, I sighed, and took my seat, ignoring the water that had drenched the entire backside of my robes. Fred and George watched me nervously, for a second, until I waved it off. They shrugged, and sat, resuming their conversation.

When it was time to get off of the train, I pulled my shirt buttons together, covering up my scars from the burns I had received, and stepped off of the train, loading my things onto the trolley with the assistance of my parents. I smiled, and we exited, soon setting off for home as I recounted my year at Hogwarts, avoiding the bullying part altogether.

Chapter 4: Alihotsy Draught and a Nat 20 Animal Handling

Chapter Text

I was out in our garden, picking weeds from in between the flowers, when my mother came up to me. she sat next to me, and spoke.

"Why don't you take a break for a little, Annabel." I shrugged, and sat back, wiping the sweat from my forehead. She spoke gently.

"Annabel, is there anything you want to talk to us about? Anything at all?" I shook my head, and she sighed.

"Well, we received a letter from Hogwarts along with the traditional supplies letter, and in it, Dumbledore said that you'd been having some problems with the other Slytherins bullying you. Is that true?" I sighed in return, and nodded. She frowned, and continued.

"Well, why are they bullying you? You're such a nice girl, I can't imagine any reason they'd have to do that." I shrugged, and she rubbed my back as I talked.

"It's partly because I'm friends with a lot of Gryffindors, but mostly because I'm friends with Hermione Granger, the Muggle-Born Gryffindor." She frowned deeper.

"Why would they bully you because of that?" I looked down at the ground, and responded quietly.

"Because apparently 'a Pureblood Slytherin associating with a Mudblood Gryffindor makes our year look bad to the other Slytherins, Finlayson, and if you don't stop talking to her we might just treat you like a Gryffindor.'" My mother gasped a little, and spoke angrily.

"Well, if that's what they're saying, just tell me who they are and I'll write to their parents demanding an apology." I shook my head sadly.

"It won't make a difference. They'll just bully me more because you did. I'm doing fine as I am, mum. It's alright." She shook her head vehemently.

"No, it isn't alright, because they're ruining your Hogwarts experience." I chuckled, and blew a piece of my hair from my face.

"Well, I haven't just been taking it lying down, you know." She view me suspiciously.

"I haven't been doing stuff as bad as they have, but I have gotten a little bit of revenge here and there." My mum's face turned stern.

"Annabel Finlayson, what did you do?" I shrugged.

"Well, one time I jinxed their cauldrons so they spilled Sleeping Potions all over them, and another time I worked with Fred and George Weasley to get the entire Slytherin house, but other than that not much." She scowled at me.

"What was the one where you worked with the Weasley twins?" I raised my hands in defeat, and spoke.

"We put a bunch of different ingredients in their food before the feast. I think it was Venemous Tentacula Eggs, Undiluted Bobotuber Pus, and a Unicorn Tail Hair." I heard a chuckle from behind us, and turned to see my dad, standing quietly behind us.

"Sorry, I laughed because I know what those do." I giggled, and shrugged.

"Nothing harmful, mum." She huffed, and viewed me piercingly.

"The letter also had a side-note from Madam Pomfrey. Something about burns?" I blanched, and shrugged as nonchalantly as I could.

"It's nothing, really." She sensed I was lying, and went in for the kill.

"Well, if it's nothing, then you can show me, right?" Dread filled me, and I shrugged, standing up.

"I can't do it here. We'll have to do it inside." I led her into our house, up the staircase, and into my room, a cozy little nook with a white shag carpet and a twin bed in a corner. I shut the door behind me, and pulled off my shirt, revealing the scars on my chest and upper stomach. She gasped, and I shied away, a little embarrassed about being shirtless in front of my mother, and quickly pulled the shirt back on. Her face darkened, and she pursed her lips.

"I need to talk to your father for a second. Stay here, I'll come and get you when we're done." I nodded, terrified at what she could be talking to him privately about, and sat on the edge of my bed for what felt like a split second before she called me downstairs. I rose, and exited my room, slowly walking down the stairs and into the living room, where they were sitting on the sofa. She gestured to a chair, and I sat, unnerved by their looks, and watched them nervously. My mother spoke.

"Now, we've talked, and it is your father's opinion that you just keep your head down and stop revenge-pranking altogether. I, on the other hand, cannot bear to see my daughter beaten by a bunch of rich snobs who think their parents own Hogwarts. So, I am going to teach you the ways of Gryffindor pranking." I frowned in surprise. My mother, teach me how to prank people?

"What?" She continued.

"When I was in Hogwarts, I was one of the best pranksters of my age, and the reason why was I never got caught. So, I'm going to teach you how to respond back with even more pranks, and for them to not have a clue who is doing it." I smiled excitedly, before responding.

"Sounds good to me." She cracked a grin, and pulled out a small, worn journal.

"I wrote down all of the pranks I pulled starting from the middle of my second year through my seventh. These should help you out a little." She cracked open the journal, and we began reading.


I was sitting in my compartment with Hermione, both of us wondering where Ron and Harry were between our eager discussion about Gilderoy Lockhart being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, as the both of us were completely enamored with him. I was skimming through the journal one last time, still a little surprised at how many pranks my mum pulled off without getting caught. Stuff like dropping one of Filibuster's Wet Start Fireworks into a toilet in the girls room to make them all overflow, bewitching the House Point gems to stay in the middle of the jars, instead of on the top or bottom, and my personal favorite: enchanting people's books so that they appeared to have grabbed their Charms book, but when they arrived at class they found that they were holding their Transfiguration book instead, coupled with disappearing parchment tricks. I was excited to try some of them out, and couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. As Hermione and I continued to discuss Gilderoy Lockhart, we arrived at the station, this time boarding the carriages instead of the boats. As the carriage trundled along, I eagerly told her about the journal, to which Hermione replied with surprise.

"Wait, so your mum was Jessamine Argloss? She's Fred and George's hero, or so I've heard from Ron. I bet they'd demand to come home with you at Christmas to meet her." I giggled, and drew my wand, absentmindedly tracing the carvings in it as I waved it, making the journal float up into the air. It did a few loops, to which Hermione scolded me.

"We aren't supposed to do magic outside of classes, Anna." I shrugged, and ended the spell, book dropping into my hands.

"You're no fun, Hermione." She sighed, and we disembarked, me still wondering where Ron and Harry were at as we separated at the entrance to the Great Hall. I took my seat, everyone scooting away from me, which I was used to at this point, and I put my head down through the opening song and Sorting, only looking up to sing the school song before I started to eat. As I ate, I was interrupted by a Ravenclaw second year, who watched me curiously for a few seconds before I looked up at where he was standing.

"May I help you?" He cleared his throat, and spoke quietly.

"Well, I was wondering why you were sitting all by yourself." I shrugged, and glanced around at the other Slytherins, who had scooted away from me.

"They don't like me too much." He frowned, and made to sit down. I stopped him.

"You can't sit here for the start-of-term feast, as you should know, but maybe tomorrow you could. Sometimes I sit with the Gryffindors during the school year, so people would talk to me. I could see you then, probably, if you're so bent on being friends with me." He smiled, and nodded before leaving, me resuming my meal and not thinking much about it.

The morning after the feast, I was the first one up in my dorm, having already grabbed my schedule and was sitting with Hermione at the Gryffindor table when the Ravenclaw from last night walked up to me.

"Hello, Annabel." I waved, and he sat next to me.

"I don't think we've been introduced, Mister Ravenclaw." He blushed, and held out a hand. I shook it, and he spoke.

"Jeffry McLanahann. I heard you were the Slytherin that helped Potter, Granger, and Weasley get past the third floor defences." At my surprised face, he chuckled.

"Everyone knows about it, but not what the heavily guarded object was, if you'd care to enlighten me...?" I shook my head, intrigued by his strange line of questioning.

"No, I promised Dumbledore I wouldn't." I had done nothing of the sort, but it seemed easier then just denying him the information without any reason. He nodded, seemingly down at not being able to learn what it was the teachers were guarding. I resumed eating, and he sat there for a moment in silence before he spoke again.

"Well, that's all I really wanted to know, so I'll be on my way. Oh, have you heard the rumours?" I frowned.

"No, I haven't. What are they about?" He smiled maliciously.

"They're about you, Finlayson. A very chatty Slytherin second-year was more than eager to share with the Ravenclaws, and we've been spreading it slowly through the other houses during last night." I frowned deeper as he left, and turned to Hermione, who was determinedly avoiding my gaze.

"You've heard the rumour, haven't you?" She nodded meekly into her toast.

"Well, what is it?" She frowned.

"I don't know if you want to hear it, Anna." I placed my elbow on the table, and scowled at her. After a minute, she sighed and turned to me.

"They're saying that-well... They say that you and I-well, nevermind." I understood the implication behind her words, and sighed.

"It's okay, Hermione. I don't care what they say. We're friends, and that's it. I don't care what other people say." She smiled, and sniffled, me realising she'd been quietly crying this whole time. I drew her into a hug, and she spoke quietly.

"This'll just make people talk more, you know." I shrugged.

"Let them talk. It's all they have. At least we've got friends in each other." She smiled into my shoulder. I heard a wolf whistle, almost quiet enough for me not to hear, and I turned my head, shooting a glare at the whistler, a Hufflepuff who immediately looked terrified at the sight of my glaring at him. Hermione drew back, and I patted her back as we resumed eating. I finished, and stood, withdrawing my mum's journal from my robes and flicking it to a certain page, which listed several jinxes of my mother's making. I left the hall, stealthily drawing my wand and aiming it at the Ravenclaw. The jinxes themselves were invisible, so I wasn't in any danger of being caught, and I cast it, watching with satisfaction as Jeffrey McLanahann doubled over, coughing up small pieces of paper, each one reading a different curseword. I giggled, and turned to find Fred and George watching me with curiosity.

"What spell is that, Anna?" I shrugged, remembering what Hermione had told me about Fred and George idolizing my mother.

"My mum, Jessamine Finlayson, used to be a prankster of sorts when she was here. She lent me her old journal with all of the pranks she ever pulled." In unison, both of their jaws dropped.

"Your mum is the legendary Gryffindor prank artist Jessamine Argloss?" When I nodded, Fred leaned forward.

"Let me see the journal." I handed it over, while George watched me in awe.

"I never made the connection between the two of you. Probably because you're in Slytherin, while your mum was in Gryffindor and hadn't married yet." Fred looked up, his eyes lighting up.

"Hey, George. Come look at this." He leaned over the book, and his eyes lit up as well.

"We've gotta do this." I frowned.

"What're you talking about?" Fred looked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Your mum was planning a prank of epic proportions when she was in her seventh year, but she needed an extra set of hands." I looked over the journal entry, noting that it spanned several pages and was very detailed, the smallest time executions noted.

"'Direct at Hogwarts House of choosing.' Probably Slytherin, because she was dating my father in her seventh year, and no one ever plays pranks on Hufflepuff." George nodded, looking over the list.

"This is going to take a while. We'd better start now, and even then it's going to take almost two months to finish. What does the supply list look like, George?" He flipped the book over, showing an entire page of scribbled notes.

"Long, but doable. Wait, hold on. Some of these ingredients, I'm not sure about them. I don't know whether Snape's even got 'em. We'll need something called an Alihotsy plant. Pretty rare." I stepped in.

"Alihotsy? That goes into a Alihotsy draught. Hysteria potion. If we overdo it, It'll get pretty nasty." George nodded.

"Well, Anna, you'll have to split your time between classes and preparation. Weekends are going to be filled with it too. Either say goodbye to sleep, or good grades. Your pick." I shrugged.

"I'm already getting over a hundred percent in all of my classes, so it won't be to terrible if I miss some here and there. I'm in." Fred and George looked at each other. "We've got to do this. For the memory of your mum's pranking escapades." They nodded in agreement, and I rolled my shoulders.

"What do we need to do?"


Around two months later, the plan was almost done. The only thing left was to move an entire cauldron of Alihotsy Draught halfway across the castle.

"Alright. Move." We dashed across the hall, the cauldron securely sealed so the fumes couldn't affect us. Fred and George crossed the hall, carrying the cauldron, while I kept watch for any teachers, or Heaven forbid, Filch. We entered a sealed classroom, our main base of operations, and I shut the door behind us.

"Okay. We've got to pour this down the drain here, because it's the only one that connects with the vents for Slytherin’s common room. Now, as soon as one of us starts pouring, the other two need to get into position. Who wants to be the one pouring the potion?" I raised my hand, dead tired from the late nights or early mornings, with the weekends of non-stop preparation. We'd taken shifts to check on the potions, which ranged from the Alihotsy Draught to a complicated potion that caused strange hallucinations. I'd gotten a whiff of the Alihotsy Draught, luckily with Fred at the time, as I'd lost my mind, screaming and trying to tear out my hair. Fred viewed me nervously.

"Are you going to be okay with it? I know last time you accidentally got a breath of it..." I waved him off, and replied confidently, "I'll be fine. Besides, you two are less likely to mess up the other parts of the plan than if I was trying to do them. Now, let's get Slytherin back for a year and a half of bullying." They nodded, and left me alone in the room with the sealed cauldron. My part of the plan was simple; I just had to pour the potion into the drain in the old Potions classroom and book it to the common room after they left. I waited for a few minutes until they were supposed to be in position, and sighed. I took several deep breaths, holding the last one before opening the cauldron and tipping it over, slowly pouring the Draught into the drain. As it poured, I held my breath, trying not to breath in at all, and, when I was halfway done pouring the potion in, my hands slipped, sending the potion spilling all over the floor and my robes. I gasped instinctively, and promptly felt my throat start to close over. The maximum dosage allowed is half of a teaspoon, and I had just poured half of a cauldron all over myself. I began to shake, falling back onto the floor as my heart seemed about to burst from my chest, and screamed as loud as I could, the sound muffled somewhat by the swelling in my throat. My left leg began to spasm, kicking out back and forth as my teeth slammed shut, clenching together and refusing to open, muffling my screams even more as the last of the Draught drained through the floor. I laid there, unable to move while my body shook violently, random muscles spasming back and forth while I tried to scream for help but couldn't owing to the clenched teeth and swollen throat. It was all I could do to not suffocate, and I began to cry, heartbeat punctuated by brief stabs of pain into my chest. I shivered in the cold room, and wondered if anyone would ever find me, or if I would die here. Finally, the suffocating began to get the better of me, and my vision began to darken. Before I was fully unconscious, a jet of icy-cold water sprayed over me, bringing me back to the world and un-gluing my jaw, me letting loose a choked scream. My vision slowly cleared as I was picked up, and carried along the hallways, me hugging the carrier tightly. The last thing I remembered before I passed out was a shock of bright red hair.

I awoke in the Hospital Wing, laying down on a bed with Fred sitting next to me, asleep in a chair. I tried to speak, but couldn't, a garbled cough the only thing escaping my lips as a jagged line of pain ran down my throat. Fred bolted awake, and viewed me in surprise.

"You're alright! Madam Pomfrey, she woke up!" I gazed around wearily, and was confused to find several people laying down in various beds, some with curtains around them. Just then, Madam Pomfrey bustled up, viewing me curiously.

"Are you alright, girl?" I nodded, and pointed to the others. She shook her head.

"Don't you worry about that right now. You inhaled a near-fatal dose of Alihotsy Draught that sent you into a coma and severely damaged your throat and vocal chords. I'm surprised you're alive, and, from what I've gathered, you've also got a strange problem with your heart that I'd recommend seeing a Muggle doctor or at least a nurse at St. Mungo's about. Where are you going?" I had gotten up, and had slowly made my way over to one of the beds, on which laid Hermione Granger. I pointed at her and turned to look at Madam Pomfrey, who looked down at her feet sadly.

"She's been Petrified, along with the rest of those poor souls. Professor Sprout is working on the cure, but the Headmaster is considering closing down Hogwarts due to the danger." I looked back at Hermione sadly, as she stared at the ceiling, frozen in place. I put my hand on hers, and felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked sadly at my friend. Fred walked over to me, and put an arm around my shoulders.

"She'll be okay, Anna. Professor Sprout's almost got the Mandrakes ready for the potion that'll revive them." I nodded, and heard Madam Pomfrey speak.

"Now, your heart seems to have been weakened by the potion, so no strenuous activity, period. I'd advise Mr. Weasley here to be with you at meals and in between classes, as he seems bent on making sure you're alright." I smiled as Fred turned beet-red, and Madam Pomfrey left us there. I patted Hermione's hand once more, and was about to leave when I heard the crackle of paper coming from her hand. I frowned, and pulled out the scrap of paper from her hand, unfolding it and reading it over quickly. I froze in shock, and hit Fred.

"What? What is it?" I showed him the paper, and he read it, eyes darting across the paper like lightning. He spoke quickly.

"We've got to get this to-" He was interrupted by George.

"Fred." He turned, as did I, and I stopped mid-turn as I spotted George's face, sadness obscuring his features.

"The Heir. They took Ginny." Fred's arm fell off of my shoulder, and my jaw dropped. I jumped into action, taking off and making for Lockhart's office, where I knew he'd be preparing to face whatever this monster was. I dashed through the halls, taking breaks every so often because I seemed to tire very quickly, before I burst into the classroom to find him frantically packing. As I shut the door, Ron and Harry exploded into the room as well. Ron spoke.

"Where are you going?" Lockhart turned, and looked at the three of us nervously.

"I-ah, urgent call. I've got to take it." I frowned darkly, and drew my wand, Harry speaking next.

"You can't just leave, not now, when someone's been taken!" Lockhart smiled strenuously, bent over his trunk and looking at us over his shoulder. He suddenly whipped around, wand drawn, and I reacted without thinking, slashing my wand. His wand jumped out of his hand, and landed in mine. He viewed me with terror, and I scowled at him. Harry then took him and led him through the halls, Ron and I in tow, before we entered Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry walked up to the sinks, and spoke in a strange language that I could somehow understand.

"Open." Before my eyes, the sink split itself open, revealing a massive hole leading who-knows-where. Ron pushed Lockhart in first, the Harry went, Ron following, and I stood there, conflicted. Do I go and help, which might not be good for my weak heart, or stay and wonder if I could've helped save Ginny. I shrugged to myself, and hopped into the hole, sliding down the slimy tunnel, turning this way and that way until I was sure we were far under the school, tunnel finally ending in a rocky cavern that Harry, Ron, and Lockhart were slowly exploring. I hopped to my feet and used the Illumination Charm, light emitting from the tip of my wand (I was slowly becoming more and more proficient at using magic without speaking), as I hurried to catch up with the group, who were examining a large snakeskin that had to be at least twenty feet long. I shivered, and nodded along with Harry, who was speculating about the size of the snake. We moved past it, and continued onward, eventually stopping when Lockhart fell down. I scowled, and turned to find him pointing Ron's broken wand at Harry. I pointed my wand at him, but was too late, the Obliviating Spell causing a small explosion as it backfired on Lockhart, sending rocks and boulders cascading down on us. I held my arms over my head and dashed forward, meeting Harry on the other side of a cloud of dust. He inched forward, followed by me, and we discovered a wall of rocks. He called out to Ron, who responded, and Harry decided to press onward, me following him until we reached a vault door with ornate snakes covering it. Harry spoke in that strange language again, opening the door, and we entered, finding a long stone passageway ending in a large, open, chamber, in which Ginny lay in a puddle of water. Harry dashed forward, followed by me, and he tried to wake her up while I looked around for danger, spying a boy bending over to pick up Harry's wand. He seemed to be blurred at the edges, as if he wasn't really there, and I pointed my wand at him. I tried to speak, only emitting a grunt of warning, causing Harry to look up in surprise.

"Tom?" I frowned, wondering how he knew this Tom person, and viewed the shadow carefully as he and Harry spoke. I gasped when he spoke in that strange language, and was even more surprised when the statue in the middle of the chamber began to move, mouth opening. Something began to move inside it, and I was overcome with a strange sense of tranquility, even though my body was in flight mode. My eyes drifted shut, and my mouth opened of it's own accord, me now speaking in that strange language that the other two had as the basilisk slid out of the opening.

Stop, snake. The rumbling from the floor stopped as the massive creature stopped moving, me peeking at him curiously through half-opened eyes. Tom began to yell at the snake while Harry watched in surprise, and I resumed speaking calmly, for some reason able to speak this strange language without any pain in my throat.

Relax, brother. I mean no harm to you. I cooed as my feet moved of their own accord, bringing me closer to the massive snake until I was inches from it's massive head. Tom was screaming now, demanding that it kill me and Harry, but I had the snake under my spell, gently speaking in a rhythmic tone.

You would not harm your own kin, would you? We are brother and sister under the great Salazar Slytherin, my friend.I reached out, against my mind's screaming protest, and began to lightly stroke the basilisk's snout, eyes opening more as I did.

Go to sleep, my brother. I will protect you here where you lay. The snake's head drooped, and I continued to stroke it's snout, lowering with it until I was sitting on the floor, it's head in my lap. I resumed humming, the basilisk drifting off into sleep as I did. All of a sudden, with a shout, Harry plunged a shining sword into the snake's head, killing it instantly. I jumped up, and loosed a garbled scream as a bright red bird flitted around our heads, Harry pulling the sword from the serpent's head and plunging it into the diary, Tom screaming in anger before he vanished, black liquid pouring from the diary. I fell back, landing hard, and gasped a few times, a sudden rush of fear and adrenaline overcoming me. I clutched my chest, pain returning, and was surprised to see the bird land next to me, a tear collecting in it's eye. It laid over me, and the teardrop fell onto my robes, soaking through and landing on my chest, where it quelled the pain. I sighed, and Harry rushed over to me.

"Are you alright?" I nodded, and he continued.

"What you did, that was amazing. Talking to the snake." I nodded again, and he frowned, looking from me to Ginny and back, diary in hand.

"How am I going to get you two out of here?" I rolled over onto my stomach, and tried to stand, with Harry's help. After a moment, I did, and I swayed on the spot, looking at the red bird, which seemed to be telling me to grab its tail. Just then, Ginny awoke, and I reached out, grasping the tail of the bird. I was suddenly weightless, and I linked arms with Harry and Ginny, the bird taking flight as Harry tucked the sword, diary, and, for some reason, the Sorting Hat under his arm. We flew the length of the chamber, out of the vault, and through the tunnel until we reached a hole in the wall that Ron had seemingly dug out.

“Ginny? Harry? Anna? Are you guys alright? Woah, where did the bird come from?” Harry explained, telling him to grab onto the bird’s tail, which Ron did after telling us about Lockhart’s Obliviation spell backfiring on him. I wasn’t sure whether the bird could lift all five of us, but it took off easily, carrying us up through the tunnel and into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. The others left quickly, heading of to who-knows-where, and I quietly slipped off, heading to Slytherin’s common room, speaking the password and entering. I crept past the people that had fallen asleep in the chairs, and fell into my bed, too exhausted to even bother changing or cleaning myself up.

The next morning, I was awoken by a gentle tap on my shoulder. I cracked my eyes open, and was surprised to see Professor Dumbledore standing next to my bed. He held a finger to his lips, and beckoned, me quickly and quietly climbing out of bed and following him outside of the common room after I read the new password. Once we were in the hallway, he spoke.

“So, Harry told me last night that you had a key role in defeating the basilisk, but he did not go into greater detail. Would you care to elaborate?” I shrugged, and pointed to my throat.

“Oh, you can’t talk, still? Aftereffects of the Alihotsy Draught? Which, by the way, I was curious about as well.” I reddened, and we were thankfully interrupted by Fred.

“Hey, Anna, Harry needs to talk to you, urgently.” I frowned, and turned. Dumbledore chuckled.

“Well, I supposed we shall have to resume this conversation later, Ms. Finlayson.” I nodded, and dashed off after Fred. Once we were a safe distance away, Fred spoke.

“Harry didn’t ask to see you. I just heard Dumbledore talking to you about Alihotsy Draught and figured I’d get you out of a sticky situation.” I smiled, and giggled painfully. He resumed speaking.

“So, d’you want to sit with me and George for dinner?” I nodded, and we entered the Great Hall together, sitting down at Gryffindor’s table as I frowned in thought. I rolled up my sleeve, and dipped my finger in some marmalade, writing on my arm.

How’d the prank go? When he had read it, I wiped my arm off, and watched as he chuckled mischievously.

“Perfectly as planned. You should have been there, it was hilarious.” I smiled, and sipped a goblet of cold water, the feeling great on my throat as George arrived, sitting across from us.

“So, Anna, are there any other pranks we can prepare for over the summer?” I shrugged, and nodded, thinking back to all the other entries in the journal. George chuckled, and we resumed eating and drinking.

After dinner, I unsuccessfully avoided Dumbledore, running into him just outside the entrance to Slytherin’s common room.

“Now, about what happened in the Chamber of Secrets, Ms. Finlayson…” I sighed, and opened my mouth, speaking a few words in the strange language.

“Very curious. It might interest you to know that I have no clue what you’re saying.” My eyebrows rose. He smiled, and continued. “I believe that you are speaking an ancient language that only the members of Salazar Slytherin’s descendants could speak. Parseltongue is the ability to communicate with snakes and others who speak it. By chance, was anyone in your family a Slytherin?” I frowned, and nodded, not entirely sure. He nodded with me, and sighed.

“Well, I suppose you might be more closely related to Salazar Slytherin than most. It certainly seems to be the most fitting explanation. Either way. I do expect an explanation as to why you were handling a large cauldron of Alihotsy Draught by yourself when your throat heals, Ms. Finlayson.” He chuckled at my pale face, and patted my shoulder before leaving me there. I spoke the password in Parseltongue (which seemed to work just fine) and entered, quickly moving through the common room and into my dormitory.

Chapter 5: Summer

Chapter Text

“You what?! What were you thinking?” I shrugged, and wrote some more on the small whiteboard, a Muggle invention from the 1960s that allowed me to write something, then erase it without having to get an entirely different piece of parchment.

I was just following your advice, mum. She huffed.

“Well, you’re going to have to heal fast, because your father has been invited to a dinner at Malfoy Manor by Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and we plan on attending.” I groaned inwardly. We were going to a dinner at the house of the father of one of the people that bullies me? Great. I sighed, and stomped up to my room, falling down onto my bed and groaning loudly. This was not how I wanted my summer to go. If it was up to me, I’d spend the entire summer shut in my room, reading books and sending letters by owl to my friends. I’d been corresponding to Fred Weasley more, mostly because he kept sending owls asking how I was (almost twice a day), and me replying that I was fine, and asking how he was, and so it'd go on like that. I rolled over, and stared up at the ceiling, where I had put a handmade drawing of Hogwarts, made from memory, from when I’d first seen it on the boat ride. It wasn’t very good in my opinion, because I’d made it all the way at the end of my first year on the train ride, so the Slytherins couldn't mess it up. I coughed, the action hurting a little, and relaxed back into the bed. The summer had been alright so far, just me trying to heal enough to learn how to talk again, but, to my frustration, the progress was extremely slow. Hermione had looked for several cures for this situation for me, but, as Alihotsy Draught was such an advanced potion, the only cure was time and rest. I smiled up at the drawing as I wondered what was in store for my third year, after the first two had been filled with such excitement and dangerous adventures. I’m so glad I’m a witch. Hogwarts was like my home away from home, and I almost wanted to jump up and go back right now, but that obviously couldn't happen. I mean, I’d have to sneak out, go to King’s Cross, get through the wall, and walk along the tracks the entire way just to have to follow the trail the carriages followed for an even longer trip. I frowned in thought, hatching a plan as I did. I jumped up, and grabbed a bit of parchment and a quill, scribbling a hasty note to Hermione before tying it to my owl’s leg. He took off, and I began to pace, thinking out my plan. If I left before we went to the manor, I'd be in a lot more trouble than if I left after, so I'd have to endure a dinner with the Malfoys, sadly. I dashed downstairs, finding my mother in the kitchen. I grabbed the whiteboard, and wrote.

If someone invited me over, could I go? My mother frowned.

“Has someone asked you?” I shrugged.

Hermione talked about it for a bit at the end of the school year, and she’d recently said she’d ask her parents about it. Mum shrugged.

“Well, you’re going to the dinner no matter what, but after that I guess it would be fine. I’d have to ask your father, of course.” I nodded, and dashed up back to my room. Hermione and I didn’t live very far apart, so my owl was waiting with a reply when I re-entered my room. I hurriedly grabbed her reply, and grunted when my owl pecked my hand. I poured some food for her on my desk and unrolled the reply.


I was wondering whether you wanted to stay over at my house for the rest of the summer. My parents would take you to Diagon Alley with us too.



I jumped up, still holding the letter, and dashed out of my room and back into the kitchen, handing the letter anxiously to my mother.

“Well, I suppose you can go, but only after the dinner tonight.” I flinched, and grabbed the board.

Tonight??????? She giggled, and nodded.

“Yes, tonight. I even picked you out a dress to wear.” I pouted, and walked up to my room to write a reply to Hermione.


I can come, probably tomorrow seeing as we’re going to the Malfoys for a dinner tonight. Thanks for covering.


The thing was, Hermione had never wondered about me coming over, I’d asked her to ask me over so I could sneak out and get to Hogwarts early. Either way, I was going to get to Hogwarts before term started, no matter what.

I plastered on my best fake smile as we drew near the large double doors at the entrance to Malfoy Manor. My father knocked while I stood next to my mother, not trying to hide my disgust at having to come here.

“Now, remember how I told you to act.” I nodded glumly, and ‘smiled’ wider as the door opened to reveal Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco, all dressed in luxurious dress robes.

“Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson! How nice to see you! And this must be Annabel.” I smiled, showing teeth, and my mum stepped in.

“She can’t talk. Her throat is healing from an accident in Potions class last year.” Narcissa frowned sympathetically.

“You poor thing. Here, come on inside, we’ve invited all of the other Slytherin third years over so you and Draco could be with your friends while we talk with the adults, Annabel. Draco, show her to the den.” He nodded, and led me through the large manor, which was dark, gloomy, and filled with portraits.

“Those are paintings of the Malfoy line. Pureblood, of course. Nothing less.” I shivered as the eyes moved to follow me, and the feeling of discomfort only grew. We stopped abruptly before the end of the corridor, and turned left into a small, cozy room containing a fireplace and a few couches, all of which were filled with Slytherins. I gulped, and leaned against the wall as Draco sat down next to Pansy Parkinson, who had been glaring at me since I’d entered the room.

“What is she doing here?” Draco shrugged, relaxing back into the sofa.

“Dunno. Her parents are here as well.” She humphed, and the group resumed their conversation, completely excluding me. I sighed, and glanced around the room, looking back and forth at the various objects in display cases and racks. Several daggers, a few paintings, and an ornate vase. I sighed again, and sank down into a sitting position, cross-legged on the ground as I reached into the pocket of my robes, withdrawing a small cube with rotational sides. It was called a Rubik’s Cube, and each of the six faces of the cube were covered by nine stickers, each of one of six solid colours: white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. An internal pivot mechanism enabled each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colours. For the puzzle to be solved, each face must be returned to have only one colour. Or so the storekeeper told me. I fiddled with it, turning it this way and that, making no progress, as usual. I frowned, and moved it around again. Still no progress.

“Hey, Muggle-Lover! What’ve you got there?” Before I could react, the cube was snatched out of my hands, and I looked up at Pansy Parkinson, who was looking at the cube in confusion.

“Well, what is it?” Draco coughed.

“She can’t talk. I don’t know why.” Pansy sniffed.

“I guess I’ll just keep it, then.” I sighed, and began twiddling my thumbs, used to Pansy bullying me. She was only trying to get a rise from me, and she presently left when I did nothing to get the cube back, resuming her previous conversation and leaving me without anything to pass the time. I sat there, looking at my hands, until it was time for me to leave, a good forty minutes later. I exited with my parents, fake smile back into place, as my stomach rumbled (there had been food available, but, as soon as I had entered the den, Crab and Goyle ate it. Pigs.) Once we had arrived home, I hurriedly packed my things, changing into a comfortable pair of trousers and a tank-top with sneakers. It was relatively early, still, and I was bent on getting to the Grangers’ house as soon as possible. I hurried through the farewell with my parents as Hermione's father pulled into our driveway, leaving and hopping into their car. They were both dentists, according to Hermione, and seemed to have the overly cheery demeanour that went with that profession, even though I hadn't met the mother yet. We drove for a little (two hours), mostly in silence, to a quaint house on the edge of London, where I got out, and, accompanied by Mr. Granger, entered the house.

“Hello, Annabel!” I was wrapped in a full-force hug from Hermione, and I hugged her back, smiling into her shoulder.

“Hermione, dear, I think it’s high time you two go to bed.” Hermione pouted, but led me to her room, a small area filled to the brim with bookcases and stacks of books.

“Sorry for the mess.” I skirted the piles, eventually ending up near her bed, where I gently placed my trunk. She checked to make sure the door was shut, and spoke quietly.

"You can’t go. I won’t allow it.” My eyebrows rose, and I grabbed the whiteboard and marker.

Why not? She scowled, and I sat on the bed next to her.

“For one, it’s incredibly dangerous, and, two, you physically can't.” I frowned.

How do you know? She huffed.

“Well, I don’t, but I know it must be. It would make no sense not to have some sort of magical defence keeping third-year Slytherins from breaking into the school.”

Since when has Dumbledore been known to make sense? She shrugged.

“Good point. Still, it’s incredibly dangerous.” I snorted. Her scowl deepened.

“Don’t make light of it. Why do you want to go back so bad?” I shrugged, writing quickly.

I miss the classes. And the school. She frowned in thought.

“But, you were bullied something terrible. I wouldn't want to go back there.” I shot her a cunning grin.

That's the idea. I’m planning to fight fire with a little fire of my own. She gave me a reproachful look.

“What do you mean by that, Anna?” I arched an eyebrow.

Maybe it’s time I spread a few rumors about them instead. She was shocked.

“Anna, you can’t do that! That's not nice at all. You’re just going to become a bully yourself.” I shrugged.

Maybe they’ll leave me alone. She viewed me sadly.

“Well, if you’re set on doing this…” I waited expectantly.

“I can help.” I squeaked in delight.

“Of course, I’d have to get your school supplies for you,” at this I dug around into my trunk before withdrawing a sack of Galleons.

“Well, alright. Now, from what I can tell, all you’d have to do is follow the tracks to the station, and then follow the carriage trail. After that, which will probably take a day or two, you’d need food.”

I already have it under control. She looked at me, mystified, and shrugged.

“Anyway, the only problem I foresee is getting onto the tracks.” I frowned in thought.

Isn’t the platform open? She sighed.

“That’s what I’m not sure of. First off, how are you going to get to King’s Cross? It’s a long way from here, especially in wizarding robes.” I cracked a grin.

I’ll walk. She groaned.

“Why are you making it so hard to find a crack in your reasoning?” I chuckled painfully, and patted her shoulder.

I’ll stay the night, eat a big breakfast, then go on my way. She nodded, resigned to not being able to stop me.

“I suppose I’ll cover for you, then.” I patted her shoulder, and laid down to sleep.


The next morning, after eating a hearty breakfast of six sunny-side-up eggs, two waffles, and a plate of bacon, I snuck out of the house, wand in the jacket I wore over my robes. The bottom of the robe would look like a skirt, so I was fine. The only problem was getting all the way to King’s Cross, which was a solid hour by car, from my parents house, which must be an extra hour from the Granger residence. I set out walking as the sun rose, houses slowly turning into businesses, which turned into bigger businesses, roads growing from two-lane to four-lane and back again, until I was within a block of the station. It was sweltering, and I ran the risk of being singled out if I removed the jacket, so I soldiered on, sun in the center of the sky as I entered the blissfully cool train station, which was relatively quiet. I found the correct pillar, and casually leaned on it. It was solid. I swore inwardly, and discreetly drew my wand, tapping the stone whilst thinking intensely, Alohom*ora! To my surprise and relief, the wall was no longer solid, and I walked through to find an empty Platform Nine and Three Quarters, gleaming Hogwarts Express devoid of smoke. I ran my hand along the edge, having removed the jacket, and sighed.

“Hey, who’re you?” I jumped, and turned to see a wizened old man, pointing a wand at me. I shrugged, and, without a second glance, jumped on the tracks, taking off at a dead sprint while jinxes flew around me. I laughed, too excited at the magic around me to bother with the pain, and continued, tearing along the tracks, until it was long past sunset, and I was beginning to feel a little unnerved by the constant darkness. I was feeling forward with my feet, stomach rumbling on and off as it started to ache. I shrugged it off, and marched forward confidently, tripping over a rail spike and smacking my face on the rail. I squeaked as my nose cracked, blood dripping out quickly. I balled the jacket up and stuck it under my nose, tilting my head back as a stream of tears ran down my face from the pain. I coughed, and inched forward again, much more carefully this time. I jumped when I heard a voice, in the distance.

“Girl, come out! I know you’re there!” I turned, and saw a man in the distance, riding a broom, his wand lit up in his hand. I swore to myself, and glanced around, the wand light providing some visibility, even at this distance. I looked to the far edge of the tracks, and tied the jacket about my waist, before inching over the edge and hanging off. I could only hope he passed by quickly, as I was not renowned for my upper-body strength. The light grew closer, and I heard the man.

“I thought I saw her here. Huh. Must be these old eyes playing tricks. I’d better tell Dumbledore, in case.” The light left, and, after a moment, I shakily pulled myself up, muscles burning. The blood had run down my face, and I wiped it hastily before journeying onward, sun slowly rising as I did.

The sun was on it’s descent as I sighted the station. The bleeding in my nose had stopped, leaving it to swell up and send waves of pain through my head whenever I touched it, but I persevered, knowing I’d probably get expelled but too far gone to turn back. I reached the station, hopped off the tracks, and started on the trail, legs burning, chest heaving, and, more importantly; stomach aching. I pushed my pace, not even stopping when it began to rain, thoroughly drenching my robes and hurting whenever a drop hit my nose, causing me to turn my head to the sky, opening my mouth slightly to catch some water in my mouth. I slogged through mud, thankful for the change to cobblestone near the castle, and practically ran across the bridge to the entrance hall, hair soaked through with the rest of my clothes, and I made for the kitchens, tickling the pear and entering to find the house elves scurrying about like usual. One ran forward.

“Ma’am? How may I help you?” I opened my mouth to speak, realized I couldn’t, and sighed. I looked around, and pointed at a pitcher of water.

“Miss would like a glass of water?” I nodded vigorously, and he dashed off, returning promptly with a large glass filled with iced water. I gulped it down before handing it back to him. I was about to point at a platter of food when the door exploded open, revealing Dumbledore, Madam Pince, and Madam Pomfrey, all three aiming a wand at me. I gulped.

“Annabel Finlayson? What are you doing here?”

After being escorted to Dumbledore’s office, Madam Pomfrey treating my broken nose easily, I sat in front of a disapproving Dumbledore.

“Young lady, what inspired you to break into the Platform Nine and Three Quarters, run along the tracks, and enter the school?” I shrugged, and wrote on a piece of parchment.

I really wanted to come back. He sighed.

“If what Professor Snape has told me about your first two years here, there isn't any reason for you to want to come back here.” I frowned.

Well, I guess I wanted to get back at the other Slytherins, and I needed time to prepare. His eyebrows rose.

“Why would you do that?” I scowled darkly.

They make fun of Muggle-Borns. I aim to change that. He frowned back, and responded.

“Well, I can't send you home, seeing as you'd come straight back in a week for the start of term, so I suppose you’ll stay. How are you going to get your supplies?”

My friend, Hermione Granger. I gave her gold to get them with. He nodded.

“Well, recuperate as best you can. I think Madam Pomfrey might have something to speed up the healing process, the poor thing. She’s been working day and night since you left.” I blushed.

“Before you go, when you can talk, I wish to know why exactly you were handling such a volatile potion, Ms. Finlayson.” I blushed deeper, and waved before exiting and hurrying to the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey was straightening a sheet on a bed.

“Oh, hello, dear. I have something for you.” She vanished into her office, returning shortly with a small blue-coloured potion in a glass flask.

“This is a little potion of my own brewing. Should give you your voice back.” I took it, pulled out the cork, and, without hesitation, downed it. It tasted acrid, like a pair of sweaty socks, and I coughed as my throat burned. The burn passed after a moment, and she viewed me nervously.

“Well…?” I frowned, opening my mouth.

“I-I..I can talk!” I squealed, and hugged her. She chuckled, and patted my back weakly.

“Thank you so much, Madam Pomfrey!” She laughed, and shooed me out of the Wing. I headed to my next destination, the library, where I found Madam Pince.

“Hello, how may I help you?” I sighed, elated at being able to use my voice.

“Do you have anything on Colour-Change Charms?” She frowned, suspicious, but nodded.

“Aisle B-4.” I thanked her, and walked off, saying whatever popped into my head because I could speak again. I found the aisle, and slowly made my way down it, looking at the different books. My revenge plan was very complex, but began with turning my hair a different colour (which also prevented it from being turned a different colour depending on how powerful the original spell was). I found a book at random, and opened it, drawing my wand. I read along, muttering it to myself, before aiming at a scrap of parchment. I cast the spell, thinking of the colour in my mind, and was delighted when it changed to the colour I thought of. I sighed, and breathed a few times before pulling my hair in front of my face. I muttered the spell, and was pleasantly surprised when it began to change. I shut the book, having memorised the spell, and dashed out of the library and into the nearest lavatory. I looked into the mirror, and giggled as I saw that my hair was a soft copper-red. I twirled it around my finger, and looked at my face in mock disgust.

“I need to do a little reconstruction, I think.” I left the lavatory, re-entered the library, and roamed the aisles, looking for spells to change my appearance. Looking back, I realise I might have gone a bit overboard, but I was so focused on revenge I didn’t pay any attention. I kept the overall look of my face, but a couple drastic changes were thrown in. I set my shoulders back, and smiled at the mirror.

“I’m ready. Let’s see who cries at night now.”

Chapter 6: Falling Out

Chapter Text

At the start of term, there was a slight reaction to my appearance, mostly because of my features but also because I was already there. Hermione notified me that my things were where they should be, and that she’d done a little Muggle magic (read: lying) on her parents to keep my disappearance from getting out. The biggest reaction was from Fred, who dropped into the seat next to me, looking at me in surprise.

“Whoa. You look.. Different.” I giggled, and sipped the goblet of Butterbeer before replying.

“Aren’t you supposed to be sitting with Gryffindor?” He shrugged.

“I figured I might as well keep you company. But.. Wow, you look different.” I frowned.

“Bad different or good different?” He viewed me. “Good different. Definitely.” I smiled, and dug into my plate of food.

“So, what's the occasion for the new getup, if I may ask?” I viewed him mysteriously.

“You’ll find out soon.” He raised his hands, and I grinned again.

The next morning, I woke to find my schedule on the table next to me.




11:00-Defence Against the Dark Arts



2:00-History of Magic

3:00-Free Period



8:00-Free Period



2:00-Muggle Studies

4:00-Care of Magical Creatures

5:00-Free Period




9:00-History of Magic



1:00-Free Period


3:00-Defence Against the Dark Arts


5:00-Free Period




9:00-Defence Against the Dark Arts





6:00-Free Period



9:00-History of Magic





4:00-Care of Magical Creatures

5:00-Defence Against the Dark Arts

Schoolwork, sadly, was set to a secondary mission for the time being, as I focused solely on getting revenge on the other third-years. I began spreading nasty, vicious rumors to Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, and even a few Slytherins (the nature of these rumors I cannot write down). I also began to watch the movements of the other third-years as I progressed through my classes, keeping my good grades at the same time. I wasn’t as focused as Harry seemed to be on Sirius Black’s escape, but I did give it a bit of note, because it could be dangerous, and I still wanted to protect my friends. Finally, around a month before Christmas, I realized the only way to actually get at them was to do something drastic. I was in the library, reading up on Hogwarts, when Hermione found me.

“Where have you been? It’s beautiful outside!” I shrugged.

“Finding a way to get at the Slytherins.” She sighed, and sat next to me.

“Don't you think you should give it a rest?” I turned sharply.

“No, Hermione, I don't think I should. I’ve worked too hard to get this far just to back out.” She frowned.

“But, Pansy Parkinson was crying in the third-floor lavatory for almost an hour yesterday. Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” I scowled darkly.

“Hermione, you wouldn’t understand.” She huffed.

“No, I wouldn't, wouldn’t I? It's not like I’ve never been bullied for being a Muggle-Born before, or for hanging around you. Nothing like that. Just quit before you get hurt, or worse…” I stood, knocking the chair back. Barely containing my whisper, I spoke.

“Or worse what? Hm? You think I care? I want them to feel every bit of sadness and hurt I did, Hermione, and I won't stop until they do, even if I have to write ‘Mudblood-Hater’ on their foreheads. So, you can either help me with this or get out of my way, Granger.” She rose, tears collecting in her eyes, and the gravity of what I just said sunk in.

“No, Hermione, wait-“ I was interrupted by her slapping me hard, in the face.

“You’re just like them. In your ‘noble crusade’ to take them down from their pedestals, you’ve made yourself into a Slytherin. Go hang out with your true friends, snake.” She ran out, and I followed, ignoring the looks from the people in the library. I finally managed to catch her sleeve in the field next to the lake.

“Granger, you think I’m like them?” She turned, tears running down her face, and nodded, avoiding my angry gaze.

“Y-Yes, I do. You’re cruel, vindictive, and I can't see any of the old Anna I used to.” I huffed, overcome by my anger.

“My name is Finlayson to you, Mudblood.” She gasped, and turned, running back towards the castle. I let her pass, jaw hanging open as I realized that she was right. I had become one of them. I stood there, wind tousling my hair, and stared blankly at the lake until I heard a shout. “Where is she?!” I turned, confused, and saw Ron running at me.

“Apologize to Hermione. Now.” I raised my chin, and responded.

“She insulted me, I insulted her. Tit for tat.” He growled, and pointed behind him.

“She’s in there, crying right now because you called her a Mudblood. You don't seem as hurt as she does. Apologise, now.” I shook my head.

“No.” He grunted, and drew his wand. I copied him, and he roared out a spell.

Stupefy!” I dodged it, and shot back a hex. It narrowly missed, and I was too late to dodge a jinx that sank into my stomach, the feeling accompanying it of someone sinking their fist into my stomach. I fell back, winded, and he spoke down to me.

“We aren't friends anymore, Finlayson.” I laid there, in the grass, hands wrapped around my stomach, for a while, no one coming up to check on me after the scene that had just occurred, no one noticing the stream of tears.

The next week was spent by me trying to catch Hermione in the halls to apologize, but always ended in a few burly Gryffindors blocking me off. Even Fred was avoiding me now, and I sat crying in the library nightly, knowing I was alone. My grades started to slip, even to the point where I was held back after class by McGonagall.

“I just don't understand, Ms. Finlayson. You used to have a perfect grade, and now this. Why is that?” I shrugged, looking at the ground.

“Ms. Finlayson, if your grades continue to drop, I will personally write a letter home to your parents about this.” I sighed, and nodded, turning to leave. After I left, I headed to my normal spot in the library, sitting on the floor, and crying. I remained like this for around ten minutes before I heard someone.

“Peeves knows the snake-girl is in here. Come out, come out, wherever you are!” I wiped my eyes, and stood to leave. Sadly I had only made it a few steps out of the library when Peeves caught me.

“There you are!” I felt a cold substance dripping onto my head as the poltergeist floated around me, pouring ink onto my head. I did nothing about it, choosing to go to my Muggle Studies class early. I traveled through the school, ignoring the looks I got from everybody, instead choosing to shoot glares and scowls back at them. I made it to class, the ink having dried, and sat in the back, too distressed to eat lunch.

“Hey, aren't you that girl who dyed her hair?” I nodded, staring at my desk, waiting for the inevitable abuse.

“I’m Cassius Warrington. Slytherin sixth year.” I frowned, and looked up at the boy, who was tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was a Chaser for Slytherin’s Quidditch team, and I was surprised to see him here.

“What’re you doing here?” He shrugged.

“I’d heard people were being especially hard on you after you’d been fighting back at them, so I came by to see how you were doing. Going up against your fellow third years can be hard.” I shrugged.

“I-I’m fine.” He watched me coyly.

“Are you sure? You seem to spend a lot of time in the library.” I shuddered, and turned away.

“Why do you care?” He put a hand on my shoulder, and I flinched.

“Because you flinched when I put my hand on your shoulder. You used to hang around with Granger and her lot, why don't you now?” I sighed.

“We had a pretty big row, and she left. Now she won't let me apologise to her, and all my Gryffindor friends won't talk to me.” He sighed, and sat in the chair next to mine.

“Are you going to keep trying to talk to her?” I shrugged.

“What’s the point? She won't let me.” He leaned on the table.

“Y’know, I may not be the best person to give you advice, but take it or leave it: If you truly are her friend, you’d keep trying. Alright? And, next time you cry, come find me.” I frowned.

“Why come find you?” He shrugged.

“I’m a great shoulder to cry on. Oh, and lose the hair. You looked better with it blonde.” I smiled, and he patted my back before leaving. I sighed, drawing my wand, and removing the spell and the others I’d put on myself. I didn't necessarily feel freed, but I felt different, at least. I sat there until class started, furiously working on my homework to get my grades back up.

The next two weeks saw a dramatic change in my school performance. I stopped talking to anyone around me, sure, but I did bring my grades high enough to rival Hermione, and I joined a number of clubs, including Gobstones, Dueling, and Potions. I also carried out the last bit of the revenge I was working on when Hermione and I had split, which was to join the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

“You want to do what?” I shrugged, looking at the Ravenclaws assembled before me.

“That's not allowed, though. In the rules.” I frowned.

“It doesn't say that anywhere in the rules.” The Ravenclaw captain, Roger Davies, frowned.

“Let’s go down to the pitch and see if you’re even a good flier first.” I followed the Ravenclaw team down to the pitch, and rolled my shoulders, excited to find out whether I was a good flier or not. Davies handed me a broom, and I hopped on, kicking off and zooming into the air. I flew around half of the pitch (Gryffindor was having a practice) before landing. He nodded.

“You look pretty good on a broom. Here, take this.” He handed me a bat, and I frowned.

“I’ll enchant the Bludger so it only goes after you. Depending on how well you do, I can offer you a spot as a Beater.” I shrugged, and kicked off again, soaring into the air. After a minute or so, I saw him release the Bludger, which hesitated for a moment before flying at me. I swung the bat, and knocked it out of the way, moving around on the broom, never taking my eyes off of the ball. I swooped and dove, dodging it as much as I was hitting it, and led it around the pitch a few times, not bothering to stay out of the way of the Gryffindors, who had paused to watch. I whooped as I executed a series of hazardous moves (such as turning around on the broom and watching the Bludger chase after me) before Davies waved at me, signalling that it was time to land. I did, promptly diving out of the way of the Bludger as Davies tackled it. After he’d put it back into the box, he spoke.

“That was damn good flying, Finlayson. I think you've earned a spot on the team.” I smiled, and thanked him, turning to look at the Gryffindors, who were watching me from the sky and stands alike. I spied Hermione, determinedly not looking at me, and my heart sank, smile sliding off of my face. I trudged back through the locker rooms, fighting off tears as I painfully relived the fight with Hermione, only to burst out crying once I reached the Entrance Hall. I dashed off to the library, found an empty aisle near the back, and collapsed into a chair, sobbing into my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Warrington looking at me sadly.

“C’mere.” He drew me into his shoulder, and I cried into it, hugging him as I wept. He patted my back a little, and I sniffed.

“What's wrong?” I hiccuped, and pulled back.

“I just thought of something that reminded me of the fight with Hermione. I tried out for the Ravenclaw team, Cassius, and they let me in.” He frowned.

“Isn't that not allowed?” I shook my head.

“No, it's like any other club. I figured the Slytherins wouldn't let me join their team, and I’d always wanted to play Quidditch.” He shrugged.

“Well, good on ya. Have you made any progress with Hermione?” My eyes welled up again, and I shook my head.

“Ah. I see. Well, keep trying, alright? Never give up hope.” I shot him a watery smile, and he chuckled.

“Best of luck to you, Finlayson.” I nodded, and he left me there. I stood to go grab some food from the Great Hall, and had to correct myself from walking to the Gryffindor table, which almost sent me into a crying fit again. I sat, miserable, and took solace in a handful of almonds.

Chapter 7: By The Light Of The Moon

Chapter Text

It was some time after I had joined Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team (we’d had an incredible season, which caused the Slytherins to bully me even more), and I was at the top of the Astronomy Tower, late at night, out working on a scroll for Astronomy class. I sighed, leaning on the railing, and I looked out at the magnificent landscape around me. Swooping forests, illuminated by the light of the moon that shimmered over the lake, and I viewed the fields of grass near the Whomping Willow happily, taking a break from straining my eyes on the skies. What caught my attention was a shout sounding from near the tree, and I looked down to see three forms, whose voices attributed themselves to Ron, Hermione, and Harry (Ron was being dragged off by some huge beast). I jumped up, and, without a moment’s hesitation, dashed off, hastily leaving my scroll and ink on the Tower as I flew down the stairs, drawing my wand as I took flight after flight, not stopping at the bottom to catch my breath before sprinting out of the main door and making my way to the tree. I was about to call for them, but an oily voice caught me.

“What are you doing here, Ms. Finlayson?” I gulped, and looked up at Snape, who seemed to be clutching a cloak of some sort. I shrugged, and, seized by a sudden urge, dashed off towards the forest.

“Come back here!” After a minute, he stopped chasing me, and ran towards the Willow. I took refuge past the treeline, wand still drawn, and I finally caught my breath, panting heavily. I bent over, putting my hands on my knees, and eventually regained my breath. I then began to watch the tree closely, noting no signs of movement until I heard a rustle behind me. I swung about, and found that my wand was aimed at Hermione and Harry, who were leading a hypogriff behind them.

“What’re you two doing here?!” Hermione replied strangely.

“What’re you doing here?” I opened my mouth, but was interrupted by a howl that pierced the air. Hermione cursed.

“That must be Lupin. Now the second howl comes from… Oh.” I realized it came from here, and pushed them behind me.

“Get on the damn hypogriff. I'm sorry Hermione, I never had the chance to say sorry to you before now.” I then howled loudly, as the other two dashed off with the creature. I saw the form of a strange creature dashing towards me, and I cast a Stunning Spell. To my dismay, it bounced off. I gulped, and began casting all the spells I had learned in Dueling class.

Expelliarmus! Tantallegra! Petrificus Totalus! Impedimenta!” It did not work, sadly, and the form crashed into me, sending me into the floor. I aimed my wand at it’s head, but was interrupted by it moving, faster than a blur, and latching its jaws on my right shoulder. I screamed, high and piercing, before yelling out the only spell I could think of.

Repulso!” With a grunt, the creature was thrown back a foot, and I jumped to my feet, wand still aimed at it.

Repulso! Repulso! Repulso!” It moved farther and farther back with each incantation, and I wept as the bite burned and stung, hot sticky liquid dripping down my arm. I turned, and dashed off, weaving back and forth between the trees as the beast chased after me, trying to reach the castle before it caught me, sealing my fate. I felt tears running down my face, and sobbed as the bite wound throbbed. I took turns at random, and, somehow, ended up near the entrance. I was about to run towards it before a thought occurred to me: if I led it into the school, that would put even more people in danger. I gritted my teeth and turned back into the forest, barely aware of the sounds around me other than my breathing and the footsteps of the creature. I dashed to and fro, knowing the thing was gaining on me despite my best efforts. I made it to a clearing, near a rock, and stopped, leaning against the rock face as the creature entered the clearing. It was then, by the fading moonlight, that I realised what Professor Lupin was. He was a werewolf. As if in response to my discovery, the bite seared, and I bit my lip to keep from yelling. It advanced slowly, knowing I had nowhere to go, and my vision started to fade as the blood loss began to get the better of me. I sniffed, and screamed, as loud as I could, hoping to alert someone to my presence here in time. It howled in response, and I shuddered as the howl shook my bones. The moon had set, and my only hope was to stay alive until the sun shone, signifying the end of his transformation. It approached quicker now, seeking to end me quickly, but froze an inch from my throat. The sun had risen enough that it would trigger the transformation, and it did. The muzzle shrank down, fur disappearing, until a naked Professor Lupin lay in a pile before me. I carefully stripped off my robes, revealing the comfortable shirt and trousers I wore beneath them, and handed it to him wearily. He thanked me, and rose before freezing.

“Did… Oh, no.” My vision blurred, and I collapsed to the ground, unconsciousness taking me.

I woke in the Hospital Wing, entire body sore from head to toe. I looked around, too weak to raise my head, and discovered Fred, sitting next to me in a chair, asleep. I smiled to myself at the memory of the last time this situation had occurred, and coughed quietly to clear my throat. Fred jumped awake, and viewed me nervously.

"Madam Pomfrey! She’s awake!” The nurse bustled over, and viewed me very carefully.

“Are you alright? Weasley, go get the Professors. They should be in the staffroom.” He nodded, and dashed off, leaving the two of us alone. I nodded, and tried to sit up. She gently helped me, propping me up with a pillow before putting my right arm into a sling. It was then I noticed a large bandage wrapping that wound around my shoulder, covering the bite. I grunted in pain, and looked up at her.

“What happened?” She sighed.

“Well, from what I know, Professor Lupin brought you in here, half dead from a bite wound. He was blubbering incoherently, but I correctly diagnosed the situation and applied the poultices needed before wrapping you up. You’ve been asleep for two days, which I did to keep you from experiencing the pain.” I frowned, and shifted slightly. The door burst open, revealing Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Lupin, the last of which had a very sad look about him. Dumbledore spoke.

“Annabel? Are you alright?” I nodded, and replied.

“I don't know what the fuss is about. I’m fine.” He shook his head.

“You were bitten by Professor Lupin on the full moon, Annabel.” I frowned in confusion. Snape snorted in disgust.

“Should have paid attention in class, Finlayson. Professor Lupin is a werewolf, and he bit you on the full moon. Think.” All of a sudden, the realisation from last night hit me again.

“Oh.” Dumbledore nodded slightly, placing his hand on top of mine.

“Yes. Now, we’ve notified your parents, who are on their way here as we speak, and Professor Lupin refuses to leave until he can apologize to you.” I smiled weakly, and shook my head, looking at Lupin, who was clearly distraught.

“You don't need to. You weren't in your right mind. I did it to protect-“ a sharp look from Dumbledore, barely concealed, cut me off short.

“I did it to protect the school. I led you through the forest.” He pinched the bridge of his nose before wiping his eyes.

“I am terribly sorry. As soon as I can talk to your parents, I will apologize again, then turn myself into the Ministry.” I shook my head violently, sending a throb of pain through my shoulder.

“No, don't turn yourself in. It was an accident.” He sighed, and, right in front of me, began to cry. I tried to lean forward, couldn't, and reached out, barely touching his hand to pat it.

“Don't cry. Please, don't. I'm sorry.” He laughed quietly, and I noticed the others had drawn back, giving us some privacy.

“That's the first time anyone has ever apologized to me for how I act.” I shrugged.

“It isn't that big of a deal. It's already happened, and I won't judge you for it.” He leaned over me, and hugged me, carefully minding my right shoulder.

“I’m sorry, again.” I patted his back with my left hand, and he withdrew.

“Well, I’d best be on my way. No doubt news will spread fast. Farewell, Dumbledore. I’ll see myself out.” Dumbledore nodded gravely, before returning to my side.

“Professor Snape will brew the Wolfsbane potion for you by the next full moon, and I assume your father will continue to do this over the summer, as he had a quite proficient Potions grade, if memory serves.” I nodded, and he smiled sadly.

“If that is all, I’ll let your friends in. They’ve been quite eager to see you since they found out where you were.” I nodded eagerly, and he chuckled before escorting Snape and McGonagall out. They were replaced by a large crowd, consisting of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, Cassius Warrington, Ginny, the entire Gryffindor team, Ron, Harry, and, to my surprise, Hermione. They crowded around my bed, Fred standing next to me protectively, and the Ravenclaws spoke first, Davies looking at me coyly.

“So, I assume you’re not playing the final game?” The Ravenclaws laughed, and he patted my good shoulder before setting a card on my lap and leaving. Next was Ginny, who hugged me tenderly before setting another card on my lap. Cassius came next, smiling awkwardly under the hooded glares from the Gryffindors.

“Heal quick, eh?” I smiled, and he set a box of Bertie Bot’s Every Flavour Beans next to me. The Gryffindor team left next after wishing me good health, and dropping another card on my lap, Fred staying with me. The three crowded around my bed, and Hermione spoke tremulously.

“F-Fred, can we have a moment?” He complied, stepping away, and Hermione spoke quietly.

“What do you remember from the full moon, Anna?” I shrugged.

“Everything. What were you doing in the forest after you went into the Whomping Willow?” She sighed, and explained it quickly to me. I nodded along, and was surprised to learn of the Time-Turner.

“Cool. Can I have one?” She shook her head furiously.

“Absolutely not. Anyway, what I came here to say was that I'm sorry for fighting with you, and I wanted to apologise to you and hope we could be friends again.” She watched me nervously, and I held out my arm. She rushed into a hug, and I sniffled, tears leaking from my face.

“I forgive you, Hermione. I wanted to say I’m sorry for what I called you in the field.” She nodded into my shoulder, and I hugged her tightly. We released, and she stepped back.

“Just so you know, no matter what happens, I-we will be there for you. If you ever need help with your…werewolf thing, don't hesitate to ask.” I smiled, and wiped my eyes. They left, each of them placing a card on my lap. Fred returned, and sat in the chair.

“So, what would you do if you found out you were a werewolf?” He shrugged morosely.

“Cry, probably.” I shot him an incredulous look.

“Fred, I’m trying to lighten the mood.” He chuckled, and shrugged.

“I dunno, howl at the moon?” I punched his shoulder lightly.

“Kidding. Well, what are you going to do?” I cracked a grin.

“As soon as I can walk, I have a feeling a few Stink Pellets are going to find their way into a certain dormitory. Question is, where can I find them?” He smiled, and shrugged calmly.

“I may know a certain person, but he'd have to help out to hand over the Pellets.” I was about to respond when the door burst open again, revealing my mother and father. Fred rose quickly.

“I’d better go. See ya ‘round, Anna.” I waved, and promptly was smothered by my mother.

“Mum, that hurts!” She jumped back, and viewed me cautiously. My father spoke.

“Are you alright, Annabel? Dumbledore told us what happened.” I nodded.

“I'm fine, and I don't want you to go after Lupin.” Mum as outraged.

“Why not? I'd hunt that lousy scumbag to the end of the earth just to get revenge for what he did. Then, I'd-“ Dad cut her off.

“I don't think you should finish that thought, dear. I'm interested to hear Annabel’s reasoning behind this.” I looked at them, and spoke calmly.

“He wasn't in his right mind during the moon. He couldn't control his actions, so it wasn't his fault.” My mum sighed.

“Dumbledore told us that you led him away from the school. That was very brave, Anna.” I smiled, and shrugged.

“It was nothing. Just protecting my friends.” She shook her head, bemused, and my father spoke.

“I can brew the Wolfsbane potion for you, so we should be alright over the summer for you. When you get back here, Professor Snape can brew it for you.” I nodded, and my mother kissed my forehead.

“We’ll see you in five weeks, honey.” I smiled, and hugged them both before they left, mum setting a box of candy on the table next to me. I began sifting through the cards, noting the various well-wishers, and happily dug into the box of Every Flavour Beans. Madam Pomfrey returned, and placed the cards on my table.

“Can I get you anything?” I shrugged.

“I want to walk around.” She sighed.

“Fine, but for right now you need a cane to support you. A bite from a werewolf leaves you pretty weak until the first full moon, which you’ll spend in here.” I nodded, and she helped me up, gently swinging my legs over the edge before standing hesitantly. She handed me a simple walking stick.

“Now, everyone is in the Great Hall at the moment. Take it slow, and if you feel too weak, stop. Alright?” I nodded, and ambled slowly towards the door. Hobbling through the halls, I smiled painfully at the portraits, who viewed me kindly and sadly. I reached the entrance, and was dismayed when I realized the steps prevented me from easily entering. I carefully looked down, neck stiff, and negotiated the first step. I was about to begin the second when Fred spoke from next to me.

“Let me help you, Anna.” He took my left shoulder, and hand, before helping me down the remaining steps, a process which still took a few moments of movement. I thanked him, face red as I realized almost everyone in the Hall was watching me, and I hobbled quickly over to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Hermione, with Ron and Harry across from us and Fred next to me. I ate slowly, arm still stiff from being unconscious due to blood loss, right arm hanging in the sling, resting in my lap. I felt Fred slip his hand into my right one, and squeezing gently. I squeezed back, and he smiled slightly at me. I responded the same, and continued eating, knowing I had regained my friends once more.

Since Lupin had left on such a short notice, Professor Dumbledore had taken it upon himself to teach the last month or so of Defense against the Dark Arts, which was probably the most fun I'd ever had in that class. The only thing we did was listen to him tell stories about his encounters with whatever monster we were studying, and, as I exited the classroom after the final exam, I felt confident I’d aced it. As the full moon drew near, I began to feel sicker, and weaker, the others picking up on this easily. I explained the situation to Fred one day, as he was helping me walk outside, still supported by the cane.

“As the full moon gets closer, I start to get weaker. My thoughts are that it counteracts the transformation that occurs that night.” He nodded, and replied after a minute.

“Are you going to be alright? Madam Pomfrey won't let anyone in on that night, I already asked.” I shrugged noncommittally.

“I've been taking the correct doses of the Wolfsbane potion, so I should be able to retain my human mind during the transformation. It'll still hurt, though.” He sighed, and put an arm around me.

“If, afterwards, you want someone to talk to, I'm here. No matter what. I promise.” I smiled, and rested my head on his shoulder.

“I know.”

It was during one of these aforementioned Defense Classes (on a Friday) that Fred entered.

“Sir, Madam Pomfrey has requested to see Anna-er, Ms. Finlayson.” Dumbledore nodded gravely, and beckoned to me.

“You may go.” I collected my things, ignoring the looks I got, and followed Fred steadily through the castle.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” I chuckled weakly.

“Fred, I told you, I’ll be fine. I'll tell you all about it after, promise.” He sighed, and pushed the door to the Hospital Wing open, revealing Ron, Harry, and Hermione in an intense debate with Madam Pomfrey.

“No, you cannot stay under any circ*mstances! It is incredibly dangerous, and I don't want anything to damage to process.” It was then Hermione saw me.

“Anna!” She dashed over, and wrapped me in a tight hug.

“Good luck.” I hugged her back, now having almost full use of my right arm (we were still working a few kinks out), before setting my books down. Madam Pomfrey handed me a goblet containing the final dose of the Wolfsbane potion I had to drink before the moon, and, after pulling a face, I downed it. It tasted rancid, and I gagged a little as I swallowed the last bit.

“Ugh. That was awful. Seriously, though, you guys don't want to be here for this.” Hermione hung her head, and Ron patted my shoulder.

“Good luck, I guess.” I smiled, and Harry awkwardly hugged me.

“Be safe.” I laughed a little, before turning to Fred. He pulled me into a hug before kissing the top of my head.

“Be careful.” I smiled oddly at this show of affection, but cast it out of my head. As the door shut, I had a feeling they were all going to wait on the other side the entire night. Madam Pomfrey sighed.

“You know, you're lucky to have the Wolfsbane potion. Poor Professor Lupin didn't, when he went here.” I frowned.

“Professor Lupin went here?” She nodded.

“A long time ago, yes. Now, I'd advise you prepare yourself for this. I’ll put your books in my office in case things get out of hand.” I nodded, having no idea whatsoever how to prepare for this task, and decided to sit, cross-legged, on the centre of the floor. I then shut my eyes, and tried to calm down a little, because, truth be told, I was incredibly anxious. I already knew this was going to hurt, a lot, but according to Madam Pomfrey it hurt less if you were relaxed when it happened. I began to think of happy thoughts, such as seeing my parents after my first year, or joking around with Hermione on the train my second year. I remained like this for some time, until Madam Pomfrey told me the sun had set. I shivered, and opened my eyes, noting that the Wing was gloomy and dark. Something that felt like an icy finger traced it's way up my back, stopping at my neck and staying there. I shuddered as the moon rose, and, as it’s entirety rose over the horizon, the cold finger turned into a stab of pain. I gasped, and reached back to feel the spot, but my arm spasmed, accompanied by a jolt of pain that ran the length of the arm. I tried to remain calm as the pain spread to every part of my body, and I felt my arms beginning to lengthen, along with my legs, which was excruciating. I couldn't hold it back anymore, and screamed, the sound turning into a rough howl as a muzzle grew from my face. I laid in a pile on the floor, shivering, as Madam Pomfrey watched nervously.

“A-Annabel?” I lifted my head up, and nodded at her. She visibly relaxed, and I slowly stood.

“Now, I don't know how much pain you're in, but you can lay down on a bed if you want to.” I shrugged, back hunched prematurely, and felt the need to run, to be outside, in the forest. I shook it off, and crawled onto the bed, curling up and trying to sleep as the after effects of the pain dragged on.

Sadly, I could not sleep, the pain returning in jolts every time I seemed to fall asleep, until the sun rose and I turned back. When this transformation finished (It was a lot less painful) I was standing in the center of the Hospital Wing, shivering and naked. Madam Pomfrey handed me a spare pair of clothes and robes, and, after I’d changed into them, she spoke.

“Are you alright?” I nodded, still shivering, and she sighed.

“I suppose I can let your friends in, now. They've been out there all night.” I smiled, too weak to talk, and she swept over to the door, pulling it open to reveal half of the school. I back-pedalled, trying and failing to lock myself in Madam Pomfrey’s office as the flood of people rushed me. They surrounded me, and began bombarding me with questions, to which I didn't have enough time to answer before they asked another one. All of a sudden, a Stink Pellet went off, filling the room with a disgusting scent, causing the people run out, hands on their noses, leaving Fred, George, Ginny, the three, and, to my surprise, Cassius Warrington. Fred made it to me first, picking me up from where I was crouched on the floor and wrapping me in a tight hug.

“I was so worried about you.” I smiled into his shoulder, and hugged him back. We stayed like that for a moment before releasing, and turning to Ginny, who was looking at me nervously. She rushed into a hug, and I squeezed her tightly.

“I know we don't know each other that well, but you seem like a good person, and Fred really likes you, so I'm glad you're okay.” In unison, Fred and I both reddened, and Hermione giggled. Ginny left, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione moved closer. Hermione hugged me, and whispered.

“I’m glad you're okay, and that we’re friends.” I smiled, and released, taking high-fives from Ron and Harry. Cassius stepped forward awkwardly.

“Glad you're okay, ‘Bel.” I nodded, and he patted my shoulder before leaving. Fred then turned to me.

“Are you going to be okay here?” I nodded confidently.

“Yeah, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm leaving the Wing this afternoon anyway. I need to make up a couple exams.” He sighed, and hugged me again before leaving. I smiled at Madam Pomfrey, who helped me sit down in the chair next to my bed.

Chapter 8: Summer

Chapter Text

The summer was relatively quiet, other than the regular lunar occurrence, and I was invited to go to the Quidditch World Cup by Ron through a letter. I frowned, and, once I'd asked my father, he deemed it alright, seeing as the closest full moon was a week away from the end of the Cup. I gleefully packed my things, and met Arthur Weasley at the door (my parents liked him, but in their opinion he talked too much). We Apparated a few times until we reached their house, which was a haphazardly built house that towered over the surrounding area, and entered. I was in awe of such an incredible house, and smiled as I was introduced to Ron’s mother, Molly. We hugged, and she smiled.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you. Fred talks about you all the time.” A cough was heard from the entrance to the staircase, and I turned to see Fred, face red, in the process of trying to make his mother stop. He saw me looking, and smiled, trying to act calm. I giggled, and Molly smiled.

“Well, Fred’ll move your things into Ginny’s room, where you'll be staying with Hermione as well.” My face lit up.

“Hermione’s here?” Molly shook her head.

“She’ll be here towards the end of the day. I think Ron’s upstairs, in his room. Top floor.” I smiled, and followed Fred, who was lugging my trunk up the stairs. I hurried in front of him, and lifted one end of the trunk, helping him carry it up the stairs until we reached what I presumed was Ginny’s room. I opened the door, and we set it at the foot of one of the cots that was set up on the floor for Hermione and I.

“Thanks for the help.” I smiled.

“No problem. Before I go up to Ron, what d'you do for fun around here? Last moon was a little rough, and I'd like a pick-me-up, if possible.” He grinned mischeviously, and took my hand, leading me out of the house and into the nearby field.

“Stay right here, and close your eyes.” I complied, enjoying the tickle of the wind on my face, and opened my eyes when he said to find a broom in front of me.

“We can fly here?” He nodded.

“We can't go too far, but yeah, we can fly. Race me?” I laughed, and hopped onto the broom, kicking off and soaring into the air. He followed, and indicated the path we were going to race along. I nodded, and, when he started us, I flew ahead of him, seeing as I weighed a lot less. He caught me around a corner, and we remained even for almost the entirety of the race, eventually coming up to a bridge he flew over, while I curled around the broom and flew under, gaining a lead and entering the field victorious. He landed next to me, shaking his head, as I laughed.

“I win!” He chuckled, and patted my head as we walked back to the house, stopping momentarily at a shed to stow the brooms.

“Was that a good pick-me-up?” I nodded vigorously.

“The best.” He smiled, and we re-entered the house, my hair now wind blown and tangled. I smiled at Molly, who began talking to Fred while I went upstairs, up seemingly endless flights of stairs until I reached the top of the stairs, which ended at a door which bore a peeling sign reading Ronald’s Room. I knocked, and when I was told to enter, I entered, finding Ron laying on his bed, reading a book on the Chudley Cannons.

“Hey, Annabel.” I smiled, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I’ve gotta go get Harry in a little, but you can stay up here if you want. Wanna play wizard chess ‘till I leave?” I shrugged, and he set up a board, the white pieces on my side. I began, and we played a brutal game, both sides sacrificing several pieces, until we were trapped at a stalemate. I sighed, and he rose to go, patting my shoulder as he did. I stayed up there for a minute, looking around at the various posters and memorabilia he had scattered around his room, before going to the bottom floor, and asking Mrs. Weasley where Ginny was.

“She’s out pulling gnomes from the garden while the boys round up Harry.” Upon me offering to help, she shook her head.

“No, dear, I couldn't ask you to do that-“ She was interrupted by a stream of shouted cursewords emanating from where I guessed the garden was.

“I'll go and check on her, Molly.” She sighed, and nodded. I exited the house, and recently found the garden, an overgrown patch of plants, and spoke.

“Ginny? You in there?” I heard her call back, and I carefully moved through the underbrush, until I reached the source of the shouting. It was indeed Ginny, who was tossing gnomes out by the armful. I pitched in, heaving them into the nearby field, and settled into a routine. Throw, talk, throw, curse, throw.

“So. You excited for the Cup?” She nodded, grunting as she lobbed a particularly heavy gnome over the fence.

“Bugger off! Yeah, I am. Who’re you hoping wins?” I shrugged.

Ireland. I used to have a Muggle friend named Dugan who was Irish. Besides, They’re closer to us than Bulgaria, so…” The sentence trailed off like the line of defeated gnomes, and she shrugged as I cursed at a particularly stubborn one.

“Ireland as well. Ron likes Bulgaria’s seeker, though. Viktor Krum.” I nodded, and wiped sweat from my forehead before resuming.

“How are there so many of them in there?” She laughed, and we continued throwing gnomes until Molly came out to tell us Hermione and Harry had arrived. I nodded, and we re-entered the house, dripping with sweat, before separating at the entrance to Ginny’s room. I bid her farewell, clutching the towel I was using to wipe the sweat off in one hand, before continuing up to Ron’s room. I opened the door to find him, Hermione, and Harry sitting on the bed and cot that were in the room. Hermione stood to hug me, but I held up a hand.

“I'm a little sweaty. Ginny and I've been pulling gnomes for a good part of the day.” Ron grimaced, and nodded in sympathy. I sat down next to Hermione, who had repositioned herself on the bed to make space next to me, and I joined their conversation, which was inevitably about the World Cup. I was a mind with Hermione, that Ireland was going to win, while Harry and Ron seemed to like Krum and Bulgaria. We (that is, Ron, Harry, and I) debated why we thought which side was going to win (Hermione tended to stay out of the conversations considering Quidditch) until we were called down to eat dinner with the whole family. We were crammed into the kitchen, me squeezed between Fred and Hermione, which was fine, and we enjoyed a veritable feast from Molly, who, at the sight of my perpetual pallor, overly thin frame and dark black bags under my eyes, seemed to be giving me seconds, thirds, and fourths as well as Harry. To be honest, I was quite enjoying eating all of this food, as I didn't get to on a regular basis, before finally stopping after my fifth serving. I waved her off, leaning back as my stomach felt bloated, and thanked her for the hearty meal. I rose, and helped collect the dirty plates and dishes with Molly while the others left.

“Oh, dear, you don't have to help me. I've got it just fine.” I shrugged.

“Two sets of hands is better than one.” I carried a large stack of plates to the sink, setting them next to it before beginning to scrub them by hand. She giggled softly before waving her wand, sending a brush into the sink and it beginning to scrub the dishes by itself. I dried my hands before turning to go.

“You know, you're pretty helpful for a…” I finished her thought.

“Slytherin? Yes, I know. I get made fun of a lot for it.” She frowned.

“Well, why do you help people?” I thought for a moment.

“Maybe because I know what it feels like to do everything by myself, and I don't want someone else to have to go alone.” She smiled kindly, and I absentmindedly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before smiling and heading up the stairs to Ginny's room. I entered to find Ginny, wearing pyjamas, and Hermione, who was in the process of changing. I shut the door, and changed as well, before sitting down on the edge of my cot. Hermione spoke.

“Are you going to be okay for the full moon?” I nodded.

“The next one is a week after the Cup, so I'll be fine.” She nodded, and resumed her conversation with Ginny while I laid down, intent on getting some rest before the early awakening to go to the Cup.


I was woken up, incredibly early, by Arthur Weasley, who was on his way to get the boys, and rose, Hermione and Ginny with me. I changed quickly, and waked down to the kitchen to find Molly Weasley, blearily drinking a cup of tea as she made us breakfast. I gratefully took my piece of toast, eating it quickly as the group assembled in the yard, after a brief spat between Molly and the twins. We set out, walking under the moon (which wasn't full) towards Stoatstead Hill. I kept pace with Fred, shivering under the moon, which seemed to glare at me, and spoke quietly.

“Are you excited?” He nodded vigorously. “Definitely. I can't wait for Bulgaria to crush Ireland.” I stumbled in shock.

“What?! You want Bulgaria to win?” He nodded, viewing me suspiciously.

“Why? Unless…” I glared at him.

“Ireland is going to flatten Bulgaria, Fred, and you know it.” He shook his head, and we enjoyed an angry argument all the way up Stoatstead hill, finally reaching the top, still arguing.

“Will you two give it a rest? We need to find the Portkey.” I blushed, and began to look around with Fred, our debate continuing, albeit at a quieter volume than before. After a few minutes of looking, we were called over by Arthur, who had met two people, who apparently had the Portkey. As we walked up, I recognised the younger as the dashingly handsome Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain, Cedric Diggory.

“Hello, Arthur! Not a long trip, I hope?” As they talked, Fred glowered at Cedric, while I sidled over to Hermione, who was covertly glancing at Cedric.

“You're not being very discreet, Hermione.” She jumped, and blushed madly. I giggled, and patted her shoulder before walking back over to Fred. We all reached out and grabbed the boot (in my case, touched it with my pinkie finger), and we were whisked away by the Portkey.

A few short minutes later, I was lying on a bed in the girls’ tent, cold sweat pouring down my face. Hermione was watching anxiously, and Arthur Weasley spoke quietly.

“I should have known. A waxing gibbous moon like that is certain to have an effect. I’m sorry, Annabel.” I shrugged, shivering under a heap of blankets weakly.

“It's alright, Mr. Weasley. I’m fine.” He sighed, and one of the older Weasleys, Charlie, shook his head.

“You most certainly are not. Now, we need to be careful about this, because if Percy finds out…” The threat hung in the silent room, and I sighed.

“I'm the one who needs to be sorry. I shouldn't have even agreed to go this close to the moon.” Arthur shrugged.

“The game starts soon, so it's really up to you. You can go, but if you feel worse we really can't do anything about it, or you can stay here.” I sighed.

“I’ll stay. You lot go to the game, have fun. I'll be here when you get back.” Hermione hugged me, and I smiled as she pulled back.

“Well, I guess we’re off.” Fred stepped in, and squatted next to me as they gave us some privacy.

“Anything you want me to do for you?” I frowned, and cracked a mischievous grin.

“I want you to bet Bagman that Ireland wins, but Krum catches the snitch.” He looked at me, bewildered, and I shrugged from under the blankets. He patted my head, and smiled before leaving. I stayed there, in the bed, as the distant stadium echoed, shouts and applause reaching the tent, mingling with the silence around me. I drew the covers around me tighter, a little afraid at being alone in this large campground, and jumped as an earsplitting cheer reached me, along with the amplified shout from Bagman.

“INCREDIBLE! SIMPLY INCREDIBLE! KRUM CATCHES THE SNITCH BUT IRELAND WINS, 170-160! I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!” I chuckled, and laid back, drifting into an uneasy sleep as I waited for the others to get back.

When they did, I smiled and cheered as they returned to the tents we stayed in, I having woken a little earlier, choosing to go out to the fire and make some tea while I waited. I had a couple blankets wrapped around me, and sipped a steaming cup while the others poured a cup for themselves. Fred sat next to me, an arm around me, and sighed.

“That was the luckiest bet I’ve ever seen. It’s almost like you rigged the match…” He looked at me in mock suspicion, and I put on my best mysterious look.

“Almost, indeed.” He laughed, and I rested my head on his shoulder as the others talked about the game, re-living it in the most vivid details they could before I drifted off again.

I woke as I was being carried by Fred, who was running as fast as he could away from the campsite.

“Wha-Fred? W-What’s going on?” He puffed, and spoke between gasps.

“People… Attacking… Muggles…” I frowned, as the smell of burning canvas reached my nose. All of a sudden, I was sent flying as Fred tripped over something, and I landed in a heap, blankets helping dull the landing. I stood shakily, as fast as I could, and stumbled over to Fred, who had smashed his head on a kettle. I shook his shoulder, trying to get him to wake up, and, after he wouldn't, I sighed. I coughed, now realising we were in the middle of a row of burning tents, the fire encircling us slowly. I grabbed him about the arms, and tried to drag him away from a nearby tent, which was burning up into an inferno. I achieved moderate success, now cursing as I realised I’d only cornered myself. I drew my wand, trying to remember any spells for water or extinguishing I could, but my mind was too disoriented to be able to think clearly. I stood protectively over Fred, swaying weakly as the flames closed in, before shivering and beginning to cry.

“Please, someone, anyone, just h-h-help me.” I coughed again as the smoke entered my lungs, my vision swimming as the flames closed in. I fell, on top of Fred’s prone form, and was suddenly hit with the spell for water.

A-Auguamenti.” I whimpered as a small stream of water dripped out, only to be evaporated by the fire. I repeated myself weakly, shuddering as the flames began to lick the tips of my toes. I was suddenly gripped by a burning warmth in my wand arm, and looked down to see the cherrywood shimmering, and I was seized with a sudden conviction. I inhaled again, and yelled out, “AUGUAMENTI!” I coughed in surprise as a stream of water blasted out of the wand, almost like a fire hydrant, and I spun it around, thoroughly soaking me and the surrounding area with water, putting out the fire. I gasped as the icy water drenched Fred and I, before rolling off of him and onto the ground. He woke with a start (probably due to the ice bath I’d just inadvertently given him), and looked around wildly.

“Anna?! Are you alright?” I was shaking from the cold, teeth clacking together, and nodded slowly.

“Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes.” He crawled over to me, and wrapped his arm around me, trying to transfer what little heat he had to me. He then raised his wand arm, and shot a stream of sparks into the sky. They hovered there, pointing down at us in the shape of an arrow, while we huddled next to each other, trying to warm ourselves.

We were discovered as the Trace on both of our wands was practically screaming at the Ministry, but the officials that found us didn't charge us with anything after we explained the situation to them. We ambled along, looking around for the rest of the group, who we presently found near the Portkey. Hermione let out a shriek when she saw us, and practically tackled me into a hug when she reached us. I hugged her back weakly, before releasing and walking up to where the others were checking on Fred, especially George, who appeared to have been crying. I sat down next to the boot, and sighed as the cold air tickled my face. After a minute or two of being left alone, Fred sat down next to me.

“Are you okay?” I nodded.

“You?” He nodded, and threaded his fingers between mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and we stayed like that until it was time to leave.

Chapter 9: The Triwizard Tournament

Chapter Text

On the train ride to Hogwarts, Fred and I sat alone in a carriage (having driven a couple Slytherins out by some well-placed Dung Bombs) as the countryside sped by.

“We’ll be safe at Hogwarts, Anna.” I sighed.

“As long as I don't forget to take my potions.” He shrugged.

“I may have to hit a Bludger or two at you during a Quidditch game, so…” I lightly punched his shoulder, and he fell over in mock pain.

“Ow! I think you broke my shoulder!” I giggled.

“I'm just that strong.” He got back up, and chuckled.

“Maybe.” We spent the rest of the train ride joking around, until we reached the station, where Fred threw a Stink Pellet at the back of the train before we raced out, me giggling as he cackled maniacally. We boarded the first carriage, and laughed as we heard people shouting at us, before I sighed.

“That was funny.” He nodded, and I sat back into my seat, excited for the new school year.

A thousand years or more ago

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders

Formed their own house, for each

Did value different virtues

In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were

Prized far beyond the rest;

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest

Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were

Most worthy of admission;

And power-hungry Slytherin

Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide

Their favourites from the throng,

Yet how to pick the worthy ones

When they were dead and gone?

Twas Gryffindor who found the way,

He whipped me off his head

The founders put some brains in me

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,

I've never yet been wrong,

I'll have a look inside your mind

And tell where you belong!

I frowned.

“D’you think they’d let me defect to Gryffindor’s team as a Beater?” He frowned as well.

“No, because we’ve got the two best Beaters in the school already.” I shrugged.

“Accidents can happen.” He looked at me, clearly afraid, and I smiled.

“Kidding!” after a moment of giggling from me, we tucked into the dinner set before us, me eating a large meal, because, as soon as I finished, I had to hurry to the Hospital Wing for the moon (it had been a very long day with the sun, so Madam Pomfrey considered risking it). I shovelled down the rest of my food before hugging Fred.

“Good luck, Anna.” I smiled, and hurried from the Hall, practically running down the corridors until I reached the Hospital Wing. I was met by Madam Pomfrey.

“You’re cutting this very fine. Here.” She handed me the final dose, and I downed it quickly, pulling a face.

“All done? Good.” I turned to the window to peer out, and jumped when I saw that the full moon had just crested the horizon.

“Whew. That was close.” I doubled over, and began the transformation.

The next day, after I’d been smuggled out of the Hospital Wing and to the Great Hall, it was the talk of the school about the howl that had sounded from the Hospital Wing, just like last year. Thankfully, no one connected it to me, so I sighed in relief as I sat next to Fred in the Hall.

“Hey, Anna. You okay?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Never as bad as the first time, so that’s a relief.” He relaxed, and put an arm around me. All of a sudden, Pansy Parkinson appeared.

“Ooh, what’s this? Fred Weasley has a crush on Mudblood-Lover Finlayson?” I turned red, and looked down, while, to my surprise, Fred stood.

“So what if I do, fourth year? What’re you gonna do about it? And, the next time I hear you say that word you’ll regret even knowing my name.” She took a step back before shooting a withering glare at me and leaving. Fred sat down, flustered, and accidentally tried drinking a container of syrup instead of his goblet. I stopped him, and he sighed.

“Sorry.” I shrugged.

“Hey, it's no big deal.” I resumed eating, but paused after a moment.

“Hold on, When she said Fred Weasley has a crush, you said so what if I do.” He turned red, and shrugged.

“I-well, with the announcement last night and all, I was just a little.. I dunno.” I frowned.

“What announcement?” He gulped, and spoke calmly.

“Well, er, they're cancelling the Quidditch season this year-“

“THEY’RE WHAT?!” The entire Hall turned to look at me.

“Shh. They’re cancelling it this year because we’re hosting the Triwizard Cup!” I huffed.

“That isn't a good reason.” He looked at me coyly.

“Well, have you noticed the hulking Bulgarian guys and the pretty French girls around here?” A sudden stab of jealousy hit me, for reasons unknown.

“Are they that pretty, Fred?” He blanched, and a couple Gryffindors scooted away.

“Uh, I mean, they…” I glared at him, and he meekly shook his head.

“No they aren't. The semi-good looking-“ My glare intensified, “-completely ugly and worthless-” my glare turned into a smile, “-disgraces to the human race are from Beauxbatons, while the Bulgarians are from Durmstrang. The seventh years are allowed to enter their names if they want.” I nodded.

“Sounds fun.” He nodded, and the doors to the Great Hall opened, revealing the two schools, Durmstrang first. It was essentially a group of surly teenagers, who sat down at my table (Slytherin). Next came Beauxbatons. I spoke as they entered.

“They’re very pretty.” Fred nodded his head in agreement before I socked him in the shoulder.

“So ugly.” I nodded, and resumed staring at them. All of a sudden, Hermione dropped into the seat next to me.

“Hey. What was the outburst for?” I sighed.

“They’re cancelling the Quidditch Cup for some stupid tournament.” She shrugged.

“Harry and Ron feel the same, but I really don't get the importance of it. How was last night?” I sighed.

“I made it.” She nodded, and rubbed my back in sympathy. Suddenly, I heard a loud giggle from the door to the Great Hall. I looked over, and saw Pansy Parkinson with the other fourth year Slytherin and Malfoy, all smirking and pointing. I set down my fork and knife carefully, excused myself politely, and walked quietly up the tables until I reached the door.

“Here she comes!” I stopped before them, patiently waiting, and Pansy stepped forward.

“So, Finl-“ She was interrupted by me pulling back and punching her, full-force, in the jaw. She fell back, stunned and I calmly turned, walked back down the row before sitting back down next to Fred and Hermione, the first of whom was looking at me in surprise. I resumed eating, him still watching me nervously, and spoke.

“Why’re you looking at me like that?” He shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, and replied.

“Well, you just about broke Pansy Parkinson’s jaw without breaking a sweat.” I shrugged.

“She was making fun of the three of us.” He chuckled, and put the arm back around me.

“You’re hard to understand sometimes, you know?” I nodded, and paused in my meal.

“It's because I'm a Slytherin.” He snorted, and I rested my head on his arm.

I laughed hard enough to make my stomach hurt, and doubled over as Fred and George were thrown out of the ring, sporting perfect copies of Dumbledore’s beard. I walked over to where they lay, in a pile, and helped them up, one at a time. Fred wrapped his hand around mine, and we hurriedly exited the scene amid raucous laughter.

“You’re going to shave that, right?” He shrugged.

“I dunno. I'm considering keeping it.” I snorted, and we slowed as we neared the Gryffindor common room. He spoke the password, and we entered, him heading to his dormitory while I sat by the fire, finding Hermione working on History of Magic homework. “Hey, Hermione.” She replied without looking up.

“Hullo, Anna.” I warmed myself, and read her upside-down parchment.

“Goblin History? Seems dull.” She shrugged.

“Not to me. I kind of like it.” I sighed, and tapped my feet on the floor, looking around for something to do. Presently, Hermione paused, looking up at me.

“Fred’s planning on asking you out, y’know.” I jumped.

“W-What?” She sighed, and sat back in her chair.

“When he gets back from shaving that beard. He’s going to ask you to go to Hogsmeade with him, to the Three Broomsticks. I overheard him and George talking about it.” I was pleasantly surprised at this, and smiled a little to myself.

“Heya, Anna. I had a question for you.” I turned, and saw Fred, clean shaven, watching me nervously. I tried to retain my composure, and replied.

“Shoot.” He sighed.

“I-Well, I was um, wondering, if you wanted to-er-go to Hogsmeade with me next time they have a trip?” I nodded eagerly.

“I’d love that, Fred.” He grinned, and nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“Alright, then. I’ll just…I’ll be down in the Great Hall, if you need me.” I smiled, and giggled after he’d left. Hermione spoke.

“I told you.” I squeaked in delight, and relaxed back into the chair.

“So, have you done all your homework, Anna?” I nodded.

“Of course. That means I’ve got today and tomorrow morning to get ready for our outing.” She snorted, and I spoke mischievously.

“That means I’d need someone to help me get ready, naturally. If only there was someone who’d help?” Finally breaking her composure, she giggled.

“Alright, alright, I’ll help. We need to find you a suitable outfit, first. I might have some things you can try on.” We headed up to her dormitory, ignoring the curious glances from other Gryffindors, and began trying on the Muggle clothes she had with her.

After the remainder of the day was spent trying on clothes (which I’d never done before, but immensely enjoyed), we headed down to the Great Hall for dinner. I sat next to Fred, Hermione opting to sit with Harry and Ron, and we ate, telling jokes and generally having a good time together. After dinner was over, Fred walked me back to my common room, and we hugged before separating. “See you tomorrow, Anna.” I smiled, and waved before entering the common room, and crossing the space to my dorm, falling into bed but too awake to sleep.

The next morning was spent in Hermione’s dorm, perfecting the remaining parts of my outfit for the Hogsmeade trip. Finally, as I was about to leave for the Great Hall, Hermione stopped me.

“Here. The last part of your makeover.” She handed me a small case, and I opened it to find a wide assortment of Muggle-brand makeup products. She sat me down on the edge of her bed, and viewed me carefully.

“Hm. You don't need any contour, seeing as you’re bone-thin anyway, so we’ll just focus on the eyes and mouth, with a little concealer here and there.” I let her do her work, a little surprised as she muttered to herself (I’d never thought of her as one to know much about makeup), closing and opening my eyes as she applied eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara, before she dusted a small amount of concealer, then blush onto my face. Finally, she withdrew three tubes.

“Magenta, Crimson, or Fuscia?” I shrugged noncommittally.

“Crimson, I guess.” She nodded, and uncapped it, revealing a crimson-red cylinder of lipstick, which she covered my lips in.

“There. That’s all I can do for you. Stay here, I’ll go see if Ginny can add anything.” She left me, and I sat there, feeling like I had mud all over my face, and turned to look when Ginny arrived with Hermione.

“Well, I could put your hair up if you want.” I shrugged, and she set to work, pulling and twisting my hair for what seemed like an eternity until she sat back.

“All done.” I sighed, and stood.

“That took forever.” Ginny patted my shoulder, and Hermione lead me to a mirror.

“Wow.” I almost didn't recognize the girl standing before me. She was pretty, skin not nearly as pale as mine, the bags under her eyes practically nonexistent, with a smoky eyeshadow coupling a dark black eyeliner which highlighted her eye color magnificently. Her lips were bright red, and her hair wasn’t messily put into a ponytail, but rather gracefully braided down her back. Coupled with the navy-colored reefer jacket and matching trousers, she looked incredible.

“H-How did you make me look this good?” Hermione patted my shoulder, while Ginny absentmindedly braided her hair.

“I really didn't do as much as I could have. You've got all that in there already.” I hugged her, and she smiled.

“You’d better get to the Hall. I imagine Fred is waiting.” I nodded, and felt in my pocket for my permission form, hugging Ginny and leaving once I found it. I carefully made my way down to the Hall, and entered, seeing Fred sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table. I was about to walk over to him and sit when I noticed a string of whispers spreading through the Hall, particularly from the boys. I paused, afraid that they were making fun of me, but, as I watched them, they seemed to be in awe, which was saying something considering that the Beauxbatons girls were in there as well. I smiled to myself, and hurried down the steps, sitting next to Fred, who was looking at me, openmouthed.

“W-W-uh…” I giggled, and carefully ate a piece of bacon.

“So, are you ready for our trip?” He opened his mouth to reply, closed it, and nodded.

“Where are we going, if I might ask?” He shrugged, seeming to regain his voice a little.

“The Three Broomsticks, if that’s alright.” I nodded happily, and we presently left the Hall with the others who were going to Hogsmeade, lining up in the courtyard. I handed my form to Filch, who looked it over before nodding, and we continued onward, walking in the fall weather.

“So, how’ve classes been for you so far?” I shrugged.

“Good. Transfiguration has gotten harder, but I like that class, so it should be fine. How about you?” He sighed, kicking at a rock.

“About the same as usual. I'm passing, so I’m happy.” I nodded, and we walked in silence for a bit.

“I have to ask, did you do all that by yourself? Because it looks amazing.” I blushed, and shook my head.

“No, I can't do anything like this by myself. My hands shake too bad. Hermione and Ginny helped me out.” He frowned.

“Why do your hands shake?” I shrugged.

“It started after I was bit. I think it might be a nervous tic, or just because I'm so weak all the time.” He nodded, and put an arm around me.

“Y’know, back in the campground at the Cup, I never really found out what you did to save us.” I sighed.

“Well, I tried to use the Auguamenti spell, but it kept failing. Then, all of a sudden, it worked overtime, blasting out like a fire hydrant. The cold water must have woken you up.” He nodded, and we walked in silence for a bit until we reached the town. We hurried to the Three Broomsticks (it had grown cold), and entered, finding a table somehow in the packed building. Madam Rosmerta appeared, and we both ordered a flagon of Butterbeer.

“Are you excited to find out who wins the Hogwarts nomination?” I nodded vigorously.

“I hope it’s Cassius.” Fred was aghast.

“Warrington? The Slytherin Chaser? No, I don't want him to be the champion.” I frowned.

“Why not?” Fred shook his head.

“We can't have a Slytherin champion. We just can’t.” I frowned deeper.

“So if I was a seventh year and was chosen as the champion, you’d wish I hadn’t been?” He sighed.

“That’s different. By reputation, Slytherins are dishonest.” I was affronted.

“So you think I’m dishonest?” He shook his head wildly.

“No, not at all. I trust you more than I do most people. It's just, most Slytherins, for example Draco Malfoy, are not the most honorable of people when it comes to competitions.” I sighed.

“You have a point. Still, I want Cassius to win. He doesn't seem like a dishonest person.” Fred shrugged, and Madam Rosmerta appeared with our drinks. I took a sip, and leaned back.

“Y’know, Fred, when we finish our drinks, if it's alright, I want to go look at the Shrieking Shack.” He nodded, and we sat in silence, drinking our Butterbeer as I frowned in thought. He finished his first, and I drained mine quickly, throwing a few coins on the table before he could. On the way out to the Shack he was constantly attempting to repay me, but I shrugged him off. When we reached the fence that wrapped around the property. The gloomy, abandoned building was sad, to me. As we stood there for a moment, I noticed a peculiar smell, faint and unidentifiable, but still lingering on the air, coming from the house.

“D’you smell that?” He sniffed, and shook his head.

“No, I don’t smell it.” I frowned, and, in a sudden movement, vaulted the fence.

“Whoa, Anna, what are you-“

“Come on, Fred.” I didn't pause to see if he’d follow, and presently heard his footsteps.

“Why are we trespassing on private property?” I sighed.

“Because I want to know what that smell is.” He groaned, and we plodded onward, scent getting stronger as we did. I stepped up onto the porch, and sighed.

“Stand back.” He scampered back, and I kicked the door a couple times (it was nailed shut) before it crashed in.

“Ugh.” The smell was overwhelming, and I paused for a moment.

“If this is so gross we can go back.” I shook my head, and stepped in, followed by a reluctant Fred. What I discovered was strange. Almost all the furniture we came across was torn up, by claws, with long scratches on the floor. I paused, struck by a thought. I laid down, on my stomach, and spread my hands out. My fingers fit almost perfectly in the claw marks.

“Fred, I know what did this.” He frowned, standing in the doorway.

“Good. We can leave now, right?” I sighed, and nodded.

“I guess.” We walked out, me deep in thought, Fred watching me nervously. As we plodded back down the path to the town, Fred sighed.

“Well, did you have fun today?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I did. You?” He shrugged.

“Other than being forced to go into a creepy haunted house and finding claw marks all over the place? Good.” I giggled, and replied.

“You didn't have to come.” He coughed.

“Of course I did. What if you got hurt? I could never forgive myself if I didn't valiantly burst in and save the day.” I laughed, and lightly punched him.

“Oh, shut up. If anything I’d be the one saving you with my clearly superior Beater skills.” He made an incredulous face.

Superior? Far from it. I'm obviously the better Beater.” I shook my head vigorously.

“No, I am. I’m lighter, so I can fly faster. It's a proven science.” He sighed.

“Proven science or not, I’m still better.” I shook my head again, and we argued the rest of the way back to the castle, where we hurriedly took our seats in the Great Hall.

“I thought they were announcing the champions next week?” Fred frowned.

“I thought so too. Maybe they needed to move the time sooner because they were ahead of schedule.” I shrugged, and the Hall quieted down as Dumbledore rose.

“And now, we will announce the three champions, one from each school.” He walked towards the massive goblet, which was still crackling with a strange-coloured flame, and held out a hand. The flames roared higher before spitting out a slip of paper, which Dumbledore deftly caught.

“The champion from Durmstrang is… Viktor Krum.” There was scattered applause, some from the Gryffindor table, and he rose, walking quickly to the doorway that led to the room the champions were supposed to gather in. Once the clapping had died down, Dumbledore smiled, and held out a hand once more. The flames roared higher once more, and a slip of paper flew out. He unfolded it, and spoke.

“The champion for Beauxbatons is… Fleur Delacour.” There was more substantial applause this time, mostly from the boys, Fred keeping his applause to a small clap, before she went back into the room.

“And finally, the champion for Hogwarts is… Oh, what’s this?” As I watched, two papers had jumped out of the goblet.

“Cassius Warrington.” Thunderous applause came from the Slytherin table and no one else save me,

“And Harry Potter.” I abruptly stopped in surprise, as did the Slytherins, me turning to look at him as he rose. The Hall was silent, perhaps the quietest I'd ever seen it, and Dumbledore spoke after a minute of silence.

“You are dismissed.” He hurried to the doorway, and, as we reached the door to leave, I heard, very faintly (due to my hearing), Dumbledore.

“DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE, HARRY?!” This was accompanied by a crash, and I was afraid for Harry’s life as I headed to the Slytherin common room.

Chapter 10: Trouble In Paradise

Chapter Text

I was walking along the hallway to Charms class when I heard what sounded like sobbing. I frowned, and paused, searching for the source. I located it in an empty classroom, and was surprised to find Ginny, sitting in the corner of the room farthest the door. I shut it quickly, and hurried over to her. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” She shook her head, face buried in her hands.

“Did something happen?” She nodded, and, me not really knowing what to do, sat my books down on the floor before sitting next to her. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shook her head violently before pausing.

“W-Well, if you p-promise not to t-tell anyone…” She slowly lifted her head, and what I saw enraged me. Written on her forehead, in big letters, was “BLOOD TRAITOR.” I curled my hands into fists, trying to dissipate the anger I was feeling, and sighed carefully.

“Ginny, who did this to you?” She sighed, before shivering under my gaze.

“The Slytherin fourth years. They thought it’d be funny.” I stood hurriedly, and Ginny spoke quickly.

“Please don't do anything to them. It won't help.” I scowled.

“Maybe not. But they’ll remember the consequences.” I stormed out of the classroom and down the various hallways, so angry I really wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I finally found them in the courtyard, Pansy leaning against a tree while Jennifer was talking eagerly with Crabbe (ew). I marched over to them, and spoke, the edge in my voice dangerously subtle.

“Did you write blood traitor on Ginny Weasley?” Pansy laughed.

“So what if I did? You can't do anything.” I snorted, and drew my fist back, dealing a powerful blow to her jaw. She cried out, and fell over, grasping her jaw, as I turned to Jennifer. Crabbe stepped in front of her, but I scowled at him so darkly he cowered out of my way.

“This’ll teach you to bully my friends.” I drew back my fist again, and socked her in the eye. I growled at Crabbe, who scampered off (which looked hilarious with his enormous size), before I calmly strode back inside. I found Ginny in the classroom, and led her to the closest girls lavatory (which turned out to be Moaning Myrtle’s) her robes over her head. As she began to scrub the ink off, me thankful that it wasn't the same ink they’d used on me, I inspected my knuckles. One of them appeared to be out of place, which explained the waves of pain that was radiating from it, and I gripped my index finger tightly, stretching it out before popping it back into socket with a crack. I turned to Ginny, who had scrubbed the ink off, and was watching me in amazement.

“Didn't that hurt?” I shrugged.

“Not as much as the other Slytherins are right now.” She frowned as we left the bathroom, me stopping off at the classroom to get my books.

“What do you mean?” I sighed.

“Pansy Parkinson is going to wake up with one hell of a bruise, and Jennifer is going to be looking out of her right eye for the next few weeks.” Ginny groaned, and shook her head as we headed to Gryffindor common room (whenever I skipped class, which was incredibly rare, I’d go back to the Gryffindor common room and hang out for a little, and Ginny usually did the same). She spoke the password, and we entered, me dropping my stuff by a vacant chair which I promptly fell into. I massaged my knuckles for a minute, while Ginny disappeared into her dorm before returning with a chocolate bar. She broke it in half before handing me some, which I gratefully accepted.

“So, what class are you missing?” I shrugged.

“Charms. You?” She looked into the dormant fireplace.

“Transfiguration. Nothing important.” I nodded.

“So…” We honestly didn't have much in common, though we shared an interest in Quidditch.

“D’You… I dunno, fancy anyone in your year?” She shook her head, face turning red, and I frowned.

“Well, no. Not anyone in my year. I'd ask you, but you did go on a date with Fred.” I shrugged.

“What else is there to talk about?” She thought for a moment.

“Who do you want to win the tournament?” I sat back.

“Cassius. He seems like a nicer fellow.” She nodded.

“I like him a bit, but what about Harry?” I frowned.

“I hadn't really thought about him that much. I suppose I'd cheer for him too.” I ate some more chocolate, and we sat in silence until Hermione appeared.

“Anna, where were you? You missed the review for the first test! Lucky for you I made an extra copy of the notes I took.” She handed me a tightly wound scroll, and I unrolled it to find that it was two feet long and packed with notes.

“Dear Lord, Hermione. How much of this do I need to know?” She opened her mouth, but was interrupted by Ron and Harry, the former dropping his books onto the floor haphazardly before sitting down in a huff.

“I figure around a quarter of whatever Hermione’s got written down.” I shrugged, and waved at Harry, who was staring glumly at the fireplace.

“What's wrong, Harry?” He shrugged.

“Nothing. Nervous for the first trial, I guess.” I viewed him shrewdly, seeing as the trial was four days away.

“You already know what it is, don't you?” He jumped, and shook his head. I laughed.

“Yes you do. I suppose you've told Ron and Hermione already, haven't you? You know you can ask me for help, right? I am a member of the worst house in Hogwarts, so I'm bound to know a few spells here and there which might come in handy.” He frowned.

“Well, if you and Ginny promise not to tell anyone, I’ll tell you.” I nodded eagerly, while Ginny began to stare at the fireplace. Harry lowered his voice.

“It's dragons. One for each champion. And I've no idea what to do. Professor Moody says to use what I'm good at, but all I'm good at is Quidditch.” I frowned in thought.

“No, Harry. You're not good at Quidditch.” He seemed affronted.

“You’re good at flying. All you need to do is somehow get your broom into the stadium. A Summoning Charm, maybe.” He perked up.

“But I don't know how to do a Summoning Charm.” I sighed, and stood.

“I’ll teach you.” He stood as well, both of us drawing our wands. I crossed to one side of the room, hefting a heavy book. I was about to tell him to start, but a voice interrupted me.

“Miss Finlayson, if I could have a word?” I turned, dread filling me at the voice I heard, and saw Dumbledore, looking at me curiously.

“Uh, yes, sir. Hermione, could you help Harry for me?” She nodded, shooting me a worried glance, and I took a breath before following him out of the common room. He led me a ways down the hallway before stopping and speaking.

“It has come to my attention that someone has broken into the Shrieking Shack. Do you have any knowledge of this occurrence?” I shrugged, looking at my feet.

“Kind of…” He frowned.

“Well, what do you know?” I shrugged, still looking at my feet.

“Well, er, I might’ve broken in because I smelled an odd smell. Then I found claw marks. Please don't take too many points from Slytherin, I was just curious and I’m-“

“Slow down, Annabel. You aren't in trouble. You would have been if you'd lied to me. The Shrieking Shack was the home of the previous werewolf during his time here during the full moon. I am curious, however, as to how you smelled that scent from the clearing, almost a quarter of a kilometre away.” I frowned, and shrugged again.

“I dunno. Fred didn't smell it, even when it was making my eyes water.” Dumbledore’s expression shifted to mischief.

“You, and Fred Weasley?” I reddened.

“Er, yes. We were on a, ah, date.” He nodded to himself.

“Yes, I could see that. You make a good couple. Either way, I suggest you head back to your common room, as Professor Snape is about to make an announcement.” I nodded, and hurried away, thanking my lucky stars he didn't bring up the Alihotsy Draught. I made it to the door, spoke the password, and entered to find the Slytherin House assembled in front of Snape, who was quietly talking with Cassius. I stood at the back of the assembly, and, after a minute, Snape turned to us.

“So, the Yule Ball is going to be held this Christmas, and I must teach you… How to dance. You have to submit your partners by noon the day before the ball to McGonagall, who is heading the committee that sets up the dance. Now, it isn't for a little while, but Slytherin House has a tradition to uphold: that of grace and superiority to others. Inkeeping with this noble creed, you may only ask those in your House to the dance, although,” he added a small amount of stress on the word although, “You may go with someone who isn't a member of Slytherin House if they ask you. That is all. Dance lessons shall commence tomorrow after McGonagall has received the first pairs. If you do not have a partner, you are not allowed to attend.” I sighed dreamily, already knowing Fred would ask me, and sat down as the group dispersed. Snape walked over to me, and spoke quietly.

“Ms. Finlayson, it may be of some concern to you that the closest full moon is the night directly after the Yule Ball.” I nodded thankfully, currently going through the precursor to the moon, which was two days from now. I dragged a hand over my face, and stood, meaning to go talk to Fred about the Ball. It seemed to me that the corridors passed in a blur, how giddy I was to hear him ask me, but I was stopped in my tracks by a peal of laughter.

“Fred, of course I’ll go with you. We’ve been friends for three years now.” My chest convulsed, and my breath caught in my throat. I ducked into a plinth, and watched from the shadows as Fred and a Gryffindor Sixth Year girl, Angelina, walked next to him. After they passed, I walked out clumsily, not bothering to hide my movements, and found the nearest entrance to the grounds. I sat near a rose bush, and picked one of the flowers, looking at it in my hand. Almost as if it could sense my inner thoughts, the flower wilted, and I threw it to the ground before staring out at the lake. I was brought from my reverie by Fred’s voice.

“Hey, Anna, why so sad?” I stood, and turned, trying to hold my composure.

“So, Fred. Who’re you taking to the Yule Ball? I can’t ask you, but you can ask me if you want to go with me.” He blanched, and stuttered around his next sentence.

“I-Uhm, well, Anna, y’see, er…” I shrugged.

“Is it because she’s a Gryffindor, and I’m not? If it is, just say it. It’d hurt less.” He gulped, and fiddled with his robes.

“I mean, you've got to see it from my side, Anna. I’d get a lot of comments if I went with you.” I sighed angrily.

“Like I haven't for the past four years for associating with you guys? I don't know if anyone told you, but whenever I talked to Hermione in my first year, Pansy Parkinson would write MUGGLE-LOVER on my forehead in enchanted ink. I’d get crude remarks, smirks, and even glares when I hung around you lot. But did I stop when they filled my bed with dirt and worms? No. Did I stop when they coloured my hair like a rainbow? I don't think so. But I still did, and you know why? Because you lot actually liked me. Not even Hufflepuffs like me, Fred, and that says a lot.” He opened his mouth to speak, closed it, and opened it again.

“Anna, I’ve known Angelina well for three years. We’re just going as friends.” I shook my head, biting my lip to contain my tears.

“Well, Fred Weasley, if you aren't willing to sacrifice your standing with your friends like I did, then we’ll just have to be a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, not Fred and Anna. Maybe if you understood what I went through without giving up you'd see how easy it'd be to endure a few comments.” I turned on my heel, and marched off, leaving him standing there in shock. I made it halfway about the lake before I stopped, crumpling to the ground behind the tree line and weeping. I sobbed angrily, angry at myself for what I then realized as an extreme overreaction, and I tore at my clothes, seeking to punish myself for my idiocy. I dimly remembered a spell we’d gone over in Charms a few days ago, and drew my wand, aiming at the belly of my forearm and whispering the spell through my tears. I whimpered in pain as the cut formed on my arm, followed by another, and another, until I had seven lines on my arm, not deep enough to bleed profusely but enough to leave a mark, centering me back into my body in an ugly, painful way. I rolled onto my back, and cried harder, regretting every word I had said but knowing this time I couldn't take it back. I stood after a moment, swaying on my feet, and took a shaky breath. I spoke quietly, loud enough for only myself to hear.

“I won't ever let myself do that again. And if that means what I think it means, I’ll do it.” I looked up at the sunny sky, contradicting my sadness, and puffed an angry breath.

“And no one is going to stop me.”

Chapter 11: Killing Curses and Strange Professors

Chapter Text

The day of the first trial had arrived, and, after a tumultuous full moon after the ordeal near the lake, I was physically and emotionally drained. I stood, alone, near the entrance to the stands, where I still had a decent view of the arena. It was rocky, with many areas to hide, which was good considering the nature of the trial. I was dressed comfortably (on the days for the trials you didn't have to wear robes if you wanted to), and anxiously waited to see whether Cassius and Harry would do well (even with my recent falling out with Gryffindor, I secretly was rooting for Harry, even under the dirty looks I was shot between classes and in hallways. I was resting my head against the bottom of the stairs, when someone tapped my shoulder.

“What do you want-Malfoy?” I was slightly bewildered, and viewed him suspiciously.

“Do you remember, in our first year, what you got for Christmas?” I nodded.

“Stuff from my parents, and a eagle feather quill from some ‘secret admirer.’ Please don't tell me it was you, because that’s disgusting.” He shook his head.

“No, but he wants to see you. Here, I’ll take you to him.” I cautiously thought it over before deciding I had nothing better to do, and followed him away from the arena and into the surrounding forest.

“So, who is it?” He shrugged eloquently.

“You’ll see.” I sighed, and stomped through the underbrush, forest colder than the arena. We entered a clearing, him stopping at the edge.

“Go on. He’ll only show if you’re standing in the centre.” Still mistrusting him, but curious enough to do it, I cautiously walked to the middle of the clearing.

“Now!” Suddenly, I was weightless, and fell into a pit that had been hidden under a cleverly weaved, magically reinforced trap. I hit the ground, and rolled, drawing my wand. I swore loudly as I realised I was standing in an inch of some sort of liquid, and screamed as a deluge of icy water rained over me, screams muffled by the water. The level in the pit rose, until it was all I could do to keep my head above water. The deluge stopped, and I began to tread water, still too far from the top to climb out but too far from the bottom to stand.

“If you’d stay there for a moment, please?” Malfoy laughed before tearing off towards the arena, leaving me to tread water frantically as Pansy Parkinson watched gleefully. I struggled to stay up, seconds passing like hours, until Malfoy returned with a group of Slytherins gingerly carrying buckets. They then poured them into the pit, and I gasped as I realised the buckets were full of ink, not knowing how they’d managed to obtain that much in such a short time, scene punctuated by cheers and screams from the arena. I began to paddle over to one side, weak from the constant treading, and tried to climb out. Malfoy squatted above me, watching my attempts with joy.

“Why are you doing this?” He shrugged, and I felt the warm ink begin to wash over me in the cold water.

“Because I figured that, after your falling out with the Gryffindors, you needed a little appearance change.” I frowned in confusion, before swearing loudly at him.

“What-does that-mean?” He giggled maliciously.

“You may think that that is quill ink, but, rather, it is a nasty little potion that colors something specified by the brewer. In this case,” He withdrew a vial containing a lock of blonde hair, “it’s your hair. And this is permanent.” I shrieked, before smacking my hands on the water, splashing it up and over him and Pansy, who shrieked as it hit her. I swore again, before coughing violently as some of it got into my mouth.

“Let me out!” He shook his head, before waving his wand, draining it to the point where I was able to sit down in the pool. They left me there, crying quietly with streaks of black potion all over me, sitting in the pool sadly. I only moved when I heard a voice.

“Anna? Is that you?” I sniffled, and looked up, spying, to my surprise, Cassius Warrington, toting a large golden egg. I wiped my eyes, and nodded.

“What happened to you?” I shrugged. He drew his wand, dispersing the rest of the potion with a flick of his wand, before hopping down into the pit and walking over to me. I sighed.

“Anna, what happened?” I shrugged weakly, and he sat next to me, knees drawn up to my chest.

“Well, I was getting ready to watch the first trial when Malfoy said he… Er, needed to talk to me. So, I followed him out here, fell into the pit, and he poured water and a colour-change potion on me, as you can tell.” I indicated my soppy black hair.

“Well, let's go tell Snape.” I shook my head.

“What’s the use? They'll just do something worse because I told on them.” He sighed.

“Fine. Let’s get you dried off, then you can help me with this blasted egg.” I snorted, and he waved his wand, making a staircase out of dirt that we slowly ascended.

“So, how’re things with Fred? I heard you went on a date with him a little while ago, but since then there's been nothing but radio silence.” I shrugged, not wanting to tell him the truth.

“We, ah, are going through a rough patch.” He nodded sympathetically, and patted my back.

“It’ll all work out in the end, Anna. Don't worry.” We lapsed into silence, until we reached the school. He found the nearest girl’s lavatory, and waited outside. I stepped in, and found a shower, stripping down and turning on the hot water. I scrubbed my hair furiously, to no avail, before giving up and working on cleaning the potion off of the rest of my body. It took a few good minutes of scrubbing, and my skin was bright red after I was done. I grabbed a towel, toting my soaked clothes, and frowned, not knowing what to do. I knocked on the door, and he spoke through the crack.

“Uh, yeah?” I spoke quietly.

“I don't have anything to change into, and Slytherin boys aren't allowed to go into the girls’ dormitories.” He sighed.

“I guess I’ll have to break that rule.” I stopped him quickly.

“No, I mean it’s magically reinforced to stop boys from going in there.” He snorted.

“Well, what do we do?” I frowned.

“Well, I’m going to need to get from here to the common room without being seen. D’you think you can help?” He coughed, and I opened the door to catch his reaction.

“Obviously. I need your help with the egg anyway.” He chuckled as he spoke, and I smiled involuntarily. He turned, and frowned.

“Why’re there burn marks on your chest?” I blushed, and tried to pull the towel up, which only served to loosen it. I clutched it, embarrassed, and he reddened.

“Uh, let’s go. Quick.” I nodded, and we hurried through the halls, me making doubly sure that my towel covered everything, until we reached the door. He spoke the password, me waiting to see if there was anyone in there, and he cursed angrily. I peeked around the door to see the entire Slytherin House applauding. I nodded to him, signaling for him to go in, before shutting the door behind him. I had nowhere else to go, and I was hesitant to rely on the Gryffindors, but I needed clothes and Hermione was around my size. I dashed through the corridors, taking every shortcut I knew, and presently arrived at the painting of the Fat Lady, who viewed me disdainfully.

“What do you want, missy?” I looked back and forth fearfully, shivering under the thin towel, before speaking quietly.

“I need help. Is Hermione Granger in there? Or Ginny Weasley?” She looked me over, and frowned suspiciously.

“I’ll check.” She walked out of her portrait, before returning a few tense seconds later. “Both of them are there. I told them some girl in a towel wanted them.” The portrait swung open to reveal Hermione and Ginny, both looking confused. “A-Anna? What’s wrong with your hair?” I shivered, and spoke quickly.

“I need a favor. Can I borrow some clothes?” Hermione nodded quickly before beckoning me in.

“You’re lucky everyone is in the Great Hall right now. Here, up the stairs.” I followed them up the staircase to the girls’ dorms, and entered the fourth year door. Hermione began looking through her trunk for clothes.

“Here. Put these on, I think they fit.” She threw me some underwear, and I put them on, finally able to take off the towel, which I folded and set down on her bed. Ginny sighed angrily as she viewed me.

“W-What?” She shook her head.

“I’m just mad looking at the scars on your chest. Hermione told me about them.” I shrugged, and pulled on a pair of trousers and a shirt.

“You’re a lifesaver, Hermione.” She nodded, looking me over.

“That should be enough to get you to your… Hold on there’s something on your wrist.” I backed away, shaking my head. “It’s nothing, Hermione. Thanks for the clothes.” I made to leave, but was blocked by Ginny. I looked at the two of them, who were slowly advancing, and jumped onto Hermione’s bed, vaulting over it and dashing for the door. I made it into the common room before I was tackled by Ginny.

“Damn.” I sat, defeated, on the floor, as they watched me, Ginny breathing heavily.

“Well?” I shrugged, and stood slowly, looking back and forth.

“It's nothing, really, Hermione. Don't worry about it.” I took a small step back towards the door. “Anna…” I turned, and darted out of the door, flying down the corridors and halls with Ginny and Hermione in hot pursuit. I seized an opportunity by dropping from one staircase to another, rolling to absorb the shock before continuing on my dash. I ended up somewhere around the eastern third floor, panting as I hid in a classroom. I groaned, and sat back against a wall.


The weeks between the first trial and Yule Ball passed agonizingly slow, me having to avoid Hermione and Ginny with doubled vigor, all the while maintaining high grades. Sadly, my interests, no longer filled with hanging out with the Gryffindors, turned to more Slytherin-esque habits. When I wasn't trying every spell I knew to change my hair back to it’s natural color, I was breaking into the Restricted Section to read books on Dark Magic, mostly because I had nothing else to do and my subconscious, however hard I tried to prevent it, was being influenced by my fellow Sytherin fourth years. Mad-Eye Moody, when he’d covered the Unforgivable Curses, looked at the Slytherins especially when he admonished the class to never use them. I, of course, headed to the forest immediately after hearing this and began to try them. I started on small things, mostly rats and spiders, avoiding the Killing Curse mainly because it felt taboo to me, and I giggled as I made the rats do various activities with the Imperius Curse. I had less fun with the Cruciatus Curse, and I only used the Killing Curse once that day. I’d been heading farther and farther into the forest to find more specimens, not only to practice the Unforgivable Curses but some others I’d read in the stolen books. I was squatting in a clearing, testing the dehydration spell on a poor stray cat that had wandered into the clearing (not killing it, of course. Cats were very dear to me), when I heard the chatter of what I knew was spiders, having tortured several of them on my way here. I looked up, expecting a tiny trail of them, but froze when I saw one the size of a small car sitting at the other end of the clearing, staring at me. It was then I realized that, while I’d been hurting the cat, the spiders had encircled the clearing, blocking me in. I stopped torturing the cat, and it wandered off weakly. I stood, and aimed my wand at the biggest one, which viewed me carefully with its eight eyes, before speaking, to my amazement.

“You. Friend. Ha-grid?” I snorted.

“Of course not.” The spiders chittered, and I came to the conclusion that this was the wrong answer. Without warning, the largest one pounced, and I shrieked the first spell that came to mind.

Avada Kedavra!” A green light shot from the end of my wand, and hit the spider midair, causing it’s progress to halt. It fell to the forest floor, and I looked at the others, who screeched in unison before attacking. I waved my wand in a circle as I yelled out a spell.

Incendio!” A wall of flames ejected from the tip of my wand, incinerating the spiders as fast as they were coming at me. I continued to spin, shooting fire at the beasts, until the flow ceased, and finally stopped, leaving me surrounded by a ring of charred spiders. The last one limped away, leg smoldering, and I snorted in disdain before speaking the next spell.

Reducto.” It crumpled to dust, and I turned to go, finding myself face-to-face with Mad-Eye Moody. “Uh-Sorry, Professor Moody. I didn't see you.” He chuckled as he took a swig from his flask.

“Damn good spellwork, Finlayson. Especially the Killing Curse. That wand is powerful. What are it’s specifications, if I may ask?” I gulped, and handed him the wand.

“Cherrywood with Dragon Heartstring. Thirteen inches.” He nodded as his normal eye examined the wand, blue eye staring at me.

“Curious. Normally wandmakers don't use cherrywood, as it makes for temperamental wands. I’m interested as to how you were able to use Dark Magic with this wand considering that it’s core is Dragon Heartstring, which rarely turns to evil.” I shrugged.

“It usually does what I ask it to. Please don't take too many points from my house for this, Professor.” He laughed, handing me back my wand.

“Ah, I won't take any points from your house, Finlayson. I admire a good spellcaster, and I think you'd make a good Auror.” I smiled, and he muttered to himself as he turned.

“That, or a Death Eater…” He left me there, in the clearing, terrified that he’d insinuated me having the ability to be a good Death Eater.

Chapter 12: Fourth-Year Death Eater

Chapter Text

Time passed quickly after the first trial, me completely avoiding thinking about the Yule Ball, choosing instead to work on more spells I found interesting, including a very interesting spell to me, the Animagus Spell. Obviously, it was a long shot considering my condition, and my hurried walk towards the greenhouses was interrupted by the familiar tingle in my back. I swore violently, knowing I couldn't make it to the Hospital Wing in time, choosing instead to run towards the lake. My run hitched as the pains returned, and I dove into the lake, searching for a certain creature I'd made an unlikely friendship with. The squid found me, and I yelled through the water for it to hold me tightly as the transformation began. Thankfully, the squid could understand some English, and his tight tentacles wrapped around me as I howled underwater, struggling powerfully against the wolf inside, before my vision blacked.

I awoke on the shore of the lake, soaking wet, human, and ice cold. I shakily stood, swayed, and stumbled backwards before falling back into the water. I rose again, surer of my footing than before, and headed to the school. I slowly made my way through the corridors, still dark outside, and trudged into the Hospital Wing, where Madam Pomfrey was in a right panic.

“Annabel! Where were you? Are you alright? What happened?” I shrugged wearily, water dripping off of me.

“I forgot to get here in time, so the squid in the lake held me while I had transformed.” Madam Pomfrey blanched, and hurried over to me, looking me over for injuries as she handed me a towel.

“You are very lucky, Annabel Finlayson. I didn't hear a howl, so I assumed the worst.” I shrugged again, and turned to go, stumbling into a curtain and knocking it over.

“Bloody… Sorry, Madam Pomfrey.” She viewed me shrewdly before fixing the curtain.

“I suggest you stay here for the night, Miss Finlayson.” I sighed, and stepped behind the curtain, drying myself off and changing into a dry pair of clothes, discarding the nearly-shredded pair I wore. I then crawled into a bed, pulling the covers over myself before drifting off into an unpleasant rest.


I awoke, in a dark Hospital Wing, with a group of concerned faces staring at me. I recoiled, expecting a blow of some sort, but was met with none. I lowered the sheet slowly, and began to recognize who the faces belonged to. Ginny, Ron, a fourth year Gryffindor I didn't know, and Cassius Warrington.

“Hey. We heard what happened and thought we’d drop by.” I smiled, and sat up in the bed, sighing tiredly.

“It wasn't fun. I don't remember it, but every part of my body aches.” Ron nodded, and withdrew a huge bar of Honeydukes chocolate, handing it to me. I devoured it, ravenous after not eating dinner, before thanking him. He patted my foot awkwardly before leaving, the other fourth year following him after a small smile. Cassius spoke.

“So. The second trial is coming up. Hopefully you're going to make it this time?” I smiled, and nodded.

“Yeah. I won't talk to Malfoy this time, either.” He smiled, and patted my shoulder before leaving me alone with Ginny. Awkward silence ensued for a few moments, before she spoke.

“I'm glad you're okay, Annabel.” I smiled awkwardly, and Ginny sniffed.

“You know what? You've changed.” I frowned.

“What do you mean?” She shrugged, looking at her shoes.

“When you smiled, it wasn't your smile. It was a Slytherin smile.” At this, she left me alone, shocked into silence by what she'd said. I threw the covers back, pushing the exchange out of my mind, and stood to go, grabbing my wand and dirty clothes. I marched confidently out of the Hospital Wing, and walked to the entrance to the Slytherin dormitory, speaking the password Madam Pomfrey had given me before I left the Wing. The door rumbled open, and I stepped through, entering the common room and making my way to the girl’s dorms. I threw my dirty clothes beside my bed, and put on a new, more comfortable pair of robes before heading back to where I was going before the transformation, the greenhouses. I snuck in, and searched for a mandrake plant (part of the process of becoming an Animagus requires holding a Mandrake leaf on your tongue for a month). I found one, stealthily crept up to it, and plucked a leaf off of it’s trunk/stem thing. A muffle scream sounded, and I dashed out, sticking the leaf under my tongue as I did. It was acrid, and I gagged momentarily as I hastened towards the castle. I made it inside, and hid in a classroom as Professor Sprout dashed by, heading towards the greenhouse. I counted to five before exiting the classroom and dashing down the stairs, coming to an abrupt halt as I ran into Mad-Eye Moody.

“Just what are you doing out of your dormitory right now, Ms. Finlayson?” I gulped, and spoke awkwardly, not used to the leaf under my tongue yet.

“Well-er, sir, I was just…” Quick as a flash, he pulled me into a nearby classroom as a teacher passed by.

“What's under your tongue, Annabel?” I gulped.

“It's, ah, a mandrake leaf.” He, to my surprise, broke into a smile.

“Trying to become an unregistered Animagus, eh? Good on ya.” I was taken aback. Here was a guy who hunted Death Eaters for a living congratulating me for doing something highly illegal. He chuckled at the look at my face.

“Now, I don't necessarily trust you, but I do know that you can keep a secret. Do you remember when I told you you'd make a good Death Eater? Yes, I did want you to hear that. The truth is,” he looked down at a pocket watch carefully, and loosened his collar slightly.

“I'm not actually Mad-Eye Moody.” His skin began to bubble, and I stepped back carefully as he fell to the floor, convulsing as his peg-leg popped off, replaced by a real leg, and the blue eye shot out of the holder, revealing another, brown eye. His hair grew, facial features shrinking as his face changed from a wizened old man to a young, clearly insane man with straw coloured hair. I watched as he grunted, standing back up and looking at me crazily. Keeping his voice to a whisper, he spoke.

“My name is Barty Crouch. And if you tell anyone who I am, I'll kill you.” I gulped, and he drew his wand, pointing at a chair.

“Sit.” I complied, still terrified at the appearance of this mystery man who was apparently the son of Barty Crouch.

“I assume you don't know who I am?” I shook my head.

“Good. Now, I've been noting your movements, and reporting them back to the Dark Lord. He shows interest in you and your abilities. Think of him as a sponsor, of sorts.” He withdrew a vial, containing a strange object I couldn't discern, and set it on the desk between us.

“This is a piece of Dragon Heartstring, the ingredient required to finish the process of becoming an Animagus, as that is the core of your wand. If you take this, you'll swear your allegiance to the Dark Lord. I will say, if I may confide in you, I gained a great many friends when I joined the Dark Lord’s forces.” I frowned, and looked down at the vial, contemplating my options.

“Oh, and if you decide not to take this vial, I'll Obliviate the memories of this conversation from you.” I frowned deeper. It wasn't like I really had friends here. Sure, Hermione and Ginny, but that was two, not counting Ginny according to what she'd said to me in the Hospital Wing. I thought back to how I was truly interested in Dark Magic, and the spells I had cast on the animals in the forest. Was I truly meant to be bad, and should I embrace the path set before me? If I did, I'd gain a lot of friends, according to this man, which was what I'd always wanted.

“How do I know I can trust you?” He bared his teeth in a smile.

“I could have turned you in when I saw you use the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest, but I didn't. I see great potential in you.” I sighed, and frowned again, looking down at the vial once more.

“I-well, I suppose so. I'd like to have a lot of friends.” He smiled wider, and held out his hand.

“I must give you the Mark, to notify our Lord of your acceptance.” I held out my right hand slowly, and he rolled up my sleeve before pressing his wand into my forearm and murmuring a spell. It seared into my arm, and I tensed, flexing my forearm to keep from yelling out, gritting my teeth until the burning went away. I sat back, and he pushed the vial towards me.

“For now, lay low until I contact you. Don't show a soul the Mark.” I nodded, and he pulled a flask from his pocket, downing it quickly and beginning his transformation back to Mad-Eye. He put the leg back on, popped the eyeball back into place, and spoke gruffly.

“You won't regret this decision, Finlayson.” I nodded curtly, grabbed the vial, and stood to leave after he did.


As I was laying in my bed, I wondered whether I'd made the right decision. Of course, there wasn't any going back from it, but I still had that nagging feeling in the back of my head. Shrugging it off, I rolled over and tried to fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling energized. I pulled on my robes, shoes, and grabbed my wand before exiting the dormitory to find Draco Malfoy sitting alone, in front of the fire. I frowned curiously.

“Where are your two thugs, Malfoy? You look odd without two extra shadows.” He sighed, and shrugged.

“Down at the Great Hall, stuffing their faces, as usual.” I snorted.

“Y’know, Anna, back in the Forest…” I raised my eyebrows expectantly.

“That wasn't my idea. Pansy made me.” I scowled apprehensively.

“Sure.” He sighed again, looking into the fire.

“I sent you that quill, in our first year. I wanted to be friends with you, but when you started hanging around that Mudblood Granger I knew I couldn't be.” I shrugged, Mark itching slightly.

“Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm officially hated by all four houses now.” He frowned, looking up at me.

“What do you mean? I thought the Weasley, Fred, was going out with you.” I snorted derisively.

“Not after he asked someone else to the Yule Ball.” He winced sympathetically.

“That's unfortunate.” I nodded, and walked over to a chair facing him, arms crossed.

“What about you? Taking Pansy, I presume.” He chuckled dryly.

“I'd rather not, honestly. She laughs like a horse.” I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand, and he smiled lightly.

“Well, what are we to do? You don't have a date, and I don't want to go with mine.” I felt the urge to ask him to the Ball with me, which made me pause. Draco Malfoy, the boy who bullied me constantly for the past four years? It's a power play. He's much more useful on your side than the Blood Traitor. I frowned at the voice, coming from the back of my head. I mulled it over in my head, and the Mark began to itch less as I did.

“Well, I could go with you.” He looked at me in surprise.

“Really?” I nodded, and spoke.

“But, if I find out any plans to prank me or ruin anything, you're a dead man.” He looked at me fearfully, and I held his gaze.

“Of course not. I'll go tell Snape we’re going together. What color should our robes be?” I frowned, looking into the fire as he rose.


Chapter 13: The Yule Ball

Chapter Text

The Yule Ball had arrived, and I was very excited. I'd sent a letter to mum asking for a black dress to wear, and she’d delivered magnificently. A long v-neck bared the burns on my chest, while a graceful form aided my figure’s transformation from normal to extraordinary. A short skirt that ended just above the knee, coupled with black eyeliner and a dusky eyeshadow complimented the outfit well, and I’d specifically asked for a dress with long sleeves to hide the Mark. I downed the final dose of Wolfsbane (the next full moon was the night after the Ball), and applied a bright red lipstick before exiting the dormitory to find Draco waiting in a pair of sophisticated black dress robes.

“You look nice.” I smiled, and he held out a hand.

“Milady.” I took it, and we walked out of the common room together, heading towards the Great Hall.

“I'm not one for dancing, but if you wish to, we may.” I shrugged.

“I don't mind.” He nodded, and we ascended the stairs, reaching the entrance to the Great Hall. I spied Cassius, slow dancing with a sixth-year Slytherin girl, and smiled a little. I also noticed that Harry, Ron, Fred, and George were all staring at me.

“Let's find a place to sit.” I nodded, and we moved through the crowd, finding a secluded table at the end of the Hall, next to the teachers’ table. We sat, and I leaned back, enjoying the feeling of being looked at by several boys at once. I sighed, and he looked over at me.

“You know, I don't think Potter deserves to be up there, dancing with Patil.” I turned my gaze to the floor, where the champions were dancing with their dates. I shook my head.

“Neither do I. He's stealing Cassius’ glory.” Draco nodded, and watched him for a minute longer while I traced the carvings in my wand, thinking back to the vial of Dragon Heartstring I had buried under a pair of socks in my trunk. The month had been up a day ago, but I was still waiting for the final potion to finish simmering, and it wouldn't be done for another two days.

“Are you alright? You look quite pale.” I snapped back to reality, realizing Draco was looking at me in concern.

“I'm fine. Just a little flustered, is all.” He nodded, and sighed.

“I think Krum looks like he wants to go home to Durmstrang.” I viewed the surly man, and nodded.

“I agree. I wonder what it's like there.” Draco shrugged.

“Sounds fun, from what I've heard. Dark Magic instead of Defense Against the Dark Arts.” I nodded in interest. I was interrupted from replying by a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Mad-Eye, or, Barty Crouch Jr. I stood, after making an excuse to Draco. I followed him to an alcove, where he spoke.

“I've received word from the Dark Lord. He’ll send someone to meet you over the summer. Just make sure you're staying over at the Malfoy Manor before June twenty-sixth.” I nodded, and he smiled grimly. I walked back over to my seat, and sat, looking over at Draco.

“Is it alright if I come over to your house, this summer?” He shrugged.

“I'd have to ask my parents.” I nodded. We spent the greater portion of the Ball talking, him mostly boasting about things he'd done or people he'd bullied, and, surprisingly, I wasn't as repulsed as I normally was. Whenever I'd start to have negative thoughts about this situation, I'd hear that rasping voice, whispering in the back of my head. Power play, Annabel. I sipped my goblet of Pumpkin Juice, and rose.

“I'll be back. I need to talk to someone.” He nodded, and I weaved my way through the tables, looking for the one with Cassius. I found it, about halfway across the Hall, and smiled.

“You look nice, Anna.” I smiled a bit wider, and shrugged. He cracked a grin before speaking.

“So, what's this I hear about you and Draco? Given up on Fred, then?” A pang of guilt hit me, but I brushed it aside, staying composed.

“Well, it just wasn't meant to be, I suppose. I wanted to wish you luck in the second trial. Hopefully, I'll be able to attend.” He chuckled, and nodded.

“Me too, Anna.” I smiled again.

“Well, I'll be on my way then.” He nodded again, and I turned to leave, feeling his eyes on me as I was walking away. I smiled wider, and sat back down next to Draco, taking a large mouthful of Pumpkin Juice. I swallowed, and wiped my mouth delicately with a napkin. After a moment or two, I began to grow warmer.

“Draco, if you don't mind, I'd like to go walk in the courtyard.” He frowned as I rose.

“I can go with you. Are you alright?” I shrugged noncommittally as we exited the Hall entering the nearest door to the courtyard. The cold air felt sharp in my chest, and helped with the warmth spreading through me.

“Better?” I nodded, and he placed a cold hand on my lower back. He frowned.

“You're really warm. As in, unhealthy warm. Are you sure we shouldn't go to the Hospital Wing?” I nodded.

“I'm fine now. I just needed some fresh air, is all.” He nodded. “Just tell me when you're ready to go back into the hall.” I sighed, and leaned back slightly on his hand as he gently massaged my back.

“Do you want to sit down? You seem tired.” I nodded, and allowed him to guide me over to a nearby bench, under the branches of a gnarled tree. We sat, him still massaging my back, and, overcome with how tired I was, rested my head on his shoulder, slowly drifting off into sleep as I did.

I awoke, laying with my head in Draco’s lap, in the Slytherin common room. He was fast asleep, one hand resting on my head, and I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to fall back asleep. I was met with moderate success, drifting in and out of consciousness before realizing I couldn't fall back asleep. I gently moved his hand, before rising, heading to the dormitory to change out of my dress. I changed into a pair of pajamas, which were much more comfortable than the dress, before washing my face off and wondering where everyone was. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, reading ten o'clock, and figured everyone was in the Great Hall, at breakfast. I pulled a pair of robes over my pajamas, and pulled a pair of sneakers on, not really caring about my dress habits, before exiting the dorm and the common room, leaving Draco sitting next to the fire, fast asleep. I made my way through the hallways, entering the Great Hall to find it mostly full. I found a place the Slytherin table, digging into a massive plate of bacon, eggs, and whatever else I could get my hands on (this owing to the increased demands exacted on my body the closer it was to the full moon). I finished that plate, refilled it, and started with another, eating until I was full, before washing it all down with a goblet of Pumpkin Juice. I sat back, and sighed contentedly, before rising, seeking a spot to lay down in the sun. I exited the hall, drearily gliding through the corridors until I reached the door to the field next to the lake. I walked out to a spot under a tree, and sat, stretching out as I viewed the lake. I sighed again, drawing my wand and tracing the carvings absentmindedly. I glanced around covertly, an idea coming to mind, and pointed my wand at the water, muttering a spell. A stream of water rose up, and twisted itself into a circle, moving slowly over to me. It floated in front of me, twisting into various shapes, before I was struck with another idea. I ended the spell that was controlling the water before standing, and walking purposefully towards the library, sleepiness forgotten. I entered, and quickly moved to where I knew the books titled T-U were. I found a book I thought might help, and withdrew it, reading the lines quickly until I found what I was looking for. I Vanished the book, and left the library, hurrying back to the Slytherin common room to find Draco gone. I headed into the girl’s dorm, grabbed a spare piece of parchment, quill, and ink, before sitting down at a table, Unvanishing the book and opening it to the page I'd marked. I perused the words again, before sitting back. I had wondered, ever since I'd received the Mark from Barty, how exactly to make tattoos that moved. The book I was reading covered that topic, and I began to draw, letting my mind wander as the quill scratched back and forth on the paper. After a few minutes, I finished, and looked down at what I’d made. It was a drawing of a Phoenix, specifically Fawkes, in his full glory. If I performed the spell correctly, the tattoo would come to life, following the normal cycle of a Phoenix on my skin. I drew my wand, and aimed it at the paper, reciting the spell listed in the book. When I finished, the edges of the drawing began to glow, and, with a flash, it disappeared. I read more lines in the book, which told me I simply had to press the tip of my wand into the spot I wanted the image to be. I frowned, thinking of places to put the Phoenix, and pulled my robes over my head, revealing my pajamas. I pulled the shirt up a little, before placing the tip of my wand at the middle of my ribcage. A strange tingling sensation spread through my skin, a sort of burning that didn't hurt, before fading. I looked down eagerly, and saw a bright red and gold Phoenix flitting around on the space my ribs occupied. I smiled, and dipped my quill back into the ink, determined to draw more tattoos for myself. I drew a eagle for the Phoenix to play with, a snake that encircled the midpoint of my right thigh (when I placed it on my skin, it curled into a ball, viewing the eagle hungrily), a badger on the opposite thigh, and finally, a lion on my right hip. I viewed them curiously, wondering if they could move farther around my body. I held out my arm, and presently the snake appeared from under my shirt, wrapping itself around my left wrist. I giggled, and wished it back to my thigh before pulling on my robes. I resolved to get more tattoos once I graduated from Hogwarts, and Vanished the book once more. I then leaned back in my chair, before leaping out of it as I remembered what day it was. I dashed through the halls, knowing I was way too early, but nervous about it anyway. I arrived in the Hospital Wing as Madam Pomfrey was straightening bed covers.

“My, Ms. Finlayson. You're quite early.” I shrugged.

“I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided I'd come by early.” Madam Pomfrey nodded, and gestured to my usual bed.

“You can wait there, if you wish.” I nodded, and sat on the edge of the bed.

The next morning, I groaned, dragging a hand over my face as I pulled my robes on over my head, hidden behind a divider.

“That was remarkably quiet compared to your recent times, Anna.” I nodded.

“For that, I'm glad.” Madam Pomfrey smiled, and I smiled in return before exiting the Hospital Wing, picking up my pace as I remembered the potion should have been finished by then. I stopped off at my dorm to grab the vial with Dragon Heartstring in it, and made my way to my secret laboratory, hidden in the unused girls’ lavatory on the second floor. I twisted the cap off of the vial, and emptied the final ingredient into the potion, which frothed angrily before turning a sickly yellow. I dipped a flask into the potion, the cauldron emptying as soon as I'd filled the flask. I frowned, before shrugging it off and exiting the lavatory, heading to the Forbidden Forest, as I needed a place far from people, as this was supposed to be quite loud. I entered the forest, spiders quailing at my presence, as I made my way through the forest. I stepped over roots and vines, walking until the ground was submerged in a cool fog, and light no longer filtered in between the trees. I drew my wand, and unstopped the flask, not bothering to sniff it before downing it. It tasted nasty, and I gagged before managing to keep it down. I aimed my wand at myself, and croaked out the activator for the Animagus spell.

Animagus!” A bolt of purple light flew from my wand, hitting me in the dead center of my chest. A boom sounded, strangely quiet, as I floated an inch or so off of the ground before the purple light spread over my body. It hovered there for a moment, as if to prepare itself, before shooting inward. I screamed as it burned, every inch of my body was searing in pain as I fell to the ground, my body changing shape as the burning intensified, until I finished changing, and it stopped burning abruptly. I looked down at my hands, to no longer see that I had hands, but rather paws, and I had a strange new muscle at my bottom. I craned my head around, vision twice as good as it had been, and saw I had a tail. I wiggled it around, letting out a laugh that sounded more like a meow at the sight of it, before coming to the conclusion I was a cat. My fur was sleek, black, and shiny, and I turned, bounding along the path I had came, enjoying the rush of running quickly on four legs instead of two. I exited the forest, and streaked up the steps into the castle, skidding to a halt as I saw Hermione, sitting on a step, crying quietly. Remembering she didn't know who I was, I decided to do something nice, and pad over to her, meowing softly.

“Huh? Who’s there?” She looked around before spotting me.

“A cat? I haven't seen you around here before.” She sniffled, and I rubbed my head against her hand. She patted me softly, me purring before she sighed.

“You know, I was just wishing someone would come over here when you arrived. Do you want to come back to my common room, cat?” I feigned the intelligence level of a cat, rubbing up against her leg like I thought a cat would, before yelping as she picked me up. She carried me towards the Gryffindor common room (a place I was not keen on entering), spoke the password, and entered. She sat me down once the door shut, and I wandered around the room, sniffing the unfamiliar scents (as a cat I had much more effective senses than a human), before walking back over to her and hopping gently into her lap, curling up as she stroked me.

“Hey, Ron. I found this cat in the Entrance Hall.” I turned my head, looking at Ron, who viewed me distrustfully.

“No offense, Hermione, but the last time you had a cat we ended up almost getting killed by a werewolf.” She sighed, and nudged me slightly.

“Go on, cat. Maybe Ron’ll be nicer some other day.” I leaped off of her lap, slinked around the chair once, before nudging the door open and leaving. I raced down the corridors before ducking into a hidden passageway and changing back into my normal form. I took a breath, sighing in excitement, before arranging my face into what I hoped was a normal expression. I exited the passageway, and walked back to the common room.

Chapter 14: Salazar's Grotto

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The second trial had arrived, and I was sitting next to the stands, in feline form (it was much easier to fend off the early morning cold with a coat of fur that absorbed warmth), excited but somewhat nervous as to who was going to win, viewing the four champions curiously. Of course, I wanted our champions to do good, but I'd rather Cassius won over Harry, if possible. My tail twitched slightly as they started, and the water grew still as they disappeared beneath the surface. I meowed indignantly. Who wants to stare at the surface of a lake for and hour, anyway? I moved quickly around the edge of the stands, briskly shaking myself off before coming face-to-face with a tabby cat I recognized as Professor McGonagall, as she'd shown us her registered Animagus form in my first year. We viewed each other tensely, me wondering if she recognized me, before I arched my back leisurely, moving past her and resuming my journey. I was abruptly stopped by her tackling me into the ground, hissing as she bat me with her claws. I yowled, and escaped from her claws, streaking away with her in hot pursuit before making an abrupt about-face and running out onto the platform the champions had started from, Ludo Bagman commentating in surprise as he spotted the pair of us on the platform.

“And it appears two furry felines have climbed up onto the platform, folks! What a beautiful coat on that black one, just magnificent!” I backed up to the edge of the platform, not knowing what to do, with McGonagall closing in. An idea came to me, and I stopped hissing, instead purring deeply. She co*cked her head, and, not being able to resist, I winked before turning and diving into the lake, swimming quickly across the freezing water, climbing out and dashing into the forest before shaking my self dry (or, as dry as I could) before going a ways up the path to the castle and shifting back to normal. I walked down slowly, trying to mask my shivering, thankful that my hair wasn't soaking wet, and encountered the tabby cat, which looked at me curiously for a moment before darting into the forest I'd just exited. I hurried towards the lake again, where my scent would mingle with everyone else’s and make me virtually undetectable, before I felt a sudden warmth coming from my right hand. I looked down, and saw that the snake had crawled up my thigh and had slithered down my arm. I frowned, before realizing it was pointing at the lake. I looked up, and saw a cloud of bubbles break the surface, followed by nothing. I peered at the water, and barely managed to see the tips of a hand graze the surface before disappearing. I jumped into action, running down the shore and onto the platform, pulling my coat off and diving into the water around the area the bubbles had come from. I looked back and forth in the water, freezing cold, before spotting Harry, along with Ron and some other girl, slowly sinking into the water. I swam down quickly, noting that Harry appeared to be drowning, before wrapping an arm around each of the unconscious people’s arms, gripping Harry by the back of his neck before powerfully kicking to the surface. I was inches away from the top, almost able to break the surface, when a hand reached in and yanked me out along with the other three. I coughed, shaking violently from the cold, as Ron and the other girl woke up slowly, Dumbledore performing a spell on Harry. I shivered, and reached for my coat, not bothering to dry off before putting it back on, and standing slowly. I shook my head a few times, before walking back off of the platform and heading towards the castle. My nonchalant escape was interrupted by someone’s voice.

“Ms. Finlayson? If you could speak with me for a moment.” I turned, and saw Rita Skeeter, toting her bright green quill and parchment. I shook my head, and turned again, heading back up to the castle.

“Why not?” I threw my hand up over my shoulder, giving her a rude hand gesture as I walked, before entering the castle and looking back and forth before shifting back into the cat. I shook myself off, and padded towards the dormitory, shifting back to speak the password before entering. I arrived to find Draco, sitting by the fire.

“Alone again?” He shrugged.

“I wasn't really interested in the second trial that much. Staring at a lake for an hour isn't as fun as they make it out to be.” I smiled, and sat across from him.

“So, what’s new in your world, Annabel?” I shrugged, playing with a strand of hair.

“Not much. Please, call me Anna.” He smiled a little, and nodded.

“Very well, then. Anna, what's in that dark and mysterious head of yours? A Sickle for your thoughts.” I smiled mischievously.

“Well, there is something that might be interesting to you…” He raised his eyebrows curiously.

“But you have to promise not to tell anyone.” He nodded slowly.

“I promise.” I looked at him shrewdly, before deciding I trusted him and shifting into my Animagus form. He sat forward in his chair, and gasped.

“You're… Beautiful.” He reached over, and lightly stroked my fur.

“That's incredible. That is the prettiest thing I've ever seen.” I purred, and he smiled involuntarily. I shifted back to normal once he'd sat down, and spoke.

“It took a lot of work, but I'm officially an unregistered Animagus.” He was still looking at me in awe, and I smiled a little.

“That's amazing, Anna. Really, it is.” I grinned, and he sat back.

“I'm convinced I should owe you a Galleon instead of a Sickle.” I giggled, and sighed, leaning back into my seat. He shook his head, looking down at his feet.

“I'm glad I sent you that quill three years ago.” I frowned curiously.

“Why’s that?” He shrugged, a pink tinge coloring his cheeks.

“Then I couldn't have taken you to the Yule Ball, and we couldn't have been such good friends.” I sighed.

“Well, there was the three years of intensive physical and psychological abuse, as well…” He winced.

“Yeah, I do regret that. You have to admit, we were pretty thorough.” I shrugged, conceding the point.

“I suppose so.” He absentmindedly picked at his fingernails, looking into the fireplace. I busied myself by thinking about how I had the entire weekend off, as I'd finished all my homework, before he spoke.

“Y’know, there’s a section of the castle that is supposedly hidden behind a puzzle. Want to go see if we can crack it?” I shrugged, and hopped up, following him out of the common room and down the corridor. We took lefts, then rights, descending deeper into the castle than I thought existed, until we came up to a door with a circular lock.

“See? Here’s where I've been stumped. I haven't told anyone else about this, so, if you could maybe keep a secret for me?” I nodded eagerly, and stepped forward, examining the circular stones, four rings encircling a single block.

“It's a ring-lock. You've got to match the corresponding symbols with the right letters and such.” I twisted the stone experimentally, and, to my delight, it moved, twisting slowly. I stopped, and stepped back, drawing my wand.

Lumos. So, if I'm seeing this right, these are astrological symbols on the outer ring. I don't really know what the second ring is, but the third is numbers, and the fourth is letters. Honestly, we can either work outward or inward, but I'll start from the inside.” He peered at the third row, and spoke after a moment.

“The third row is alchemical ingredients. See, that one is ginger, then Staghorn, Moondew, Chizpurfle Carapace, Manticore Intestine, which I didn't know was an alchemical ingredient, then Tubeworm, and Lobalug Venom.” I frowned.

“Since when did you know so much about potion ingredients?” He shrugged sheepishly.

“It's my favourite class.” I sighed, and returned to the lock.

“Well, looking at the astrological symbols, I'm stumped.” I backed up, and began to pace.

“This thing’s pretty old, right?” He nodded.

“Centuries, at least.” I nodded.

“So, what did the ancient people call the planets?” He thought for a moment.

“They had metal names for them. The sun was gold, moon silver, Mercury was quicksilver or Mercury, Venus was copper, Mars was iron, Jupiter was tin, and Saturn was lead. It was before they'd discovered the other planets, I'm assuming.” I nodded, returning to the lock and placing my hands on the outer ring.

“Each of those elementscorresponded with an ingredient that started with the same letter. Gold with ginger,” I began twisting the lock, turning it so that the sun lined up with ginger.

“And all we need to do is line one up for the row to be right.” I finished rotating, and pushed the row in on instinct. It then thunked into place, and I found I could turn both rings at the same time.

“Alright, we're getting somewhere. So, next was numbers. I guess that means the order the planets appeared, so, based off of your list, the sun should be number one.” It clicked into the spot, thunking inward, and I looked over the letters.

“Well, it's either ‘s’ for the sun, so this should be pretty simple.” I lined it up with the first letter, and tried pushing in.

“I guess it's the other one.” I twisted the ring around again, lining it up with the second letter. It thunked into place, and the floor rumbled. I let go of the lock, and grabbed the nearest thing for support (which happened to be Draco), before the rumbling stopped, and, to my amazement, the door vanished, revealing a short staircase. We looked at each other, I let go of him, and we descended the stairs quickly, bursting into the chamber. It opened up before us, revealing a massive cave, filled with glowing green moss, which collected slowly around a pool with water clear enough for me to see the bottom, which was incredibly deep. A little stone staircase had been cut into the side of the rock wall, and we walked down it slowly, taking in the massive room in awe. Draco spoke.

“It's… Beautiful. I'm glad you're here with me to see it.” I smiled, and reached the bottom of the stairs, still gazing around at the area, and sat on a roughly hewn stone bench. I nudged something with my foot, and looked down to see a short stack of books. I reached down, gently lifting them up, and gasped in shock.

“Draco, these books…” He frowned, walking over to me.

“What about them?” My hands began to shake, and I carefully showed him the cover.

“’The Personal Journal of One Salazar Slytherin, circa Anno Domini 990-991.’” He took the book, and I quickly sifted through the others, reading the dates to him.

“Circa 992-993, 994-995, 996-oh, what's this? 997 is scratched out. It just says, ‘The Final.’ Draco, do you know what this means?” He nodded slowly.

“These are the journals of the founder of our House. And, if I heard you correctly, the last one is around the time he disappeared from Hogwarts. We have to read these.” I nodded, and he sat next to me, careful not to disturb the stack of books.

Journale Entry: A. D. Oct. 17, 990

I, Salazar Slytherin, of sounde bodie and mynd, hereby declare the combined estates and affaires of Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and myself as one under the property to be henceforthe named 'Hogwarts School of Witchcrafte and Wizardy', In the attempt that none existing humans of the non-magical blood be allowed to persecute us or our descendantes In the noblest of goals: that no one be under that Harshe persecution of the most vilest and eville Archbishop Sigeric the Serious of Canterbury.

“This is incredible, Draco. This is the history of Hogwarts, right here!” He sucked in a breath.

“Read more!” I bent back over the page, trying to make out the scribbles of the old man, somehow still preserved after all this time.

Journale Entry: A. D. Dec. 29, 990

This Is an update on the status of the four houses: Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuffe. Godric and I have had a probleme: after we pass onwards, who Is to sorte the students? Wise Rowena has decided It be by the way of Imbueing Godric's spare hat with a new magicke to thus sorte the pupiles after we move onward. It shall be knowne as the Sorting Hat. I have decided to remaine In the practise of selectyng my students myself, as only the purest of blood may be allowed Into my house.

“This is amazing! I wonder what else he wrote. Check the other books!” Draco complied, and I continued perusing through the first journal.

“Uh, Anna, you might want to take a look at this.” I frowned at his tone of voice, and looked at the journal he was handing me.

“This is the last journal?” He nodded grimly. I read through it, eyes widening as I turned the pages.

“So, the falling out with Godric Gryffindor and the disappearing from Hogwarts wasn't just because of the pure-blood issue? This is monumentous.” I gathered all of the books in a stack, keen on taking them to the one bookworm who could translate this into normal, present day English: Hermione. I didn't really consider her a friend anymore, more of an acquaintance, but I knew she couldn't resist the lure these books had. What had gotten me excited was the fifth-to-last passage:

Journale Entry: A. D. Aug. 6, 996

Progress with there search goes well. Godric has begun to question the nature of the experiments Rowena and I are performing, but he will come arounde. We have created a host of new spelles, some of whichh perhaps are not the purest of spells, but we have surpassed the dreaded Killyng Curse. The conquering of Death Himself approaches.

Lyst of spelles we have discovered are recorded henceforth:

1. Avada Kedavra - Kyllyng Curse

2. Optimus Bifoclis - resurrection of smaller Insects and such creatures

3. Imperius - mynd controlling spelle. Pronounced 'Imperyo'

4. Principitatus Aurum - changes skin to gold In smalle patches. Extensyvyly painful according to Mudblood test subjects


As of later today, we have succeeded In sendyng a house elfe to death and backe. He had not regained the abylyty to speake yet, but he shall soon.

Chapter 15: A Body, Found

Chapter Text

We found Hermione, the next morning, in the library, working on a scroll for Potions.

“What are you doing here, Malfoy?” He shrugged awkwardly.

“Well, it's not me that suggested this, but…” I stepped around him, carefully setting the journals on the table next to her.

“I need you to translate this into twentieth century English please. I'll pay you.” She frowned down at the journals.

“Well, I need to know what the journals are about before I translate them, and that’s only for me to consider translating them.” I sighed.

“Fine. I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not your parents, not Ron, not Ginny, not even Potter. Okay?” When she nodded, I continued.

“They were written around the years A.D. 990 through 996 or so. They're the journals of Salazar Slytherin himself.” She gasped, and looked up at me in surprise.

“Seriously?” I nodded.

“I know we aren't friends now,” Hermione interjected, “Which you keep saying.” I huffed, and resumed.

“Either way, can you translate these? For old time’s sake?” She frowned, looking down at the journals. A minute passed, and Draco opened his mouth to speak. I quickly interrupted, nudging him slightly.

“I… Suppose so. But, I don't want gold. I want you to give me one of those moving tattoos.” I frowned.

“What?” She pointed to my left hand, where I spotted the eagle, flitting around the back of my hand.

“Alright, deal. I will be translating the final volume myself, as it contains some sensitive information.” She nodded, and set the stack of books next to her.

“Thanks, Granger.” She smiled slightly, and pushed the Potions paper aside, opening the first book and grabbing a blank piece of parchment. As we left, Draco spoke.

“Even though she is useful, why did you give the journals to the Mudblood?” I shrugged, carefully carrying the final journal back to the cavern.

“She’s interested in them herself, which means she'll take extra good care of them for us. And, she wants to know how to make moving tattoos, so she’ll make sure to keep it a secret.” He nodded, impressed.

“Clever.” I smiled at the compliment, and he continued.

“But why did you keep the last journal?” I looked at him scornfully.

“Would you want a Gryffindor, worst of all Granger, getting their hands on the spells that Salazar Slytherin used to bring dead to life?” He shrugged.

“Good point. So, are you going to translate it yourself?” I nodded, withdrawing the parchment, quill, and ink I'd brought with me.

“It may take some time, but I'll read it before I translate it in the mean time so we know which passages to focus on.” He nodded, and I sat down, keen on getting at least one entry done before we had to leave.

𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝐸𝓃𝓉𝓇𝓎: 𝒜.𝒟. 𝒥𝒶𝓃. 𝟣𝟦, 𝟫𝟫𝟩

𝒮𝓊𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈! 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝑒𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓀 𝒸𝑜𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐸𝓃𝑔𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒽 𝓈𝓊𝒷𝒿𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓈. 𝐻𝑒 𝑜𝓇, 𝒾𝓉 𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓀𝑒 𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝒾𝓂. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓇𝒹𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓌:

𝑅𝑅: 𝒟𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔?

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉. 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓃... 𝒬𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉.

𝑅𝑅: 𝒲𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊?

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝒴𝑒𝓈. 𝒜 𝓂𝒶𝓃.

𝑅𝑅: 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒸𝓇𝒾𝒷𝑒 𝒽𝒾𝓂.

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝒯𝒶𝓁𝓁. 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓃. 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝓇𝓎. 𝒜𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊.

𝑅𝑅: 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒?

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝓁𝓎𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃. 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒...

𝑅𝑅: 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝓌𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉? 𝒮𝓅𝑒𝒶𝓀! 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉!

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝒯𝒶𝓂𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔. 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈. 𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓉𝒶𝓂𝓅𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹. 𝐻𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝒾𝒹. 𝒯𝑜 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝑔𝑒.

𝑅𝑅: 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝑔𝑒?

𝒮#𝟣𝟣: 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓅. 𝒪𝓇 𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝑀𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊.

𝒜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝒷𝒿𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝓁𝒶𝓅𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓇𝑒𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝓎. 𝒢𝑜𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒸 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒. 𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔? 𝒯𝑜 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝒾𝓉𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻. 𝒮𝓊𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒹𝑒𝒻𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝓃 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓈.

I looked up at Draco in terror.

“So, the real reason that Gryffindor and Slytherin fell out was because of…”

“Salazar and Rowena wanting to experiment on Muggles. If they succeeded, this could be incredible. They could have found a way to live forever.” Draco sat down in the chair next to me. It was nearly a month later, a week before the final trial, and I'd just gotten back from the Hospital Wing after a peaceful moon (which was more and more commonplace the more I was around Draco). We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I stood, and crossed over, opening the stone door to see Hermione, toting a sheaf of paper and the other journals.

“Here. Now hold up your end of the bargain.” I nodded, and passed the stack to Draco before grabbing a blank piece of paper, quill, and ink and leading her out and into an empty room.

“What do you want done?” She shrugged.

“A lion, maybe. Not too big, though.” I nodded, and dipped the quill in the ink, quickly sketching out a lion before tapping my wand on the paper, sucking the image into it before looking at her.

“Where at?” She frowned.

“Does it matter? Don't they move around?” I nodded, and pressed it into her arm. She squeaked, and looked in awe as the full-colour lion appeared on her arm, bounding away across her skin until it vanished under her sleeve.

“Thanks a bunch, Annabel.” I nodded, grabbing the quill, parchment, and ink.

“Good working with you, Granger.” I exited, and re-entered the common room to find Draco, holding something in his hands.

“What's that?” He parted his fingers to show me the cowering rat, and I frowned.

“I thought we could try one of the spells on a rat, to see if it would work.” I sighed, and looked over the paper.

“We’ll need to kill it, first. Here,” I grabbed the rat roughly, and set it on the ground, where it stayed, frozen in fear of me.

“If you don't want to see this, cover your eyes.” He didn't move, and after a moment I sighed.

“Fine. Avada Kedavra!” A green light flashed out of my wand, and struck the rat, killing it instantly. He gasped, and I rubbed my eyes, the light scorched into my vision.

“Ah, what's the spell for resurrecting smaller things?” He flipped through the papers while I watched the lifeless rat.

“It’s pronounced Optimo Bifoclis.” I nodded, and aimed my wand at the dead rat.

Optimo Bifoclis!” A bright white light flashed out of the wand and struck the rat, disappearing instantly. The rat remained lifeless, and I frowned.

“Do you think it…” I gasped as, to my amazement, the rat rose unsteadily, swaying on its feet before scampering away.

“Did you see that?” He nodded, somehow paler than usual.

“Yes, I saw that. We just brought something back from the dead, Anna.” I took a few breaths, trying to steady myself in my attempts to comprehend what had just happened.

“We need to get the rest of that journal translated into something I can read without getting a headache.” I nodded, and sat back down in front of the table the journal rested on.


𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝐸𝓃𝓉𝓇𝓎: 𝒜.𝒟. 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽 𝟥𝟢, 𝟫𝟫𝟩

𝒢𝑜𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒸 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝑔𝒶 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒 𝒶𝓈 𝒶𝓃 𝑜𝓃-𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝓎, 𝓈𝑜 𝐼 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝐼 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹. 𝒲𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓈, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓈𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝒶 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒶. 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝒶𝓁𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓃𝒶, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝒽𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻 𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓊𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂 𝓉𝑜 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝓈𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓅, 𝓈𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽. 𝒯𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝓊𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒽 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝓊𝓈, 𝑒𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒶 𝓃𝑒𝒶𝓇-𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒶𝒸𝓁𝓎𝓈𝓂𝒾𝒸 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒸𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝒹𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁'𝓈 𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝑅𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓃𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽, 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓊𝓁𝓉𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓂. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒶 𝒶𝒻𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝓌𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒸𝒾𝓇𝒸𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑒𝓃 𝓅𝒶𝒸𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈, 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓁𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒾𝓂𝒶𝓁, 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒾𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒. 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝒾𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝓎 𝒶 𝓇𝑜𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒽𝓊𝓂𝒶. 𝒲𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝓃𝑒𝒶𝓀 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓂 𝒾𝓃 𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝑜𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒸 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝑔𝒶'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓈, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝑅𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓃𝒶 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝓁𝑜𝓌𝓁𝓎 𝓁𝑜𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝒿𝑒𝒸𝓉. 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓉. 𝐼 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓊𝓈𝒽 𝑜𝓃𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹!

Draco gasped.

“That must mean his laboratory is still down there!” I jumped out of my seat, and made for the door.

“Wait, aren't we supposed to go to the final trial?” I looked back at him with a grin.

“Since when have Slytherins followed rules? C’mon, let’s go find the laboratory.” He leaped out of his chair, and grabbed the journal before following me out and into the castle’s depths. We reached the ring-locked door, which melted away, and dashed in, me almost slipping and falling down the stairs in my haste. I paused at the bench, and Draco skidded to a stop next to me.

“Where could the entrance be?” I looked around at the cavern, noting that there were no entrances to side tunnels or ring-locks. I sucked in a breath as it hit me.

“The water. The entrance is in the water.” Without pausing to think, I stripped down to my underwear, and prepared to dive in when Draco spoke.

“Uh, Anna, setting aside the fact that I just saw you strip your clothes off, and the fact that you've got the Dark Mark tattooed onto your arm, how are we going to get the journal down there, if the entrance is even there?” I frowned.

“Can you perform a Bubble Charm?” He nodded.

“Do one on it. Not yet, though, because I need to go and see if the entrance is actually down there.” I turned to go, but he caught my shoulder.

“Anna… Be careful.” I smiled over my shoulder, and cast a Bubble Charm on my head before diving into the water. It was remarkably warm, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Bubble Charm worked perfectly, allowing me to see clearly in the water. I scanned the bottom of the lake, not seeing anything, but my gaze was suddenly caught by what I thought was a pair of bright green eyes, peeking out from under an outcropping. I swam over, knowing I had a limited amount of air but too curious to come back up, and found a massive stone snake head jutting out of the cave it was housed in. I smiled, and wondered if I could use that language Harry had used to open the Chamber of Secrets to open this somehow. I looked at the snake with my head co*cked, imagining that it was alive and waiting for me to speak, and spoke.

Open.” With a deafening roar, the mouth opened, sending water spilling in. I cursed as I was sucked inward, struggling vainly as I flew towards the snake’s mouth, barely managing to grab a fang as the water pulled me inward. I was at the point of letting go when the water level finally lowered enough for me to disperse the Bubble Charm, and I landed roughly on the snake’s tongue as I saw Draco descending a staircase, carrying the journal and my clothes. He reached me, and handed me my robes, me pulling them on and thanking him.

“So, let's go see what Salazar Slytherin was hiding, all those years ago.” We entered into the tunnel, wands drawn, creeping along as the wandlight illuminated our feet. We walked cautiously into the belly of the snake, for what felt like hours before we reached a door, with grates on the floor on either side.

“Ready?” He nodded, and I reached out, grasping the handle on the door before pushing inward. It swung slowly, the heavy steel door creaking on hinges almost a thousand years old, and I eventually opened it wide enough to go through. Entering, I found a bright, happy laboratory: old stone cauldrons sat in a row on one wall, while torches flickered happily in sconces at three-metre intervals. The centre of the room was a wide altar, with dusty skeletons laying on it, piled around the centre. What I saw next sent a chill down my spine. The right wall was lined with cages, from as small as to contain a rat to as large as to accommodate six people. Every single one was filled with bones, ranging from mouse skulls to human skulls. I shivered, and spied a desk, neatly pushed up against the far wall. What caused me to walk quickly around the altar and look at the desk, mouth agape, was the skeleton that sat in it, wearing a silver ring on its boney finger. I staggered backward, overwhelmed by what I was seeing, as Draco began to hyperventilate.

“That's-That’s-That’s-“ I nodded, and leaned against the nearby wall. I gulped, and looked at the desk closely. There was a note, written in red ink.

“Is that… Blood?” Draco shuddered, and I gently blew the dust off before reading the note.

The End: A.D. Jul. 6, 997

I have moved laboratory as a state of perm residence after the fallying oute wyth Godric and Helga. The Chamber is hydden welle, and Rowena

I thynk that I wyll dye down here. My experiments have been contynuyng slowly yet steadyly as of late, but a strange disease has affected me. It is Death, exactyng revenge on me for my experiments. Hasn't he taken enough from me, wyth the betrayal of Helga and Godric's yng? Rowena as forsaken me as welle, but I am closer than ever to unlockyng true immortalyty. I shall lyst the spelles I have discovered here in case I dye soon.

  • Crucyatus - torturyng spelle
  • Imperium Cordis - manypulatyon of the heart
  • Anime Imperius - manypulatyon of the soul
  • Dimisit Mortem - raysyng a human from death
  • Salvabitur Animo - erasyng of all memoryes of caster frome mynd of target

I wysh the others woulde have not condemned me so. Forgive me, O Death.

I looked at Draco.

“Do you realized what is on this paper?” He nodded slowly. I set the paper down, and was about to speak when a searing pain gripped my right forearm. I swore, and looked down to see the Mark burning black.

“What is it, Anna? What's wrong?” I gasped, dropping to the floor and writhing in pain.

“It's the Mark! It burns!” He crouched over me, knowing he couldn't go get help but wanting to do something. He sat down quickly next to me, and pulled me into a hug, arms wrapped around me protectively.

“It's okay, you're alright. It'll be over soon, I hope…” I clenched my teeth, and flexed my arm.

“Draco, it hurts…” He squeezed me gently, and I tensed as another wave of pain rolled over me.

“Argh!” With one last surge of pain, the burning sensation vanished, leaving me panting, lying in Draco’s arms.

“Are you alright?” He viewed me in concern.

“Yes, I'm fine. I don't know what caused that, but it's gone now. Where were we?” I shakily rose, supported by Draco, and turned my gaze back onto the note.

“Oh. The note.” I carefully walked over to it, and folded the yellowed parchment up, slipping it into the pages of the journal before noticing one other paper below it. I picked it up, and read it to Draco.

“I, Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, do hereby leave my works, journals, ring, and wand to whomever finds this.” I set the note down, and reverently viewed the wand next to it.

“This is Salazar Slytherin’s wand, Draco. His wand. The same wand that brought people back to life is right there, on the table.” Draco numbly sorted through the journal.

“I thought he mentioned his wand somewhere… Here it is! ‘I have constructed a secondary wand, to hand down to my descendants, seeing as my wand, in it’s awoken state, contains too much power. That wand I shall take to my grave, the snakewood with basilisk horn core.’ He passed a fake wand to his descendants? Why?” I frowned.

“Maybe so they couldn't find out the spells he'd used. He did say that it was too powerful. But what does he mean by ‘awoken state’?” Draco frowned in thought.

“Well, there was a rumor that the wand passed down to his descendants had the unique ability of being able to go into a dormant state at the wielder’s whim, taught to it by Salazar himself.” I frowned.

“Well, let’s pick it up and see.” I reached out, reverently wrapping my fingers around the roughly carved handle, and gasped as what felt like tongues of fire licked up my arm and into my chest.

“W-Woah. This wand is powerful.” I turned, and aimed at one of the larger cages. With a flick of my wand, it disintegrated into dust.

“I must have reactivated it somehow. Maybe I'm related to him?” Draco shrugged, a little wary of the wand.

“I'd be careful with that, Anna. It seems incredibly dangerous.” I nodded, and drew my wand, holding the two side-by-side.

“Mine’s longer, and prettier. But the raw power in Salazar’s… I wonder if it’s from the core. Basilisk horn is incredibly rare, and…” I paused, an idea forming in my head.

“Draco, do you think the library has any books on wandmaking?” He frowned, then my idea dawned on him.

“You can't be serious, Anna? Switching the cores from the wands?” At this, the wands both grew warm, and a feeling of approval radiated from the back of my mind. I nodded.

“And, maybe using the ghosts and other things we could find, I could find the other three founders’ wands, steal the cores, and lump them into my wand. I'd be nearly unstoppable.” He viewed me strangely.

“It'd be dangerous, you know. And time consuming. Did I mention dangerous? I mean, if Death himself was out to get Salazar, then shouldn't we be careful?” I shrugged.

“No risk, no reward. Now, are you with me, or not?” He looked at me, the wands, and back at me, before speaking.

“Oh, why not. But I want some of the wand cores as well, you know.”

“Deal. Now, let’s go back up into the school and get to work.”


We exited the chamber to find the entire school leaving the Great Hall. Draco and I separated, mostly for him to find out what happened and for me to go to the library and look for books on wandmaking and maybe the cores of the other three founders. I met with some success; the other cores were listed clearly, but there was no trace of anything about wandmaking:

  • Godric Gryffindor – Blackthorn, veela hair core. “Brave Gryffindor, when not sporting his favoured sword, would wield with great dueling proficiency a wand of blackthorn and veela hair, obtained in northern France.”
  • Rowena Ravenclaw – Acacia, Thunderbird Tail Feather. “Discovered on the western coast of Ireland during one of her travels, the thunderbird tail feather combined with the acacia wood proved a formidable wand, well suited to the formidable wielder.”
  • Helga Hufflepuff – Willow, unicorn hair. “What would better suit a fiercely loyal woman than a fiercely loyal wand? Upon her death, it is said that, uncharacteristically, the wand flourished, blooming into a large willow tree with the core, unicorn hair, still planted between her hands.

I finished writing this just as Draco appeared, toting a very angry Hermione.

“Uh, Anna, the Mud-er, Granger must have found some of the things we discussed in the last journal she translated, as she seems a little angry.” Hermione stomped over to me, slamming a heavy book down on the table.

“Do you know what Salazar Slytherin thought about Muggle-Borns? Do you?” I shook my head warily, picking up Slytherin’s wand subtly with my left hand.

“He said they were less than people to him! He didn't even consider Muggle-Borns human!” I glanced up at Draco before shifting into my cat form, deciding to reveal myself to comfort her, as she was crying.

“Wh-you're-but-“ I purred loudly, and leapt softly into her lap. She stroked me, crying softly as she did. Once she stopped, I leaped down, shifting back and sitting down.

“Thank you. Draco mentioned something about wandmaking, and I happened to have checked out the book on wandmaking for some light reading. There it is, if you're interested.” I looked at the large book she'd slammed on the table, and back at her.

“Thanks, Hermione. You're a lifesaver.” She smiled weakly.

“I do want to know a few things, though.” I arched my eyebrow, and Draco made to speak, stopping when I raised a hand.

“Why do you need to know about wandmaking? And why haven't you told me about what's in the last journal?” I sighed, contemplating how to word this.

“Well, to answer the first question, I need to answer the second. We found Salazar Slytherin’s body, and with it his wand.” I lifted the snakewood wand, and her eyes widened.

“I figured I could extract the core, split it, and put it into my wand. Then, I had the idea about searching for the other three founders’ graves, and taking their cores as well. I've got the other three written down here.” Draco sighed, and I shot him a brief glare.

“She's absolutely mad, Granger. Thinks she’s going to make a ‘super-wand.’ Going to get herself killed, more like.” I sighed exasperatedly, and Hermione looked at me in concern.

“You do know that this is utterly mad, right? After what Harry said about Voldemort being back?” My jaw dropped, and I shared a look with Draco.

“That, and they found that Mad-Eye Moody was actually Barty Crouch Jr, who'd kidnapped the real Moody.” I gulped, thinking back to our meeting, and sighed.

“Er, well, all the more need to have such a powerful wand. Just in case I need to fight You-Know-Who.” She sighed, still looking at me in concern, and nodded before standing.

“Well, good luck, I suppose. Please try to make it back for next year, Finlayson. I'd hate to be the only one scoring over a hundred percent on the exams.” I smiled slightly, and she left, leaving Draco and I alone. He waited until she was out of earshot before speaking.

“You do realize that You-Know-Who is…”

“Basically my boss? Yeah. But he doesn't have to know about my little quest. Not yet, at least.” He looked at me in concern, while I cracked open the wandmaking book, eager to learn.

Chapter 16: Rowena Ravenclaw

Chapter Text

I was packing my things to go home, and running through the latest problem in my head. The three cores of the other founders were small enough to be wound around my core without destroying it, thus keeping the ownership of the wand belonging to me, but the basilisk horn was too strong and too volatile to try and put into the core.

“I guess I'll just have to carry two wands, then.” The other thing I'd noted was Salazar’s wand actually becoming warmer to the touch than my original wand had at Ollivander’s. I theorized that this was because of me being a Slytherin, but I also wondered if I was related to Slytherin himself, and the wand was warm to the touch because of our relation, which would explain how I was able to talk to snakes. I gently set my notes on top of the folded clothes and other belongings I had, as well as the journals and their translations, before closing the trunk and slipping the two wands into my sleeves. I exited the dormitory, meeting up with Draco, walking out of the common room and following him through the castle, leaving and walking down to the train station.

“You're sure I can't stop you?” I nodded.

“Definitely.” He sighed.

“Well, I suppose I'll have to help you, then. No sense in letting one person have all the glory.” I giggled, and we entered the train.

“Although, I do think that You-Know-Who has a lot to answer for.” Draco frowned as he opened the door to a carriage.

“What do you mean?” I sat across from him, and looked out of the window, playing with a strand of hair.

“He killed Cassius, Draco. Not even pureblood Slytherins are safe.” Draco sighed, and I felt the train jolt as we started into motion.

“If you say so, Anna.”

I was planning on staying the full summer over at Malfoy Manor, but this proved impossible, seeing as I needed to have my doses of Wolfsbane before the full moon. I resigned to stay a week at a time, in order to meet You-Know-Who and to conduct more research on the location of the cores. My experiments with Dark Magic, only perpetrated during the sojourns to Malfoy Manor, progressed well, up to the point that I resurrected Draco’s favorite cat after it died suddenly one night. As the twenty-sixth of June arrived, I grew more and more afraid, fearing the meeting with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I was sitting in the extensive library that they had, reading about the life and death of Rowena Ravenclaw, my first target, when Narcissa tapped my shoulder.

“Er, Anna, there is someone here to meet you. He's waiting in the study.” I nodded, and rose, marking my place in the book before following her through the luxurious hallways, eyeing the paintings, who in turn eyed me back. We entered the study, and I held back a gasp as I viewed You-Know-Who for the first time. He was pale, almost snakelike in his features, with slitlike red eyes, and no nose, to my horror.

“Ah, Ms. Annabel Finlayson. How nice to finally meet you.” His voice, though kind, was laced with danger, as if I was staring straight into the eyes of a poised snake, ready to bite at a moment’s notice.

“After the incarceration of our latest spy, I was wondering whether you'd have balked at the idea of meeting me. But, here you are. I see that you have a firm grasp of magical theory, as you have tattooed yourself with the four house animals. I also sense that you can speak to snakes. Is this true?” I nodded slowly.

“Yes, it is.” He smiled, baring bright white teeth.

“I know it is, for I asked you that question in Parseltongue, and you responded in Parseltongue.” My eyes widened in shock, and he grinned wider.

“It might also interest you to know that I have heard of your ceased communications with the Mudblood, and Gryffindor house entirely. This pleases me. I will not allow anyone who is on friendly terms with such filth.” I nodded, gulping slightly.

“You may also be wondering as to the nature of the things I shall have you do. First, I wish to test your abilities. Please, grasp my hand.” He held out a chalk-white hand, and Narcissa nudged me. Swallowing my fear, I stepped forward, grasping his icy hand. He turned on the spot, and we Apparated to a wide, empty expanse of grass.

“Now, what is the most powerful spell you have cast?” I thought back to the rat, and spoke.

“The Killing Curse, sir.” He smiled, and waved his wand, causing three bound and gagged people to appear from nothing.

“These Muggles are worthless to me. Kill them.” I gulped, drawing my wand, and aiming shakily at the first, a man with a bald patch and a slight belly. He looked at me, pleading silently, and I took a shaky breath.

“Is there a problem, Finlayson?” I shook my head quickly.

“No, sir.” He drew closer, whispering vehemently into my ear.

“Then kill him.” I nodded, and aimed at the man’s forehead.

A-Avada Kedavra.” The green light flashed from my wand, illuminating the man’s terror-filled face in the moments before he died. “Onto the next, then.” I turned slightly, and tried to hide how much I was shaking as I looked at the next person, a woman, obviously the man’s wife based on how much she was crying.

“Kill her.” I gulped, and took aim, taking in a deep breath before releasing it.

Avada Kedavra.” She fell over, lifeless, and he gently guided me to the last one.

“The final one, Annabel.” I looked down, and my breath caught in my chest. This was the one person I'd been dreading most. A boy, no older than six, was looking at his parents in shock, not understanding why they weren't getting up or why they'd stopped breathing.

“Kill him, Annabel. Finish it.” I took a series of deep, slow breaths, knowing I couldn't go back.

Av-Avada-Avada Kedavra.” The light flashed from the wand once more, and I shuddered as the boy fell over, next to his parents, now cold and dead.

“Good, Annabel. Very good. You might be interested to know that the boy was a Mudblood, only six years old.” I stared at the ground numbly, and he gripped my shoulder, Apparating us back to the Manor. He released me, and Narcissa pulled me over to her.

“I will contact you when you are needed, Annabel. For now, remain as you are.” I nodded.

“Yes, sir.” He Apparated away, and Narcissa spoke quietly.

“Are you alright? What happened?” I shrugged weakly, and she led me to a nearby chair.

“He took me to a field, and he brought three people there. A man, a woman, and-and- a child.” She gasped, knowing what he had had me do, but the words were spilling out of my mouth.

“Then he told me, ‘Kill him.’ And I looked down my wand, aiming at the man’s nose, and I killed him. Then he told me, ‘Kill her.’ And I turned to the woman, looked her in the eyes, and killed her. Then… He… He-He turned me to the child, and he said, ‘Kill him.’ And I did.” She drew me into a hug, tears pouring out of my eyes, and she spoke tremulously.

“It's alright, Anna. It's okay. You're alright.” I buried my face into her shoulder, and cried for a while, until I heard a voice.

“Mother? Anna? What's going on?” I hurriedly wiped my eyes as Narcissa stood in front of me.

“Nothing, Draco. Nothing is wrong. Anna will be along in a moment. Go ahead to the library and wait for her.” I heard him speak an affirmative, and Narcissa turned after a moment.

“Have you cleaned yourself up? Good. Now, I will tell you one thing about this line of work.” I looked up at her curiously.

“You're going to do a lot of things you don't want to do. But, if you didn't do them, you'd be dead.” I nodded, and stood to go to the library.

“Okay, Draco, we've got about thirty-seven hours before people get suspicious.” I yelled into the wind, hoping he could hear me. We were flying on a broom, me navigating while he clung to my waist and buried his head into my back. We were flying high above the west coast of Wales, searching for a rock formation I’d found a description of in an old book of riddles written by Rowena herself. I swooped this way and that, wind tearing at my clothes, before shouting in excitement as I spotted the outcropping, moving into a steep dive. Draco looked up, promptly swore, and looked back down into my back. I laughed as the wind whipped by, and pulled out of the dive a few meters above the rolling waves, zooming across the surface up until I almost ran into the cliff face. I flew beside it, finally coming up onto the cave entrance carved into the cliff. I landed, wondering how people had gotten here without brooms, before speaking to Draco.

“We've landed.” He looked up warily, and sighed happily.

“Finally. That was terrifying, you know.” He let go of me, stepping off of the broom and promptly shrieking as he realized how close we were to the edge of the cliff.

“Did you do that on purpose?!” I giggled, dismounting and propping the broom up against the closest wall.

“Maybe.” I walked forward, drawing my wand, and was stopped by Draco.

“What do you intend to do with that? It's still got the Trace on it.” I frowned, putting away the wand, before brightening and drawing Salazar Slytherin’s wand.

“This one doesn't! Lumos.” The wand lit like a torch, and I inched further into the cave, followed by Draco. The damp stone walls slowly dried, and were covered in intricate carvings the further we traveled.

“Anna, this is the history of Rowena Ravenclaw. That's her, fighting the Thunderbird!” I looked at where he was pointing, and gasped as I saw her fighting hand-to-hand with a massive bird, lightning clearly carved into the background.

“These are incredible carvings. Look, there’s Rowena, and the other founders!” A detailed carving at the end of the tunnel, carved into a stone door, detailed the four founders’ faces in such detail it was almost as if they were standing in front of us. I reached out, and pushed on the door, slowly swinging it open with a dull creak. I stepped through, Salazar’s wand still drawn, and saw that the tunnel ended in a locked door.

“Great. I'm guessing Alohom*ora won't work, either, so we’re stuck.” I stepped forward, examining a small stone pedestal that stood in the center of the room, and gasped.

“Of course! Rowena was the smartest witch of her age, it only makes sense she’d do this. She wrote a riddle, and each of the keys has a different answer to it. I'm guessing that the right answer corresponds with the right key.” Draco frowned.

“Well, what does the riddle say?” I bent over the pedestal, reading the worn etching.

“If ye enter the wrong key, your fate is sealed, but if ye enter the right key, true riches is what she shall deal.‘I liveth only where light dwells, but if light shineth on me, I shall perish. What am I?’” He frowned, walking over to me, and looking over the various answers.

“Well, that's pretty easy. It's a shadow. People back then must have been idiots.” He picked up the key, and stuck it into the lock, turning it. The door rumbled, and slowly drew open, revealing a hallway full of gold, silver, and precious gems.

“Anna, look at all of this!” He ran in, and bent over to pick a gold bar up, but my voice stopped him.

“Wait! Don't touch anything.” He paused, and I walked into the hallway.

“Why not?” I looked back and forth.

“What kind of room are we in, Draco?” He looked back and forth as well.

“A hallway.” I nodded.

“What does that tell you about how much that gold is worth?” He shrugged.

“A lot? What are you getting at, Anna?” I sighed in exasperation.

“It's a hallway because there is something more valuable at the end, Draco. You have to think like Rowena Ravenclaw.” He sighed, and stood, following me as I crept down the hallway.

“Fine, but I don't like it.” I shrugged, and we continued slowly, finally coming to the end of the hallway, where a small office area lay. The only thing that was out of place was the ornate stone coffin lying on top of the stone table.

“This is it, Draco. Rowena Ravenclaw’s tomb.” I crept forward, light shining from the wand throwing strange shadows over the walls, and placed a hand on the coffin. I pushed, heaved with all my might, before giving up and waving the wand. With a loud crack, the coffin lid broke off, and I dropped it onto the floor before peering into the coffin itself. There, hermetically preserved, was the corpse of Rowena Ravenclaw.

“Woah. Draco, you've got to see this.” He crept over, looking slowly over the edge of the coffin before sucking in a breath.

“The wand… It's broken in half?” I reached in, and grasped the broken wand.

“She must have foreseen something like this occurring. Clever.” I reached in, and pulled out a sapphire-studded bracelet.

“Well, this was a disappointing journey, but at least we got a bracelet.” Draco spoke up from a corner of the room.

“And this sheaf of notes.” I looked over, and saw a huge stack of parchment.

“Grab those. They might be her own research notes on what she and Salazar were doing.” I turned, then, struck by a sudden thought.

“Draco, if she was preserved this well, do you think that maybe that spell, Dimisit Mortem, could work on her?” He gulped.

“Anna, I don't know if that’s a good idea. So many things could go wrong, we don't even know if it works.” I shrugged him off.

“Well, now is a perfect opportunity to try.” I looked down at her, curiously wondering whether this would truly work, before aiming at her head and speaking.

Dimisit Mortem.” No light flashed from my wand, but the floor shook.

“Draco, protect the parchment! Get out of here, I'll be right behind you.” He grabbed the sheaf of papers, and ran out, me close behind after one last glance at Rowena. I followed him, not caring about what would happen if she truly was raised from the dead, sprinting past the gold and into the tunnel, appearing out into the malestrom that had sprung up around us. I spied Draco, waiting on the broom, papers tucked protectively into his coat. I dashed up behind him, mounting as he kicked off, and we flew slowly through the wind, rain and hail pelting us as the water in a wide circle around the cliff turned from liquid to ice.

“Get outside of the range of the circle!” He flew courageously, dodging larger chunks of hail and ice, flying as fast as he could out to sea. We had almost cleared the ring when a searing headache struck me. I cried out, Draco picking up speed as we cleared the worst of the storm, and heard a very angry woman speak in my mind.

"Who has done this? Who has ripped me from the afterlife with that accursed spell? Is it you, Salazar, intent on exacting revenge for my betrayal?” I gasped in pain, as Draco landed, me falling off of the broom and onto the ground.

“Please, stop hurting me…” The pain stopped, and the voice returned, quieter this time.

“You are not Salazar, though are of his blood. Who are you?” Draco spoke to me as well.

“Who is hurting you, Anna? Where are they?” I coughed.

“I think Rowena Ravenclaw is in my head, somehow.” Draco looked at me as if I was mad, but we were interrupted by a booming voice.


“We need to get you back to Malfoy Manor. Here, can you sit on the broom?” I weakly wrapped my arms around his waist. He kicked off, and I responded to the voice in my head.

“I'm Annabel Finlayson. Who are you?” The voice responded arrogantly. “I am Rowena Ravenclaw, co-founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. I sense you are a witch, though I have not heard of the name Finlayson.” I sighed.

“This may come as a shock, but I'm a student at Hogwarts in the year 1995.”

“What?! That can't be possible! How long have I been dead?” I gulped.

“About a thousand years.” Silence emanated for a little. We shot like a comet over houses and fields, Draco not really caring about being seen.

“That means death has punished you for resurrecting me by forcing my mind into your body, then. A fitting choice.” I groaned, and replied.

“You'll find out how awful it is to be me pretty soon, Rowena.” She sniffed.

“We’ll see. For now, where are we headed?” I shrugged

. “Malfoy Manor, for now.” Draco slowed, and I looked down, realizing we were flying over the hedge maze outside of Malfoy Manor.

“I'm pretty sure you'll need to learn a lot about the world as it is now after being dead for so long.” She scoffed.

“As if. You think that I've been twiddling my thumbs for the past thousand years? I worked out an agreement with Death to allow me to read all of the books written that were published after my death, on one condition: he'd obscure the written dates so I could not know how much time had passed. By the way, when did William invade Normandy? I died before he managed to.” I sighed.

“A.D. 1066, I think. He won, as well.”

“I know. Harold wasn't fit to be king anyway.” I let out a laugh at how surreal my situation was, a pureblood Slytherin werewolf Animagus having a casual conversation with Rowena Ravenclaw about the Norman Invasion of 1066.

“Here, Anna, can you open my window while I keep the broom steady?” I nodded, and waved Slytherin’s wand unlocking the window and swinging it open. I climbed off first, and held a hand out for Draco. He climbed in clumsily, and stowed the broom under his bed, closing the window and hiding the sheaf of papers seconds before Narcissa knocked on the door.

“Draco? Anna? It's time for dinner.” He responded as I tried to air out my hair, which was still damp.

“We'll be down momentarily, mother.” He then turned to me.

“Okay, if you aren't completely insane, and Rowena Ravenclaw is actually in your head, how can we be sure?” I shrugged.

“Tell him that Salazar was a whiny brat when he didn't get his way.” I snorted involuntarily, and spoke to Draco.

“She says Salazar Slytherin was a whiny brat when he didn't get his way.” He cracked a grin, and replied.

“Ask her how she knows that.” She replied before I could ask.

“Tell him I can hear him, and that he was a brat according to Godric Gryffindor, and whiny according to Helga Hufflepuff, and if he keeps questioning me I'll bring a piece of masonry down on his head.” I pursed my lips, and spoke.

“She says she can hear you, Slytherin was a brat according to Gryffindor, whiny according to Hufflepuff, and if you keep questioning her, she'll bring a piece of masonry down on your head.” As if on cue, thunder rumbled outside. He blanched, and nodded.

“Alright, let’s get to dinner, then.”
Dinner was a tense affair, mostly tense for me because every three seconds Rowena would remark on what I was doing or the quality of the food I was eating. We finished, me sticking the sheaf of notes in a spare box Draco found before meeting my parents at the door.

“Hey mum. Hey dad.” I turned to say goodbye to Draco, noting that both of our parents had withdrawn to give us a little privacy.

“I guess I'll see you at school, then.” He nodded, and we hugged. While we embraced, he whispered into my ear. “I'm glad you came over.” I smiled, and we disentangled.

“Thanks for letting me stay over, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy!” I waved to them, and they waved back, Narcissa somewhat sadly. I followed my parents down the path, loading my trunks in the car, before climbing into the backseat and talking idly with them about all the things I'd ‘done’ over my stay, conveniently leaving out the part about the cross-country trip and how I was now sharing my head with Rowena Ravenclaw. The drive didn't take long, as we lived somewhat close to the Malfoy Manor, and I unloaded the trunks and box, carrying them up to my room before going to bed. I was under the duvet, about to fall asleep, when Rowena spoke.

“Child, you say you are a fifth year, yes?” I nodded.

“Then, if I remember correctly, you take your O.W.L.s this year. You must be prepared. I shall teach you.” I rolled over, and groaned into the pillow. Now I have a teacher that actually knows if I'm studying.

Chapter 17: Dumbledore's Army

Chapter Text

In times of old when I was new

And Hogwarts barely started

The founders of our noble school

Thought never to be parted:

United by a common goal,

They had the selfsame yearning,

To make the world’s best magic school

And pass along their learning.

“Together we will build and teach!”

The four good friends decided

And never did they dream that they

Might someday be divided,

For were there such friends anywhere

As Slytherin and Gryffndor?

Unless it was the second pair

Of Huffepuff and Ravenclaw?

So how could it have gone so wrong?

How could such friendships fail?

Why, I was there and so can tell

The whole sad, sorry tale.

Said Slytherin, “We’ll teach just those

Whose ancestry is purest.”

Said Ravenclaw, “We’ll teach those whose

Intelligence is surest.”

Said Gryffindor, “We’ll teach all those

With brave deeds to their name,”

Said Hufflepujf, “I’ll teach the lot,

And treat them just the same.”

These differences caused little strife

When first they came to light,

For each of the four founders had

A House in which they might

Take only those they wanted, so,

For instance, Slytherin

Took only pure-blood wizards

Of great cunning, just like him,

And only those of sharpest mind

Were taught by Ravenclaw

While the bravest and the boldest

Went to daring Gryffindor.

Good Hufflepuff she took the rest,

And taught them all she knew,

Thus the Houses and their founders

Retained friendships firm and true.

So Hogwarts worked in harmony

For several happy years,

But then discord crept among us

Feeding on our faults and fears.

The Houses that, like pillars four,

Had once held up our school,

Now turned upon each other and,

Divided, sought to rule.

And for a while it seemed the school

Must meet an early end,

What with dueling and with fighting

And the clash of friend on friend

And at last there came a morning

When old Slytherin departed

And though the fighting then died out

He left us quite downhearted.

And never since the founders four

Were whittled down to three

Have the Houses been united

As they once were meant to be.

And now the Sorting Hat is here

And you all know the score:

I sort you into Houses

Because that is what I’m for,

But this year I’ll go further,

Listen closely to my song:

Though condemned I am to split you

Still I worry that it’s wrong,

Though I must fulfil my duty

And must quarter every year

Still I wonder whether sorting

May not bring the end I fear.

Oh, know the perils, read the signs,

The warning history shows,

For our Hogwarts is in danger

From external, deadly foes

And we must unite inside her

Or we’ll crumble from within.

I have told you, I have warned you. . . .

Let the Sorting now begin.

I looked over at Draco with an eyebrow raised.

“That's a little bleak, isn't it?” He shrugged.

“Well, we know who the ‘external foes’ are, right?” I nodded, growing cold as I remembered killing the family of three.

“Yes, we definitely do.” I began to eat, hunger dampened by the memory of the dead child, lifeless and limp. Dumbledore then stood, once we were all finished eating, and introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. During her speech, I listened to the first two words before absentmindedly playing with my fork. Around halfway through the speech, Rowena spoke sadly.

“Is this what the Magical world has come to? Governmental regulation on schools? What are they going to do next, remove Muggle England from the European Union?” I snorted.

“Like that'd ever happen.” I thought about what classes I was taking this year, hoping for less drama and no more Triwizard tournaments, until Draco nudged me.

“Time to go.” I stood, and followed him to the dormitory, after learning the password from him, seeing as he was a prefect and all. I entered my dorm, and crawled under the blankets, keen on getting a good sleep before I began yet another search for information.


“Rowena, where was Godric Gryffindor buried?” I heard a humming for a few minutes before she responded.

“I'm not sure. He died around the same time I was declining, and that area is always a little hazy. I'm pretty sure he was buried here, though. Somewhere on school grounds.” I nodded, and resumed walking alone, next to the lake. I removed my shoes and socks, setting them on a rock before wading out into the lake. Since I was a fifth year, I was allowed to wear Muggle clothing during the fifth year. I didn't really know why, but I enjoyed it all the same, wearing a pair of short pants that reached to my knees, with a long-sleeve shirt to hide the Mark. I called for the squid, and presently he appeared, waving a tentacle. Rowena spoke.

How long has that squid been here?” I frowned.

“Longer than I have, I guess. Not sure how long totally, though.” She replied earnestly.

Draw your wand, and speak to the squid. Tell him you wish to duel.” I did as she said, and, to my surprise, the squid began to shrink, tentacles disappearing until they vanished, and, standing before me in the lake, was a tall, broad man with a bushy red beard and a smile.

“You wish to duel, eh? I'll have you know, I was a quite proficient dueler in my day.” My mind was reeling, but Rowena was calm.

Let me talk to him.” I shrugged, mouth still agape, and she spoke through my mouth.

“Godric! It's been a while, you big brute.” His mouth opened in surprise, and I was surprised that her voice sounded exactly like the one in my head, not mine.

“Rowena? Is that you?” She continued to talk as I was beginning to register what was happening.

“Yes, it is I. I've been dead for almost a thousand years, but you've been alive and well, I see.” He reddened, and sloshed out of the water until he was in front of me.

“But, if you've been dead, how are you here now?” She sighed.

“This isn't my body. This girl managed to resurrect me, but was punished by Death to share my mind in hers for trying to bring me back.” Godric scowled.

“She must have found Salazar’s laboratory. May I speak to her?” I nodded, retaking control of my voice.

“Hello.” He suddenly gripped me by the collar of my shirt, drawing me close enough to smell his breath, which smelled of raw fish and lake water.

“You are a fool. What Salazar did almost destroyed the school, and you thought it'd be a good idea to try to pick up where he left off? I should take you up on that duel, and kill you to teach you a lesson.” I quailed, and he set me down.

“I'd like to speak to the both of you, if possible.” I nodded, and he continued.

“I've been alive for a long time. I've seen many men and women walk that beach. I've even saved you when you couldn't make it to the Hospital Wing on the full moon. But there is something that I will never forget, until the day I die. And that is the face of a man who has taken another’s life.” I gulped, and Rowena spoke.

“Well, Annabel?” I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and I pursed my lips.

“Uh, well, I don't know if Rowena knows, but, surely you do Godric. You-Know-Who.” His brow darkened, and he nodded.

“Aye, I know the name.” I took in another shaky breath.

“Well, in my fourth year, I needed the core of my wand to become an Animagus, but I couldn't find any. Then Barty Crouch, disguised as Mad-Eye Moody, offered me some if I joined the Death Eaters.” Godric cursed, using a few words I'd never heard, before looking at me in anger.

“So, I joined, and I had to meet You-Know-Who to solidify my entry into the group. He made me kill a father, a mother, and a Mudblood child.” Suddenly, without warning, Godric wrapped his hand around my throat, raising my feet off of the ground.

“That is not what they are called.” I coughed, and rasped out an apology. He dropped me, and I gasped for air as the water splashed around me in ripples.

“Muggle-Born. Sorry.” He sighed, running a hand through his beard.

“The secret as to how I've lived this long is simple. I made a Horcrux.” Rowena gasped, but I frowned.

“What's a Horcrux?” Rowena spoke.

“It's an object that you can store a piece of your soul in after you split it. It's dangerously Dark Magic that can allow you to live forever.” Godric nodded sadly.

“After who I killed to make that Horcrux, I swore never to kill another man for the rest of eternity, and to live here, in exile.” I looked at him, noting that he was looking off into space, a deep depression on his face.

“Well, that's in the past, Godric. Annabel was looking for your tomb, and she got the next-best-thing.” I took a breath, and nodded.

“I need your wand. I'm going to extract the core and splice it with mine to make it more powerful.” He frowned down at me.

“You sound just like Salazar. Power-hungry, never thinking about anyone but himself.” I gulped, and he sighed.

“Oh, well. I can't help you anyway. It's hidden, and I don't intend on helping you find it, either.” I frowned.

“Why not?” He growled, and I shrank away from him.

“You think you're entitled to everything, don't you. I don't want you to have the damn wand for the exact same reason Rowena snapped hers.” His expression returned to the benign resting face he started with.

“I'm sorry. I have a bit of a temper. Anyway, I can't really help you, so, if you'll excuse me…” He stepped back into the water, changing back into the squid. I sighed, and slogged out of the water.

“Well, you guys have been a huge help. The only person who really helped me was Salazar, and he's been dead for a thousand years.” Rowena sighed.

“Well, we don't like power-hungry people.” I groaned, and waded back out of the water, back onto land. As I put on my shoes, I spoke.

“I suppose there is no chance whatsoever of finding Hufflepuff, then?” Rowena replied sullenly.

“None at all. She was lost at sea traveling to Ireland.” I sighed, shoulders slumping, and trudged back towards the school dejectedly.

“Cheer up, young one. At least we can set aside more time to your studies.” I groaned again, scowling at a Ravenclaw first year who looked at me funny for talking to myself, before a spike of pain hit me in the back of the head.

“Don't look at my pupils like that.” I snorted as I took a right, headed for the Great Hall.

“They aren't your pupils, seeing as you've been dead for the past few hundred years.” She sighed, and I sat next to Draco in the Great Hall.

“Hey, Anna.” I smiled weakly, and recounted what had transpired at the lake.

“Whew. I'm a little glad, to be honest. That whole quest of yours was going to get you hurt.” I scowled into my plate of bacon, and Rowena spoke to Draco.

“As was I. Honestly, it would have ended dangerously for the entire school had it turned out successful.” Draco looked at me strangely before remembering that there was two people in my head instead of one.

“Do you think she’ll ever leave, Anna?” I shrugged.

“Not sure. She's helping me study for my classes, so it might be safe to hope for her to leave. Damn!” I clutched the side of my head as a bolt of pain shot into my head. Draco patted my shoulder, and I swore under my breath as Rowena berated me.

“Young lady, your classes are of utmost importance during your stay at Hogwarts, and I most definitely am not leaving any time soon, for it is impossible. I suggest you get over it and learn to live with me.” I sighed, and resumed eating, burying my feelings in bacon and eggs with a hefty dose of syrup.

Two weeks later, I was in the middle of Transfiguration when Rowena spoke in my mind.

That’s wrong. To receive better results you jab the wand, not swish. I sighed, burying my head in my arms.

“Ms. Finlayson? Something wrong?” I shook my head, looking up at McGonagall.

“No, Professor.” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

“If so, then why did you sigh and lay your head down?” Snickers rippled through the class, and I rubbed my forehead.

“To receive better results, you jab the wand instead of swishing.” Knowing I'd just dug my own grave, I prayed Rowena was right.

“Are you correcting me in my class, young lady?” I gulped, and nodded, silence filling the room. She sighed, and turned to the chair she was demonstrating with.

“Very well. I shall see if you are correct. If you are not, your house loses twenty points.” I gulped again, under the glares of the Slytherins. She spoke the spell, this time jabbing her wand instead of swishing, and to my surprise, the chair turned into a goat easily.

“Well, then. It appears you are correct, Ms. Finlayson.” The class resumed, Sytherins looking at me in awe while a distinct feeling of pride emanated from Rowena. I let out a pent-up breath I didn't know I was holding in and sank back into my seat. After class, I encountered Draco in the hallway.

“Hey, Anna. Can we talk in private for a moment?” I nodded and followed him into an empty classroom, shutting the door behind us. He turned, and spoke.

“Professor Umbridge has contacted the Slytherin prefects with her plans for a sort of Inquisitorial Squad, which would be a group of people who would enforce her decrees as whatever new position she's been granted. She asked us to look for anyone who would be good candidates, and I wanted to know if you'd join as soon as it started up.” I shrugged.

“Why not. Sounds fun to me.” He smiled, and patted my shoulder before leaving me in the classroom.

I was busy spending a free period on Friday dunking Gryffindor first years in the toilets in Moaning Myrtle’s restroom when I was struck by a sense of sadness. Sure, with Dumbledore’s leaving and the rise of Umbridge, there had been a veritable era of happiness coming down on the Slytherins, and I'd been given free reign to wreak havoc on the school as the Chief of the Inquisitorial Squad (Draco had personally recommended me), but there was a sense of emptiness that wasn't helped by Rowena’s constant blathering about bullying students. I must have seemed odd, having a conversation with myself in two different voices, but the first years were underwater, so what would they hear?

“Ms. Finlayson, it isn't right to bully Gryffindor first years. What did they do to you?” I sighed, and shrugged, letting the kid take a break.

“Nothing. It's just fun. And, Conley doesn't want me to take any more points from Gryffindor, does he?” Conley, the first year, shook his sopping wet head madly. I was about to continue when I heard a voice.

“Finlayson. Ma’am. Mistress. Boss?” I cracked a grin, and turned to see a fourth-year Slytherin girl, quaking in her robes as she stood before me. Rising from my squat, I looked down at her.

“My official title is Chief of the Inquisitorial Squad, but you may refer to me as ‘sir.’ Conley, scurry on. And, if I hear of any tattling, Gryffindor loses another five points.” He frowned, and spoke meekly as he edged past me.

“But, Gryffindor hasn't lost five points?” I chuckled.

“They have now.” He whimpered, and scurried away. I turned my attention to the girl.

“Go on.” She gulped, and continued speaking quietly.

“There has been word of a meeting, in the Hog’s Head, to form a Defence Against the Dark Arts club, tomorrow during the Hogsmeade trip, sir.” I nodded imperiously.

“And just who is leading this meeting?” She gulped.

“Harry, Hermione, and Ron.” I growled, and she squeaked.

“Er, I mean Potter, Granger, and the Weasel King. Sir.” My expression softened slightly.

“Good. Two points to Slytherin. Now, hurry along.” She dashed away, and I washed off my hands in the basin before exiting, heading towards Headmistress’s office to report this occurrence. Sure, I'd definitely changed since coming into a position of power, but I wasn't all that bad, right? I mean, I only took five points from Gryffindor, instead of ten. And, I might make the lower years refer to the Trio by their last names, but I didn't call Granger a Mudblood, did I? I stopped in my tracks. Why was I going to report the group before it had even began? Why shouldn't I go and see what it was about, then turn them in once I see a good reason to? It was more fun that way, anyway. I changed direction, heading towards Gryffindor’s common room, where I knew at least Granger was frantically doing the homework I had enchanted a quill to do for me. I knocked primly on the door, and when a Gryffindor opened it, I stepped through and into the cheery common room.

“Where is Granger?” The room didn't move, glares flying at me from faces all around. I tutted.

“I'll count to ten. One.” I held up a finger.

“Two. Oh, and for every finger I hold up it’s another twenty points from Gryffindor.” Before I could say three, a first year ran forward, eliciting hisses from the room.

“S-She’s in the Owlry, sir.” I patted her head, and turned to leave. I was stopped by a voice that was all too familiar.

“I can't believe I went on a date with that thing.” I turned, drawing my wand fluidly and pointing it at Fred. My chest rose and fell quickly, in tune with my heavy breaths. Rage funneled through me and threatened to come out of my wand, but I kept it at bay, choosing instead to smile maliciously.

“Good and evil is a matter of perspective, Weasley. Personally, I view it as power, and those too weak to seek it. Ten points to Gryffindor.” His expression shifted to one of confusion, and I turned on my heel, exiting the common room and heading for the Owlry. It was a short journey, and I shivered as my thin jacket did little to repel the cold. I entered the Owlry, shivering, to find Hermione pointing a wand at me.

“What do you want?” I leaned casually against the wall.

“Why so threatening, Hermione?” She flinched, thrown off by my demeanor, and I was interrupted by an angry Rowena.

“How dare you speak to her like that?” I clapped my hands over my mouth, and turned away from Granger.

“Rowena, now isn't the time, so please shut it.” I turned back, face composed, and opened my mouth to resume.

“Now, Hermione, I'm willing to offer you-Hermione Granger, do not trust-shut your trap, Rowena, now isn't the time!” I swore as a jab of pain shot through my head, and she spoke.

“I have sat by while you've done horrible things. I even comforted you during your full moons, complimented you on your Animagus abilities, and several other things. But this will not stand. I will not let you take advantage of poor Hermione like this.” I gulped, and turned to Hermione, who was watching me with surprise and shock in her face.

“It, uh, is a long story. Anyway, I just wanted to-No! Yes! Stop it, you old lady! Insolent child! I know more than you could dream! I've brought the dead back to life, and your attitude is not proper of a woman!” I fell down, gasping as overwhelming pain gripped me. Hermione spoke cautiously.

“Erm, What is going on?” I rose to a knee, pressing a hand to my temple, and spoke between ragged breaths.

“It's a long story.” She sighed.

“Give me the short version, then.” I sat back against the wall, ignoring the bird droppings, and spoke.

“I'm sharing my mind with Rowena Ravenclaw.” She snorted derisively.

“As if. Rowena Ravenclaw has been dead for the past thousand years.” I nodded.

“I know. That's why it's a long story. Either way, I-“ I was cut off by another wave of pain, and I took a long breath out of my nose.

“Fine. Fine. Shut up. I'm willing to-“ I cried out as a wave of pain overwhelming the others flooded through me, causing me to drop to the floor once more.

“Agh! I give up! You win. Please, stop.” The pain slowed, not going away, but lessening slightly.

“Let me talk to Miss Granger.” I laid back, facing her, and nodded.

“Now, Hermione, I am Rowena Ravenclaw. I can prove this by saying something this imbecile wouldn't know. My face twisted into one of indignation. Hermione frowned.

“Fine. Go ahead.” Ravenclaw sighed.

“The enchantments on the different dormitories are separate spells, each cast by the founder. They all have different effects, Gryffindor’s being turning the stairs into a slide, mine being freezing the offender in a block of ice, and so on.” I spoke curiously.

“Really? I didn't know that.” Hermione looked at me in awe.

“So, it is you. But, how are you here right now?” I reddened, and she spoke.

“Well, this one happened upon my tomb, found my body hermetically sealed, and tried to resurrect me. Death himself forced my mind into her head as a punishment.” Hermione’s jaw dropped.

“You tried to bring her back to life? Is that what the last journal was?” I shook my head.

“No, we found Salazar Slytherin’s corpse, and his wand, along with his final diary entry. He listed several powerful spells, and that was one of them.” She shook her head, sitting down in front of me.

“This is a lot to take in. How do I know you're not bluffing? You've gotten a little evil since you became Chief of the Inquisitorial Squad, you know.” I sighed.

“Good and evil is a matter of perspective, Hermione. I did it because it was fun, but now I think Rowena is going to start reigning me in a bit more. I came here to offer you points in exchange for information about the meeting at the Hog’s Head, but then all this happened.” She nodded.

“Well, you can come, but I don't know if you'll be accepted that well.” I shrugged.

“I never have been. I'm not planning on joining, but I'll make a speech or something about it, trust me.” She nodded, and sighed.

“Well, this has been an interesting talk. Bye, Finlayson. Bye, Rowena Ravenclaw.” I waved, and she left us, sitting in the Owlry, me wondering what the hell happened.


“What the hell is she doing here?!” I sighed, and stepped to the front of the pub, where the Trio stood. I ignored the death stares from everyone in the room, and glanced at Hermione. She nodded slightly, and I spoke.

“Now, I'm not here to report you, or take points from your respective houses, as I see a few Slytherins here. Nor am I here to give you all detentions, which I can do. I'm here to say that what these three people are going to do is something worth joining. I personally am not joining, as I have too much to lose if I do, but rest assured,” I grabbed a scrap of parchment, and began writing. Once I finished, I resumed.

“On this paper is a list of everyone here, your name, age, and house. If you want me to leave in peace, that's fine. I'll burn the paper and be done. If you listen to my proposal, I'll burn the paper. But, if you don't,” at this I added an edge to my voice, “if you throw me out of here with insults and hexes, I'll take this list to Umbridge herself and rain down fire and brimstone upon you. Are we clear?” The group nodded. I looked around at them, and resumed speaking.

“I am not your ally. Though, I am not your enemy, either. I have been re-evaluating my position, with some help, and I have decided that if you accept my… Not exactly help, but ignorance, I will not pursue you. Nor will I tattle. In fact, I will attempt to divert attention from you all, and, if the need arises, I shall offer my formidable knowledge of Dark Magic to you all.” George spoke.

“If you're prepared to do all that, why don't you just join us?” I sighed, and my shoulders slumped.

“My allegiance lies with another.” He frowned, and Ron spoke.

“I, for one, think it's a good idea to accept. She knows a lot about Dark Magic, and having her off our backs is a good enough offer.” I nodded, and spoke my final piece.

“I also will no longer use my position to bully you all anymore, but I will take points away for dress code, and not obeying Umbridge's decrees, as much as I hate the toad.” Several snickers broke out, and people began to nod in agreement.

“We’ll contact you when we need you, Annabel.” I patted Hermione on the shoulder. Before I left, I turned to the crowd.

“Normally, I'd say that there is power, and those too weak to seek it. But now, I think there is power, and those foolish enough to abuse it. Farewell.” As I walked towards the Shrieking Shack, a sense of approval radiated from Rowena.

“Well said, Annabel.” I smiled, and shrugged.

“Well, I'm not totally evil. It's up to them to see that.” She snorted.

“Good and evil is a matter of perspective.” I frowned.

“So, what's your perspective?” She replied instantly.

“I believe you're a sort of chaotic neutral. You can swing either way.” I sighed, and nodded.

“I'm glad.”

Chapter 18: The Battle at the Ministry

Chapter Text

I was leaving the library after finishing a two-hour study session spearheaded by Rowena (which was a living hell in its own way), when Hermione slipped something into my pocket. I walked a ways down the hallway before casually reaching into my pocket and unfolding the note.

“Meet in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom.” I drew my wand, and burned the note, before making my way to the bathroom, taking a few points for public displays of affection from two Hufflepuffs, eventually entering the bathroom to find Hermione, toting a roll of parchment.

“Hey. What's up? I can't be long, the boss wants a report in ten minutes.” She nodded, and spoke hurriedly.

“I need you to do a demonstration for the class.” I frowned.

“Hermione, you know how dangerous that is.” She sighed.

“Yes, but we need you. You've helped us so much already, and other Slytherins have been chipping in as well, but we need your expertise, specifically in the Killing Curse.” My heart sank.

“I'm not killing anyone, or anything, for that matter. Not anymore.” She frowned, but shrugged it off.

“I don't need you to. All we need to know is how far into the casting can it be stopped.” I sighed, and consulted Rowena, who spoke as Hermione began taking notes.

“I personally have not cast the Killing Curse, but in my knowledge as soon as the last ‘v’ sound is used, it is irreversible. So, up until that point, if you interrupt the caster, the spell fails.” She nodded, and spoke again.

“Thank you so much. If you'd like to show up for next meeting, it's at seven tonight.” I nodded, and turned to leave, not planning at all on showing up, but a word from Hermione gave me pause.

“Harry’s been having dreams about You-Know-Who lately, Annabel. I wondered if you knew anything about that.” I shook my head, and she sighed.

“Oh, well. Nevermind. See you around, Finlayson.” I nodded.

“In the halls, Granger."

I knocked on the door hurriedly, glancing back and forth as I did. It opened, and I burst into the Room of Requirement, seeking out Hermione. I spied her, the crowd parting before me, and I dashed up to her.

“Granger. It's a trap. Someone squealed.” She paled, and I turned to leave as people began rushing out of the room. I shifted into my cat form, and streaked away, headed towards the alcove outside of Umbridge’s office, where I was to wait until they returned. Oddly enough, she'd stayed in her office as Defence teacher, which I had a hearty laugh about when I found that Dumbledore’s office had refused her entry. I shifted back, catching my breath, and leaned against the wall casually. To my horror, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom appeared, dragged by the other members of the Inquisitorial Squad. I sighed, hiding my shock, and assumed the role of Chief Inquisitor.

“Got some, then? Bring them up to the Headmistress.” I mounted the stairs, knocking on her door gently.

“Yes?” I cleared my throat, and spoke.

“Ma’am, the Inquisitorial Squad has captured six students, including Potter, Granger, and Weasley.” She sighed happily from behind the door, and opened it.

“Come in, come in.” I entered, followed by the group, before standing by her desk.

“Now, then. What do we have here? Six students caught attending a class I've expressly forbid, now. Very interesting. Bring Mr. Potter to me.” I beckoned, and Draco shoved him over. I grabbed his arm, and drew him in front of Umbridge.

“Mr. Potter, I have one question for you, and I shall let you go. Where is Dumbledore?” He shook his head, and she glanced at me.

“Torture him, Finlayson.” I gulped before drawing my wand and pointing it at his side.

Cru-“ I was interrupted, to my relief, by Hermione.

“Wait!” I paused, and Umbridge turned her gaze hungrily upon Hermione. She held back a sob, and spoke tremulously.

“We don't know w-where he is, but he t-told us ab-bout a secret-t weapon, in the Forbidden Forest.” She gulped, and Unbridge spoke readily.

“Take me there. Now.” I stepped forward.

“Ma’am, if I may accompany you.” She frowned.

“I think one person with a wand is enough to deal with two wandless teenagers, as Mr. Potter here will be accompanying me.” I nodded.

“Of course, Headmistress, but if they took you by surprise? What then?” She sighed, viewing them suspiciously.

“Oh, alright. Here, carry their wands.” She handed me the confiscated wands, and I followed the three of them out, and into the forest, wondering what I was going to do now. We traipsed through the woods, Umbridge growing nervous as the light faded, and we presently reached a clearing. What was in it made me swear in shock. A huge form, half-giant according to Rowena, stood in the clearing, staring down at us. Umbridge cackled, and I took my opportunity, Stunning her in the back. She fell over, and I sighed before throwing their wands to Harry and Hermione.

“Now what?” I shrugged.

“No clue. I didn't think I'd get this far, honestly.” Suddenly, Harry cried out, and collapsed. Hermione rushed over to him, while I looked back up to see several arrows sticking out of the half-giant.

“What the…” It was then I noticed the massive horde of centaurs. A plan hatched in my mind as Umbridge began to stir.

“Hey, centaurs! This lady here thinks you're less than human! She calls you half-breeds!” A thunderous roar rose up, the half-giant forgotten, and they rushed her as one, lifting her now-screaming form up and carrying her into the forest, spells and jinxes shooting from her wand as they did. I smiled in satisfaction, and turned the Harry and Hermione, who was helping Harry up. He was speaking gibberish, and I grabbed his shoulders.

“Get a hold of yourself, man!” He took a breath before speaking.

“Hermione, they've taken Sirius to the Hall of Prophecy. You-Know-Who is torturing him!” I flinched involuntarily, and sprang into action.

“Well, let's get you to the Ministry, then. How will we get there?” He turned, and pointed over my shoulder.

“Thestrals.” I turned, and gasped at the sight of eight or nine the straps standing in the clearing the Half-giant had vanished from.

“You can see them, then.” I nodded.

“To my utter shame. Hop on.” I was about to help them up when four more people appeared. Ron was sporting a black eye, and Luna Lovegood had a small stream of blood running from her nose.

“Hey guys. We came to help.” I beckoned, and they walked towards me.

“You lot need to get to the Ministry. Someone needs your help.” I began helping them up, and when the last person had mounted a thestral, Harry spoke.

“Aren't you coming with us?” I shook my head.

“I-I can't. It's the same situation as Dumbledore’s Army. My allegiance belongs to another.” Harry frowned, but Hermione grasped my meaning immediately.

“Oh, Anna…” I sniffed, a teardrop running down my cheek as I rolled up my right sleeve, exposing the Mark. Neville recoiled, Ron swore, and, to my surprise, Luna crossed herself.

“I can't go with you, as much as I want to. I will be there, but not on the side you'd think.” Hermione began to cry, and Ginny looked at me with pity.

“I won't, however,” my gaze turned to steel.

“I won't give you up. I'm going back to the castle to get a hold of Dumbledore somehow, and I'll protect you as much as I can. I swear, on my life, no one will die today.” Hermione sniffed, and nodded.

“This is where our paths break, guys. I won't forget you.” I bowed my head before shifting into my cat form and tearing out of the forest, faster than I thought I could, flying into the castle. I made to leap up the stairs, but my tail was grabbed by an unseen force. I howled, and shifted back on instinct to see four Slytherin seventh years.

“Where are they going?” I gulped, and spoke quietly.

“The Ministry.” They nodded, and the one holding me dropped me roughly before running after the other three. I swore angrily before changing course, running towards the lake.

“What do you plan to do, Annabel?” I drew my wand, and replied.

“Make a statement.” I looked down at the cherrywood wand, and sniffed, swapping it for Salazar’s wand before aiming it at the water.

“Godric Gryffindor! Reveal yourself, you coward!” I slashed my wand, and the water began to froth and boil. Presently, Godric appeared, wand aimed at my forehead.

“What do you want, child?” I stepped forward, emotions overwhelming me, and spoke lowly.

“Contact Albus Dumbledore. Tell him that Potter is trying to save Sirius Black in the Hall of Prophecy.” He raised an eyebrow.

“And why would I do that?” I growled, and advanced until I was an inch from his wand.

“Because you aren't a coward. If you were, you’d have let me boil you.” I turned on my heel, and marched off, heading towards Umbridge’s office. I walked through hallways, shoving anyone foolish enough to get in my way out of the way, before opening the door gently. It was empty, and I grabbed a handful of Floo Powder before throwing it into the fire and shouting.

“Malfoy Manor!” The fire lit green, and I stepped through, head spinning as I appeared in the den of Malfoy Manor, where I found a group of Death Eaters waiting. They drew their wands, but lowered them after I showed them my Mark. I stomped past them, making my way to the study, where I knew Voldemort had to be, before opening the door. He was indeed there, and smiled at the sight of me.

“Ah, Ms. Finlayson. I see you've heard of the mission to trap Potter.” I nodded.

“I want in.” He sighed, and stood.

“I figured you might. These Death Eaters, only a few of them have the courage to use the Killing Curse. Some even try to defy me. Like him, for example.” He pointed his wand at a tied up man, laying on the floor with fear in his eyes. Without a thought, I drew my wand and killed him.

“Good. Now, before you go, I have a gift for you. Your cloak, and the spell to summon your Death Eater mask. Not given lightly, might I add.” He handed me a long, billowing robe, which I pulled on, before telling me the spell. I performed it, and he smiled in satisfaction.

“They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Rather, the mask is. Go. Join Lucius Malfoy. He will take you to the Ministry.” I bowed, and pulled the hod up before leaving. I passed several Death Eaters, who flinched at the sight of me, which I wondered at before passing a mirror. My mask was the Comedy face you'd see outside a theatre, with the smile twisted grotesquely and the eyebrows angrily pointing inward. I found Lucius, waiting by the door.

“Ah. There you are. Let us be off.” He grasped my arm, and we Apparated directly to the Ministry, hurrying into a lift and pressing a button. I drew my wand, and he spoke.

“Who are you? I've not seen that mask before.” I waved my wand, and the mask dissipated, revealing my face. He hid his shock, and nodded.

“Welcome to the order.” I nodded, and put the mask back on. Rowena had been suspiciously quiet, and I had an idea that she was watching to see what I’d do. We arrived at the correct floor, and exited, heading down the hallway before taking a right, Malfoy seeming to know the route. We entered a circular room, full of doors, and he strode confidently to one, opening it before leading me through. We walked a ways, going through a few other doors, before entering a massive warehouse-like area, filled with shelves upon shelves of glass balls. He turned right, and we traveled along the rows, eventually turning into a row somewhere in the mid-90s. Upon entering, my heart dropped out of my chest as I beheld the ten people, Slytherins having joined up with the others. Their wands were aimed at us, and my eyes darted back and forth, assessing the situation. There wasn't any direct way for me to communicate, and as Lucius spoke with Harry, I growled. The woman next to me, misinterpreting my action as a sign of bloodlust, cackled madly, drawing attention to herself.

“The young one lusts for blood!” She dissolved into laughter, and I scowled into the mask. I took the opportunity, while all eyes were on her, to wink at the seventh-year who was looking at me. He seemed to get my message, and very subtly communicated it to the others. They seemed to get the message as well, for they flicked glances at me occasionally. As Lucius tried to Summon the ball from Harry, I started forward, drawing attention to me and allowing the ten to shout a spell in unison. The glass balls began to shatter, shelves toppling, and I covered my head with my arms as I felt people run past me. I turned, and chased after them, at the back of the group of Death Eaters. We flew through the doors, each taking a separate one, me choosing the wrong one and toppling off of an edge along with two Death Eaters and a Slytherin. We fell down from level to level, breath knocked out of me, and, when we landed at the bottom, I saw that the Slytherin had knocked the two Death Eaters unconscious.

“What now?” I shrugged.

“We’d better duel, in case someone comes in.” She nodded, and I stood in front of the unconscious Death Eaters while she stood across from me. We bowed in unison, and began dueling, neither one of us really trying to hurt the other. I winged a hex at her, and she dodged it gracefully before sending a Stunning spell at me. I blocked it, and prepared to return fire when the door above us burst open. Our eyes met, and we began dueling with much more ferocity now that we had an audience. I managed to force her back up onto the dais she’d had her back to, and up onto the edge of the archway before a curse flew past my ear. I turned, and spied, to my surprise, Remus Lupin standing up top. I rolled out of the way of a hex from the girl and behind a rock, dodging spells from both of them. Shifting into my cat form, I stuck to the shadows, ducking around as I surveyed the situation. They were still hexing the poor Boulder, and I spied several Death Eaters entering, chased by other good guys. I shifted back, and resumed casting spells, catching the Slytherin by surprise with a harmless Stunning Spell. Lupin began to duel with me, and I was hard-pressed to defend myself, as he was a far superior dueler. I grunted, and deflected a hex before switching wands and resuming, Salazar’s much more powerful wand aiding my attempts to harmlessly overpower him while at the same time making it easier for me to keep an eye on the battle around me. I managed to hit a few Death Eaters with ‘errant’ spells, making it easier for the good guys to win, and I managed to bounce a hex off of Lupin’s Shield Charm at just the right angle to hit the woman dueling Sirius Black in the hand before she could finish the Killing Curse that would kill him, a miracle of accuracy I didn't know how I'd accomplished. She shrieked, and dashed off after a final spell, me sensing the call to retreat and following after sending a barrage of spells and curses at Lupin. We made it to the entryway before I heard someone shout a curse, stopping the witch in her tracks. She turned, as did I, out of breath, and spied Harry, aiming his wand at her. I had no clue where the other good guys were, but I stepped in front of her, drawing my cherrywood wand.

“Go. I'll deal with him.” She nodded, and placed a hand on my shoulder, whispering a location to travel to once I was done. I nodded, and she cackled before vanishing into a fireplace.

“I don't know who you are, but you've lost. This time, the good guys win.” I snorted, remembering some of my arrogance as Chief Inquisitor.

“Good and evil are matters of perspective, Potter. Shall we?” He recognized my infamous line, perhaps not my voice, before nodding and swiping his wand. He still dueled ferociously, and I laughed, exhilarated at a good even challenge, as we danced around each other, spells and debris flying. Neither of us were using truly dangerous magic, but the room was still tense as we fought for the sides we represented. I was about to cast a more dangerous hex when the Mark burned, and I knew Voldemort had appeared on the scene.

“Good, my servant. Your part is done.” I turned, bowing low to him, and he chuckled.

“Rise. You are dismissed.” I nodded, and before I could leave, Dumbledore arrived. Inwardly I was elated that Harry wasn't going to get trounced by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but outwardly I scampered towards the fireplace, whispering the location before stepping in.

I appeared, in the home of one Severus Snape. The witch was there, along with Narcissa Malfoy and the slippery Professor himself. I sat, not removing my mask, and a cup of tea was set before me. I gulped it down, thirsty after the day’s events, and Narcissa spoke.

“Who are you?” My eyes narrowed at Snape, who seemed to get the message and stepped outside, shutting the door behind him. I dissipated the mask after checking the blinds, and Narcissa gasped. I nodded, sipping the second cup of team and she spoke.

“Bella was just telling me of what occurred in the Hall of Prophecy. I'm surprised you all made it out.” I shrugged.

“It would have been a complete rout if we hadn't had someone who'd been firing off spells at random. I was about to kill Lupin when a jinx hit my side. That's why I followed you to the Atrium.” Bella, who had to be Bellateix Lestrange, nodded, and spoke.

“I was about to end the life of that traitor, Sirius, when a hex hit my hand. Either someone needs to practice their accuracy, or they were hitting us on purpose.” We shared a dark look, me glad that she hadn't figured out it was me that had done it. I sat forward.

“So, what's our next move?” Narcissa shrugged.

“Get you back to Hogwarts, first. Then we can figure out what to do next. I'll contact you over the summer if we need you.” I nodded, and put the mask back on, preparing to leave.

“You're a fairly good student, yes?” I nodded.

“Second only to the Gryffindor, Granger.” Bellatrix sat forward.

“That means you know several things about Dark Magic, then.” I nodded.

“Yes, that is true. I know more than some Death Eaters, from the way they duel.” Her face split into a grin.

“Well, we should meet up. Swap spells, brew poisons. Y’know, witch stuff.” I nodded again, and she grinned wider.

“I'd like that. Just send me an owl.” She nodded, and Narcissa called Snape back into his house.

“I am taking this woman back to the Manor, so, if you will…” He coughed, and grabbed a handful of Floo Powder, throwing it into the fire before speaking.

“Malfoy Manor!” She grasped my hand, and we stepped in together, reappearing in the study.

“Now, back to Hogwarts. I'll send you an owl if Bella doesn't. She can be a little… Forgetful, sometimes.” I nodded, and we embraced. I broke it off, removed the mask, and smiled before speaking into the fire, which I accompanied with a handful of Floo Powder.

“Defense Office, Hogwarts.” It glowed a bright green, and I stepped in, appearing in a dark and empty office, ugly pink walls glaring at me. I exited at top speed, flying down the corridors as quietly as I could before entering the common room, finding it empty. I sighed in relief, and entered the dormitory, where Pansy Parkinson’s snores drowned out the sound of me changing into my pajamas and slipping into bed. As I lay there, Rowena spoke.

“I am proud of what you accomplished today, Annabel.” I smiled, and turned over, eager to go home.


Once I was home, my mother took me aside.

“Dear, could you follow me for a moment?” I nodded, wands at the ready, and she led me down stairs to the basem*nt of our house. It was dark, damp, and devoid of furniture except for a few extra chairs we kept in case of company. She waved her wand, and light appeared from the tip. She waved her wand again, and the door shut on the staircase, and I heard the distinct sound of the lock clicking.

“Take a seat.” I did, and she stood in front of me, wand drawn.

“Mum, what is this all about?” She sighed, and spoke.

“I'm telling you this in the utmost confidence, understand? No one except for your father knows this, and it didn't matter until the Dark Lord resurfaced.” I frowned at her use of ‘the Dark Lord,’ a phrase I commonly heard amongst the Death Eaters.

“During the first Wizarding War, we were… How can I put this…”

“Death Eaters?” She shook her head.

“No, more like consulting allies. We weren't members of their cause, but we supported it. Does that make sense?” I shrugged.

“Well, someone is coming to meet us today, and I thought I should warn you. We're on their side, now. As much as you might not like it,”

“Mum, I-“

“Hush, dear, let me finish. As much as you might not like it, it is for the best.”


“What? This is very important. If Madam Lestrange doesn't deem us fit, it will be the end of us.” I groaned.

“Bellatrix Lestrange?” She nodded.

“This'll be easy, mum. Look.” I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark. She swore, which surprised me in itself, and looked up at me.

“You're a Death Eater?” I shrugged guiltily.

“Not by choice, but I'm used to it now. Bellatrix and I are friends, somewhat.” My mum sighed.

“Go on. Show me your mask.” I frowned.

“Erm, what?” She sighed again, impatient this time.

“Your mask. The one the Dark Lord gives you when you're formally inducted.” I remembered, and put it on. She chuckled weakly.

“Just like mine, eh?” I frowned, and she waved her wand, a mask appearing on her face that was not quite the same as mine, but pretty damn close. I dissipated mine, and spoke.

“You were a Death Eater?” She nodded, waving her wand and vanishing the mask.

“Only part time, I'm afraid. You-Know-Who and I worked out an agreement, of sorts. I was a member of his elite four: Bellatrix, Severus, Regulus, and I. Then, Regulus betrayed us, and before Bellatrix was captured I met with him, and we agreed that I would leave the order until it was safe to return. Then, she was captured, and the Dark Lord vanished. But now, he has returned, and I'll assume my role. I'm still the same person, Anna, I hope this doesn't change anything.” I shook my head.

“It doesn't, mum. Honestly I was worried about how to break it to you.” She smiled, and ruffled my hair before leading me out of the basem*nt to where my father waited anxiously in the dining room, the table set for four.

“Well? Is everything alright?” She nodded.

“Our little girl is a Death Eater.” He smiled nervously, and patted my shoulder. Mum whispered loudly.

“Bellatrix scares him. He used to have crush on her back at Hogwarts.” He snorted indignantly, and spoke.

“As if! I am not afraid of anyone on this planet.” At this, the doorbell rang, da squeaked in fear, and I walked to the door. Upon opening it, I saw Bellatrix, toting a bottle of scotch and a smile.

“Have I seen you somewhere before?” I nodded, and beckoned her in. Once the door was shut, I waved my wand, summoning my mask. She gasped in surprise, and brought me into a crushing embrace.

“Oh, I remember you. We are going to have so much fun! Auntie Bella is going to teach you so much!” I smiled involuntarily, and she turned, letting go of me and sweeping my mum into a hug.

“Jessamine! You've aged very well! And, Mr. Finlayson, how do you do?” She spied him, standing in the dining room awkwardly, and held out a hand. He meekly shuffled forward, and shook it.

“I brought scotch, as a housewarming present. I never did get to see your new house. It's amazing! Please, give me the grand tour!” As mum and Bellatrix disappeared into the bowels of the house, my dad spoke.

“Bellatrix is a little… mixed, if that makes sense. She shifts between work and play seamlessly, at any time.” I nodded, remembering how threatening and ferocious she was in the Hall of Prophecy, and how bubbly and kind she was now, before following my dad into the dining room and sitting. He poured out three glasses of scotch, mine being filled with water, and we waited for the pair to return. Thankfully, they didn't take long, as my stomach was rumbling and the food was cooling. They sat, Bellatrix next to me and mum next to dad, before we dug in. The food was amazing, a plate of mutton with mashed potatoes on top and a heaping flow of gravy, and conversation lulled as we ate. Eventually, once she'd eaten her plate, Bellatrix’s expression changed.

“Now, to business. The Dark Lord has sent me to enquire about you rejoining the movement, if even in half the aspect you had before, which would be fine with him. Of course, it is your decision.” Mum nodded, sipping her drink.

“I believe I'm fine to join, as I don't truly have any jobs as of right now, but I can't say the same for my husband, as he has a full-time position in the Ministry.” Dad nodded, and Bellatrix continued.

“Good. I'm assuming, Annabel, that this is going to make it easier to be a part of the movement instead of sneaking off to the Malfoys?” I reddened, and nodded into my potatoes.

“Yes, ma’am.” She scoffed.

“Please, call me Bella. Any daughter of Jessamine Argloss is a daughter of mine. Anyway, we’ll probably begin convening meetings here for the old four, save Regulus, curse his soul. The Dark Lord, of course, will be in attendance.” Mum nodded, and replied quietly.

“Do we know who is to be the candidate for the position of third?” Bellatrix nodded.

“Yes, but we must speak of that later. In private. In the meantime, I fully plan on living up to the agreement Annabel and I made to teach each other what we know about Dark Magic, as your little tulip seems very well-informed.” I blushed, and finished, setting my silverware to the side.

“Annabel, we’ll handle the dishes. Head up to bed, would you?” I nodded, before receiving another bear hug from Bellatrix and hugs from both my parents. Once I was in bed, I mulled over how confusing my life had just gotten.

“Indeed it has.” I jumped as Rowena spoke.

“I'd almost forgotten you were there. Why've you been so quiet lately?” She sighed.

“I've accepted the fact that there is going to be another Wizarding War soon, soon enough to prevent you from taking your N.E.W.T.s, so I'm simply observing.” I frowned.

“How am I doing, in your opinion?” She spoke after a moment of silence.

“Better than Salazar. Goodnight, Annabel.” I gulped, and rolled over, trying to wrap my brain around what was going on.

Chapter 19: Scindet

Chapter Text

I groaned, and rolled over in my bed.

“Five more minutes, mum.” She gasped, and scolded me.

“Not when we’ve got an important meeting tonight! Aunt Bella is coming over to do some experiments, and you don't want to find out how she wakes people up.” I sat bolt upright, and my mother cackled before leaving. I threw the covers off, and changed into a pair of comfortable trousers and a long-sleeve t-shirt before walking out of my room and downstairs. It was the third week of break, and also the first time Bellatrix was going to teach me more about Dark Magic, which I was excited and a little apprehensive about. I ate a piece of toast with jam, and watched the morning news as mum read the Daily Prophet, dad out on a ‘work emergency.’

“Would you look at that, mum. They collapsed a bridge in London.” Mum frowned, and looked up at the screen. Once she'd assessed the damage, she chuckled.

“Ah, I never liked that bridge anyway. Too gaudy.” I shook my head, and ate the rest of my toast, drinking down a glass of Pumpkin Juice as I did. “Your results arrived.” I gulped, and looked up fearfully.

“How'd I do?” She looked at me severely for a moment before grinning.

“Outstanding on everything except Tranfiguration, and you got an Exceeds Expectations on that. She even wrote a note, too. ‘It would have been an Outstanding if Ms. Finlayson hadn't drawn a comic of a tabby cat chasing a black cat around the lake on the back of the exam.’ Old bat.” I chuckled involuntarily, thinking back to the exams. They'd been child’s play, with Rowena making sure I got two hours of studying a day at least, so I'd had some extra time to goof around on the written Transfiguration exam. A knock sounded, and mum jumped up.

“I'll get it.” She left the den, and returned with Bellatrix, who looked eagerly at me.

“Let's go to the basem*nt, it'll be more private there.” I shrugged, and rose, toting my wand, and mum spoke as we entered the staircase.

“Don't go killing my daughter, Bella.” She cackled in response, and shut the door, lighting a few candles and scattering them about the room.

“Now, tell me. What do you know about Dark Magic?” I shrugged.

“A lot, I suppose.” She frowned.

“Ever killed someone?” I nodded.

“Four people. At the Dark Lord’s request.” She nodded.

“How'd it feel?” I shrugged.

“It was a little hard the first three times, but the fourth was a traitor, so it was easier.” She nodded again.

“Now, demonstrate the most dangerous spell, in your opinion.” I frowned, and turned to the target she’d indicated, a large, fat rat I was surprised I hadn't noticed, aiming my wand as I sorted through all the spells I knew. I sighed, and spoke the spell for dehydration. It began to shrivel up, finally disintegrating into dust on the floor. Bellatrix hummed, and spoke after a moment.

“Interesting choice. Why is that the most dangerous?” I sat back, and replied quietly.

“It's more painful than the Cruciatus Curse, normally irreversible, and handy in a pinch for dehydrating fruit.” She cackled, and nodded.

“I'd have gone with a Destruction spell, but that's alright. Now, teach me something I don't know.” She sat forward eagerly, and I gulped.

“Uhm, I can make moving tattoos?” She frowned. “You can?” I nodded, and rolled up my sleeves, exposing the waiting tattoos. She gasped in excitement, and clapped her hands together.

“That's amazing! They're so pretty, too.” I blushed, and sat back, rolling up my sleeves as I did. She looked back and forth for a second before leaning forward and whispering to me.

“Wanna hear a secret?” I leaned forward cautiously.

“They're considering inducting you into the elite four, to replace Regulus. The meeting today is to fine-tune the initiation test, and present the idea to you.” I frowned in surprise.

“Me? But I've only been a member for a year, and I haven't done that much, anyway.” She shrugged, leaning back and viewing me curiously.

“Well, the Dark Lord seems to see a potential in you that he doesn't in others. Specifically, your wand. Cherrywood is a very powerful and temperamental wood, and that fact you've been able to perform strong Dark Magic with it already shows signs of a greater calling. Plus, with a core like Dragon Heartstring, it is nearly unstoppable. With a little care, you could be one of his deadliest assassins.” I gulped, overwhelmed with the situation at hand.

“Well, uh, I'm honored. What would I do?” She shrugged.

“Nothing, mostly. Attend meetings, give your opinion, and that's it. You'd have to come back for Winter Break, though, so we could catch you up on things you've missed. You'd also hold a position of prestige among the Slytherins at Hogwarts, which would earn you more respect as well.” I sighed.

“Seems fun.” She snorted.

“Fun? It's more boring than Transfiguration with that old bat Minerva, but it's worth it. We’ve been short-staffed for too long, with your mother’s absence and my incarceration. It'll be good to get some new blood.” I smiled, and she crossed her arms.

“Well, what now?” She shrugged.

“We can duel in here, for practice. If you want to, that is.” I shrugged noncommittally, and she rose, moving her chair to a corner, as I did the same to mine. I drew my wand, and spoke.

“What kind of duel is this?” She frowned.

“What do you mean?” I co*cked my head.

“Like, Hogwarts dueling club or fight to the death?” She cracked a grin, drawing her wand and bowing, me following suit. She rose, and spoke.

“Killing Curse is off limits. Everything else is fair game.” I nodded, and slashed my wand, sending a jinx at her. She blocked it, and we began to duel, picking up pace until our arms and bodies were nearly blurred with the speed of our movements. I used my surroundings to my advantage, dancing off of walls to add extra strength to the velocity of a curse or whipping a chair at her, all the while a stupid grin etched into my face. She cackled in joy, the two of us thoroughly enjoying ourselves, as we dueled back and forth, both too skilled to allow ourselves to be hit, but not skilled enough to hit the other. It was around the time I began to sweat that I noticed my mum, along with Severus Snape and a few others, sitting on the stairs, watching us. I ignored them, instead choosing to focus on the duel, dancing around like a wraith, using an old blanket I'd picked up off of the floor to deflect or absorb spells as much as I blocked or dodged them. Eventually, she began to tire, and I pressed the advantage, sending a flurry of hexes and curses at her until I had her caught in a corner. With a sudden movement, I stopped, throwing the blanket over her and catching her by surprise. She laughed, and I giggled, leaning over to catch my breath. “Damn good, Anna. Auntie Bella is impressed.” I smiled, and stood, turning to face the staircase. Scattered applause issued, and I took a bow before walking upstairs, keen on fetching a glass of water. I crossed the kitchen, filling a glass, and promptly choked on it as I saw Voldemort, sitting calmly in the dining table.

“Er, sorry, sir.” I set the glass down, and he gestured to a chair.

“Sit.” I did, and he watched me, unblinkingly, for a moment, before speaking.

“Judging from your expression a few moments ago, you won the duel with Bellatrix. This reinforces my theory. I assume she spoke with you about the induction?” I nodded, and he continued.

“Your test is simple. I am going to have you eliminate a group of dissenters, defectors from my cause that are leaking secrets to the Order of the Phoenix. Do so with extreme prejudice, and I shall decide by your methods whether or not you are worthy to enter the elite four.” I gulped, and nodded again.

“How do you want me to eliminate them, my lord?” He bared his teeth, in a gruesome approximation of a grin, before replying.

“Messily. I need you to make a statement that traitors are not dealt with leniently.” I nodded, sobered up from my victory, and he leaned forward, grasping my hand. In the blink of an eye, we had Apparated to the outside of a modest pub, the lights bright and cheery. He turned to speak to the other Death Eaters, who must have Apparated here as well, before speaking.

“We shall see if she is worthy. Go on, little one. Do your work.” With a sick feeling in my stomach, I turned, and walked slowly across the street, wishing a car would hit me.

“Annabel, I know you have no choice. For that, I forgive you. Use this spell.” Rowena whispered a spell to me, and I gulped.

“What does it do?” She sighed.

“Makes things… Messy.” I nodded, and opened the door of the pub. The loud and cheery conversations abruptly stopped, as all eyes turned to me.

“Hello, all. I have an announcement: you are traitors. I do not give you the decency of a fair death. Scindet.” Where I pointed my wand, the thigh of a great bear of a man, the leg was ripped off of the hip. I continued casting it, screaming the spell madly as the walls and my face were covered with blood, until no one save me was moving in the pub. It was a massacre, bloodied pieces of limbs and body parts spattered all over the place, with the walls coated in blood. I gasped, and walked stiffly out, crossed the street calmly, and stood before Voldemort, who viewed me maliciously.

“They are dead?” I nodded grimly.

“Good. I shall go and inspect your handiwork. Argloss, Severus, Lestrange, with me.” I stood, too distressed to wipe the blood from my body, and waited as they crossed the street, entering the pub. I heard a scream, then a cackle, before silence. Presently, they returned, Bellatrix dancing gleefully while Snape watched me cautiously. My mother looked as if she was going to be ill, and Voldemort looked satisfied.

“You have exceeded my expectations, Miss Finlayson. Few have ever done that. I hereby grant you the honor of being a member of the elite four, in the hopes that you will continue to serve me with the same loyalty as I have seen today.” I bowed, and he smiled.

“Bellatrix, take her back to her home and see that she is washed off properly. Argloss, Severus, a word, please.” Bellatrix grabbed my hand, and we Apparated back to the house, me still not thinking straight. I tried not to drop blood on the carpet, succeeding somewhat, and Bellatrix handed me a towel as I entered my bathroom, keen on getting the blood off. I stripped off my clothes, setting them in the hamper, before turning on the shower, full blast. Once it was the correct temperature, I stepped in, letting the blood wash off and into the drain. I scrubbed my skin, and my hair, eventually getting the blood out while Rowena spoke quietly.

“Are you alright, child?” I nodded numbly.

“I suppose so. If I hadn't done it, I'd be dead.” She sighed, and replied sadly.

“Of all the times I wish I had a body, I wished it was now, so I could give you a supporting and uplifting embrace. Like they call them in the romance novellas.” I snorted involuntarily, and began scrubbing again, trying to rid my body of the stench of blood.

“You read romance novellas?” She stumbled around an excuse, and I snickered.

“Well, what else was I to do? I'd read everything else, and I had an eternity, so I figured I'd read them. I will say, men are nowhere near as dashingly handsome as they are in the novels.” I shrugged. “A lot of things aren't like they say in novels. Like friendships. Or romance. It's a lot less complicated in books.” She responded in agreement, and I began scrubbing my toenails. “I wish I was the heroine in a novel. It seems like fun.” As I washed, Rowena replied curiously.

“What kind of novel? Romance?” I shook my head violently.

“Lord, no. An action type, with a little mystery. ‘The Adventures of a Scottish Witch and her thousand-year-old mental roommate.’” Rowena chuckled, and sighed.

“I'd like to read that. What sorts of escapades would this witch get into?” I shrugged, and began thinking of ideas, washing momentarily forgotten.

“She'd fight trolls, and a basilisk, and go on fantastical journeys to discover wondrous things and ancient mysteries.” She hummed, and replied.

“Sort of like your current life, then?” I nodded.

“Yeah, but more extravagant. I'd be a master dueler, cloaked in mystery, with all the boys chasing after me, but I wouldn't indulge them.” She frowned mentally.

“Who'd your love interest be?” I furrowed my brow, thinking.

“I dunno. I'd have a tangled emotional past, and be too damaged by that to be able to love anyone anymore.” She snorted.

“Are we talking about a fiction novel or an autobiography?” I snorted derisively.

“I can date whoever I want to. I just choose not to, because they can't handle me.” She chuckled, and outright laughed, before subsiding to giggles.

“Sure, Annabel. Keep telling yourself that.” I shut off the water, and stepped out, drying off as best I could before wrapping the towel around myself and exiting, entering my room.

“Would you be good, or evil?” I shrugged.

“Good and evil are matters of perspective, Rowena.” She chuckled, and I began to search for clothes when the door banged open, revealing Bellatrix, toting a trunk that must have been held together by magic. I squeaked, and jumped back.

“What're you doing?!” She giggled, and opened the trunk, clothes spilling out everywhere.

“I'm redoing your wardrobe! No Death Eater would be caught dead talking to the Dark Lord in pink, at least not for long.” I raised a hand, affronted, and spoke.

“My wardrobe selection is fine, thank you very much.” She cackled, and waved her wand. The towel flew away, and I shrieked before covering myself up. She waved me off.

“Oh, get over yourself. Here, try these on.” She threw a pair of underwear and a bra at me, which I caught before looking over them. “I might as well wear nothing, as much fabric as these have.” She glared, and responded.

“You're a sixth year, which means you've got free dress. I do not intend on missing an opportunity to bring sexy back to Hogwarts.” I groaned, and put the undergarments on, embarrassed at how revealing they were.

“Hmm… You seem suited to long sleeves, so these are out. Tight or loose trousers?” I gulped, and responded.

“Tight, but not too tight.” I was tempted to laugh at the fact that a deranged serial killer was dressing me for school, but I didn't think that'd go over well. She made me try on various shirts, some so revealing I vetoed them, eventually picking up on my tastes and adding her own little spin on it. Eventually, we settled down to the business of hair and makeup. She gasped in horror when I admitted I'd never learned how to apply makeup, and got to work teaching me. She put me in front of a mirror, and began dusting foundation and other various things I couldn't remember over my face before carefully applying black eyeliner, black lipstick, and black eyeshadow to my face.

“It feels overdone. Too much black.” She cackled before turning me around to face the mirror.

“You can never have enough black, darling.” I gasped, and barely recognized the person sitting in front of me. Winged black eyeliner complemented a dark eyeshadow, while black lipstick contrasted magnificently with the pale face, sparkling eyes sharp and dangerous. “Now that you've had a taste, it's time for me to do your hair.” She then turned me around, doing my hair and pausing every so often to make sure I could reproduce it perfectly, before wheeling me around again. My black hair was now beautifully pulled back into a complicated bun, with some strands of hair sticking out that she tucked behind my ear. After making sure I could do the makeup, clothes, and hair perfectly, we headed downstairs to where everyone was waiting, according to Bellatrix. My tight black shirt and somewhat tight black jeans (what was her fascination with black, anyway?) were met with gasps of awe from the women, namely my mother, who viewed me in surprise.

“You look amazing, Anna.” I blushed, and sat down next to her, Bellatrix next to me, Voldemort across from me.

“So. You've formally been accepted into the group, and our first order of business at this meeting is to discuss your duties as a member. No doubt Bellatrix has told you of the meetings, but we have decided to assign you to the job of aiding young Draco Malfoy in his attempts to fix a Vanishing Cabinet in Hogwarts, so that we may send a group into the castle undetected. If you fail, the consequence is death. Do you understand?” I nodded gravely.

“Yes, my lord.” He nodded, amused, and resumed.

“I have instructed Severus to help you in any way he can, and under no circ*mstances are you to reveal your true identity to anyone nor attempt to sabotage the process. The consequences of that are a traitor’s death. Do you understand?” I nodded again.

“Good. Now, I will leave you. Enjoy your summer, until we meet again.” At this, he rose, and Apparated away, followed by everyone but Bellatrix and my mum.

“I might've looked a bit ill after inspecting your work, Anna, and that's because I'm not one for gore. But, you did well.” I nodded, and Bellatrix spoke eagerly, the enthusiasm returning.

“My new mission is to teach you how to flirt with boys.” I swore, and mum smacked me.


The next few weeks were agonizing. Bellatrix attempted to teach my how to ‘flirt’ (if it could be called that), but I made dismal progress.

“I just don't understand it. How can you be so bad at this?” I shrugged, sitting on the edge of my bed next to her.

“I dunno. Usually when I've flirted in the past it's been spontaneous, spur of the moment type stuff. Whenever I try to practice it I end up messing it up or getting too nervous.” She sighed.

“Well, say there's a seventh year Slytherin walking up to you in the common room. You want to flirt with him, because he's hot and a seventh year. What do you say?” I shrugged.

“I have no clue.” She facepalmed.

“Ugh! You say, ‘Hey, wanna go grab a hot Butterbeer in Hogsmeade? ‘Cause you've got me all hot and buttery inside.’” I burst into laughter, and fell back onto the bed.

“What's wrong with that?” I shook my head, still giggling, and sat back up.

“That's so cheesy, Bella.” She huffed, and gestured to me.

“Well, what would you say?” I shrugged. “What does he look like?” She frowned in thought.

“The hottest person you could think of.” I frowned, envisioning a person in my head, and spoke.

“You must be vintage, ‘cause they sure don't make ‘em like they used to.” She giggled, and clapped her hands together.

“That's solid gold. Solid gold, I tell you. Say that to any boy, he'll melt. I still think my method is better, though. Now, stand up.” I stood, and she spoke.

“Walk back and forth for a minute. I need to see if we need to change your walk.” I did so, and after three steps she stopped me.

"Honey, I'm afraid to say it, but you walk like a boxer. You need to accentuate your hips a little.” I frowned.

“I'd rather not dislocate my hips to get a boy’s attention.” She sighed, and stood, walking back and forth whilst talking.

“Like this. You don't have to pop your hips out, you just need to attract their attention to your rear.” I was about to complain some more, but we were interrupted by my mother.

“The Dark Lord is here.” Bellatrix nodded, and I put my hair up swiftly, checking my clothes and makeup in the mirror before following her out. Once we'd arrive in the dining room, the two of sat at the table, with Snape, mum, and Voldemort.

“It has come to my attention that the Potter boy has been moved to the home of the Blood Traitors. Any thoughts?” He looked around the table, specifically glancing at me, and I raised my hand.

“Yes, Annabel.” I cleared my throat, and spoke.

“We could attack them. Just to send a message, of course, but if the opportunity presents itself, eliminate them.” He nodded.

“Interesting. Anyone else?” Mum spoke confidently, patting my leg under the table.

“I support the idea, if only to shake them up a little bit before the new school year.” He nodded. “Bellatrix, Argloss, and Annabel will go, along with Greyback. You two need to wear your masks, as to hide your identities. The world is ready for the return of the Comedies.” I nodded, as did my mum, and we stood.

“I'll go grab my cloak, mum.” She nodded, and I dashed upstairs, entering my room and grabbing the cloak. I swung it around my shoulders as I hurried down the stairs, putting the mask on and meeting the others at the bottom of the stairs. “Greyback will meet us there. Let's go.” We Apparated onto the edge of the Burrow, and I drew my wand.

“How do we want to do this?” Bellatrix grinned.

“With lots of fire.” I nodded, and we split, fanning out in the field in front of the house. A tinge of regret struck me, but I shut it out with the roaring of fire from my wand. It coated the structure, and I saw Bellatrix turn to smoke, flying through the air and crashing into the building multiple times, accompanied by another person, who I assumed was Greyback. Mum ran up to me, and we stood side by side, watching people run out of the house, turning to stare up at it.

“They're going to want to duel. Fight for a little, then we’ll run away, alright?” I nodded, and stepped forward. A few people spotted me, and began casting spells. I dueled them all, cackling madly the way Bellatrix had taught me, dodging and ducking like a tiger, graceful and fluid. I held them off easily, even making some headway, them obviously surprised that I was dueling several adults at once, before my mum tapped my shoulder. I nodded, and grabbed her hand, Apparating back home.

“That was fun.” I nodded, and took the mask off, throwing the hood back as well.

Chapter 20: Betrayer

Chapter Text

As I sat, waiting for the Sorting Hat to begin, I was nudged by Draco. I looked over, and he whispered into my ear.

“Did they tell you…?” I nodded.

“Yes, they did. We’ll start tomorrow.” He nodded, and I sat back, ignoring the Sorting Hat as I directed my attention to the problem with the Vanishing Cabinet. The issue was that the cabinet didn't seem to be able to transport things, as the corresponding one in Knockturn Alley never transported either. My reasoning was that the Cabinet in the Room of Requirement had fallen into disrepair, and if we fixed it, the other cabinet would work as well. I was brought out of my train of thought by a tapping on my shoulder. Confused, I looked around, to my surprise spying Harry, with a murderous look on his face. I stood, and followed him out into the hall, ignoring the looks from the other students for leaving early. Once we were in the hallway, Harry spoke quietly.

“Don't lie to me, because I know the truth. Were you in Knockturn Alley with Draco Malfoy recently?” I nodded casually, and he sighed in frustration.

“Why? You used to be one of the good guys, Annabel. Now you're… Whatever you are now.” I snorted.

“Good and evil are matters of perspective, Potter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to the Great Hall.” I turned, and made to leave, stopped by him grabbing my hand. I turned, open hand raised threatening, and he spoke accusingly.

“I know what you are, Annabel.” I shrugged quizzically, and tore my hand from his.

“Yes, but no one will believe you.” He sighed, and nodded.

“Dumbledore might, seeing as we're having private lessons together.” I snorted.

“That's useful information, Potter. Thanks.” He reddened, and I turned to return to the Great Hall, but was surprised to find that they had been dismissed. I caught up with Draco, and we walked side-by-side for a moment quietly.

“Hey, before we run to the thing, I need to send a letter to You-Know-Who.” He nodded, and I went over the simplicity of the plan in my head for contacting Voldemort. I'd be able to send letters back and forth seeing as they no longer searched the mail (though I would be obfuscating the true meaning a bit), but mentioning Voldemort’s name in public was liable to cause a scene, so I would use ‘You-Know-Who’ instead. If question on who this person was, I could say that it was my mother, and we'd been having a bit of a row lately, so I didn't like talking about her. Perfect. Once I was securely in the dorm room, I prepared for bed, slipping under the covers as I envisioned the day ahead.

I woke the next morning, and groaned, rolling over to grab the schedule that was placed on my bedside table.



10:00-Advanced Placement High Level Arithmancy

11:00-Free Period



2:00-Advanced Herbology

4:00-Free Period

Midnight-Long Distance Astronomy





1:00-Free Period

2:00-History of Magic

4:00-Free Period


8:00-Defense Against the Dark Arts

10:00-Study of Ancient Runes

11:00-Ancient Studies




4:00-Free Period

Midnight-Long Distance Astronomy


9:00-Advanced Placement High Level Arithmancy



1:00-History of Magic

2:00-Advanced Herbology

3:00-Free Period






1:00-Defense Against the Dark Arts


4:00-Free Period

Midnight-Long Distance Astronomy

I got up, grabbing parchment and a quill before writing a quick note to Voldemort detailing Draco and I’s immediate plans and the fact that Potter was taking classes one-on-one with Dumbledore. I hurried to the Owlry, finding my old owl quickly.

“Take this home.” It soared off, and I turned, entering the castle and heading to the Great Hall, where I thought I'd find Draco. I sat down next to him, eagerly digging into a plate of waffles and bacon as he sat in front of a plate, hunger nonexistent.

“What's the deal? Normally you eat like a horse.” He sighed, pushing his plate away.

“I don't think I can anymore. I mean, the pressure is going to kill me, if he doesn't first.” I sighed, drinking Pumpkin Juice straight from the bottle, drinking the whole thing down.

“You've got to forget about that and focus on what's ahead of you, not what could happen if you mess up. If you spend the whole time worrying about what could happen, you'll only end up making sure it happens.” He snorted.

“Unexpected wise words from Annabel Finlayson. Are you ready to go?” I nodded, putting my hair up, and rose, following him out of the Great Hall and into the castle. Apparently, with everything that has been going on, fifth through seventh years were allowed to dress more casually, so they'd be able to deal with the stress of their impending release into the real world of death, or something along those lines. Anyway, once we'd entered the Room of Requirement, Draco led me to the Vanishing Cabinet.

“So, outwardly, it looks fine. It must be something to do with the enchantments, then?” He nodded, and I drew my wand, performing a few spells to see what was wrong with it. I hummed, running through several different theories in my head, before voicing them, Draco taking careful note as I did.

“You seem extra keen on paying attention to me, Draco. What's the occasion?” He shrugged.

“You-Know-Who seems to value your input, as he gently reminded me that you outranked me, and are much more knowledgeable in the Dark Arts than I.” I snorted.

“Gently reminded?” He scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.

“Well, more like expressly threatened me with hideous death if I didn't do what you said.” I giggled, and nodded.

“Seems more like him, honestly.” He sighed, and I turned to look at him curiously as he spoke.

“How can you be so calm talking about him? He's killed hundreds of people, you know.” I shrugged.

“Dunno. I guess we’re sort of in the same boat, if you look at it co*ck-eyed. Neither of us are really treated well, and we are both descendants of Slytherin himself, but the Dark Lord doesn't need to know that.” He coughed.

“You've both also killed people, if I recall correctly. You somewhat more messily than him, according to my mother.” I groaned, dragging a hand over my face as I recalled the pub.

“Look, if I hadn't done that I’d’ve been killed. Even Rowena agreed it was unavoidable!” He shrugged.

“Have you told him about her yet?” I shook my head.

“Of course not. He'd torture us for information, which I can't allow. If he got ahold of her, somehow, he could learn of the experiments she and Salazar took part in, which would make him unstoppable.” He nodded, and I leaned against the Cabinet.

“I think this Cabinet is going to take a while to fix, honestly. With both of us, I'm calculating it'll take until the end of the year, at most.” He snorted.

“Calculated? It seems you've grown proficient at Arithmancy, then.” I shook my head sadly.

“I've got loads more advanced classes than last year. I've got Advanced Placement High Level Arithmancy, for crying out loud! I didn't even know they offered a class that intense. Long distance Astronomy, Alchemy, Ancient Studies, to name a few. It's shaping up to be one rough year for me, Draco.” He chuckled, leaning forward to pat my shoulder.

“Well, you've been doing great so far, so I'm almost certain you'll be fine.” I smiled a little, and he continued.

“Besides, with your brains and my good looks, we’ll be unstoppable.” I snickered, and he pressed the point through suppressed laughter.

“Oh, and with the flirting lessons from Bellatrix Lestrange, as well.” I swore loudly, and he laughed harder, using me to stay upright.

“Don't even get me started on that. I almost dislocated my hip trying to walk the way she wanted me to! It was terrible, Draco. You wouldn't be laughing if you'd’ve had to endure that torture.” He nodded, catching his breath, and straightened up.

“Of course not, but I wasn't there, so I can laugh at it.” I stomped off into the precarious stacks of items, miffed, and he chuckled as I got farther away.

“Just send up sparks or something if you need help, Anna.” I nodded, and began to browse the stacks, looking for anything interesting. Books, dress robes, jewelry, various pieces of furniture, brooms, everything I could think of was hidden within the the room. I reached down to pick up a book I'd never seen before, and froze upon standing at the sight of Ginny, aiming a wand at me.

“Yell and I hex you.” I nodded, keeping my mouth shut whilst carefully tucking the book into my back pocket.

“What do you want?” She scowled, obviously frustrated. “I want to know what the hell has been with you lately. Ever since the Triwizard Tournament, you've been acting a bit off. You started hanging around the Slytherins, stopped hanging out with us, and now you're alone in the Room of Requirement with Draco Malfoy, who Harry thinks is a Death Eater, one of the baddest of the bad. Fred won't say anything, so I've come to you. Now talk.” Affronted at being addressed like this, I rose to my full height, considerably taller than her.

“Who I hang around with is my business, so unless your name is Annabel, you can butt out. And as to the situation with Fred, if he doesn't have the stones to tell you about it, than maybe you don't deserve to know.” She huffed.

“Hermione also talked about how you know that it's your fault we aren't friends anymore, but you won't do anything. It's all rooted back to when you went to the Yule Ball with that slime Draco.” I growled, and drew my wand, aiming at her.

“How can you say that about him? He's a person, too. Just because he's got a dark streak doesn't mean he's less of a human than you, and trust me, my dark streak is a lot longer and darker than his. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.” She shook her head.

“Not so fast. I'm not leaving until you give me an explanation as to why you're hanging around a lot such as bad as the Slytherins.” I chuckled.

“I'm a Slytherin, Ginny. They're my Housemates. That's almost as if I condemned you for hanging around with Gryffindors instead of Slytherins. You're just young, Ginny. When you get older you'll understand.” She snorted.

“Understand what? Understand that ‘Good and evil are matters of perspective?’” I shook my head, sighing.

“No, you'll understand that I had no choice in what I did. Good and evil may be up to perspective, but black and white isn't. I just hope you don't get in my way, because I'm already too far gone to go back. You know what they say about Dark Magic, witches, and all that crockery. Once you tread that path, you can never go back.” I shot a Body-Bind Curse at her, and she froze before toppling over. I waved my wand, and she rose up into the air, floating slowly behind me. I heard her muffled struggles, and sighed as I forced her eyes shut so she wouldn't see where we were.

“Draco, I'll be back.” He frowned at me, eyes widening as he spotted the floating girl behind me.

“Anna, what the hell is going on?” I shook my head. “Nothing anymore. I'll be back in a second, I've just got to Obliviate her and drop her somewhere.” He nodded uneasily, and I exited the room, taking her into the nearest classroom before propping her into a chair and opening her eyes. She glared at me, and I sighed.

“Look, I can't have you tattling, so don't move.” She instantly began to struggle, and I swore.

“The more you struggle, the higher chance there is of me messing up and wiping your entire brain, instead of the last twenty minutes or so okay?” She froze, and I smiled awkwardly as I aimed the wand at her forehead.

“Sorry. Obliviate.” Her eyes unfocused, and I left hurriedly, closing the door behind me and re-entering the Room of Requirement, to my surprise meeting Draco by the door.

“We’re done?” He nodded nervously.

“She got too close to finding out what we were up to, so I figured we'd let the heat cool off for a couple days.” I nodded, and we walked together, aimless, talking about our summers.


Arithmancy class was a living nightmare. I was astonished that I was passing, seeing as I'd been guessing on every single homework question, but I was optimistic for the future if I was doing this well without cheating. The two extra curricular classes, Alchemy and Ancient Studies, were more interesting than difficult. There were five people in each class, so it was a bit easier to teach for the teachers instead of a whole class, especially as they both appeared to have been here since Hogwarts was founded. Progress with the Cabinet moved slowly but steadily, and I was optimistic despite Draco’s pessimism.

“Look, Draco, you've just got to keep a good attitude about it, and it'll be fine. Trust me.” He snorted.

“Fine, whatever. Just help me hold the doors shut.” I leaned against them, him having placed a small bird inside, and we waited momentarily. I reopened the doors, and swore as I spied half of a bird, messily lying on the floor of the cabinet, clearly dead.

“Damn. Well, we know we’re getting somewhere, right?” He nodded.

“That's enough work for today, eh? Wanna go down to Hogsmeade with me and grab a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks?” I shrugged, and we left, meeting up with the group just as they were about to leave. On the way there, Draco whispered to me.

“Now, surely you know about You-Know-Who telling me to kill Dumbledore.” When I nodded, he continued.

“There's another reason why we’re going to the Three Broomsticks. I'm going to enchant a student and make them give this cursed necklace to him.” I frowned down at the package he was carrying very carefully.

“A necklace?” He reddened.

“Look, it was the cheapest thing I could find that kills people, okay? Now shut up and enjoy the weather.” I snorted, and glanced around at the snow, which had ceased falling for the moment, but I had a suspicion that it would resume soon. Once in the town of Hogsmeade, we quickly entered the Three Broomsticks, Draco disappearing for a moment before returning package-less to the table. I sipped my Butterbeer, trying to think of something to talk about.

“Why do you wear suits and stuff all the time? It's a little formal, you know.” He shrugged.

“It makes me feel important. Like I matter to someone.” I sighed.

“You matter to me, Draco. Why'd you think I've stuck with you for so long? I mean, there was the three years of intense physical and psychological torture, but…” He winced, and put a hand on top of mine.

“I've said several times that I'm sorry.” I chuckled.

“I know, I know. Just making sure you weren't going soft, Malfoy.” He looked over at me, amused.

“As if. I still know how to be a good little Slytherin.” I snorted again.

“Well, lately you've been so focused on our project I'm afraid you've been losing your touch. For crying out loud, you've been hanging around me, and I'm a terrible influence on you. People gasp at the company I keep.” He looked at me, mischief in his eyes.

“They don't gasp for long, though, do they?” I shook my head, and drank more Butterbeer.

“How do you stay so happy, knowing what you know? What we know?” I sighed.

“There's got to be a light at the end of the tunnel, y’know? I'm just killing time waiting for it.” He sighed, and pulled me into a side-hug.

“If it wasn't for you, I'd have to make Crabbe and Goyle take Polyjuice Potions to look less conspicuous.” I snorted, and he continued.

“What will you do if there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel? What if you die before this is all over?” I sighed.

“I'll get my kicks while I can, I guess.” He sighed, and leaned back in his chair.

“Doesn't seem very fun, just accepting the fact that you're going to die.” I frowned at him.

“Who ever said I was accepting it? I'm still going to take as many people down with me as I can, Death Eater or Order of Phoenix, depending on who's trying to kill me. I'll never stop trying to survive, Draco. The day I do that is the day I stop being Annabel Finlayson.” He nodded, and sipped his Butterbeer.

“Well, do you want to do anything before we all die horrifically?” I sighed.

“Draco, stop being such a pessimist.” He snorted.

“The day we all come out of this unscathed, I'll waltz with you in front of everybody. Mark my words.” I giggled, and sobered up as a thought hit me.

“Draco, can you keep a secret?” He looked at me warily.

“Depends.” I scowled, and spoke.

“Fine. If you tell anyone, I'll cut out your tongue and shove it somewhere you won't like. Then, I'll cut off your hands so you can't get it out, and after that-“

“Fine! Fine, I can keep a secret.” I smiled, and spoke quietly.

“I'm beginning to feel a little iffy about the cause. Nothing solid yet, it's just… After killing the people in the pub, that really shook me. I never imagined my family was so evil, and the last bit of first-year Anna isn't liking what's becoming of the rest of her. I still want to hang around with Granger, a little, because she was a hell of a lot nicer than everyone else I've known, but I can't because that'd be an act of treason, and I know what happens to traitors. I've executed my fair share of them. I just want to be sure I'm on the right side.” He sighed.

“You don't have to be on the right side, as long as you're on the winning side, Anna. Besides, don't you always say good and evil are matters of perspective?” I shrugged, staring into the dregs of my Butterbeer.

“Yes, but right and wrong aren't. I'd rather die a hero fighting for a lost cause that was the right cause than live a villain. If it comes down to it, I hope I make the right decision.” He looked at me sadly.

“You aren't sane, Annabel. Killing those people fractured you, made you lose your purpose.” I flipped a couple Galleons on the table, and rose.

“That might be the case. But, if it isn't, I think losing myself made me find myself again. You can tell Voldemort I'm not working on the Cabinet anymore. I need to think.” He looked up at me, mouth agape, and I left, heading towards the Hog’s Head. Entering, I found that it was empty save the barkeep, who looked familiar to me for some reason.

“Can I help you?” I sighed, and dropped twenty Galleons on the counter.

“I hope so. I need to think about something sad.” He viewed me for a second, looked at the gold, and took it, vanishing and returning with a small tumbler filled with a liquid that seemed to glow.

“Here. Now, what's on your mind? I can listen.” I took a sip, and sighed as a warmth filled my chest.

“I used to think I was doing the right thing, but now I think I've been doing the opposite.” He chuckled, and leaned against the counter.

“Aye, I've had that thought many a time.” I took another drink, looking sadly into the glass.

“Can you keep a secret?” He nodded.

“’Course. I'm a bartender.” I smiled humorlessly, and continued.

“I'm a member of the Elite Four Death Eaters.” He visibly tensed, and I chuckled, drinking more.

“I've killed men, women, and children, but I'm beginning to wonder if this is the right path. My mum certainly thinks so.” He frowned, trying to remain calm.

“Your mother supports the Death Eaters?” I sighed.

“No, she's one of the Four as well. Jessamine Argloss, if that rings any bells.” He swore softly, and I resumed.

“I'm not ready to betray them, but I'm starting to doubt whether they're the right side to be on.” He casually leaned against the bar, and I saw him fumble subtly with his wand.

“Don't bother. I'm not here to attack you, and there isn't a price on my head.” He stopped, and sighed.

“Well, kid, it seems like you've got yourself into a proper mess. I'd recommend seeing Albus Dumbledore, up at the school.” I snorted.

“He'd probably send me to Azkaban. No, I've gotten myself into this on my own, and I need to fix it on my own. I just don't know if I'm ready yet.” He leaned across the bar, and patted my hand.

“It'll work out, kid. Everything does.” I nodded, and sighed, draining the rest of the drink.

“Hey, if you ever need to talk again, I'll be here.” I smiled, genuinely this time, and waved before exiting. I walked along the path, alone, lost in my thoughts, not really paying attention to where I was going until I bumped into someone.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” I reached out a hand to help them up, and froze as I saw who the hand belonged to.

“Hey, Finlayson.” I pulled her up, and sighed.

“Hey, Hermione.” We walked next to each other, silent, until she spoke.

“I saw you coming out of the Hog’s Head a bit ago. What were you doing in there?” I shrugged.

“Thinking. Where's all your friends?” She sighed.

“Harry and Ron are back at Hogwarts, probably playing Wizarding Chess. Ginny is… Somewhere.” I nodded.

“What about Draco? Normally you'd be with him, right?” I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

“Well, we've sort of had a difference of opinion, and I'm taking some time away to think.” She nodded, looking down at the ground.

“You can talk to me, if you want.” I was hesitant, but a thought from Rowena changed my mind.

It would be best if you did, Anna. I can sense your emotional state right now, and it's slowly spiraling. I sighed.

“Well, I would talk, but I'd die if I told you.” Her face creased in worry.

“But, seeing as I've already told somebody, I'm sure it can't hurt. Do you remember what I showed you last year, before you guys took off for the Ministry?” She nodded, and I took a breath before continuing.

“I'm not just any ordinary Death Eater, Hermione. I'm a member of You-Know-Who’s Elite Four. So is my mother.” Her face registered horror, and I coughed before continuing.

“I've killed a bunch of people, and I'm beginning to think it’s not worth it. But, I don't know how to get out. Even talking to you, right now, if someone saw me, I'd be tortured and killed.” She glanced around quickly, and put her hood up. I chuckled.

“Hermione, I don't really care.” She shrugged, and spoke.

I care.” I frowned.

“You don't have any reason to care. I used to be your friend, yes, but I've said horrible things to you. You should want me dead.” She shook her head.

“That's what a Death Eater would do. I'm different. I still care about you, even though you've killed people, even though you're a Death Eater, even though you scored a point higher on me on that damn Alchemy quiz.” I smiled, and she resumed after a breath.

“And I know, deep down, you still care, even though you think you don't. People can change, Anna. I know because I've seen it. You may have fooled everyone else, but I saw that spell fly out of nowhere and hit Lestrange before she could kill Sirius. You helped us with the DA, you even stopped bullying our kids because you thought the DA was a good idea. Deep down, you're a good person. It's up to you to realize that.” I sighed, looking up at the sky.

“Since when did they offer an extra-curricular therapy class at Hogwarts?” She laughed, and shrugged.

“It's stuff I've wanted to say for a while, but never had the chance.” I nodded, and looked down at my feet.

“Hermione, when we get back to the castle, I need you to help me do something.” She frowned warily.

“What is it?” I looked down at my right arm, making a decision I hoped I wouldn't regret.

“Make a statement.”

I swore angrily, teeth clamped on a piece of cloth as Hermione aimed her wand at my right forearm, slowly burning off the Dark Mark. My screams were muffled by the cloth, but they were still dangerously loud, and Ginny held a hand over my mouth as Ron and Harry held me down. I thrashed back and forth, tears streaming out of my eyes at the pain, and fought to keep my arm still. She stopped for a moment, and I shook my head. Ginny removed the cloth, and I spoke.

“Why are you stopping? Keep going!” She looked at me fearfully.

“If it’s causing you this much pain, it's not worth it.” I glared at her.

“It's either this or go back and help the bad guys, Hermione. Which do you prefer I do?” She danced on the spot, torn, and I heard Rowena spoke.

“Do it, Miss Granger. Free her from this curse.” She sucked in a breath, and Ginny placed the cloth back into my mouth. I screamed again, the burning intensifying until it plateaued.

“It's starting to come off!” I nodded, and arched my back as a stab of pain struck my arm. Swearing more and more, the pain reached it’s peak before dropping off into a blissful numb feeling.

“There. It's off.” I looked down at my arm, and felt a weight lift off of me at the sight of skin, horribly burned but devoid of the tattoo. “We need to get you to the Hospital Wing.” I nodded, and stood before promptly falling over, weak with pain. Ron and Harry picked me up under my arms, careful not to touch the burn, and carried me through the corridors quickly, Ginny following behind and murmuring words of encouragement as Hermione cleared a path through the growing crowd. The doors to the Hospital wing smashed open, and Madam Pomfrey jumped up at the sight before her.

“Ginny, lock the doors. Madam Pomfrey, she burned herself on a cauldron very badly.” She nodded, and laid me down on a bed before disappearing into her office, reappearing quickly with a small jar and a brush. She began slathering the substance onto my arm, reminding me of my first year with the burns on my chest, before wrapping it up.

“There. Do not use your right arm or get it wet in any way until the next full moon, since you're coming back in anyway. I swear, the amount of accidents you get into…” I thanked her weakly, and she smiled before saying I could leave. I stood wearily, some strength returning, and leaned on Ron as we exited the Hospital Wing.

“Make way, make way. Oi, you lot, move or I'll make sure you can't walk for the next week. Give her some room.” The small crowd parted, and we moved through.

“Where d’you want to go?” I lifted my head weakly.

“The Great Hall. I'm starved after that.” He nodded, and we changed course, slowly but steadily progressing through the school until we reached the Hall. They made to set me at the Slytherin table, but I shook my head.

“No, take me to-to the Gryffindor table.” Ron nodded, and we made our way to it, him very gently setting me down before Hermione and Ginny sat on either side of me, the latter stabilizing me as the first looked at me in worry. I slowly ate, not caring what I put into my mouth as long as it was edible, and Hermione spoke.

“Never ask me for help making a statement again.” I chuckled weakly, and shrugged.

“It was a one-time deal. Like I told Draco, I had to lose myself in order to find myself, and what we did helped me remember the first-year that made friends with a Muggle-Born, even though she was a Slytherin.” Hermione smiled, and rubbed my back. Ginny grunted slightly as I shifted my weight.

“Oof. Annabel, you need to lose some weight.” I smiled, and was about to speak when someone tapped me on the shoulder. To my dismay, I heard the familiar oily voice of a certain teacher behind me.

“If I may speak with you, for a moment, Ms. Finlayson?” I gulped, and turned to face Snape.

“S-Sure, sir.” I stood, forcing myself to do so without help, and followed him out of the Hall and into an unused classroom. Once the door was shut, he turned to me.

“You fool! Every single Death Eater with a Mark felt you do that, even the Dark Lord himself.” I shrugged, sitting at a desk.

“I made a decision. I'm done hurting people. You can go back and tell Voldemort that.” He flinched, and leaned closer, whispering angrily.

“You're dead the second you leave the school, understand me? They're all after you now, even your mother. I've explained the situation to Dumbledore, and he has agreed to prevent any of your family from gaining entry to the school, but once the year is over you've got nowhere to go.” I frowned.

“Why would you tell Dumbledore if you're a Death Eater?” He sighed.

“Ever since… A certain event occurred, I've been working for him. As a double agent, of sorts. Now, you'd better pray you've got people you can trust to protect you over the summer, because once you get back here it's going to be the hardest fight of your life.” I nodded.

“I do. Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione. I can trust them, as much as I've hurt them.” He nodded, and turned to go. At the door, he paused.

“That took courage, Annabel. I wish we all had the confidence you do.” After he left, I stood shakily, bolstered, and walked back into the Great Hall confidently, sitting back down and resuming shoveling any snack food available into my mouth. Hermione spoke quietly.

“So… What do you want to do now?” I frowned, an idea hatching in my head.

“How about something no one is going to expect? Something that would prove me switching sides?” She frowned.

“Like what?” I cracked a grin, looking around at everyone who was paying attention.

“How about I start sleeping in your common room, because more than likely I'll be kicked out of the Slytherin dorm for this. I'll sit at your table, sit with you guys during classes, even cheer for Gryffindor at Quidditch matches and change the colour of my robes to match yours if we ever wear them.” Hermione opened her mouth, but Ron spoke first.

“I like it. It rubs it into their faces, and it's time they had a good surprise, anyway. I'm game.” Hermione closed her mouth, and I smiled, knowing that this was going to be fun.


As time passed, I returned from my foray into the world of evil into the land of good, which felt like a breath of fresh air. The more time I spent with them, the more I remembered how happy and easy life had been, and I was keen on keeping it that way. I received Howlers from my mother daily, along with spiteful letters from several anonymous Death Eaters, which I happily tossed into the fire in the Gryffindor common room. I'd moved my trunk and belongings into a broom cupboard in the Gryffindors’ area, to prevent people from tampering with them, and I was enjoying loud, boisterous conversations with Gryffindors, instead of quiet, boring ones with Slytherins. I was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, holding my sides as Ginny pantomimed Ron’s Keeper tryouts. Ron himself was sitting in a chair across from me, surly at the display in front of him, while I giggled at her exaggerated facial expressions.

“Ron, you've got talent, let me tell you.” He huffed, and scowled at Ginny, who ignored his sour mood.

“So, d’you wanna go do something?” I frowned.

“Like what?” She shrugged.

“We could ask Dumbledore if you could actually get a bed here, instead of sleeping in a chair.” I nodded, and stood, following her out of the common room and into the castle.

“Do you think he’ll let me? It’s basically like switching Houses, and I don't think anyone has ever done that before.” She thought for a moment.

“I'm not sure, but I've got faith in Dumbledore. He's always been nice to us, so I'm sure he’ll at least consider it.” We arrived at the statue outside his office, and she whispered the password.

“I got it from Harry.” I nodded, and we entered, knocking quietly before entering. We found him, sitting alone behind his desk, peering at us over a pair of half-moon spectacles.

“How may I help you two?” Ginny cleared her throat, and spoke.

“I-er, we were wondering if Annabel could have a bed in the Gryffindor dormitory, seeing as she’s sleeping in a chair right now.” He frowned, viewing me curiously.

“Why is it that you are sleeping in the Gryffindor dormitory?” I shrugged awkwardly.

“Well, I might get hurt if I go back to the Slytherin common room, seeing as I burned off the Dark Mark.” He viewed me curiously for a moment before nodding his head.

“Yes, I believe that should be fine. Your bed will be with the sixth-year Gryffindor girls, Ms. Finlayson. Ms. Weasley, you are dismissed.” She left, and, once the door had shut, Dumbledore spoke.

“I'm sure Professor Snape has explained to you what will happen once you leave these walls, yes?” When I nodded, he continued.

“I am allowing you to stay with the Gryffindors as a matter of safety, so an overzealous son or daughter does not take matters into their own hands. It has also come to my attention that you have been receiving daily Howlers from you mother. Is this correct?” I hung my head, and nodded.

“Why haven't you written anything back?” I shrugged.

“There's no point. She is what she is, and I've drawn a very clear line in the sand between us. Reaching out now would only make it worse.” He nodded, and sighed, viewing me over his spectacles.

“Do you wish to stay here over the Winter Holidays? It would be safer for you, here, but if you wish you may return home.” I shook my head.

“I don't want to stay here, no offense, but I would like to go somewhere for the holidays, if possible.” He nodded.

“There is a place I can send you, if you're interested. It is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, the safest place in Britain save the school. I imagine the Weasleys and Miss Granger would be there, as well.” I nodded eagerly, and he smiled slightly.

“Before you go, I must know. What made you change your mind?” I sighed, shoulders slumping.

“After I killed the people in the pub, I felt conflicted. Listening to my thoughts, I ended up at the Hog’s Head, where I talked to the bartender. He set me on the path to burning the Mark, but that probably wasn't what he intended.” Dumbledore nodded.

“I see. You may go. Thank you.” I nodded, and rose, leaving hurriedly and returning to the common room to find Ginny and Hermione waiting. At the sight of me, they walked forward.

“We've already moved your trunks into the room, and the other sixth-year girls are upstairs, waiting to meet you.” I gulped nervously, and put my hair back out of habit.

“Let's get this over with.” I followed them up the stairs, and we entered the dormitory, where I was faced by several people. I stood awkwardly by the door as they examined me, not making eye contact. Finally, one of them stepped forward, a short girl with curly red hair.

“Hi, I'm Fay. You're Annabel, right?” I nodded, and she held out a hand. I took it, and we shook hands, before she smiled encouragingly and went back to stand by her bed. I looked around at the other ones nervously, until they began walking forward to introduce themselves. I met Lavender Brown, a girl with curly brown hair I’d seen before in class, Parvati Patil, who looked unmistakably like her sister Padma, and the legend herself, Eloise Midgen. She'd apparently tried cursing her acne off back in the fourth year, which was apparent according to the marks all over her face. Once we'd all shaken hands, I was still standing awkwardly by the door, and they were still staring at me.

“Uh, thanks for letting me stay here. The other Slytherins aren't too happy with me right now, and neither are my parents.” At least, my mum was. According to her most recent Howler, she had written me out of her will and was currently burning all of my belongings, complete with a picture of a bonfire with all of my things slowly going up. Lavender spoke.

“Is it because you used to be a Death Eater, but now you aren’t?” I gulped, and nodded, looking down at my feet, wondering why the intense gazes of these girls was more terrifying than Voldemort himself.

“But, why would your mother be mad at you?” I sighed.

“She is a Death Eater too, and she's mad I left. It's actually not safe for me once I leave Hogwarts, because if I go home I'll most definitely be killed, and I'm currently Public Enemy Number Two, second to Harry. She, uh, also wrote me out of her will, and that's a picture of all the stuff I own going up in flames.” I passed it around, as I'd kept it on my person to look at whenever I felt I was too happy, and they gasped individually as they crowded around Fay, who was holding the picture. Eloise looked up at me.

“Did she burn your clothes, too?” I nodded, and she swooned.

“We’ll have to go shopping for you. I'm guessing there is a mail order clothes service, Eloise?” Lavender spoke, eyeing my body for measurements as she spoke.

“Of course there is. Wizarding and Muggle clothes.” I shook my head.

“You guys don't have to do that for me. I'm fine like this.” Parvati viewed me skeptically.

“You seriously don't think you're going to wear all black if you're technically a Gryffindor now, do you?” I shrugged, and she stepped forward.

“I will personally educate you on clothes, clothes styles, and various other things that are of paramount importance to you.” I giggled, a little overwhelmed, and my heart sank as a fourth-year Gryffindor girl tapped my elbow nervously.

“Uh, Ms. Finlayson? A letter came for you, and the Headmaster asked me to take it to you.” I took it, and read over who'd sent it.

“Gringotts? What?” I tore it open, the other girls still going over the mail order clothes, while Ginny and Hermione sidled up to me. I read it aloud to them, heart dropping to somewhere around my toes as I did.

“Dear Ms. Annabel Finlayson, we regret to inform you that your bank account with Gringotts has officially been cancelled, and all funds present have been moved to the vault of Ms. Jessamine Argloss. Sincerely, Gringotts Account Management.” I lowered the letter, hands shaking, and felt it fall out of my hand.

“She moved it into her personal account? I’d’ve been fine with it if she'd moved it all into their joint account, but this is just cruel. Now I've got nothing except what's in that trunk and my pockets to my name, and she’s probably revoked next year’s tuition, as well. Great.” Ginny rubbed my back comfortingly, while Hermione watched me nervously.

“Are you okay?” I shook my head angrily, clenching my fists.

“No, I really want to punch something.” She nodded, and led me out of the dormitory and into the common room, where Ron was sitting by the fire.

“Ron, come here.” He stood, and walked over.

“What's going on? Are you alright, Annabel?” I shook my head, scowling at anything that moved, and Hermione spoke.

“I need a huge favor. Remember when I got mad after not getting an Outstanding on my Defense O.W.L.?” He nodded, and looked at me closely before fear crossed his face.

“What? Not her, she hits hard.” She sighed, exasperated.

“Ron, her mother has written her out of her will, burned all of her possessions, and now she's moved everything from Anna’s Gringotts account into hers. This is the perfect situation for this.” He groaned, and tensed up.

“Please only body shots, last time Hermione gave me a black eye that lasted half the summer.” I grunted, afraid to hurt him, but knowing this was the best available way to get my anger out. I drew back, and delivered a crushing blow into his abdomen. He coughed, toppling back into the chair, before looking up fearfully.

“Please tell me you feel better, because that was one hell of a hit.” I nodded, head slowly clearing.

“I feel better. Thanks, and, sorry Ron.” He nodded weakly before lightly touching his stomach and swearing. I followed Hermione back into the dorm, where the girls were holding the letter from Gringotts.

“Yeah, about that mail order clothes thing, it's kind of off the table since I only have about seventeen Galleons to my name.” Fay shook her head.

“No, we can get you more. I know exactly how.” Hermione must have known what it was already, for she swore, to my surprise, and began shaking her head.

“No, Fay, I forbid it.” Fay looked up at her quizzically.

“You aren't a prefect anymore, Hermione. Besides, she'll be fine with it, seeing as she's a Slytherin.” I frowned.

“’She’ doesn’t like being talked about when she's right here.” Fay sighed.

“Well, there's sort of a… Gambling area, that people make a lot of money off of.” Hermione interjected.

“Or lose a lot of money.” Fay waved her off.

“It's predominantly run and won by Ravenclaws, since they understand the rules of the game and therefore can play the system a bit. The dealers have to sign magical contracts of neutrality, so there isn't any cheating that way.” I frowned.

“What kind of gambling is it? I'm assuming card games, yes?” She nodded, and continued, ignoring the growing glare from Hermione. “Poker, Blackjack, and Uno.” I frowned.

“Uno? The Muggle card game?” She nodded.

“It's very serious. People place bets on who they think will win, and if that person wins they get forty, while the winner gets sixty. It's pretty lucrative, and Uno is the one that makes the most money if you're good at it.” I frowned.

“Problem: I have never played Uno before.” She shrugged, cracking a grin.

“Solution: I've got a deck I can teach you with.” She called the other girls over, and explained the situation. After she'd retrieved the deck, she spoke.

“Now, before you can break into the big leagues, you've got to win your house to be made a representative to play at the table where the biggest wins are. Normally, you'd be playing for Slytherin, but I think we can convince them to admit you as a Gryffindor.” I nodded, and she laid out the cards, face up, explaining the rules and the values of the special cards to me. Once she was sure I'd understood, she had everyone join (except Hermione, who abstained for moral reasons), and we played a few rounds until I got the hang of it. By then, it was time for dinner, so my newfound friends and I headed down to the Great Hall. I dug in, Hermione barely touching her plate next to me.

“What's wrong, Hermione? Bad kippered trout?” She shook her head.

“I just can't get over what your mother has done to you. She denounced you, burned your stuff, and now took all your money. What kind of mother does that to her only daughter?” I shrugged.

“I'm really trying not to think about how all my precious belongings are now burnt to a crisp, but it's probably because I decided to be done killing people for that bald psycho.” A few people turned around at my words, but I waved them off.

“She seemed so nice, too.” I shrugged.

“Well, I guess since she's denounced me I'm technically an orphan, so I'm in the same boat as Harry.” He looked at me from a few spots down, having heard his name.

“Nothing, Harry. We're in the same boat.” He frowned, and shrugged before returning to his food.

“Are you seriously considering gambling back your money?” I nodded vigorously.

“With Gryffindors to teach me, I can add my own Slytherin spin, making us pretty much unbeatable, even if I don't cheat.” She frowned.

“If you get to the top level, and that's a big if, it's high stakes. They enchant the cards to keep people from cheating, they've got specialized pots that vanish the gold if someone cheats, and if you're caught, they hex you and dump you in the lake. Naked.” I shuddered, and nodded after a moment.

“I might be just an adrenaline junkie, but that sounds awesome.” She sighed.

“Well, if you're committed to this, I'm going to have to come out of retirement.” I frowned, looking at her curiously as Fay, who was sitting across from us, squealed in delight.

“What do you mean? You used to play?” She shook her head.

“No, I used to be Fay’s best researcher. Basically, what the researcher does is learn the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents, and tell them to their player. So, if you were playing someone, and they had a hot temper, I'd tell you to play a tiny bit more aggressively, to try to incite them to make a mistake, and visa versa.” Fay clapped her hands together.

“Welcome back, Hermione! I'm so excited to have you back.” She sighed, and nodded wearily.

“I'm only working for Anna. No one else. This is just so she can get some of her money back, nothing more.” Fay nodded.

“Now, do you have any more questions before I begin educating you on the ins and outs of the gambling world at Hogwarts?” I nodded.

“Where do they keep the money that the house keeps? I'm assuming the Uno dealers play, as well.” She nodded, a twinkle forming in her eye.

“In the most well-protected lockbox in Britain. The thing’s got more enchantments than a Gringotts vault.” I frowned.

“How hard would it be to break into it?” Her face lit up.

“I like the way you think. I'm not sure, but I could call in some favors. You'd better be one hell of an Uno player, because we're going to need a distraction.” I shrugged, and resumed eating as Hermione glared at me, Fay having gotten up to go talk to some people.

“You do realize this is the worst thing you could possibly do, right?” I shook my head, sipping apple juice from a goblet.

“The worst thing I could do would be to kill everyone and take the safe. There's a difference.” She sighed, and I resumed eating, eager to start gambling before the Winter Break, which was a few days away.

“And the winner is, for the sixth consecutive time, our new representative, Annabel Finlayson!” Cheers went up from the sixth year girls, and I laid my last card down before accepting the sack of gold. I met Fay and Hermione by the entrance to the common room, and Fay spoke.

“Alright. Firstly, you've been issued a direct challenge by the Slytherin rep, which means entry fee is doubled. Other than that, I've managed to get the amount the lockbox is going to contain during the game. It's around seventy thousand Galleons, calculating in the doubled fee.” I swore softly, while Hermione remained silent.

“Which also coincides with how many people are going to be working on this. You, Hermione, me, and four others make seven. By the way, we need to head out now to meet up with them.” We left hurriedly, me tucking the bag of gold into my pocket, before following the pair down the hallway.

“I still don't approve of this, Fay. This is blatant theft.” Fay shook her head.

“There is a tradition among the seventh-year Ravenclaw scumbags to swindle the honest players of Uno out of their precious gold. This is stealing what is already stolen, so it's not our fault.” We turned right, entering an empty classroom, where I was met by the strangest group I'd ever seen. A tall, gangly girl that towered over me, with bright blonde hair and piercing black eyes stood next to a short, squat guy that looked like he knocked people out for a living. Next was a guy with a pair of glasses so thick they magnified his eyes to almost half the size of a Bludger, and finally a tiny girl that had to have been a first year, sitting on a desk, legs crossed and cleaning her fingernails with a knife.

“Hey, team. Here are the other two.” They looked us over, each having a different reaction, ranging from surprise to happiness to disgust. The gangly girl spoke.

“I still don't understand why I'm here. All I do is pick Muggle locks, and that box is definitely not Muggle.” Fay sighed.

“Look, the last line of defense is a Muggle lock resistant to Alohom*ora. It only makes sense for you to be here. Besides, remember the take. Ten thousand Galleons each.” I scratched the back of my neck, and she turned.

“First, there is a preliminary round to make sure you're up to snuff. Generally, it's four or five people, and they play hardcore Uno. Stacks, reverses, etcetera. Then, you get to the final, where you play the three other house reps. That's when we strike. They'll be so preoccupied with the fact that there are two Slytherins in play they won't be paying attention to the box. You and Hermione’s jobs are to play Uno. We’ll handle the rest, and, before you know it you'll be ten thousand Galleons richer. Got it?” I nodded, a bit reluctant now seeing as there were so many rules and how complex the system was.

“You two head to Ravenclaw tower. That's where they have the preliminaries. Good luck. Tomorrow night, if you make it, is when this all goes off.” I nodded, and we left, sans Fay. As we walked, Hermione sighed.

“Are you starting to feel a bit nervous about this, too?” I nodded, and she sighed in relief.

“Whew. I thought I was the only one. Now, ten thousand Galleons is a pretty big prize, but you need to keep focused. Make sure you don't slip up, or reveal your cards, or get distracted.” I frowned. “

Since when were you the expert on this?” She shrugged.

“I might as well be invested, since you need money and you're my friend.” I patted her back as we mounted the seemingly endless stairs in Ravenclaw Tower. “You'd think they would put it closer to the ground, so we'd be able to get there easier.” Hermione chuckled. “That'd make too much sense.” I laughed, and we continued, eventually arriving at the door, which was devoid of a doorknob.

“Wait, how do you…” She leaned forward and grasped the knocker, knocking once. To my surprise, the door spoke.

“From whence to ghosts come when they return?” Hermione, to my surprise, was stumped.

“I-what?” I had no clue about it, but Rowena spoke.

“The end, which is also the beginning.” The knocker nodded, and replied before swinging open.

“Well said.” We entered, and I was surprised to find a room, full of tables with people clustered around them.

“This has to be the weirdest thing I've ever-no, wait, second weirdest.” She giggled, and we made our way slowly through the tables, people turning to look as we passed. We reached the table that had the Gryffindor card on it, and sat, dealer watching skeptically.

“Aren't you a Slytherin?” I nodded.

“Yeah, but I'm playing as a Gryffindor. Is that a problem?” He shook his head, and I pulled my hair down, finger-combing it slightly as I looked around at the other players, who I didn't know. After a second, he dealt, and the game began, Hermione watching nervously. I played cautiously, not revealing anything and keeping my cards safely face-down on the table, memorizing the different changes that took place. Eventually, I was down to two cards, a reverse and a wild card, seizing the opportunity once I saw the player to my left had a reverse owing to a careless slip of the hand. I placed down the reverse, crying out Uno, and he placed it smugly, watching me for my reaction. Flush with excitement, I placed the wild card down, calling out a random colour before sitting back, victorious. The rest of the players quit, and I rose, noting that I was the first finisher of the four tables, even though I'd arrived last. As we left, I sighed.

“That seemed pretty easy.” Hermione nodded.

“Tomorrow night won't be. Just be prepared for the overload of information Fay is going to unload on you.” I nodded, and we made our way back to the common room, talking about classes and homework, which was never in short supply, before entering the common room to find a group of people, standing there, watching me nervously. When I realised they were waiting for the news, I smiled and gave them the thumbs-up. Relief crossed their faces, and a few people walked forward, clapping me on the back or high-fiving me. I was shocked at this display of friendship, mostly because I was a Slytherin and they were Gryffindors, but also because I hadn't received that kind of contact since around my third year. I stood there for a moment, then walking over to where Hermione stood, talking to Fay.

“Ah, Anna. I hear you finished first, and by quite a lot at that. Good. Now, here's what you need to know about the game.” Over the next half-hour, I was educated on the ins and outs of Uno gambling, with several admonishments to not lose focus.

“Any way you can distract them while also not losing focus yourself is perfectly fine. Just don't try to sneak cards in or anything. That's all, I'll come find you tomorrow around lunch. Oh, and for Heaven’s sake, don't-“ she was interrupted by a seventh-year boy, who beckoned her over to a corner. I stood there, hoping whatever she was going to say wasn't important, before sighing and dropping into a chair next to the fire. I sat there, going over everything she'd told me, not paying attention to my surroundings until someone shook my shoulder.

“Huh? Sorry, Ginny. What's up?” She glanced around before leading me into a secluded alcove.

“I'm going to tell you something, and you can't tell anyone else. Promise?” When I nodded, she took a breath and continued.

“I've got a crush on someone, and I don't know how to tell them. Can you help?” I nodded.

“Yeah, just do what you feel comfortable with. Don't make yourself uncomfortable just so you can be with them. A huge gesture may work, but it also might not. Just think it through.” She nodded, and sighed.

“Thanks, Anna.” I nodded, and she walked away. After a moment, I walked back over to my chair, and sat down, wondering how my life had gotten so strange.

Chapter 21: All That, From A Game Of Cards?

Chapter Text

“Are we all here? Good. I'll go over the rules one more time, and give you two minutes to talk to your assistants. Rule one: plus four cards and plus two cards are stackable. Rule two: you cannot use a reverse card on a stack. Rule three: cheating will result in forceful expulsion from the game. Are we clear?” I nodded, as did the other people at the table, before standing and walking over to Hermione. She whispered quickly as I put up my hair, subtly lowering the v-line of my shirt in order to distract the two male players.

“Remember. Pansy doesn't like you, so you should expect some aggression from her. Ernie isn't your friend or your enemy, so be on your guard, and Michael Corner is definitely not a friend. Got it?” I nodded, applying red lipstick.

“Everyone but Ernie hates me. Got it.” She chuckled, and patted my back as I turned, walking confidently back to the wide, black table, where the cards were already dealt. I sat, noting the large crowd around the table, before looking covertly at me cards, holding in a curse as I memorized them, noting that I had no good cards. I noticed the smallest smirk cross Pansy’s face, and I kept my face composed as we began. I was first, and I placed down a card, hoping people would go easy on me. Ernie, who sat to my right, placed a plus four.

“Green.” I glanced at Pansy, who looked straight at me before placing down another plus four.

“Blue.” I then looked at Michael Corner, who grinned arrogantly before placing down a third plus four.

“Yellow.” Outwardly I was calm, but inwardly I was panicking. As I collected twelve cards, Rowena spoke to me.

Remain calm, young one. If you are to win your money, you must keep a level head. Look at the cards you have acquired. I looked at them, containing a laugh as I noted every single one was a power card.

It seems they tried to cheat against you, and the deck cheated back. Go, now, it is your turn. I looked up, noting that they'd all put down plus fours and twos, before glancing at Michael Corner and putting down a plus four.

“Red.” Ernie quickly leaned forward and put down another plus four, carefully looking at Pansy, who blanched, before drawing eighteen cards. I crowed inwardly, before returning my attention to the game. I played dangerously, placing plus cards and reverses indiscriminately, cleverly leading them into traps while slowly whittling down my card number to three. I placed a skip, and Pansy shouted.

“Uno! She's got Uno!” I grinned wickedly, and held up my hand, showing the dealer that I had two cards.

“Miss Parkinson, please draw two.” She swore, frustrated, and drew two more cards, raising her count to seventeen. The circle went around again, me grinning madly because I knew I was going to win, before shouting Uno and laying down a wild card, picking the colour carefully after scrutinizing the other players.

“Red.” It went around, no one able to change the colour, and I leaned back, surveying the table before laying down my last card, a red number one. A collective gasp went up from the assembled crowd, and I stood, bowing to the players before gratefully accepting the sixty percent I won from the bets against me and leaving, meeting Hermione by the door before leaving the classroom and breaking into a run, flying down the halls with her at my side, me cackling madly. Eventually, we made it back to the common room, where the other five waited, sitting in front of seven large chests.

“You're back. How'd you do?” I smiled, and replied happily.

“I won. This plus sixty percent isn't so bad. Sixteen thousand Galleons, right Hermione?” She nodded.

“Ah, thanks Fay. I've now got enough money to afford a year at Hogwarts, plus enough to put into a new Gringotts vault. Really, you guys helped me out a lot.” Fay shrugged.

“Steal from the rich to give to ourselves, eh? Nice working with you lot.” They took their chests, waving their wands to Vanish them, before exiting the common room and leaving the three of us. Hermione sighed.

“Well, I'm glad that's over. I'll take my money, and give it to the house elves for pay. I'm off to bed, seeing as I need to sleep off the past few days.” She left with her money, leaving Fay and I. She watched me curiously.

“You know, we could do that again sometime…” I shook my head.

“No, once is enough. I got what I needed. Thanks, Fay.” She smiled, and nodded before leaving the common room with her money. I took mine, and Vanished it along with the sack of gold, exiting the common room and heading for the Headmaster’s office. I spoke the password, and entered after knocking.

“Ah, Ms. Finlayson. How may I help you?” I shrugged.

“I was wondering if my mother revoked the payment for next year’s tuition.” He waved his wand, and several stacks of parchment floated over from a desk. Sifting through them, he spoke.

“So, are you planning on going to Grimmauld Place for Christmas?” I nodded.

“Yes, seeing as Winter Break starts tomorrow, technically, you can still go. Ah, here we are. I'm afraid so, Annabel.” I sighed.

“I'm willing to pay for the year. How much does it cost?” He frowned up at me.

“Tuition for one year for an ordinary Wizarding family, without the need for financial aid, is usually ten thousand Galleons.” I waved my wand, and the chest appeared.

“Here. It's got enough for that.” He glanced at the chest, before speaking.

“Actually, I was wondering whether you'd consider dropping out for your last year.” I frowned.

“Isn't that the opposite of what you should be telling me?” He chuckled.

“Yes, it is, but certain events that will probably take place in the future might change my opinion. You are acquainted with Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger, is that correct?” I nodded.

“Would you consider staying with them if they decide not to attend Hogwarts next year?” I shrugged.

“Sure. Why do you want me to?” He leaned back.

“If I may say so, you are probably the most experienced witch concerning Dark Magic in this entire school. Having you with them to protect them and aid them would be quite beneficial.” I nodded.

“Where would you be, sir?” He smiled grimly.

“That isn't important. Will you do it?” After a moment of consideration, I nodded.

“Good. Now, if I may ask, how did you come to acquire ten thousand Galleons?” I gulped, and glanced around the room, trying to think of an explanation.

“I, uh, won it in a, ah, game of cards.” His eyebrows rose.

“Must have been some game. What do you wish to do with that, seeing as you don't have any use for it?” I thought to myself for a moment.

“Could I open a Gringotts account?” He nodded.

“Yes, but it costs a fee of around a thousand Galleons, if memory serves. I happen to have a few application sheets here, if you'd allow me to fill one out for you.” I nodded, and sat in the more comfortable chair in front of his desk.

“Full name?” I cleared my throat.

“Annabel Rhydderch Finlayson.”

“Occupation is a student, unless you have a job somewhere you haven't notified me of?” I shook my head, and he chuckled before resuming.

“Age and date of birth?” I shifted around in my seat.

“Sixteen, and June Seventh, 1980.” He nodded, quill scratching against the paper as he wrote.

“Reason for opening an account?” I frowned.

“Er, in order to store my money? I don't really know what other reasons I'd have.” He nodded.

“Lastly, any parent or legal guardian?” I shook my head.

“No, not anymore.” He wrote for a moment, before letting the parchment dry.

“I'm sorry to hear that. Now, I'll take the gold you have and move it to Gringotts when the application is approved. Do you have anymore gold?” I nodded, waving my wand and summoning the sack of six thousand Galleons.

“I am beginning to wonder just how important this card game was, Ms. Finlayson. Anyway, you are free to go.” I nodded, and thanked him before leaving his office. I walked down to the Great Hall, keen on getting some food, and sat at the Gryffindor table next to Ginny.

“Hey, Anna. How'd it go?” I shrugged.

“It was the second-strangest thing I've ever done, but it went well. How's the thing we talked about going?” She reddened.

“Er, it's okay. Not as good as I was hoping, but it's going.” I nodded.

“That's okay. Never give up hope, eh?” She nodded.

“So, as a fifth year, what do you think of O.W.L. classes?” She sighed.

“They're terrible. I'm barely passing as is, and when Quidditch season picks up I'm done for.” I shook my head.

“No, I can help you. Besides, I'm taking an Advanced Placement High Level Arithmancy class, which I didn’t even know existed. Nobody does the homework right in that class.” She smiled, and I continued.

“Are you staying at Grimmauld Place for Christmas?” She nodded.

“I can help you study there. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.” As I spoke, I was also asking Rowena for help in my head.

You think I would miss an opportunity to impart more knowledge to a new pupil? Of course not. I smiled, and ate some more, excited for Break.


Grimmauld Place was old, musty, and full of household pests, but I loved it. I was sitting down in the kitchen, enjoying a bowl of hot soup while everyone else was somewhere in the house (they'd eaten lunch earlier). I was interrupted by someone sitting down across from me and clearing his throat.

“Hello, Mr. Black.” He waved me off.

“Please, call me Sirius.” I shrugged.

“Okay. Do they need help upstairs again?” He shook his head, and spoke.

“Listen, I was just told by Hermione about a certain misfired hex that saved my life. She said that it was misfired intentionally.” I ate some more soup before responding.

“Well, I was the one dueling Professor Lupin, and I noticed Bellatrix wearing you down, so I bounced a hex off of his Protection Charm and managed to hit her hand.” He looked at me in wonder.

“So it wasn't an accident at all?” I shook my head.

“Well, I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Annabel. I can't imagine not being here for Harry, after him finding out that I was his godfather.” I smiled awkwardly, not used to such an emotional thanks.

“Er, you're welcome.” He smiled, and sighed.

“Oh, that's enough sadness. You're a pureblood, right?” When I nodded, he stood.

“Follow me.” I stood slowly, reluctant to leave my delicious soup, and followed him up through the house until we reached a room with an ornate wallpaper.

“This is the biggest pureblood family tree in existence. It's enchanted to keep adding on people as time passes. My mum burned me off of it after I ran away.” He pointed to a burnt picture on the wall.

“Your mother is Jessamine Argloss, right? I went to Hogwarts with her.” My eyebrows rose.

“Really?” He nodded, searching along the wall.

“Yeah, she was really nice until her seventh year.” I frowned, following him around the room.

“What do you mean?” He shrugged.

“Well, she'd suddenly come back from break with the news that she was dating Lucius Malfoy, which shocked everybody. Then, quick as a snap, she broke up with him and started dating your father. There were rumors that they were still a thing, but no one really ever listened to them.” I scowled at the ground, muttering to myself.


“Here you are!” I walked over to him, and peered at the wall, where my mother and father were above what should have been a picture of my face.

“I guess you've disgraced your family, seeing as you've been torched.” I nodded, speaking quietly.

“I wasn't going to kill people for Voldemort anymore.” He paused, turning and looking down at me.

“You've killed people?” I blushed.

“I went through a really bad phase, starting about the middle of my fourth year and ending a few weeks ago. I can't take back what I've done, no matter how much I want to.” He looked at me sadly.

“Well, what matters is that you're on the right side now.” I nodded glumly.

“Let's head back to the others, alright? What's in the past stays in the past, Annabel.” I nodded, and followed him down the stairs to the bedrooms, where I left him at my door.

“See you at dinner, Sirius.” He smiled at me, and I smiled back slightly before entering the room I shared with Hermione and Ginny, finding the pair sitting on their beds, talking quietly.

“Hey, guys.” They turned, and I sat down next to Hermione, who, after a moment, spoke.

“Anna, you said you've killed people before, right?” My face darkened.

“Yes.” She looked at me cautiously for a second before continuing.

“What was it like?” I opened my mouth, and closed it again.

“Why do you want to know?” She sighed, and Ginny spoke.

“We want to know what it's like so we can understand why your eyes always drop for a second after you see Hermione, or why you refuse to go into the Three Broomsticks or Hog’s Head after we burned off the Mark.” I gulped, and looked down at the floor.

“Well, the first three people I killed were so I could join Voldemort. They were a man, his wife, and-and-“ At this point I began to tear up, and Hermione put an arm around me.

“If you don't want to say, it's alright.” I shook my head.

“N-No, I need to get this off of my chest. So, there was a man, his wife, and… Their son.” Ginny blanched, and Hermione froze in horror next to me.

“A-After I killed the man, a little light left his eyes, like he'd lost his sight or something. I didn't look at him for very long, but now, going back over it in my mind, as soon as the spell hit him, that little spark of life vanished. The wife was the same, as soon as the light hit her, the spark was gone. They've blurred with time, but I remember the boy like he's standing in front of me. He couldn't have been more than six years old, and his eyes were bright green, like a blade of grass. His hair had been messed up by something, I'm still not sure what, but it was short, straight, and brown. When I turned to him, he was looking at his parents’ lifeless corpses, and I knew he didn't know what had happened to them, or what was going to happen to him. When I killed him, that little light vanished, but what I think about when I can't sleep or whenever I see Hermione is that he was a Muggle-Born wizard. He could have had a great future, an incredible one, where he'd have warmed those around him with his caring and made a mark that would last forever. He could have been the potion mixer who discovered the cure for lycanthropy, or he could have been an Auror that saved hundreds of lives. But I'll never know, and that is what makes me ache. All the things he could have been, snuffed away because I was too afraid to stand up to that bald-headed bastard. His whole life was set before him, in any way he could have chosen. He could have gotten married, had kids, but I took the joy of fatherhood from him. I took the love and kindness his parents would have given him as he grew from him. I took the joy of learning how to ride a bicycle, the nervous tension of asking someone on a date and the profound happiness that followed when she said yes, I took the world away from that one boy when I spoke two simple words. He'll never see the beauty that lives around us, mocking me silently for taking away a spectator. He’ll never have the satisfaction of growing old and feeling like he contributed something to this world. That moment, when I took his life, was the moment I fractured.” Ginny was in tears, and Hermione was staring blankly at the ground in front of her, but I pressed onward, the floodgates opened.

“The rest of the people I killed were in a pub. It was my initiation to the Elite Four, and he told me to make it messy. Whenever it gets quiet, and I'm alone, sometimes I still hear the snap of bones or the tearing of flesh, barely heard over the screams of pain coming from men and women alike. They were defectors from the cause, which, at the time, was unacceptable. I even killed one man because Voldemort told me he was a traitor. I didn't even hesitate, I just aimed my wand and killed him. The fear in his eyes is burned into my memory forever, and I'll remember the faces of the people I've killed until I die. I'll remember the lives they could have lived, the change they could have made, all the things they could have accomplished. Gone because of my cowardice. When I killed the last man in the pub, I felt something click. I didn't know what it was then, but, in the Hog’s Head, I realised. Good and evil are not matters of perspective. Neither are right and wrong. I'm no longer whole, as a human, but inside my broken and destroyed soul I know that what I did was wrong, and that no one should take another’s life. Truth is, I could have saved them. I could have brought them back, but I didn't. All because of how stupidly selfish I am. I deserve a coward’s death, a traitor’s death, even. I don't deserve the common respect you are given because I have lowered myself to the level of scum and filth. So, there is your answer.” I finished, sadly looking at my hands, curled up into my lap.

“These hands have taken lives. I wish I could go back.” Ginny was sobbing now, and I saw a stream of tears flowing from each of Hermione’s eyes. I sniffed, fighting back my own emotions, and stood.

“I need to go stand outside for a minute.” When I turned to the door, I was greeted by a group of people. Molly Weasley stood there, watching me, hand covering her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. Next to her were Ron and Harry, both of which stared at me blankly, mouths opened in shock and surprise. Finally, Sirius stood at the corner of the doorway, watching sadly. I shouldered past them, making my way downstairs and exiting the front door, sitting on the doorstep and taking several deep breaths. After a few minutes, I heard the door open, and shut.

“Can I sit?” I looked up, surprised to see Harry.

“Yeah, that's fine.” He sat next to me, and spoke.

“Look, I know that we might not be close friends, but you need to hear this from someone. No matter what you've done, who you've killed, we still care about you. You are our friend, Annabel, and I know that Hermione would be willing to walk through Hell and back for you because you didn't care that she was a Muggle-Born witch, and you stuck with her during the first year even though the other Slytherins treated you like dirt. Hermione told me about your mother denouncing you, and I hope you don't get too down about that, seeing as you at least got to know your mother.” I sighed.

“Is it better to die a good person, or to live a villain?” He shrugged.

“That point is moot. Either way, you're stuck here with us, so you'd better get out of the ditch and back on your horse, else we won't make it through the next year. You can pretend to be happy while you cover up your sadness, but it's not going to work out in the long run. Just accept what you've done, and move on, to bigger and better things. Truth is, I don't think we are going to make it far without you, Anna.” I snorted.

“Is it because I used to be a Death Eater?” He shook his head.

“No, it's because you are a survivor. You are far better than any of us could ever hope to be because you know the risks and don't care. Believe me, whenever I get into some of the stuff I get into, I have second thoughts. But you never do.” I smiled weakly.

“Thanks, Harry.” He nodded, and patted my back.

“How am I supposed to go back in there? They all heard me.” He sighed, standing with me.

“Well, just go back in there the way you came out. Calm. Let them help you work through this, and get over it. The world isn't over yet.” I snorted, and re-entered the building, him behind me. Entering the kitchen, I found everyone sitting around the table, talking. The conversations all petered off, and I sighed.

“I'm here to work through this instead of locking it up, okay?” Molly Weasley jumped up, and ran over, wrapping me in a tight hug. She didn't say a word, just choosing to embrace me tightly, while the others watched. When she let go, she sniffed, and excused herself from the room, leaving Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Sirius (Arthur Weasley and the twins were working). I sat at the table, next to Hermione and Ginny and across from the other three, before Sirius spoke.

“Now, I've seen and heard a lot of things in my life, but that was the most genuine admission of guilt I've ever heard. You aren't any less of a human than us, Annabel. In fact, you're more of a human than we are because you have the courage to admit what you've done. Never think you are less of a person because of it. In fact, because you had the courage to say that, you're twice the person any of us hope to be.” I sighed.

“You have no idea.” He frowned, and Hermione looked at me cautiously.

Rowena, can I tell them and we can use all the accumulated knowledge you have to fight the bad guys? Please, please, please, please? She sighed, and replied.

Fine, but allow me to introduce myself. I nodded, and cleared my throat.

“So, uh, there's something-er, someone I want you to meet. She can definitely turn the tide in the fight against the Death Eaters, and please don't freak out or anything, alright?” Hermione watched nervously, as the others were giving me confused looks. Rowena spoke.

“I am Rowena Ravenclaw, founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, original head of Ravenclaw House.” I watched their faces fearfully, the expressions ranging from disbelief to confusion.

“She's telling the truth. Trust me, I know.” Hermione spoke to them, and I was glad someone was vouching for me. Sirius frowned.

“Well, even if this is remotely true, how can we know?” I shrugged.

“Find a book I haven't read, and ask a question about it.” He stood, and disappeared into the house, returning quickly with a dusty old book that appeared to be older than Dumbledore.

“Er, what plant is the key ingredient used in the making of homemade Floo powder?” I frowned, bewildered, but Rowena spoke confidently. “It isn't a plant. It is the fang of a Runespoor.” He looked at me in surprise, and stood.

“I need to contact Dumbledore, right away.” He left, leaving the four of us alone. Harry sat forward.

“Are you really Rowena Ravenclaw?” I sighed.

“It's really complicated, but I'm sharing a mind with Rowena Ravenclaw.” His jaw dropped, and I sighed. Hermione spoke.

“If she wants to help us, that would be incredible.” I nodded.

“I asked her, and she said that'd be fine. We'll need all the help we can get, anyway.” They nodded, and presently Sirius returned, to my surprise along with Professor McGonagall.

“So, she says she's got Rowena Ravenclaw in her head, hmm? I'll find out whether she's telling the truth or not.” Suddenly, Rowena spoke.

“Minerva McGonagall, born Fourth of October, 1935, in Caithness, Scotland, daughter of Muggle Robert McGonagall and Isobel Ross, registered Animagus, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1947-1954, served as Prefect and Head Girl, the Sorting Hat took approximately five minutes and thirty seconds to sort you, choosing Gryffindor over Ravenclaw, widowed in 1985 by your late husband, Elphinstone Urquart, brothers are Malcolm and Robert McGonagall. Your wand specifications are nine and a half inches, fir wood, with Dragon Heartstring, your Patronus is a cat, your Boggart is Lord Voldemort, you served as an employee of the-“ she cleared her throat, cleanly interrupting Rowena.

“Yes, that's enough. I assume it was you who told Ms. Finlayson the trick to jabbing the wand?” Rowena nodded. McGonagall sighed, and sat down across from me.

“How is this possible?” Rowena opened her mouth to speak, but I cut across her.

“It's a very long story that we definitely do not have time for. What matters is that she's here now, and ready to help.”

Rowena, we can't tell them about how you came back or they'll abuse the power. Remember what happened when I tried to bring you back? She sighed. Fine. I returned my attention to McGonagall, who was speaking.

“As soon as you get back from break, we need to bring you to Dumbledore. In fact, why don't we bring you back now.” She stood, and I sighed.

“Fine, I guess. I'll see you lot back at Hogwarts.” I stood with her, as did Hermione.

“Hey, you can't just make her leave and go back to school!” McGonagall glared down at her.

“I can do whatever I please, Miss Granger, seeing as I am the Head of your House.” A thought struck me.

“Well, you aren't the head of my house.” She scowled, and I quailed. Rowena spoke angrily.

“I do not take kindly to being ordered around, Minerva. This may not be my body, but my mind is still as sharp as ever, and if you wish to order me around, you must force me to do so.” I blanched, and turned away from the room, whispering quickly.

“Yes, it may not be your body, but it's mine, and I don't feel like going toe-to-toe with her, seeing as she's much more accomplished than I am. So, we can stay firm, but you don't have to go after anyone who tries to be authoritative.” Rowena sighed, and I heard McGonagall speak.

“Well, I see that I cannot command you to go with me, so we shall see each other after break.” I waved nervously, and she left, somewhat upset. I sat down, afraid for my life, and put a hand to my chest.

“I almost had a heart attack.” Sirius chuckled, while Hermione looked at me, worried.

“So, Rowena Ravenclaw, how exactly did you come to be brought back to life and stuck into Annabel’s head?” I cleared my throat, shooting a quick look at Ron.

“That isn't important. What is important is-“ I was interrupted by Rowena.

“Why isn't it important? They have a right to know.” I put my head on the table, whispering frantically.

“Do you want them screwing around with the spells you guys came up with? Remember what happened when I brought you back?” She thought for a moment before conceding.

“Oh, alright, then. You'll have to tell someone, sometime.” I snorted before sitting back up.

“As I was saying, what is important is that we've got a serious advantage over them because we've got Rowena on our side. Not even Voldemort is smarter than her.” Ron nodded, and I sighed internally, glad I dodged the bullet of having to explain to them how I raised someone from the dead, which would lead to the discovery of the journals, which would lead to a whole lot of other bad stuff.

Chapter 22: The Death of Albus Dumbledore

Chapter Text

I was sitting in Dumbledore’s office, listening to Rowena answering questions as Dumbledore scribbled furiously on a piece of parchment. Oddly, she seemed slightly cagey around him, which I put down to the presence of an authoritative figure. We'd been doing thirty-minute sessions like this ever since we'd gotten back from Winter Break, around four and a half months ago. Nothing of note had really happened, and I'd begun to believe that without my help, Draco would be unable to finish the cabinet.

“Well, I think that's all the time we have. You'll have to show yourselves out, as I have to attend to something.” He rose, and exited swiftly, leaving me confused and Rowena affronted.

“The nerve of that man. Oh, well, let's be on our way, shall we?” I sighed, and stood, walking stiffly out of the office (sitting in one place for thirty minutes was tiring), and heading back to the common room. Upon my arrival, I found the common room empty, to my surprise. I sat in a chair near the fire, curling up as a cat, and soaking up the warmth from the flames. I laid there for awhile, drifting into and out of sleep, until I heard a voice.

“Annabel? Is that you?” I opened an eye, leisurely, and spied one of the sixth year girls, Lavender Brown, viewing me curiously. I twitched my ears before shifting back.

“How'd you know?” She shrugged.

“I overheard Hermione telling Ginny Weasley about it.” I nodded.

“So, is there something you needed?” She sighed.

“No, not really. I just wondered whether she was telling the truth.” She stood, and left me alone, a little affronted by her waking me from my nap. I stood, keen on getting in a walk before it grew too dark.

I felt a gap open my chest as I sprinted across the courtyard towards the crumpled form of Professor Dumbledore. I reached him first, kneeling next to him and looking into his face. I knew, as soon as I saw it, I was too late. I heard voices, and drew my wand, angrily giving chase to the group of Death Eaters as they ran away from the castle.

“Stop! Turn and fight, you cowards!” I sent a jinx at one of them, narrowly missing her shoulder. She turned, and I blanched as I made out her face in the gloom.

You. You betrayed the Dark Lord, you dishonored your family, and you betrayed my trust. You'll die a traitor’s death, scum!” I dodged a curse, and shot a hex straight at her, which she blocked.

“Come on, Bellatrix, we need to go, now.” I swore at them angrily, unloading my anger into a long flow of hexes and jinxes that narrowly missed them. I screamed, high pitched and loud, until someone tackled me to the ground, barely saving me from an unseen jinx. My scream was abruptly cut off as my mouth was filled with turf, and I rolled over to see that my savior was none other than Harry himself, who jumped up and ran to the flaming carcass of the Gamekeeper’s house, intent on dousing the flames, with the aid of the Gamekeeper himself. I stood, brushing myself off, and joined in, quickly putting out the flames with the combined power of two wands and an umbrella (?). I trudged back up the hill with Harry, returning to the spot where Dumbledore had fallen, me staying at the edge of the crowd while Harry forged through. I turned away from the scene, not wanting to look at the corpse any longer, before walking to the edge of the lake. I spied Godric, watching sadly as the group poured out their tears, and I strode over to him, wading out until I was waist-deep.

“Who fell from the tower?” I sighed, turned to stand next to him.

“Dumbledore.” Godric started, and looked down at me.

“Verily?” I frowned at the unknown word, but Rowena responded.

“Yes, it is true. He has passed.” Godric bowed his head, and I was surprised to see him shed a few tears. Not really knowing what to do, I put an arm around his waist, hugging him slightly as his shoulders shook. I was startled when he turned, drawing me into a bone-crushing hug. It was from my position, partially crunched into his shoulder, that I spied the full moon, rising steadily above the trees.

“Gryffindor! The moon is up!” He turned, saw the moon, and, without any further action, wrapped me into a bear hug as I howled in pain, change even more painful as I'd missed the last two doses of Wolfsbane (Madam Pomfrey had been caught up with a sudden epidemic of chicken pox in the third-year girls), before blacking out.

I awoke, caught in a death grip around the neck by Godric, who was watching me warily.

“Are you alright?” I rasped, and he loosened his grip, setting me down on the shore. I rubbed my throat, and nodded, carefully speaking.

“Other than my throat, yes. Are you?” He nodded.

“I'm fine. I haven't had a good wrestling match since the summer of ’04.” I frowned.

“1904?” He laughed, shaking his head.

“1304. Helluva Hufflepuff, let me tell you.” I snorted, incredulous, and he patted my shoulder.

“Lycanthropy is not a fun disease kid. I hate to see it happen to someone. Oh, I assume you'd better summon some clothes, unless you want to go back to the school naked.” It was at this point that I realised I was sitting, stark naked, in a foot of icy water. I shrieked, and jumped up, summoning a meager towel with my wand and wrapping it about myself. He chuckled.

“Women are always so sensitive about displaying themselves. In my heyday, all the Celtic warriors would traipse around in nothing but a kilt, proudly displaying their-“ Thankfully, Rowena interjected.

“Yes, I think we get the picture. Maybe it's because some have more respect towards common decency that they do not try acrobatics in nothing but a kilt during the first-years’ Sorting?” Godric reddened.

“That was once. And I had a little too much by way of drink. I apologized several times, remember?” She snorted.

“Those poor children.” I laughed, and held my throat as a wave of pain rolled over me.

“You see, Rowena? You hurt her. You're obviously at fault.” She snorted again, which caused a strange chain reaction when mixed with my giggles to give me a ferocious case of the hiccups.

“I-am not-at fault.” He laughed heartily, and slapped my shoulder, almost sending us into the water, mysteriously curing me of the hiccups. I coughed, throat burning, and sighed.

“Whew. That was fun. You guys need to get together more, but maybe not when I've got a sore throat from you choking it.” He blushed.

“Well, I didn't really know what to do, since I didn't want you to bite me, so I choked you out every time you woke up.” I buried my face into my hand, and shook my head as he spoke.

“I'd suggest heading back to the school. They'll be expecting you, as they will hold the funeral soon.” The happiness vanished, replaced with a dark pit, hovering somewhere around my navel. He waded back out into the lake, while I made my way back to the castle, carrying my wand with one hand while holding the towel up with the other. At the Entrance Hall, I found Hermione, sitting on the step with a pile of clothes next to her.

“Hey, Anna. Hey, Rowena. I brought you some clothes.” I accepted the sweatpants and t-shirt thankfully, pulling them on hurriedly and following her into the school.

“Who were you talking to down there? I saw him before you came out of the lake.” I shrugged.

“No one important. How is everybody?” She sighed.

“Truthfully, or optimistically?” I frowned.

“Truthfully, ‘course.” She scratched the back of her neck, looking up at the ceiling.

“Not good. Harry refuses to talk to anyone except Ginny, and then it's mostly crying, while Ron hasn't left the boy’s dormitory since we found out.” My head drooped, before turning to look at her again.

“How are you?” She looked over at me, smiling humorlessly.

“Truthfully, or optimistically?” I sighed, and replied.

“Truthfully.” She broke off from our path to the Gryffindor Common Room, entering an empty classroom. She sat at a chair, and, to my surprise, burst into tears. I quickly sat next to her, and brought her into a hug, letting her cry into my shoulder as I was suddenly visited by a memory of this exact same situation happening some five years ago, after she'd been called a Mudblood by Pansy Parkinson. I rubbed her back, patiently letting her cry, until she drew back.

“T-Thank you. I'd been balling all that up, and it was good to get it out. How are you?” I shrugged.

“Afraid. Not just for myself, but for all the good guys. Gryffindor, Order of the Phoenix, all of them. Who’s there to protect them now?” She sniffed.

“Well, you are. You, Rowena, and Salazar Slytherin’s wand.” I started, and she looked at me guiltily.

“I saw your trunk open, and read the last journal. I'm sorry, Annabel, I really am.” I patted her shoulder.

“You can't tell anyone what was in that book, Hermione.” She nodded quickly.

“Was he really trying to bring back the dead?” I nodded.

“We found his laboratory, as well. He finally found a spell that worked.” She jumped up.

“We've got to do it to Dumbledore, Anna. We can save him.” I shook my head sadly, but, to my surprise, it was Rowena that spoke.

“We can't. The only reason I was forced into Annabel’s head was because she tried to bring me back. They barely made it out with their lives. What do you think would happen if we tried to raise someone as powerful as Albus Dumbledore himself? It could kill thousands.” She sighed, head hung, and nodded.

“I suppose so.” I stood, and slung an arm around her, leading her out of the classroom and resuming our journey to the common room. When we arrived, I found Harry, staring glumly into the fire while Ginny sat next to him, on the floor, leaned against his leg. I sat Hermione down in a chair before walking over and prodding Harry’s shoulder with my wand.

“Hey.” He ignored me, still staring at the fire. I prodded him harder.

“Hey, Harry.” Still, he ignored me. Fed up at being ignored, I drew my hand back, and slapped him out of his chair. He fell onto the ground, jumping up quickly and aiming his wand at me.

“Don't.” I sighed.

“Harry Potter, do you really think Dumbledore wanted you to sit on your arse and mope around after he died?” He scowled at me.

“Don't ever act like you know what he wanted.” I snorted.

“Fine. Do you think Lord Voldemort is sitting on his arse right now, knowing that Dumbledore is dead?” He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

“Oh, and you can't say you know more about him than I do, because I served the bastard. I worked for him. I killed for him. So, you can either sit here missing what you can't bring back, or you can go out there and make them regret killing him. Got it?” He sighed, lowering his wand, and nodded.

“Well, what are we supposed to do?” I shrugged.

“What are you planning to do for next year, seeing as Hogwarts is likely going to be run by Death Eaters?” He shrugged.

“Er, well, Dumbledore sort of set me on this mission, and I figured I'd finish it. Alone.” I objected angrily, as did Ron and Hermione.

“Alone? As if! I've been with you from day one, mate.” Hermione butted in, stepping in front of Ron.

“You really think we'd let you go alone, without us?” I raised my hand.

“Dumbledore told me to go with you, so I kind of have to.” He scowled grumpily.

“Fine. Whatever. We’ll deal with that later. For now, what do we do, since you seem ready to go, Anna?” I gulped, afraid because I had no clue what to do, but Rowena spoke.

“We prepare. Get everything ready that you need to. It's going to be tough, but Annabel and I have faced tougher.” They sat there, a little confused, while I was surprised at Rowena.

“I'm going to head up for a quick nap, guys, because I just survived a full moon by being choked unconscious several times.” I left them there, heading up to the dormitory and standing by the heater for a moment to dry myself off before crawling into my bed.

I was woken by Ginny, who was wearing all black robes. I sighed, realizing why she was waking me up, before climbing out of bed and pulling on the robes she held out to me.

“You ready?” I nodded, before pulling my hair back. We met the others in the common room, and exited, heading to some location I assumed was the spot for the funeral service. Upon arriving, I found the remaining students at Hogwarts (according to Hermione, some students had been withdrawn already, as the funeral was optional.), the teachers, several ministry officials, and even a few Merpeople, hovering around the edge of the water. I sat towards the back, next to a Ministry official I didn't know, who regarded me curiously.

“And who might you be, young lady?” I looked up at him curiously, holding out a hand.

“Annabel Finlayson. You?” He flinched.

“I, er, Cornelius Fudge. Minister of Magic until a short time ago.” I nodded, noticing he didn't shake my hand. I turned as someone sat next to me, on the other side.

“Hi. I'm Annabel Finlayson. You are?” This person took my outstretched hand, and shook it firmly.

“Rufus Scrimgeour, current Minister of Magic. I've heard of you, Ms. Finlayson. You, and your mother.” I snorted before rolling both of my sleeves up, showing him the horrendous burns on my right arm.

“Not anymore.” Instead of recoiling (which was exactly what Cornelius Fudge did), he nodded grimly.

“Glad to have you on our side.” I smiled, and shook my head.

“I'm on Dumbledore’s side.” Scrimgeour looked down at me, brow arched.

“Look where that got Dumbledore, Ms. Finlayson.” I snorted.

“Well, I don't know what you've heard about me, but-“

“I've heard rumors. And, we found the remnants of a pub, off of an anonymous tip that linked you there.” I paled, and he smiled thinly. Regaining my composure, I replied quickly.

“Knowing that, wouldn't you want me on your side?” He frowned.

“Or, if you don't want me on your side, you'd best stay out of my way, as my homicidal tendencies might just resurface.” He viewed me cautiously.

“Is that a threat, Ms. Finlayson? Because if it is, I can assure you threatening a Ministry official assures you time in Azkaban.” I scowled.

“If you keep treating me like that, it might be.” He chuckled lowly.

“I like you, kid. You got guts. A word of advice, though. Stay off the radar. Things are going to go bad, fast. I already know it. I know I'm probably not going to last more than a year in this position, but I'm sure as hell going to take down as many Death Eaters as I can when they come for me. I'll give you this, in parting. In the training to become an Auror, they have a catchphrase they scream at you when you're buried in two feet of hot, wet sand, trying to cast counterjinxes at invisible targets. ‘They don't quit. Why should you?’” He patted my shoulder, and rose, walking up to the coffin to pay his respects. Cornelius Fudge cleared his throat, drawing my attention to him.

“You know, if I were you, I-“ I stood abruptly, cutting him off.

“If you were me, we'd all be dead. If you were half the man you should have been, Dumbledore would be up in his office, not lying in the dirt.” He scoffed, affronted, and I shook my head before storming off, intent on finding someone who I knew wouldn't miss the event. I found him, standing in the shade of an elm tree, a ways down the shore of the lake.

“Draco.” He lifted his chin, acknowledging me slightly.

“You shouldn't have come, you know. You could be arrested if they recognized you.” He shrugged, and I noticed how his hair was slightly ruffled, and that he was leaning on the tree for support.

“What'd they do to you?” He shrugged.

“S’nothing, really. Just a few bruises.” I sighed, and put a hand on his shoulder. I scowled when he winced.

“Look, Annabel, we really can't be seen together, especially now.” I nodded.

“I know. It's just, all the stuff with Slytherin, and Rowena, I hate to have to fight you, and honestly, you're a decent fellow, I'd hate to have to kill you, if it comes to that.” He snorted.

“You're a pretty girl, Anna. I'd hate to be bested by you.” I sighed, and drew him into a hug.

“You know, the only other guy I've had a crush on is Fred, but I'm almost positive you drugged me.” He smiled, before looking at me, confused.

“Wait, other guy…?” I broke off his sentence before firmly pressing my lips to his. He tensed up in surprise, and I drew back, savoring the kiss before waving goodbye.

“I'll be waiting for that dance, Draco.” I left him there, standing under the tree, bewildered.

Chapter 23: Withdrawals

Chapter Text

Unbeknownst to me, the Burrow (which I'd apologized for torching around seventy times) was in a state of emergency, as one of Ginny’s numerous older brothers (Bill, I think) was getting married to Fleur Delacour, one of the Triwizard Tournament contestants from my fourth year. The house was a blur of people coming in and out, while I'd secretly been sleeping out in the garden to keep from taking up space. It was going quite well, until the morning of Harry’s seventeenth birthday. I'd overslept, and was rudely awoken by a loud voice.

“Annabel Finlayson!” I sat bolt upright, brushing a blanket of flowers off of me, to see a stern Molly Weasley looking down at me.

“Uh, yes, Mrs. Weasley?” She glared at me.

“How long have you been sleeping in the garden?” I gulped, eyes darting back and forth as I tried to come up with an excuse.

“I, er, well, it's a funny story, really, if you just, uh,” Quick as a flash, I turned into a cat, streaking through the garden and into the house, flying up the stairs and dashing into Ron’s room, changing back and sitting next to Hermione.

“Play it cool, alright?” They barely had time to nod before Molly burst into the room.

“Have any of you seen-Annabel?” Her face morphed from focused to confused.

“Have you been sleeping in the garden at night?” I shook my head.

“No, I've been with Hermione and Ginny. Right, guys?” They nodded, Hermione somewhat sluggishly, and Molly Weasley sighed before leaving us.

“Whew. Close one. Thanks, guys. Oh, and, happy birthday, Harry.” I handed him a gift I'd hidden under his bed.

“Wh-you didn't have to get me anything, Annabel.” I shrugged. “I know. I just felt like I've treated you guys badly over the past few years, and I thought I'd get you guys something you could all share. It's for Harry, but it's a group thing.” He carefully unwrapped the box, snorting when he saw the box.

“Group charades? Really?” I nodded eagerly.

“I made the cards myself. Here, let's play a round or two.” He set the cards down on the table, Ron going first and cracking up as he read his card. He then grabbed a sheet from his bed, wrapping it into a makeshift turban and turning to Harry.

“High five, Mister Pott-aaaarrrgghh!” He mimed being burned, and I giggled as Ginny correctly guessed that he was Professor Quirrel. I abstained from playing, seeing as I'd made the cards myself. They went around in the circle a few times before we were called down for breakfast. Upon arriving, I was astonished to see a mountain of presents, all for Harry. I sat, beginning on a large pile of pancakes, while Harry began opening presents. I finished the plate, refilled it with sausage and bacon, before resuming eating. Molly looked over at me fondly.

“You give me a reason to cook, Annabel.” I smiled, and took a drink of Pumpkin Juice.

“You give me a reason to eat.” She laughed, and smiled at me as I ate. I worked my way through a monstrous breakfast of epic proportions, consisting of pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs (scrambled, sunny-side-up, and two omelets), an entire cantaloupe, and twenty glasses of Pumpkin Juice. I sat back, drained the last of my glass, and sighed.

“Whew. That was nice.” I turned to look at Ginny, who was staring at me, openmouthed.

“What?” She tried to speak, but just shut her mouth.

“Who's ready for lunch?” I heard a fork drop, and I realized that the entire table was staring at me.

“Look, I gave Mrs. Weasley five hundred Galleons after I found out there was a wedding happening here, so my appetite and the appetite of everyone else could be dealt with, once and for all.” They collectively sighed in relief, while I rose from the table, taking a small stack of plates with me to the kitchen, where I sat them next to the sink. Next, I stepped outside, savoring the warm sunlight, sitting on an old stump and looking out over the field.


After we'd Apparated from the reception, I bent over, putting my hands on my knees.

“Ugh, that was a lot of food.” Ron snorted as the four of us began walking down the road.

“You did that to yourself. I've never seen someone eat that much food in one sitting. How haven't you thrown up yet?” I shrugged.

“It's not far off, honestly.” Hermione led us into an alleyway, and we took our turns changing. Once I'd pulled on a pair of trousers and a long-sleeve shirt, I met the others at the entrance, and we began walking down the road. A short distance away, I was stopped in my tracks by an obscene comment I heard from across the street.

“Anna, come on, just ignore them.” I shrugged her hand off of my shoulder, and walked across the street confidently, nearly overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol as I drew near the man. He bared his teeth, and I scowled before drawing my arm back and driving a punch straight into his jaw. He swayed on the spot, swore, and fell over. I spit on the ground, and crossed the street again, meeting up with the trio.

“That wasn't necessary, Anna.” I snorted.

“Not to you, maybe. Let's go.” We resumed our trek, entering into a small deli. I groaned, arching my back, and sat down in a booth. Hermione squeezed in next to me, while Harry and Ron sat across from us.

“What do we do now? Voldemort must have known we'd be at the wedding.” I shrugged.

“I loved the ceremony. Many a tear was shed, Ron.” He snorted.

“Tell that to Bill and Fleur, if we ever see them again.” I sighed, and Rowena spoke.

“Look, all we’ve got to do is get to a safe place, and think up a plan.” Hermione nodded, and I was about to speak when Rowena urgently spoke to me.

Annabel, those two men are Death Eaters! I stood, shoving the table against Ron and Harry, and drew my wand, firing two jinxes at them, taking them by surprise and knocking them unconscious.

“Er, Annabel, can you please move this table?” I started, and waved my wand, moving the table away from the pair. I stepped over to the two Death Eaters, tying them together and closing the blinds.

“Hermione, please go find the waitress and knock her out, then bring her here, if you will.” She remained still, and I spoke firmly.

“Hermione, go knock out the waitress and bring her here. Now!” She disappeared into the back while I watched the Windows carefully. When she returned, awkwardly lugging the waitress with her, I summoned ropes and tied her up as well before sitting her in the booth, across from Ron and Harry. I then piled the tables around the two men, forming an impromptu cage.

“Alright, let's go. Hermione, can you Apparate us away?” She nodded, grabbed my hand, Ron’s, while Harry grabbed the back of her shirt, and turned on the spot. We appeared after a moment of suffocating blackness in a forest, but I was too preoccupied by projectile vomiting my entire meal onto the forest floor.

“Oh, gross, Anna. I knew you shouldn’t have eaten all of that food.” I groaned, and swore, hands on my knees as I tried to compose myself.

“Hindsight has imparted upon me the fact that I ate too much.” Ron snorted as we traipsed away from my bile, thankfully upwind.

“Anyway, where are we?” Hermione sniffed as she began setting up the tent.

“Forest of Dean. I came here camping with my parents, once.” I nodded, and surveyed the surrounding forest for threats as they entered the tent, following after a moment. I found them sitting haphazardly in the few chairs scattered around the space, and I settled into one before Hermione spoke.

“Well, what do we do now?” I shrugged.

“I'm not sure. Harry?” He looked at me in surprise.

“Er, well, we still have the locket.” He withdrew the locket, which I’d never seen before.

“Whats this?” He sighed.

“It’s a long story. Way back in the day, Lord Vol-“ he was interrupted by an owl hooting from directly next to my ear. I swore, and jumped up, looking at it, startled. I took the letter it had, and unfolded it cautiously.


I’m writing this to you as a warning, and as a request. You cannot say the name of the Dark Lord aloud, for it will summon Death Eaters to you, as he has placed a spell on the word. Secondly, I wish to meet up with you. Please write a specified time and place that you can come to at your convenience on this paper and send it back to me.


I handed the paper to Ron, who was nearest to me, who read it, snorted, and passed it to Harry. After Hermione had read it, she looked up at me.

“Well?” I shrugged.

“What do you guys think?” Ron looked at me in surprise.

“Look, mate, I don’t see how its not obvious. You write back and tell him to stuff it.” I frowned down at my hands. Hermione watched me strangely, while Harry spoke.

“I don’t think you should do anything, for now. Hermione, can you check that letter to make sure it doesn't have and enchantments on it?” She nodded, and began performing various spells on it while I frowned into my lap. I really did want to go see Draco, but I wasn’t entirely sure why. It would definitely be dangerous, and most likely a trap, but for some reason I was drawn to him in spite of those risks.

“I can’t find anything wrong with it, except… Hold on, there’s something here.” She cupped her hand, and scraped a few tiny pieces of something off of the letter, gently wafting it with her other hand and recoiling.

“Just as I figured. This is soaked in Amortentia. He must really want you to come see him, Anna.” I shuddered, and picked up the paper, drawing my wand and lighting the parchment on fire. I watched as it burned, paper curling up around my hand, until it burnt down into ash around my fingers.

“No more of that.” I walked to the tent flap, and threw the ashes out of the tent, shooing the owl as well. I returned, and sat down in a heap. Hermione was eyeing me strangely once more, and I frowned at her.

“What’re you looking at?” She stood, still watching me, and spoke cautiously.

“I heard rumours that Malfoy had drugged you in our fourth year, and I’m almost certain he kept drugging you. This is the first time in a while you've been without the dosage, which I'm sure was pretty high.” I swore as I understood her meaning, and stood, backing to the door as Harry and Ron stood.

“Look, let’s not get hasty, here.” I turned and bolted, straight out into the clearing, figuring I'd climb a tree and wait them out, but that was stopped by Harry tackling me into the ground. I writhed underneath him, almost breaking free, but when Ron arrived I knew it was over. I allowed them to carry me into the tent, and to set me on one of the beds, Hermione wrapping me in tight cord to keep me there.

“You've got to get through the withdrawals, Anna. I know it seems unlikely, but we have to make sure you're fully on our side, all the way.” I swore angrily, but was interrupted by Rowena.

“She's right, Annabel. It's better for our protection that you go through this.” I huffed, and eyed Hermione furiously, scowling for all I was worth. She stood strong, and I sighed.

“Look, I've got no clue about what's going to happen to me, or what I'll say, but I'm sorry if I say something bad.” Hermione gulped.

“How long is it going to take for it to start?”

Two hours later, I was sweating profusely as well as swearing violently for them to let me go, shifting between cold sweats and hot flashes every few minutes or so.

“Anna, he must have had the dosage incredibly high, or this would have been over far earlier.” I struggled mightily, no match for the tight cords wrapping me up, while Rowena spoke to me.

I'm not sure that he ever loved you, Annabel. Not truly. I gritted my teeth, closing my eyes tightly as a searing headache split my head in half. I curled up, cursing more and more, until I was hit with a sudden realization.

“Hermione!” She ignored me from across the tent, where she was burying her face into Ron’s shoulder. I grunted, sat up, and continued feverishly.

“If he's truly a traitor then he might have told You-Know-Who about Rowena, which makes my staying with you even more dangerous, as the Dark Lord will probably focus his efforts on finding Harry and I now.” I fell back over, pain in my gut intensifying, as they talked in hushed tones. The problem with the withdrawal symptoms of a love potion (when the effects began to wear off, that is), is that you require larger and larger doses to maintain the attraction, which meant that the craving for another dose grew more and more the more doses I took. I didn't know how long he'd been drugging me, but I was craving that next dose with every fiber of my being. Eventually, the pain abated, leaving only the desire to see Draco, however misled it was, and I slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 24: Shell Cottage

Chapter Text

I awoke, and was surprised to see that we were no longer in the forest.

“W-where are we?” I spoke to an empty room, sitting up in my bed. The cravings were gone, replaced by anger that Draco had drugged me. I pulled back the covers, and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing on wobbly legs before grabbing the two wands that lay on the nightstand.

“Odd… Hermione must have told Ron and Harry about Salazar, then.” I slipped the wands into the waistband of my jeans, quietly exiting the room and entering a narrow corridor, with no paneling or carpeting on the walls or floor. I looked back and forth, trying to find a door to enter, before turning around to re-enter the room I'd just left, only to find that the door had disappeared.

“Er, what? Rowena? Are you there?” I waited for a moment, troubled when she didn't respond. I raised my voice, repeating the question.

“Rowena, are you there?” My voice echoed down the bland corridor, bouncing off of the walls and returning to me. I shivered, and drew my wand, the carvings in the wood somewhat comforting, in a familiar way. I inched along the dim corridor, wand out, not really knowing which direction to go but making an educated guess. I walked like this for what felt like hours, carefully walking, not knowing whether I was actually moving based on my surroundings, before I spied a door, at the end of the hallway.

“Finally. Rowena? Are you messing with me? Please, stop this.” Once again, no response, but a chuckle, almost to quiet for me to hear, sounded from behind the door. I scowled, and marched confidently up to it, twisting the nod and throwing the door inward. To my surprise, the room was as empty as the hallway I'd just been in. I swore, and turned to leave as the door shut, lock clicking loudly.

“What's going on here? Whoever is doing this, stop it immediately.” I swung my wand around the room, searching for an enemy, but found none. Just as I began to wonder whether I should try to force open the door, the walls rumbled, and began closing in on me, slowly but steadily. I swore again, and dashed towards the door, performing any and every spell I could to open the door, to no avail. I fell against the door, worn out as the walls drew closer, banging on it with all of my strength, trying to open it, before the walls finally stopped, boxing me uncomfortably into a tiny, cramped space. I thrashed back and forth, trying to escape, but, to my surprise, the walls began to change, forming into rickety slats as the single door morphed into two. I redoubled my efforts, trying to escape this tiny prison, but, once again, my attempts were in vain. I sank down to the floor, crying as I knew I was trapped, alone and afraid, in this little room.

What felt like an eternity later, the room filled with light, and I shrieked as I spied almost a carpet of spiders beneath me, moving in waves collectively. I jumped up, not really afraid of spiders but surprised by their sudden appearance, and sighed.

“Whoever’s doing this had better do a better job than that.” Suddenly, as if in response to my words, the spiders vanished, and the room opened back up. I dug the second wand out of my waistband, and held it in my off hand, aiming both around the wide, open room. I blinked as the room descended into pitch darkness, before lighting back up. Kneeling in front of me was a man. My breathing hitched as I recognized the slight bald patch on top of his head, as well as the paunch. I gulped, and backed up slowly, back hitting the wall. I shakily blinked, and he was replaced by the mother. My eyes widened, and I knew what would happen if I blinked again. I trembled, both hands shaking, and I fought the urge to blink, letting tears come to my eyes as they dried out. Eventually, against my earnest fighting, I blinked, and she was replaced by the green-eyed child. I fell down to the floor, scrunched up against the wall in a half-hearted attempt to get away, before descending into sobs. I curled up, weeping openly for a long time before I looked back up at the child, eyes red and puffy from crying. What I saw made me abruptly jump to my feet, wand outstretched. Before me stood a girl, with black hair and the Dark Mark tattooed on her right forearm. I aimed my wand, and watched as she snorted, aiming hers as well. I shuddered, and waited for her to cast the first spell. When she didn't, I gulped, and reached behind me, trying the door, which was still locked.

“Coward.” My eyes snapped to hers as she spoke, shivering even more as my wand arm shook.

“Duel me, and you can leave. If you lose, though…” The threat hung in the air, and I sniffed.

“Why?” She shrugged.

“Because we both know you're not what you once were. I'm here to remind you who you could have been, remind you of what true power is.” She raised her wand, and we both bowed, eyes never leaving each other. I cast the first spell, a jinx that she blocked easily.

“Pathetic. Come now, Finlayson, where is the Comedy when I need her?” She whipped a Cruciatus Curse at me, and I rolled out of the way instead of blocking it.

“Duel me like a real witch, Annabel. Punish me for killing those people.” I shot a hex at her, which she blocked before sending a curse back at me that ruffled my hair as it barely missed.

“You know, deep down inside of you, you wanted to kill those people. You enjoyed the tearing of flesh, the rending of bone. You loved ending that useless Mudblood’s life.” I scowled, and began rising to her challenge, as much as I didn't want to.

“There we are. Remembering who you should be, now?” I shook my head as we sluggishly gained speed.

“No, I'm remembering who not to be. You.” We slowly gained momentum, each dueling to win but not powerful enough to beat the other.

“That might be true, but you have to admit that I'm useful to you. Who I am, the respect I command. We were royalty, once. We were the left hand of the Dark Lord himself!” I snarled, using more and more Dark Magic, even as she did the same.

“Good, Annabel. Embrace your anger, let it fuel you.” I shook my head, and replied as I dodged an Imperius Curse.

“No, I won't let it fuel me. I won't let you goad me, either. You're washed up,” she snarled in return, using spells I'd never heard before, “faded,” I slid under a hex before returning the favor, “and you can't beat me, because I know the difference between right and wrong.” She roared, and, before my eyes, began to change. Her hair vanished, as her body grew taller, thinner, and paler, her eyes changing to slitted red as her nose receded into her face.

“Insolent child. Avada Kedavra!” I tried to dodge, but the spell hit me square in the chest, knocking me into the door, which fell open. I fell back, into what felt like a free fall, wondering why I was still alive, as I turned over to get a look at my surroundings. Just as I turned over, I landed in a closet, full of musty clothes that had been ripped to shreds. I also realized that I was devoid of any of my clothes, as I felt the cold draft run over my bare skin. I shivered, wondering if the nightmare, for that was what it had to be, was over.

“H-Hello? Rowena, are y-you there?” Suddenly, a burst of words flowed over me.

“Annabel? Can you hear me? Please, hear me, are you alright?” I nodded shakily.

“Yeah, Rowena, I can hear you. What happened?” She sighed in happy relief.

“Oh, thank you. I was so worried. I remember the entire vision, Anna. I couldn't talk to you. You couldn't hear me.” I leaned back against the wall of the closet, and sighed.

“I was so scared that you were gone. You remember that too?” She cleared her throat.

“Yes, I remember the hallway, and the room.” I shivered as I remembered the duel.

“What was that, do you think?” She shrugged.

“I have an idea. I think that You-Know-Who tried to reach into your mind, seeing as he is an accomplished Legilimens, but bit off more than he could chew with the timing.” I frowned.

“What do you mean?” She chuckled, and I sensed satisfaction emanating from her.

“Last night was a full moon, Annabel. Coupling that with the presence of both of us, I think he was shocked for a moment.” I jumped up, swearing as I hit my head on the ceiling.

“Oh, no. Are the others alright? Hermione, can you hear me? Please let me out!” I began pounding on the door, shouting louder and louder until the door swung open, revealing Ron.

“Annabel! You're-uh, naked?” I shrieked, and pulled the door shut.

“Go get Hermione, Ron.” I heard him dash off, and winced as I felt a series of long scratches on my leg.

“Ouch. Must have knocked up against something in here.” Presently, Hermione opened the door, and I cautiously stepped out, covering myself up as best as I could. She handed me a pair of clothes, which I pulled on, before pulling me into a tight hug.

“I was so worried about you, Anna. We barely managed to get you into the closest before you changed. Are you alright?” I shivered, and nodded.

“Yeah, we're alright. I had one crazy dream, let me tell you. Where are we?” She sighed.

“Grimmauld Place. We’re holed up here, for now. We can't really leave, seeing as there’s a group of Death Eaters in the square.” I stood up quickly.

“There is, hmm?” She stood with me, correctly reading the anger in my face.

“Yes, five of them. I wouldn't recommend attacking them, especially the night after a full moon.” I scowled, and strode to the door of the room.

“I need to vent some anger. Hermione, where’s my wand?” She followed me as I stomped down the stairs, searching for my wand or any I could get my hands on.

“Anna, wait, please…” I found it, sitting on the table in the basem*nt, and picked it up, before turning to face Hermione.

“If you attack them it'll only confirm their suspicions that we’re here.” I shook my head.

“I'm not an idiot, Hermione. I'm going to Apparate a ways down the street, act like I'm trying to get in, and fight them, then lead them away from here before beating them.” She sighed.

“Fine, but you had better be careful Apparating. You can't let them see you.” I nodded, before performing a Disillusionment Charm on myself and heading to the door. I eased it open, stepping just outside of the boundary before Apparating down the street and ending the Charm. I tucked my wand into my pocket, using my haggard appearance after the moon to my advantage, limping slightly and leaning on the walls for support. I made my way to the square, knowing that at least Hermione was watching from the windows, before taking note of the five hooded and cloaked Death Eaters standing eerily in the square.

“Are you ready, Rowena?” She sighed.

“Let's get this over with.” I chuckled, and staggered into the square, letting out a curse as I was ‘surprised’ by the appearance of the Death Eaters. They turned, as one, and saw me, letting out shouts of surprise. I turned, and dashed off, limping as best as I could, leading them as far away from Grimmauld Place as I could before ducking into an alleyway and waiting at the end. The first Death Eater that turned into the alley was taken by surprise, and I hexed him before he could react. The next two were not surprised, and fired a barrage of curses at me, which I could barely block in time. I ducked behind two bins, and aimed my wand carefully over the bins, hitting one Death Eater with a Stunning Spell before Disarming the second one. I caught his wand, and jinxed him with it, irony not missed by Rowena.

“Impaled by his own sword.” I snorted, which turned to a snarl as the last two came around the corner, me dueling them with two wands at once, making quick work of them before stopping to catch my breath. Rowena spoke as I Disillusioned myself.

“Annabel, when you were dueling those two Death Eaters with two wands, did you notice anything odd?” I shook my head as I dropped the wand by the Death Eater.

“I might have found a way to make us more powerful.” I hurried back to Grimmauld Place, entering to find Hermione and Harry waiting.

“Hey, guys. You don't have to worry about those Death Eaters anymore.” Hermione sighed in relief, while Harry smiled thinly.

“Where's Ron?” Hermione giggled, and Harry’s face reddened.

“He won't let himself be in the same room as you after he saw you.” I blushed, and Hermione laughed, before I excused myself clumsily, hurrying into a random room, which turned out to be the den. I sat down, and spoke to Rowena.

“So, what's this idea?” She sighed.

“Watch your right arm.” I did, and was surprised when it lifted up seemingly of its own accord.

“Wh-how?” She explained as I looked at the arm in wonder.

“Remember when I gave you those terrible headaches in your fifth year?” I winced at the memory.

“Well, recently I've been beginning to wonder whether or not I could affect your physical body as well. Technically, I was dueling those Death Eaters at the same time as you were. If we could figure out a dueling technique that deals with two-handed spellcasting, it would be incredibly beneficial if we had to face a much more powerful wizard than ourselves.” I understood the implied wizard in question, and sighed.

“Well, you've read every book in existence so far, so has anyone ever done it?” She hummed, and I imagined her mentally sifting through a large filing cabinet of information.

“No, sadly, they have not. Dueling with a sword and casting spells with a wand has occurred, but not two wands. I suppose we’ll be the first.” I groaned, putting a hand to my forehead as my adrenaline-fueled anger died out, replaced by a deep sense of weariness.

“Annabel, do you trust me?” I leaned back in the chair, and sighed.

“Yes, I suppose I do.” Rowena chuckled, and replied as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Strangely enough, when I awoke, I was not in the chair in the den. Rather, I was sitting upright in the kitchen, while Rowena was conversing rapidly with the three others. I yawned ferociously, interrupting Rowena mid-sentence before speaking.

“How'd I get here?” Hermione shrugged nonchalantly, but I noted her underlying anxiety.

“Rowena walked.” I frowned, and Rowena chimed in.

“I've found that while you're asleep, I can control your body. Don't worry, I haven't done anything bad.” I sighed, and dragged my hand over my face.

“I trust you, Rowena. Don't make me regret it.” She snorted, and Hermione spoke.

“Anna, Rowena spoke to us about a very pressing matter I think should be addressed while you were asleep.” I scowled at no one in particular.

“Of course you did.” Hermione gulped, and pressed on.

“No, it really is. With what happened last full moon, we think it'd be safer for you if you went to Ron’s older br-“ I interrupted her swiftly.

“Safer for me, or so I don't tear you lot to pieces?” She sighed tremulously.

“Annabel, please don't get heated. Lycanthropy is a very dangerous disease, especially on the affected. Bill can brew the Wolfsbane potion for you, so you wouldn't have to be shut into a musty old closet every month. Plus, it would keep you from progressively weakening, which is another symptom of the disease.” I huffed, and crossed my arms, pouting angrily. Ron spoke up, to my surprise.

“Look, Annabel, normally I'd want you right next to us, ‘cause you're the best dueler in Britain, and you're smart to boot, but… This stuff is dangerous, and you'd be safer at Bill and Fleur’s.” I scowled.

“Dumbledore said to go with you.” Harry leaned forward.

“Yes, but what if the full moon rose when we were in the middle of the forest? What if you accidentally bit one of us, or even killed one of us?” I looked down at the table, arms still crossed.

“Yeah, but… I want to be with you guys. I feel like I need to see this out, to the end.” Ron’s eyes dropped, and Hermione’s lower lip quivered.

“It's for the best, Annabel. You have to trust us.” I turned my head to the side, and Rowena spoke.

“It's true, what they say. For your safety, Annabel.” I looked back at them, tears welling up as I spoke, voice cracking.

“I wanted to try to make it up to you lot, you know that? I wanted to keep you safe after how mean I was, and now I can't. I'll go, but you better be damn sure I'll be there when You-Know-Who attacks you, because he will. And I'll be waiting.” I rose, glad I didn't have to pack anything, and left with Ron, into the still-empty square before we Apparated away.

When we arrived, I ignored the beautiful cottage built on the hill next to the sea, stomping to the door with Ron. He knocked three times, and Bill, Ron’s older brother, answered, wand drawn.

“Ron? Who’s this?” Ron spoke quickly.

“No time to explain, Bill. I need you to keep her here, out of harms way. D’you still have your old Potion’s kit?” When Bill nodded, Ron sighed in relief.

“This is Annabel Finlayson.” Comprehension crossed his face, and he blanched.

“Ron, I might have an old cauldron, but I'm not a potion brewer.” He sighed.

“Well, fine, we’ll take her to her pare-oh, wait, they've disowned her and burned her belongings. Maybe Hogwarts? I'm sure Snape would be open to a half-breed traitor that left his House knocking on his door.” This unusual aggression from Ron surprised me, and I was equally surprised when Fleur Delacour appeared at the door, speaking in a somewhat lighter accent.

“I can brew ze potion, Bill.” Ron nodded in thanks to Fleur, while Bill regarded me suspiciously.

“Oh, Bill, let ze poor girl in.” Fleur pleaded with him, and he relented after a moment.

“Okay, alright, fine. You can stay.” I smiled thinly, and Ron patted my back.

“Look, Annabel, it's for the best.” I snorted, and replied quietly.

“Don't any of you die on me, Weasley. Hear me? Or I'll bring you back and kill you again.” He gulped, and nodded before stepping to the edge of the boundary and Apparating off. I turned to the couple waiting in the door, and rolled my shoulders.

“Let's get this over with. Hi, I'm Annabel Finlayson, former Death Eater, werewolf, Animagus, and also former mass murderer. Nice to make your acquaintance.” Fleur and Bill blinked in unison, before Bill half-smiled.

“Nice to meet you, Annabel.”


Shell Cottage was simultaneously quaint and hellish. I had multitudes of free time, mostly spent working on the two-handed dueling (which took extra time considering I had to get used to letting half of my body be controlled by someone else), and bumming around, listening to the radio or helping Fleur with chores or pestering Bill about when I could leave with him.

“No, you can't go. Ron specifically asked me to keep you here, and I intend to honor that.” I growled, and stomped around the house, trying to find something to vent my anger on until I heard Fleur from the kitchen.

“Anna, ze radio is on!” I dashed to it, turning the volume nob and grabbing it from it’s precarious position on the open windowsill.

“Reports are coming in of a break-in at the Ministry of Magic, where an unknown assailant broke into the upper offices of the Ministry early this morning, in the process freeing several sentenced Mudbloods and Blood Traitors and injuring several staff members. Preliminary suspects are pointing at the Public Enemy Number One, Harry Potter, and his known accomplices Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. So far no word has been heard concerning their known accomplice, mass murderer Annabel Finlayson. More news will be aired as events unfold.” I set it back down hurriedly, and dashed around the house, shifting into the cat so I wouldn't knock things over, before meowing loudly and coming to a stop in front of Bill.

“No, you can't leave, Annabel. We've talked about this.” I hissed, and ran up to my room, the guest room, and shifted back.

“Rowena, I need to burn energy or I'm going to break something, or possibly someone.” She replied calmly, infuriating me with her patience.

“No, you don't. Sit down on the bed and cross your legs.” I fumbled, but did as she said.

“Now, put your hands on your knees and close your eyes.” I opened my mouth to question her, but she continued quickly.

“Annabel, just do it.” I groaned, and closed my eyes.

Now, breathe in deeply through your nose, and out through your mouth. I hardly noticed that she had changed from speaking aloud to in my mind, as focused as I was on the breathing.

“What's the point in this?” She shushed me slowly.

Sh. Relax, Annabel. Let go of your emotions. Let your thoughts drop away. I tried to do as she said, and, presently, I began to relax, anger at not being able to leave fading away with every breath I took.

May I ask you something, Annabel? I nodded.

Why did you want to stay with them, even if you knew it would be dangerous? I sighed.

“Well, I felt like I needed to be there for them, not just because Dumbledore said so or that I feel like I need to make it up to them, but because they need me. I may not be the smartest, or the bravest, but I am a survivor, and they'll need someone like that to keep them together.” She sighed, and I opened my eyes.

Still, it's for the best, yes? I shrugged.

“Everyone keeps telling me it is.” She chuckled.

I think it's time to let you in on a few secrets I've learned in my time as a dead person. I know more spells than anyone on this planet, and with our new dueling style it would be most beneficial if I taught you them. I nodded eagerly, and stood, eager to learn.

Chapter 25: The Return To The Castle

Chapter Text

I sat bolt upright as Bill gently tapped my shoulder.

“What? What is it?” He spoke quietly.

“Ron, Harry, and Hermione are here, as well as several others. I figured you'd want to see them as soon as possible.” I jumped out of bed, dashing past him and out of the door, taking the stairs three at a time before seeing the three of them hurrying into the door, Harry half-carrying a girl with bright, curly blonde hair. I dashed over to Hermione, wrapping her in bone-crushing hug before drawing back and glaring at her ferociously.

“I leave you alone and you decide to break into the second-most secure building in Britain! Not one word to me, about what you were doing. No warning, no messages, and I had to hear about it on the radio!” Hermione looked up at me, and it was then I noticed the thick stream of tears falling from her eyes, as well as the blood dripping down her arm.

“Bill, Fleur, Hermione’s hurt!” I slipped her good arm over my shoulder, and carried her over to the kitchen. I sat her down in a chair, rummaging frantically through the cupboards before swearing and drawing my wand.

Accio Dittany!” The small bottle flew out of a drawer and I caught it deftly, running over to her and kneeling beside her.

“Where’s the cut, Hermione?” She looked at me fearfully, for some reason, before lifting her bloody arm to show me her forearm, where someone had carved the word ‘Mudblood’ into it. My hands began to shake, and I handed the bottle off to Fleur before stumbling back, trying to get ahold of the hot, pulsing rage in my chest. I staggered towards the back door, falling into the door and storming quickly out to the beach, breathing in large gulps of air.

“Annabel, calm down. Breath through your nose.” I shook my head.

“No. I know who did it. I know her handwriting, Rowena.” I paced back and forth, trying to alleviate my anger, before stopping, glaring out into the surf, hands hanging listlessly by my sides. I sank down to a seated position, squatting on my feet with my head in my hands, before jumping up and screaming in anger, loud enough to scare the seagulls off of the roof of the cottage, and I felt the ground rumble beneath me. A crack grew from my feet, spreading quickly out into the sea, the water hissing and frothing where the crack touched it. Suddenly, a geyser shot up, the waves receding slightly as it began to rain. I stood, watching the water rain down, and huffed angrily before returning to the cottage, finding Hermione sitting on a couch, arm bound in tight cloth. Upon seeing my drenched and angry form, she tried to stand, and failed, falling back into her seat. I stomped over to her, and pointed a shaky finger at her arm.

“Who?” She looked away, refusing to meet my eyes, and I squatted down in front of her.

“Hermione Granger, I will not allow you to sit idly by and let people carve racial slurs into your arms. I used to have to brush my hair over my forehead to cover up the ‘Mudblood-Lover’ they'd write on my face and I will not let it happen to someone else. Who wrote it?” She looked up at me, nervously meeting my gaze. “J-Jessamine.” I bowed my head, and breathed through my nose loudly.

“Annabel, it's okay, it's only a cut, it’ll heal.” I shook my head, voice rising.

“No, it's not okay, you know why? Because I used to say it. I used to say Mudblood like it was just a word, too. I believed it once. But now, I know I was wrong. Words hurt. It isn't just a word, or just a cut, Hermione. The people I killed aren't just corpses. Okay?” She nodded meekly, and I dropped onto the couch next to her.

“I want to make things right, Hermione. I want to pay them back for every word I said. And I will, if it kills me. But I will not sit by and let that psychotic woman carve that into your arm.” She gave me a watery smile, and sniffed.

“Thanks, Anna.” I smiled in return, and she sniffed, clearing her throat.

“Well, I know one way you can get back at them.” My head perked up.

“Oh? Is it vicious and cruel?” She snorted.

“Maybe. We've heard rumors of a group of students living in hiding, somewhere in Hogwarts. Ginny is staying with them, as well as Neville.” I jumped to my feet, pulling her with me.

“Well, we've got no time to waste, then.” She shook her head.

“You can go, but we can't. I've got an idea for something big, but you can't come. It's too dangerous.” I scowled, and she leaned on me as we walked to the kitchen, where the rest of the people stood or sat.

“Fine. You know what, I trust you.” She smiled weakly, and we entered the room. Hermione spoke to Bill and Fleur as I eased her into a chair.

“Bill, Fleur, can you get ahold of some supplies? Annabel and I have agreed that she’s going to Hogwarts.” The room erupted into a chorus of dissension, Harry winning the floor after a moment.

“Hogwarts? That's incredibly dangerous, Hermione. Suicidal, even. With Snape in control, she'd be caught within the day, or worse.” She shook her head.

“She's going to try to find the missing students. Besides, what we’ve got in mind isn't safe either, is it?” He shrugged, conceding the point, and Bill stood.

“It's dangerous, definitely, but I have a feeling she can handle it. Remember that rat nest you took care of?” I shuddered at the memory, and nodded.

“If I can handle that, there’s no way Hogwarts is going to be a challenge. I'll go pack up.” I left them after patting Hermione on the shoulder, and hurried up to my room, surprised to find someone laying in the bed. The goblin frowned at me from the door before his eyes widened in recognition.

“Y-Y-You're Annabel Finlayson!” I nodded modestly, grabbing the various items I owned (around three things) and waved to him before returning to the kitchen, where Bill waited with a large burlap sack.

“This should be plenty of food. My bet is the Hog’s Head. Aberforth’ll know a way in.” I smiled thinly, and he patted my shoulder.

“Thanks for letting me stay here, Bill.” He grinned slightly, some other emotion keeping his face in check.

“Anything for a fellow victim of a werewolf.” I frowned, and he chuckled.

“Oh, no, I'm not a werewolf. I got scratched up plenty, but not bitten. Good luck.” I nodded grimly, and hefted the burlap sack, carrying it in one hand by my side as I stepped into the entrance hallway, where waited Harry, Ron, Hermione, and, to my surprise, Luna Lovegood and Olivander, the wandmaker, who spoke first, supported by Luna.

“I remember when you came into my shop, Ms. Finlayson. I remember the exact measurements of your wand. Cherrywood, with Dragon Heartstring. Thirteen inches long. May I see, it, if you would?” I drew my wand, and handed it to him carefully. He examined it, occasionally sighing or scowling, before handing it back.

“You are very peculiar, Ms. Finlayson.” I frowned, accepting my wand.

“Why is that?” He rubbed his chin with his hand for a second before continuing.

“Well, firstly, it appears that you use two wands, which is incredible all in its own, but there is something else. Between wandmakers, we discuss wandmaking methods, different cores, and so on. There has also been talk, nothing but rumour and conjecture, that the power of magic has been declining, very slowly, since the days of the founders of Hogwarts. Might I see your second wand?” I hesitated for a moment, before pulling Salazar’s wand from my pocket and handing it to him. As soon as he touched it, he sucked in a breath.

“It is true, then. This wand is incredibly powerful, more so than almost all other wands. Be very careful with it.” I took it back gratefully, and shook his outstretched hand. I hugged Luna awkwardly before repeating the gesture with Harry and Hermione. I drew Ron away from the group, and scowled darkly.

“Ron, while I'm gone, you take care of Hermione, hear? I don't want to hear about anything happening to her, and if I do…” I let the threat hang in the air, and he nodded quickly.

“’Course.” I hugged him too, before releasing and standing by the door.

“Goodbye, all.” They murmured their farewells, and I smiled tightly before stepping outside, walking to the boundary, and Apparating away.

When I appeared, with a dull crack, I was standing in front of the door to the Hog’s Head, burlap sack over my shoulder and wand drawn. I marched confidently to the door, opening it and entering to find a totally empty building, save the old bartender, who was aiming his wand at me.

“Finlayson? The bloody hell are you doing here?” I raised my hands, and spoke calmly.

“I'm here to meet someone named Aberforth.” He snorted.

“Well, you're looking at him. What do you want?” I cautiously approached the bar, and spoke quietly.

“On my shoulder is a burlap sack containing a lot of food. I need passage into Hogwarts.” He scowled at me, and hesitated for a moment before beckoning.

“Go on, follow me. I swear, you're suicidal if you think you can just waltz into the castle. You'd be dead before your foot stepped over the threshold.” I followed him up a set of stairs as he continued talking.

“They've got dementors, Death Eaters guarding all the secret passageways, and, worst of all, Severus Snape is headmaster.” He stopped in front of a painting of a girl, and turned to face me.

“Are you sure you want to get into Hogwarts, girl? It isn't like you'd remember at all. All of the Muggle-Borns are in hiding, seeing as if they showed their faces they'd be tortured for fun.” I nodded confidently, successfully masking my inner fear, and he turned to the painting, muttering something to the girl before she turned, and walked towards the back of the painting, to my surprise. Aberforth hurried downstairs, returning with two glasses and a bottle.

“Here. For good luck, eh?” I nodded, and he uncorked the bottle with some difficulty before filling the two glasses with an amber-coloured liquid.

“To your safety.” I nodded, and sipped the drink, holding down a cough as it burned a line of fire down my throat.

Annabel, that is very expensive whiskey. I believe it has been aged for almost twenty years. You should thank him for this. I cleared my throat, eyes watering, and spoke.

“Thank you, for this whiskey. Must've been expensive.” He shook his head.

“Made it myself. Been saving it for something, but ever since Albus died, well…” I nodded, and sipped some more, noting how smooth it felt in my mouth.

“You knew Professor Dumbledore?” He snorted, draining his glass.

“Albus was my brother.” I choked on the drink, and tried to regain my composure.

“I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know-“

“No, that's fine. Not many people knew that. Anyway, you want another glass before you head out?” I looked down at my empty glass, noting the feeling of warmth it stirred in my chest, and nodded. He refilled the glasses, and we toasted once more, me speaking this time.

“To Albus Dumbledore.” He nodded grimly, and we drank. I had just finished my glass when the girl returned, this time toting a semi-familiar face: the Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom. The painting swung open, and he climbed down carefully.

“Annabel Finlayson?” I nodded, hefting the bag of food back onto my shoulder.

“I've got food and a message. Can I come?” He frowned.

“Yes, but I'll be watching you, seeing as you've had a pretty rough track record with the good guys. Thanks, Aberforth.” I turned to the bartender, and shook his outstretched hand.

“We’ll have to meet again, sometime. I'd like to learn how to make whiskey.” He chuckled, and nodded. I handed the bag up to Neville, who had climbed back up into the tunnel, before climbing up my self. With one last wave to Aberforth, the painting shut. We walked quickly along the hallway, mostly in tense silence, until he spoke.

“What's the message?” I shrugged, already missing the whiskey that had given me the courage to climb up into the tunnel.

“The message is that I'm here to disrupt the school in any way possible, and, believe me, I know how to mess with people.” He snorted, and we came up to an opening.

“Hey, guys, we've got someone here who’s brought some supplies!” A hoarse cheer went up, and I was surprised to see a large room full of people, with hammocks strung in various corners. They clustered around us, as Neville handed out bread from the bag, while I slipped through the crowd, looking for anyone I knew. I was surprised to see a bloody and bruised Ginny helping some younger kids set up a hammock.

“Ginny?” She turned, caught sight of me, and rushed over, wrapping me in a hug.

“Annabel? Why are you here? Where are Ron, Harry, and Hermione?” I spoke quietly, leading her over to a secluded corner.

“I'm here to help, but I can't say where they are. Can you get me to the lake?” She looked at me for a moment, before nodding.

“Why do you need to get there?” I shrugged nonchalantly, searching for an explanation.

“I, uh, left something there that could help us. Just trust me.” She nodded, and led me through the various areas, coming up to a door.

“We really don't know where it will let you out, but we’re in the Room of Requirement, if that helps. Be careful.” I nodded, smiling grimly, before opening the door and hurrying out, shutting it quietly behind me. I looked around, trying to gauge my location, before realizing I was standing in front of the broom cupboard in the Entrance Hall, thankfully when no one was present. I shifted into the cat, scampering outside and running down to the shore, where I hid behind a bush before switching back and whispering frantically.

“Gryffindor! Hey, Godric, can you hear me?” He did not appear, and I swore.

“Rowena, what do we do?” She thought for a moment before speaking.

“I'm not sure. Are you sure he didn't hear you?” Right after she finished speaking, a hand gripped the back of my neck. I writhed, trying to escape, but stopped when the familiar voice spoke.

“Hello, you two.” I turned my head to see Godric, no longer benignly smiling, but rather somber and depressed. I put a hand on his shoulder, and spoke.

“How’ve you been?” He looked morosely at the lake.

“Not good. With the dementors patrolling the boundary, my underwater garden died, and it's always cold in the lake now.” I nodded grimly.

“Well, I can understand if you don't want to, but we were planning to try to disrupt the school, not necessarily attack it, but just try to confuse them as much as possible. If you want to help?” He regarded me cautiously.

“What do you mean, disrupt?” I shrugged.

“Prank, basically. Just annoy them to death, if at all possible.” He sighed.

“Perhaps. I shall think on it, Ms. Finlayson. Beware, the full moon is soon. Perhaps you'd like for me to help you?” I nodded eagerly.

“That'd be great, seeing as I forgot all about it once I got here. Thank you.” He nodded, and pulled me into a tender hug.

“Be careful, both of you.” I smiled into his shoulder, and we released. As we walked back towards the castle, I spoke to Rowena.

“So. Have any ideas, or do you want me to take over?” She sighed, and, just before I shifted back into the cat, spoke.

“A few, yes.”

Chapter 26: Surviving The Killing Curse (For Dummies)

Chapter Text

The next few weeks passed quickly, in the wake of a successful and devastating run of pranks, perpetrated by myself, Rowena, a few of the others, and, to my surprise, Peeves. Turns out he had a few scores to settle, and once I managed to free him from an enchanted vase, he was ready to fight. There were stacks of parchment burned, paintings stolen, pottery smashed, ink spilled on important documents, and, at the pinnacle of my pranking career, I stole Snape’s entire desk, contents included, after getting the password from a helpful Slytherin. I set up a small area inside the Room of Requirement, using the desk as my own to plan and coordinate large-scale, cross-school pranks (such as flooding the dungeons, or pouring buckets of sewage down the staircases, for example). I began to notice the mood of the group was improving, the more pranks we pulled, which pushed me to be even more brave in my attempts. In fact, I even dyed Mrs. Norris bright pink, doused her in water, and set her loose in the staffroom during a meeting. This all changed when Harry arrived, with Ron and Hermione. I spoke to him quickly, learning his plan and the situation, before shifting into the cat and streaking off, searching for a familiar scent. I found her sitting in her office, wearing a nightgown, working on grading a few sheets of homework. I meowed quietly, getting her attention, before padding into the room. She quickly shut the door, and I shifted back.

“Ms. Finla-“ I shushed her, and spoke at a whisper.

“Harry is here. No time to explain, but he’s going to Ravenclaw Tower.” She nodded, and opened the door before shifting herself, and leaving me there. I shifted back, and followed, staying a bit behind her before she reached the staircase, shifting back and climbing quickly to the source of loud banging and swearing. I stayed back a few steps, and watched as she helped a hunched, mean-looking old man with a shining bald spot enter the dormitory, and the chaos that ensued afterwards. I shifted back, bursting into the main room with my wands drawn, to find McGonagall speaking quickly to Harry. She finished, hurrying past me and out of the common room. Harry walked over, accompanied by Luna Lovegood.

“Annabel, can you start setting up defenses for the castle? You-Know-Who is on the way.” I nodded, and spoke as he left.

“Does that mean we can say his name now?” He nodded grimly, and they left me alone. I spoke to myself, and to Rowena.

“Your reckoning has come, Voldemort.”

A few short minutes later, the castle was awake and buzzing. Students, teachers, members of Dumbledore’s Army, and even a few members of the Order of the Phoenix. I was helping Filch move the Slytherins out of the castle, per the request of McGonagall, when a familiar voice made me stop. I finished shooing first years into a secret passage, and turned to face Draco.

“Annabel, can we talk?” I shook my head.

“No, we can't.” I turned to return to the Great Hall, but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm.

“Don't ever touch me again.” He let go of me, and I left him standing there, confused. Once I found McGonagall, she sent me to go talk to the seventh-years guarding the stone bridge.

“Why do I need to go talk to them?” She sighed, and looked at me over her glasses.

“They are the only group without an adult as their leader, and I would prefer if you stayed with them, in order to encourage them. Several of them will probably not see the dawn.” I bowed my head, and left, hurrying to the group of students, who were sitting in the courtyard, looking dejected and afraid. I walked up to them, and cleared my throat, drawing their attention.

“Hey, guys. I’m supposed to lead your group.” A few of the guys sized me up, and a girl snorted.

“You? I’d do a better job leading us to our deaths than you would.” I scowled.

“Out of the two of us, who’s killed more people? I count mine at, oh, around twenty-four. You?” She balked, and I pressed onward.

“You ever killed in a duel before? No? Well, I think it's better to leave this job to someone more experienced, then.” She sat back down, and I spoke to the group.

“I may not be the oldest, or the smartest, or even the bravest, but I'm staying here because the cause we’re fighting for is right. Now, if you want to be a coward like all of the Slytherins who have Death Eater parents, that's fine, you can go ahead and leave. But if I see you turn sides and attack our own, I won't hesitate to curse you. Believe me.” A guy with a scar going down his eye raises an eyebrow.

“My parents are Death Eaters.” I nodded.

“So are mine.” He snorted.

“Who? Some low-level baddie?” I rose up to my full height, and replied proudly (well, not proudly, but you know what I mean).

“My mother is a member of Voldemort’s Elite Four, as was I until I burned the Dark Mark out of my skin. I can show you the scars.” He backed off, and I sighed.

“Look. McGonagall thinks some of you are going to die before the sun comes up.” The group collectively scowled.

“Let’s prove her wrong, yeah? I want every single one of you to make it to tomorrow, walk up to her, and say ‘I was in the courtyard. We all made it back.’ You hear me?” They nodded, mildly inspired, and I rolled my shoulders, drawing both of my wands.

“You use two wands?” I nodded.

“I'm an entrepreneur of sorts. Inventing the two-wanded fighting style.” The girl who asked nodded, impressed.

“You must have two brains to be able to use both arms at the same time.” I shrugged, hiding a knowing smile.

“Something like that.” I jumped as Voldemort began to speak. Once he’d finished, I rolled my shoulders.

“Alright, guys, let’s get ready.” I walked out a bit onto the bridge, others stationed in the courtyard, and blanched as a familiar face, or, familiar mask stepped onto the bridge.

“Hello, Jessamine.” She dissipated the mask, revealing a snarling face.

“Hello, Annabel. I see you've made your choice, then. And you'll face the consequences of spitting on the Dark Lord’s gift.” I shrugged.

“Better to die for what is right than to live for evil, mother.” She snorted, and put the mask back on.

“Shall we?” I tightened my grip on my wand and Salazar's, and nodded.

“Yes, we shall.” With a quick swipe of her wand, she sent the first spell. I muttered quietly as I dueled with my left arm.

“Rowena, don't interfere until I say. I want to see if I can beat her on my own.” She replied quickly.

“I will intervene if you are about to die.” We dueled swiftly, me no longer striving for grace or beauty, but cruel precision. Her techniques were sloppy, but she was a dangerous spell caster nonetheless, and I was hard-pressed to keep an edge in the duel. I sensed that, even though she was powerful, myself alone was enough to defeat her. The memory of the picture, the Howlers, and Hermione's bleeding cuts pulled up a wellspring of anger, and I sneered down my wand at her before speaking.

“Rowena, at your leisure.” She took over the right side, moving in perfect sync with my left, and us combined was far beyond what my mother could compete with. A brutal combination of hexes and spells brought her to her knees, wand laying on the ground at my feet.

“I guess good trumps evil, hm?” She was looking at me, mouth agape, mask gone.

“Two wands? H-How?” I leered triumphantly, and shrugged.

“It takes practice, but I did have help. Anyone else want to duel?” Sadly, they did not run away, but rather surged forward, angered by the defeat of their comrade. I fired hexes and jinxes at them, as the other seventh-years joined in, before ducking behind the wall.

“We’ve got to keep them out of the castle, Rowena. I've got an idea, but you won't like it.” She swore, which surprised me, and I wiped a line of sweat off of my forehead.

“Do it.” I stood, surrounded by a hailstorm of spells, and aimed my wand carefully, shouting the most powerful Destruction Spell I knew. The orange light sank into the bridge, and with a tremendous explosion, it began to collapse. The Death Eaters retreated, and I leaned against the wall for a moment, regaining my breath. The sound of spells and shouts drew me from my position.

“Stay here, guard the bridge.” The group nodded, and I dashed off into the castle, searching for anyone to fight or help. I saw a group Death Eaters advancing on five people, who I realised were Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and one of Ron’s various older brothers, Percy. I ran towards them, doubling my pace as I saw Fred look away from his dueler for a moment. I barreled into him, knocking him over as a Killing Curse soared over his head, hitting a nearby wall. We were surrounded by a cloud of dust, and I coughed violently, even as he did. When the dust cleared, I looked down at him from where I was lying on top of him, and spoke shakily.

“Er, long time no see, Weasley?” He looked back at me, and without a second’s hesitation we kissed, making out covered in dust in an active warzone. Our romantic reunion was interrupted when George coughed loudly.

“Oh, uh, I'd better-there’s more fighting going on, so I'll go help. See you around, Fred.” I stood, and dashed off, face beet red, back into the castle. I was soon distracted by a scene that made my blood curdle. Remus Lupin was standing in a doorway, defending what looked like a group of students and a severely injured Nymphadora Tonks, dueling six Death Eaters at once with a snarl on his face. I chose to be physical instead of using magic, slamming into one and bowling two more over, taking them by surprise and giving Remus the chance to beat the other three before I rolled away from the other three. Once he’d dispatched them, he pulled me to my feet, dusting me off.

“Thank you, Annabel.” I smiled, and replied, eyeing Nymphadora nervously.

“She need medical attention, Professor Lupin.” He turned, and looked at her, worried.

“I know, but she refuses to leave me.” I nodded, trying to think of a way to get her to the impromptu Hospital Wing, the Great Hall.

“Let me talk to her.” He nodded, and stepped aside, allowing me in. I knelt next to her, and inspected her wounds, three large cuts in her side that were being feverishly attended to by a Hufflepuff boy.

“Excuse me.” He moved, and I spoke as I bandaged her properly.

“You really should go to the Great Hall.” She shook her head, gritting her teeth through the pain.

“I can't leave Remus.” I sighed in exasperation.

“Well, honestly, you aren't doing much good lying there on the floor, and I'm pretty sure he would want you there so he can focus on keeping everyone alive, not looking after you.” She scowled at me, before relenting.

“Fine. Tell him I'll go, but he'd better come back.” I nodded, and stood, instructing the Hufflepuff to help her up. I spoke to Remus as she limped to the door behind me.

“I’m taking her to the Great Hall.” He nodded, and they kissed briefly. Before she left, she pressed a slip of paper into his hand.

“Remember who you're fighting for.” We left, her leaning on me, making slow, but steady progress through the castle, stopping more than once to duel enemies (who were no match for three wands at once) before descending the staircase and running into a group of wizards and witches guarding the doors. I spoke hurriedly as they raised their wands.

“Please, we need in. Nymphadora-ow! Er, Tonks needs medical help.” They parted, and we pushed through, entering the Great Hall, which looked exactly like the Hospital Wing, but much larger, filled with beds and cots full of people. I set her down on an empty cot, and explained the situation to Madam Pomfrey.

“She’s got three large cuts on her side that are bleeding profusely. Please take care of her.” She nodded, and I left after a brief hug with Nymphadora before rushing back into the fray. I took on a slightly different role than fighter, instead deciding to find spots in need and bring the injured back to Madam Pomfrey, every so often checking in on the duelers in the courtyard, who were shooting spells over the walls across the gap at the Death Eaters, who were in turn doing the same. The fight was going reasonably well, Hogwarts holding its own against the forces of evil, until, all of a sudden, the Death Eaters drew back. I was checking in on the courtyard when this began, and we remained on alert until Professor Sprout found us.

“Bring your injured back to the Great Hall while you can.” She left us, and I looked at them.

“Are we all alright?” They nodded as a group, before I sat back.

“Whew. That was exhausting, eh?” The screams shot me to my feet. I flew through the castle, seventh-years in tow, reaching the Entrance Hall to find a group clustered on the lawn. I shoved through the crowd, ending up near Ron, who was staring at someone, a corpse, laying on the ground at Voldemort’s feet-

The sinking feeling in my stomach dropped out as I realized it was Harry, laying on the ground, and, instead of screaming or crying, I charged out into the grass, followed by people calling my name.

“Annabel, wait!”

“No, Anna!” I ignored them, coming to a stop halfway between the two groups. I regarded Voldemort with a glare filled with pure hate, and I swore I saw him hesitate.

“You. Traitor.” His voice was amplified, loud enough for the whole area to hear, and I responded loudly.

“You killed him. That was a mistake.” He sneered at me as I heard a cackle from beside him.

“How so, little Finlayson? I heard you defeated your mother using strange magic. Dueling with two wands is not an easy feat. Perhaps you had help?” I snarled, and, to my surprise, Rowena responded.

“Tom Marvolo Riddle. You will regret this.” He snorted, which turned into a laugh, finally into a cackle, like a mad hyena, which echoed around the grounds for a moment before receding.

“I see this cat has claws. Or, maybe, someone else does, Ms. Ravenclaw?” My eyes snapped to his, and I spoke.

“So that was you. The dream.” He smiled menacingly, and I twitched in anger.

“Yes, it was me. Allowing a half-breed into my inner circle without my own knowledge? I should have killed your mother for it. But, when I found out, I chose to relieve my anger in another place. Your father lasted long, but his death was inevitable. As is the death of all Half- and Mudbloods, including yourself, werewolf.” I growled, rage filling me as he promised the genocide of an entire species, before hearing a shouted warning.

“Look out!” I turned, whipping my arm faster than I should have, putting all of my anger at Voldemort, Bellatrix, my mother, and Draco, as well as the grief that seeped into me at the news of my father’s death into a single blow to the head of a massive snake that was leaping at me, mouth unhinged. Salazar's wand connected with it’s lower jaw, and, with a resounding boom, it exploded into bright white shards, which spread out evenly over the lawn. Voldemort shrieked, and I turned just in time to block a series of curses.

“Rowena, let’s do this!” We began dueling ferociously, at a speed I didn't even know possible, dodging and casting incredibly fast, implementing the second phase of the two-wanded combat: Rowena would focus on fighting, and I would be the one moving. I flipped and danced around the curses like a gymnast, surprised to see us fending off both Voldemort himself and Bellatrix. I could feel myself tiring, though, and I thought of an alternative way out, which Rowena heard immediately.

“Annabel, no! There has to be another way!” I shook my head, and replied tensely, sweat pouring down my face.

“It was a good run, Rowena, but there’s only one way this can end.” I took full control of my body, and jammed both of my wands into the ground, releasing a flow of magic so powerful it knocked everyone to the ground save Voldemort and Bellatrix, who stumbled backwards. I stood, panting, wands in my pockets, watching them.

“Well? Go on, kill me. See what happens.” Voldemort snarled, and replied angrily.

“My pleasure. Arvada Kedavra!” As the jet of green light flew towards me, I did my best to try and shield Rowena from the blast, even as she did the same. The spell hit me, and I was knocked into darkness.

I awoke, laying in the Great Hall, surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

“W-Who are you people?” A face near me frowned.

“Anna, it's me, Hermione.” I frowned as the stranger spoke, before hearing the weary voice of Rowena in my head.

It’s her. The Killing Curse interfered with something in your brain and mine. I can no longer use your arms, and you do not seem able to recognize their faces. I looked up at them, still slightly afraid, and spoke.

“What happened? Did we win?” The face that said it was Hermione nodded.

“Harry is alive! So is Fred, by the way... We heard about what happened.” I reddened as I recalled my saving of his life.

“I guess I can't recognize you, for some reason.” The person frowned.

“That is odd. Well, you're safe now, Anna.” I nodded, and laid my head back down. Another person walked up.

Madam Pomfrey.She spoke in amazement.

“You’re alive? B-But that’s not possible... We all saw the Killing Curse hit you in the chest!” I shrugged, and tried to sit up, groaning when I realized my body was sore all over.

“Well, it's a long story, but I understand why. Where’re my wands?” The one who said she was Hermione spoke quietly as Madam Pomfrey backed off, still shooting me nervous glances.

“Your cherry wand is in my pocket, but the other wand is gone. It must have disintegrated as a result of whatever spell you used before he hit you.” I nodded, a bit sad that I couldn't use the wand anymore, but also glad that the wand was gone, as it was too much power for one person to have.

“Can you please help me up?” She did, and we limped through the Great Hall, which was full of people.

“I guess Harry and I have something in common now, yeah? Both of us have survived the Killing Curse. Is You-Know-Who...”

“Dead? Yes. He and Harry dueled after you did, and he was killed by a rebounding curse.” Our conversation was interrupted by someone walking up to us. The person who was Hermione scowled, and Rowena whispered to me.

It’s Draco. I scowled, and, before he could talk, I reached out, driving a punishing right hook to his jaw, sending him down like a sack of potatoes. Hermione smiled a little, and we moved past him, out of the Great Hall and out onto the lawn.

“So, where is everybody?” She pointed down towards the small shack that Hagrid, the Gamekeeper, lived in. I nodded, and we slowly made our way there, mostly in silence, until we stopped before the door.

“How bad is this not recognizing thing?” I sighed, looking down at the ground.

“Pretty bad. I haven't recognized the faces or voices of anyone we’ve met so far, and I have to keep reminding myself that you’re Hermione. I think. Rowena tells me who people are.” She nodded, and patted my back before we mounted the steps to the door.

Chapter 27: Epilogue

Chapter Text

Nineteen Years Later

I was sitting in our lounge, braiding my hair, when a knock sounded at the door.

“Ready, Rowena?” She sighed, and replied.

Yes, I suppose so. I stood, and walked to the door, opening it.

It’s Hermione.

“Hello, Hermione! And...”

Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Fred.

“Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Fred! How was the train station?” The collection of people entered, sitting comfortably in the lounge, while I traded hugs and kisses with who Rowena said was Fred. Harry spoke.

“Good. A little nervous, at first, but weren't we all?” The assembled group chuckled, and I smiled.

“Anyone want a mug of Butterbeer? I've got some if you're thirsty.” Various ‘Yes’s and ‘No thank you’s were said, and the girl who was Hermione accompanied me to the kitchen.

“Is it any better? The face thing, I mean?” I sighed, and turned around to look her in the eye.

“I’m afrai-“ I froze, glasses tipping out of my hands and onto the floor, thankfully not full.

“What is it? Annabel?” I took in a shocked breath, and spoke.

“H-Hermione?” I looked at her face in confusion, recognizing yet not recognizing her.

“Annabel, can you see me? Do you remember my face?” I reached out, and sat back onto the counter, overwhelmed by what I was experiencing.

“I remember you, Hermione!” I dashed out into the lounge, slowly remembering each of their faces as I did.

“Ron, Harry, Ginny, Fred! I remember all of you!” A shout went up, and Fred swept me into a hug. When he let go, I dashed back into the kitchen, returning with a set of tumblers and a bottle.

“This calls for celebration, folks. A glass of the finest whiskey in Britain, brewed by myself and the late Aberforth Dumbledore, fifteen years ago.” They all drank, and I smiled, elated that I was able to know peoples’ faces once more. Once they’d all drank, I cleared my throat.

“Oh, Fred and I also have an announcement for you all.” Fred reddened, while the others looked at us, specifically me, curiously.

“Yesterday we went to the doctor, and we’re going to have a second child!” Everyone cheered, and I leaned my head on Fred’s shoulder, glad everything was back to normal.

Not totally normal. I sighed. Somewhat.


Annabel Finlayson will return in Lacuna, Volume 1: Student Body Pantheon

Snakes and Lions - chunkerror - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.