Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

I ji Station WpM 710 SIllloB 5-nass. fully FARMS I LARDS FOR SALI FARMS I LANDS FOR SALI (03 Out-of'Town Property IN DELANO 48 Minneapolis Tribune Jan. 9, 1972 HOOK FARMS I LANDS FOR SALI 41 Mlniwoti 82 Ala mod home beaut tollmq land on nlack top only 2 ml to Inret 3SW Nnrthfield school district )o8 A Ig new mod dairy setua on blaik too well drained productive land .140 A choice heavy black ground, good bldgs. 160 A 2 state Hwvt excel loc tome woods 141 A rolllnq land w-lakeshom 1 I A next to developed lake w- woods lakeshoie access unlimited potential choice location. ISA w-lakeshoie wooded 100 A chone level land excel bidqs.

9 BO Acres farmt tevtral on black top w-mod homes. 20 Acre w-good home bldas 200 Acre w-aood home blagt 200 A on black top excel blugt 4 BR ramb good terms. 120 A tollmq land w-beaut wooded plots cteek Seveinl smaller wooded acreages 10 to 40 A suitable for bldq sites. Good homes in Lonsdale low taxes close to 35W. All these furmt are located 30 to 50 miles S.

ol Mpls. D. W. Krcnik Real Estate Phone Lonsdale 1-507-887-3861 FARMS I LANDS FOR SALE 611 Minnesota 40 Acre Farm '2 Mi. Lakeshore $18,500 Modasl down pvmt.

on sprinq fd vO ft. dep better fislnnq lakfl. Lake Farm $130 Acre A qrode A 31 2 ocre well kept larm. Only 120 mi, NW Mpls. 875.

FARMS $60 ACRE UP Lake Farms. UP LAKE LOTS $500 UP WE HAVE numtroui Farm Bargains. Our Auttnti ate posted thioughout Mmntiota and will SAVE YOU TIME. TRAVEL AND MON'FY finding your wants! No OBLIGATION SI-'FCIHC WRITE AMAR'S To Sell Buy or Trade A BUSINESS OR RtAL ESTATC )509 MARSHALL MPlS. 3 Call 339-7518 OR 566-1627 215-A.

Farmers farm, 180-A. t.lla b'e, mod. 4 bdrm. hme, bain ou'bldgs, St. Michael 100-A.

Hobbv farm. mod. A bdnn. hme, 2 bdrm. hme, excel, bam outoldqs, Cambridge 78-A.

lovely 4 bdrm. split entry hme, platted 1 acre tuicM toi mobile homes. Elk River 80-A. No bldqs. open A trees, will divide, tarvia rd.

River No bidqs, l.J?0 ft. of loke-shore, ideal home sites, Buffalo 40-A. No bldgs, ideal home site, trees open only Cham- 32-A. Howmq year around creek, trees open, secluded, $4,500, 'terms, NW of Cambndqe 30-A. No bidqs, Mississippi River frtqe, trees, ideal home site, NW of Roqeis 25-A.

No bidqs, will divide 21', acies up, tarvia toad, SW of Elk Ruer MENZEL REALTY Osseo, Mn. 45 3221 or 428-1400 "THINK 83 acre Elk River, 3 BR. barn, rich soil, fenced, beef set-up Cail now -Spring will be too lore! 80 acres Bq take. 2 BR, 2 story home, barn, shed, 40 wooded $20,000. Good horse set-up Duck Pond with 40 acres of land--4000 short Pines, tall oaks $8,500.

look today! FARMS I LANDS FOR SALI 611 Minnesota HOBBY FARM Near laylor's Falls. Very beaut. 3 BR walkout ramb. with elec. hnt pump, lots of carreting i Ig.

tpld. amuse, rm. with stone trplc. 8 stnll horse barn with hot S. cold water, bath, elec.

hoated teak rm. 4- pole burn. 35 A. with pond 4 thousands of trees. 2.i A.

is pasture Close to Tiollhouqen Vol Croix Ski Lodcies. Mid Ml Ms. IN MAPLE PLAIN On Co. Rd. 6 W.

of Lyndole. A gieat big, square, qold faim home with black shutters it "qinqer take." 4SV, A. 4 another 41 A. avail 5 form. dm.

rm. with built-in huth, den, eating space in 1740 sq. ft. on I st coma, cptd. 53 ACRES located ml.

W. of new Mound school. Barn, small house, qranary 4 cnb. Great development poss. Appro 84 front by 2640 deep with road on both ends.

$64,500. Phone Aubie Thcis, 473-5405 or 4.2:W EBERHARDT FARMS FOR INVESTMENT These farms are very close in, several ore on srate or county hwv.i 18 26 acres, aood bldas. 74 acres terrific location $1300 per S0 acres high hill many bldq. sites 11 acres Vi mile lakeshore 2 sets of farm bldus. heafed indoor arena with stables $250,000 199 acies shoreline on 2 lakes fion- taqe on 2 sides of state hwv.

3 homes aood barns 80 acres platted in developed area $299,000. 127 acies on State Hwy. at Hamel sewer available. Please cail Catherine or Dick Whit- ten 425-5323 after 4,00 THORPE INC. 588-9483 MLS RFAITORS BUILDING SITES THINK INVESTMENT Acres On Tar $1650 3 Acies All Wooded $3450 5 Acres All Wooded $,1450 10 Acres Part Woods $4650 8 Acres Wooded, creek $5950 20 Acres Woods $8000 35 Acres On Tar $14,000 We have others.

All in Anoka and South Iscinti Co and less than 30 nr. to Mpls. tond prices are qomq up. Buy now and think profits, call me 1 II send you maps. Terms are available.

ERV THOMPSON 545-5541 CALHOUN REALTY 8'7J55 11 2930 HENN. MPLS. 100 A. 50 culti, in St Francis Vil-laae, kit, liv brick 3 bedrms bath, full bsmt, oil ht, wat ht, la barn, qranary. 76 A.

NE of Osseo. on Hy 52, all tillable, for investor. 60 A. 40 culti, open, bal wooded, of Rogers, Wriqht Co. 40 A.

NW of Osseo, with older set of bldgs. for investor. 25 A. open, qood bldq site. On Crow River, of Roqers, Wriqht Co.

20 A. NW of Osseo, open mostly wooded, for investor. 20 A. commercial on Hy, 152, will divide. 5 5 Acres each, ooen, of Osseo St Hy 101, 9ood bldg sites.

Reinking Realty Osseo, Mmn. Ph. 425-2724 LARGE STOCK FARM 304 acres, Le Sueur Co. About 20 miles from Mankato. About 220 acres cropland.

Good alfalfa A corn acreaqe. Fairly new mobile home, good cattle shed, 2 larqe silos with unloaders, qrain bins. Good cattle feedinq setup. Only $280 per acre, easy terms, sprinq possession. Possible to buy the adiominq 214-acie farm with larqe modern home, barn, etc.

Also other farms. AH sizes. Ralph H. Huntzicker 209 loSalle Ida. Mankato, Mn.

Phone 507-345-4064 GET AN EXTRA SEASON OK FUN WITH A 71 EXECUTIVE-DRIVEN INTERNATIONAL TRAVELALL Wont to enloy e.tra weekends Ond vaat.ion Itifs, Hurling njh now? Travelull it the answer. It I We an gel And' buiM lor owing traile.s to the you wen. lo ao. I'e-lect to give you al, Senson ol tun. ty 4 door wagon yuu I.

I time we have a lew Iiavelall wiiiions which weie di verl law international eneamves k.Mllti maintained. low you'll want la make the move iurki are limited fravelcill now. so huny. Ilieie II never be a better In WACON (OR TOURING OR TOWING TOP Travelall has 25 7. nioie cargo spare than conventional 4-dooi waauns.

And It's built specifically tot lowing, tmileis without sirairl, FROM $4150.00 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 3000 Broadway Mmn. 61 2-38 1660 St. Paul, Minn. 612-222-2531 75 Rust 71 Country Sedan V8 AUTO PS, RADIO. 10 PASS RACK A I CONDITION.

PRICED 10 SELL TOOAY $2950 FREEWAY FORD 9700 LYNDALE AV. S. 888-9495 '67 Country Sedan V8, AUTO. PS, FACTORY AIR, RA. DIO, 10 PAS5, $795 FREEWAY FORD 9700 LYNDALE S.


AIR 68 CHEV 6 PASS. AIR. $1795 $1395 $1395 $1395 $995 $995 67 PLY. FURY 67 FORD 9 PASS. AIR.

66 DODGE CORONET. SHARP 66 PLY. FURY. SHARP $895 $995 Kay Chrysler-Plymouth 5101 W. LAKE ST.

926-7877 '69 CUST. 500 Ranch, fact, air, Ist $1445, 544 7405. 70 Plym Wagon Custom suburban 6 passenger. 383 regular gas V-B engine. Torque fiite transmission.

Power steering, power disc brakes, 2 way power tail aate, factory air conditioning, radio, heut-er, H.D. shocks, springs, 24,000 miles. Very clean. $2050 including 72censeOwner 825-0258 1970 PLY. Satellite ra- dio WSW, air 383 enq.

top raclc.938-6593 64 PONT. Fully equip. Fact. oir. Mintcondi926-8442 or 926-7237 62 PONT.

Tempest, excel, tires, bad trans. Cheap. No rust. 546-4047 63 PONT. Tempest, dr, 350 PBJ.PS,J1050,788j4296 '66 PONT.

Cat. 4 dr, V8, AT, PBPS, 65 MERCURY. 72 license. PS, PB? low new tires, battery 474-5610 '67 MERCURY Colony Park. Wife'i car.

Immac. cond. A.C, Must sell. Leased car coming. '62 MERC.

Station wagon $76 890-4480 '69 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE WAGON Purchased new driven sine new by well known Mplt. business executive. This wagon has every extia Pontiac ottered in 1yc9 tnclud ing air conditioning, 6-way power assists, AM-FM stereo radio, wood-grained sides, much, much moiel balance of OM factory warranty. If you are looking for a premium, pampered babied luxury wagon, a look a test drive of this beauty it a must. ARROW PONTIAC 151 5 University (Midway) 645-8161 Snellmg.exit north off way 1-94 '67 PONT.

Catahna," 9 pass." auto. Pi, PB, root rock, rfD susp. $1150. Aqua City Motel, 5739 lyn-dale S. 861-6061 '69 PONTIAC BONNE.

9-pass. fully equipped, needs minor repairs. Must sell this week- 544:048. '69 PONT Bonne, wagon 9-pass, fact, air, stereo, loaded with extras, Co(l83 1 btwn. 1 13.

61 PONT, letnpest. auto, racInoT tank htr, A-l start every day. $125. 37-8364 '68 PONT Executive 6 pass, wag, fact, on, PS. PB.

auto, windows, jiewjires clean. $1500. 646-1514. 63 PONTIAC $295 Catahna clean i luns qood 824-4j25. '62 PONT.

V-8. PS. PB. 63,000 ml! $250. Call 546-3782.

RAMBLER 1962, 6 mow tires, tank heater. $150. ti81-50o8 '64 RAMBLER wag. 6 "stick. Runs good.

$1 99. lenny 3905 E. Lako 65 RAMBLER stick Sla Wag air cond. $350 474-614 '65 RAMBLER 6 cvl. Clean.

Some 484-9485 '66 STUDEBaKER Auto, trans. PS. Good 809 University St. Paul. 297.

2705. 720 Used Autos for Salt 60 Ambassador 4-dr. vs, ToTC oir. AT, PS, PB, tinted glass, very dean, $225. 861-6691 70 American Motors Hornet 2 Dr.

6 cyl. outo. very clean new tires. $1495 Town Edae Ford Hopkin 935 0151 '64 runs good. $j5 781-1368 70 BUILK Elec.

gold 4 dr. vyl roof, all climale control air, 35,000 mi. $3175. 931-5956 6 BUICK OS Special 48,000 2. dr.

HT, A-l, $100, 7B4-696I. 65 BUICK Electro 225, air, 869-6573. '65 $450. Ph. Nwu '63Buick Spec.

6 BUICK Wildcat, convert. 61.000, ot.solute new cond. $95 920-3669 VO BUICK SkylarkCustom, 2 dr. htT so I i 2095 699 25 4 6. '66 BUICK Elertraair power, ex cel.

cond. $1090. 633-358. 61 BUICK. good runnrri).

488-2463 '66 BUICK Riv. Ui low" 42-458) '65 BUICK Riv. pwr. "air, excrbayi 455-3600 eve.j wkndt, 827-3019 '66 BUICK" I I BsHjuti fu 'PrT. vale $1295.

43-B670 '68 BUICK 4 PB, air, new brakes snows, 561 -81 B4 '69 BUirK Skylk. 2 Hr. hti, OS 350 Pfl.noke offer. 483 248 BUlf WiloVair'air," loaderC looks new, 'W or offer, 922 7.193. on li'lICK Skvlnrk 4 Hr Vo P5, 51 fil't.

air, $95. 970 3669. BUI' $50 '63 62 41 1 OVER 250 IOWA AND MINNfSOf A 240 Anas, $326 per oae, boitutlful Ioine 4 bedroom home, new lanie machine thud, lots of grain sror-aoe etc. 1 82 acres level tiled huuk Umd. Cash or FHA will handle.

260 Acres, pflr acre. good 4 bedroom home, atr to qood bam and corn crib. Othei buildings. Nearly all tillable. Level.

Easy terms and intaiest on contract. A bargain. 432 Acres, $210 par acre. Fine 3 bedroom home. Vt'y good Hock and gram farms.

Above aie samples of over 2 SO farms, any ryne or size, all tillable, level back grain farms, feeder setups, dairies or ranch type. Prices $150 to $'i00 per ocre. 95 contracts carried by seller, 5'. interest. If interested in the rlqht faim ot the right price and terms, make an appointment.

Ask for tree Ititmq. OWN ml GOOD EARTH Phone collect early A.M., or eve. or 736-4464. MOUW REAL ESTATE AGENCY ST. ANSGAR, IOWA 5042 300 A daily taim.

Latge house, 132' long dairy burn, this is ideal tor land appreciation. $250.00 per A with terms. 453 A Dairy, aise hogs, feed beef or run a beef cow herd. You can miss on this ona. Real good land with many buildings.

Brand new 3 bedroom home all carpeted. Ready to move in now. $22,900,00 plus assessments. New house on the edge of town, this big new house challenqes comparison. On a IA wooded lot, excellently located.

If you can live a cut above the rest you should see this. 5 30 A So. of C.F. full set of farm bidqs, house is sound but needs work. We're looking for an offer.

For all your real estate needs call Nu-Tec Realty, Cannon Falls, Minn. 507-263-3620 FARMS HOBBY FARMS Large 4 BR ramb. Finished walkout Bsmt. with fireplace up dn. 1140 sq.

ft. on 1st II. ON 2 ACRES in Eden Prairie ON CHURCH LAKE RD. New fenre tor horses, under 36,000 URMS OR TRADE. 20 A 4 BR OLDER FARM HOME.

45 miles So. Weil of Ones, gar. outbldgs. $35,000. 40 ACRES no bldgs.

on blacktop rd. MOBILE HOME PERMIT INCLUDED. $16,000 full price easy terms. 80 ACRES 4 BR BIG HOME, newer barn, gd. bldgs SO.

E. OF SHAKOPEE, 25 A Ig. 3 BR, newer ramb. PERFECT BARN and ourbldgs. on 12, West ol Delano, low taxes EASY TERMS.

Call Mr. Theis, 445-1797, 827 4781 BARTON REALTY HWY. 212 IN COLOGNE 120 rolling acres with great view of town countryside. Very close to town, proposed 4 lane hwy. with access.

Complete with 3 BR home, modern 52 stall dairy barn, 2 silos, horse barn, dble. qar. other buildings all in good repair. A sound investment tax shelter in an area SW of MdIs. that has great present future growth in the making.

Potential for other uses with fi-nancina available. Ben Koolmeisten 922-4160, 922-4166. 69W SPRING 926-2761 S.W. OFFICE DELANO FARM 20 acres 1 mile from Delano. 4 BR.

modern home, full beautiful grounds, orchard, larqe barn other outbuildinqs, $32,000. NEAR DELANO 38 acres of trees, pasture 4 fields, new 3 BR. basem*nt home, 58 ft.x28 ft. with walkout to South 4 in submersible well. $29,800.

$8000 down bal CD. MIKKELSON REALTY 479-2728 Delano 1-972-2932 SPECULATORS ANOKA CO. RAMSEY TWP. 124 acres with approx. 1 mile of frontaqe on the Rum River, 7 mi.

No. of ANOKA. Open 4 wooded, Housinq development joins this. Less than $700 per acre. ERV THOMPSON 545-'5543 CALHOUN REALTY 827-551 1 2939 HENN.

MPLS. SECLUDED ACREAGE NR. CITY 38 acres located 36 mi. W. of Excelsior, 29 a.

under cultivation that has been rented for $600 per yr. Balance in meadow lowland. No some largo trees. Selling price $9,400. $2,400 down, bal.

at $52.20 per mo. 6'i7. Int. incl. 61 2-864-427A 10 Acre Hohhv Farm rt on I I I L.n 1 mou.

riuine, Houu uum, Hwv. 101. Close in. Great West Land 448-2446. 614 Wisconsin FOR SALE: COUNTRY LIVING DE- VELOPMtNt LAND 684 acre Wisconsin farm, 3 miles From St.

Croix River, 2 miles from qolf course, 7200 ft. sod airstrip with hanqer on premises, 2 miles from proposed State Park, $1 00,000 plus farm home with swimminq pool and shop, 3 other farm homes with buildmqs, excellent water suaplyj schools, churches and shoooinq within 7 mile radius; 3 'A miles frontaae on blacktop road; 30 minutes from downtown St. Paul. Price $795,000, terms available. Write Box 46, River Falls.

corsin. 280 ACRE FARM" 100 ACRES FIELD, LARGE 72 STANCHION BARN. Larae 5 bedroom home. $64,000. Excellent EXCEPTIONAL 80 acre farm, 50 ocres (eld, newer 32x60 round rooted barn.

4 bedroom modern home, near Frederic, Wise. $35,000, terms. SEND FOR OUR FRFE BROCHURE OF FARMS AND VACANT LANDS, FISK AGENCY, ST. CROIX FALLS, WISC 1-715-483-3393 INVESTMENT opportunity, 225 choice acres in the heart of western Wis. fastest arowlna recreational area.

Only $200 per acre. Box 188, 54610 Alma Wn. Ph. 608-248-2752 61 5 MlC8llneons Start 1972 With STROUT REALTY'S Newl Free! 72 Spring Catalog Sorlnqtime Freshl From the World' Larqett Brimming over with values all across America. a states.

Choose from more than 5000 Farm, Home. Ranch, Business and recreational properties. Pictures, desenp. tions to help you deod. Your FREF Catalog Is waiting.

Write or Coll tody y. STROUT REALTY 7-CE S. Dearborn Chicago, 111. 60G03 or call local number ANYTIME! 335-7130 LOOK ACROSS THE STREET There late ever there. And a lovely view It moires for whoever lives deMQhttut bedroom borne.

All to pleasant. Mlt-lns, both, boll-way, closetl, dinette oreo 22 It. liv- Ina room. FA heati Itnti porch. View lofce from here too, Valk to store.

Big yard, pint trees. Room for garden 1400, pot- session or on't to settle estate STROUT RE A I I Box 278, Nevis Mmn. 2IB 6r)2-324a. 40 ACRE COUNTRY LIKE woodsy orrn. motiv ever qMns.

On pavd hiahwo, howty ro Fown. MOMrrn bw-ltoorn t.o-'m includes elprrne stove and rn4fa-tofj ts insula td, Fhis bontmiM.t 3 ya't Nr fi. Afivnture in cone' i rnnt. tni.s. STtVfilJl KAl 304 friiMmttiftl Avrm Vind stone, Mmn.

61 2) 2tWl for FRLE CATALOG call STROUT REALTY 335-7130 ,1 66 Bun-- emit. paily. foi. nc" PR 65 BUICK Spin! I cel. cond.

Coll 9.15-f.a jLSt '69 Chevrolet Townsman APAstNOi wuon. va mo- erVlint 1 KANSMIS- ilON, RADIO, POWtRl rNuV POWtK BRAKES. UL MAKINA BlUt INIMH, ll)0 WAKKRNIl AND ON SAIE AI JIW-v Larson Chevrolet KJf. 3J9-1V64 Jl '70 ChevKingswooU Wen 350 I reaular gun enu ne. Auto mane transmission.

PS. IB. lintw glass. Rud.o, heater, railo on, I "ay power tailgate. Wheel covets.

WSW lues. My personal company cor 32,000 miles. Well rnainlo.ned 4 seryiied. IBS including 62 CHEV wagon, EXCELIENT mng cond, suie winter sterner run-, new tires, body poor, Laie Jan. S200.

784-4012 -62 CHEV. wagon 6 cyl. Goad bait it hons. V26- new plugs, poinis EN CUST. 'R( T.

V.i ICI 114ml. AUlU, fo, rci. 344-696. 69 CHEV KingswooaT327 V8 ouia PS PW, lad. air, rack JI6XI, B.4- 9808.

-c '70 CHEV Townsman, 6 pass Pi, air, good rubber. No damage, like new, J2000. S22-I554. 71 CHEV Towns. PS, Disc brks air, cruise, air shocks, low JJ4V3.

6337653. "'55 CHEV V8. Bucket seats, floor shift Call 881-445. 'u THEV Cust Bel Air wag. Truely pert.

Low mi. J39044 7696 TThEVTTmPMA 327 P.S. SI 200. ALL 789-9fi4 '62 CHEV. wagon, aood runner.

r-MFW I.nnSla 1.195 sno tiros. V8 auto 4 power runs A-l TA 4-00V5. 70 CHEV. Townsman wagon, low miles. 722-1929.

"'67 CHEV. Nova wgn. 327 cu. in, 4 spd. "65 CHEV Imp." All pwr.

Good run-nmq cond. Must sell. S45. 3-)5-8ii4 "64 CHEV Bel Air, 283, auto, clean JMOO. 869-9035 '68 CHRYS.

4 C. 9 pass, wagon Full power, air cond. Loaded with extras. Was $2295. Sale Price $20v5 BRAMBILLA motors CHRYSLER-PLYM.

RAMBLER Downtown Shokopee 445-41 1 1 '69 "CHRYSLER" Town 4 Country wo-gon. This one is really nice, V-8 auto. Power steer ond brake, air. Low miles $2495 Town's Edae Ford Hopkins 935-01 5 '69 CHRYS. WAGON Power eauip, plus factory air cond.

Brown finish. Take trade. 789-6439 '65 CHRYS. 383. PS, outo.

transm. New tires. Clean. $450 for auick sale. 926-7907 68 CHRYS.

9 pass. Full power, fact, air. No reas. offer refused 827-221 9i ask for Dick '68 DODGE Coronet, 500, 4 Dr. Radio, auto, power steer.

Good running cond. Take trade. 789-6439 64 DODGE Custom 72 license. $295. 544-1715.

60 DODGE wag. 6 stick, runs good, 1149. Lenny's Autos. 3905 E. lake 70 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 6 PASS.

STATION WAGON Will Sell for N.A.D.A. Loan Value of $1935 Req. gas, V8 auto, trans. PS, other extras, exc. cond.

thruout. Will consider older car on trade. Call 861-3718 70 Ford Ctry Squire 10 Pass. Wag. Air Cond.

Flawless like new turquoise sedan, interior, full power equipment, elec. rear window, many extras. This car ts like new In every way. $2250 firm. Call Sun.

only 869-0013 1970 FORD L.T.D. Very nice car with power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Husky car priced to sell at $2895. BROOKLYN-AMERICAN 741. Brooklyn.

Blvd. 560-8440. '69 FORD 9 pass. LTD, waaon. P.

disc fact air. HD susd. 7 new WSW tires. 12 28.000 act. mi.

Cotd thru-out, 3 yr bal on fact worr. $2100 330-5338 bet. 7i30 70 FORD wagans fleet cars. 2 Ford Ranchwagon-351 radio, $1450 ea. 3 Ford Fairlane wags.

302 radio. $1350 ea. Russ Kair, AmeicanCourier 64 FORD Country Squire, 390, V8. Auto. 9 pass.

PS. PB. WSW. New snow tires, luggage rack, trailer hitch, radio, good starter, good runner, flood 2nd car, clean red in It out. st $400 takes.

944 2339 I96B Ford "Country Sedan" Wagon, 390 V8, Auto, Air, PS, PB, Tinted Glass, Luggage Rack, One Owner 51,000 miles. $1,300.00. Sgt. Baker 633551. '70 FORD LTD Country Squire, 10 pass, with fact air, 390 req aas VB, auto, PS, PB, etc, etc.

Low miles, perfcond. 827-1234 '67 FORD 10 pass. ctry. Sed. 390 V8, PS, PB, PRW, fact air, luq-gage rack, new snow tires, exc.

cond. $950 B23-2910. '65 F6RD Sau ire waaon, very clean, V3 auto. 6 pass. Repossession.

Take over payments or cash oiler. 473- 8427. '67 FORD Country Seaan V-8 auto. 390. Good cond.

Best offer takes to. day. Coll 920-3421 or 53711 1 08. '66 FORD Country Sedan wagon. 8 radio, PS.

PB. Good cond 374-1 334. 2536 Bryant Ay. S. '68 FORD Country Squire.

"10 pass, air PS, PB, snows, clean, 1 owner JI295. 473-6949 '66 FORD Country Squire, 4-dr. Radio. poweer steering, black finish. Very clean thruouL 789-6439 69 FORD RANCH WAGON PS, PB, air, WSW tires.

Good condl- 446-8663 t. 54. 8-5 '67 FORD 10 pats, waaon, NEW ENGINE, guaranteed, oil accessories. 690-1739 or 224-41 13. 65 FORD Cntry.

sed. 352 V-8. PS. Auto. Snows.

Gd. mech. Damaged rt.siHe. 544-2349. Reasonable.

'66 FORD wagon economy V8, outo, radio, Exrel. cond. No rust. Low mi. $600.

533-3842. '69 FORD V8. P.S., olr-'condV. new tires, very clean, 33,000 miles. Owner.

$1495. 823-6395. '69 FORD CTY SED, Std" Trans. Air, PB, Radio, 46M mi, clean, 1 owner, $1450. 938-3670.

'69 LOW Ml. LOADED. SAC. $1885. 544-7405.

70 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN" FIX 27,000 Ml. FACT. AIR, 1ST $2090, 544 7696 '69 FORD FAlRTANTOirWACr, AUTO, FACT. AIR, PS, $1090. 5447696.

76 Ford CiuTW agon auto, trans. 8 ply rubber. 16,500 mi. $2800 firm Clean. 529-2020, '66 fORO 289.

Just rebuilt. $795. van eyy-jyij rcjKU Fairlane 4 dr. V8, auto 67 FORD Ctry ieaV390 outo. PS Jlke new, gd tires, $875 926-5322 '70 fOPD LTD Country Squirt Ho 66 FORD Squire.

PS, PB, outo, snows. 1500. 544-1317 71 FORD LTD, Cty." Sq trot. 17,000 ml. Cull 633 9297, '67 FORD Country Sed.

Fac. air. shape. $1095, FOPD Ctry. Sed.

PS, 370Y lo, 6 r.ats. $1150. 633-5918 68 FORD. 6 past PS air $onl'j $1250. 4R4 0.1i; 68 FORD Torino GT PS 302 $H00 757 5124 67 FOP0 Ctty, ViuiVlfi.Po.s 390 eng PS, PB WSW, lo ml, 613-1960 '71 FORD Club wag.

8 pass. V8 outo, PS, low ml, 464 2060. auire, exc. toiteiTTs! J'lSO takes. 789 9021, 69 TORD Tf Squi eTIf)" pa ssA wr Exc, cond.

$1995. 41J 8728 '65" '69 iVEPC Colony Pmk many ajitrai C. eonH. fcy Ownff 920 '69 Olds Vista Cruiser Gleomlrm bronre Finish with all ton vinyl Interior, 33.0rO miles power leering, power bmkes, air cond. ft oil OHl options, WSW tires New 350 leg.

gas com plete winter tuno. 72' lie. mil $471 ot best offer, tondi tion.ttirougliout, pvl, pry, 874 70 Oil Vitto Cruiser Waq low 8 Outo. arid brakrts, oir, $MV', tiwn'l F'lue lord 66 OlftS Vlslo 9ni. VII rj, low mi.

iVj, i 561 V8 Oil)? Ctio.s l.r.ll, 944 15 station wagon 71 PLYM Peaenf r.A.a I i T. "'WJ-'ie mi. smix InSe pnymt of $10, bal of $2900, 544 '69 IY. furv, l'6 FLY Custom ir tadit), M.IPV (15 Mlioellineeut UNITED FARM NEW SPRING CATALOG! Yours, Free! Excltina NtW 256-oaae SPRING W2 issue rlescribet over 2 300 FARMS, RANCHES. BUSINESSES.

TOWN AND COUNTRY HOMES in Si slates COAST TO COASTI Over 3.500 AlTUAL uhorosl Please soecily type piopertv and location pretetred. Ph: 926-8881 Sun. 9 to Mon. B.30 to 7j Tues. thru En.

8iJ0 to i P.m. $2,900 Hobby Farm Only $500 Down! Make this 40-acre Minnesota retreat into vour weekend or year-round country haven! Top hunting, oreal Insulated 2-bedroom huuse needs to be tmished, has bath. JO tillable acres all in native hav, balance woeded. room for some stock. On secluded giavel road, near lake, 120 miles Twin Cities.

Only 12. WO. low J500 down, owner Deer Wildlife Refuge Rustic pine-studded 25-aa anunal refuge and park ha oecome one ot the most popular attractions in this scemc Minnesota area. Reports NfcT INCOME last vead On U.S. hiahway with more than 250 resorts and camps within a 35-mile radius.

Beautifully laid cut park provide a continual source of amusem*nt to families who entoy seemq the animals ao through their anlics and spoilsmen who are (oki-nated with tlie species that are com-mon to ihem only in the wild. In-haoited by frisky racoons, sutetooted qoats, 5 specias ot deer, an amusmq black bear, red tox and other inter-eitmq examples ot wildlife. 2 large tish pond. 100-ft. oDiervation tow-en Old West" budding wsnacK oar.

a'" Special attractions include a tree house ana siucte coacn nut. investment at excellent terins. 45 Miles Twin Cities! Enjoy aood Minnesota town living tor only $9,9001 Ideal lor retirement! Close to downtown. Pretty room home in aood repoir, carpeted living room with fireplace and pic- inm.iv innm. hath.

Garaae and shoo. On U.S. highway. Only jy.vuui Dairy Special 17 Holstem cows. 2 Holstem bulls, three 2-vear-olds, plus 2 tractors, machinery incluaed un rhis 1 40-acre Wisconsin tarml land in high state of fertility.

60 tillable acres. Comfortable 5-bedroom home in qood repair, barn, mule nouse, other Duildinas. Only $40,000 complete. Cattle, Hogs Go! pretty valley settmq tor 307-acre southern Minnesota farm within 80 miles of TWIN CItit*I Includes Hereford foundation herd of 40 brood cows, 12 neiters. iv sreor vearlmas, bull, plus 25 brood sows.

2 boars. 100 acres used for raisma qood crops of corn, oats and alfalfa. 38-ocre corn base. V. mile spring branch frontaae.

stock pond, well. Excellent 7-room home. 34x80 born with lean-to. 42x44 hog farrowing barn, other buildinqs. Retiring owner savs sell at $35,000 complete.

Excellent terms. $3,400 Pioneer's Camp! Take to the outdoors and have your weekend-vacation Utopia on 114 Minnesota acresl Excellent deer hunting countryl Even has old house that could be fixed into a cabin. About half tillable, will handle tome stock. A real sleeper at only extremely low down payment. Land At A Low Price! Fence these 349 Minnesota acres in and run cattle or just raise cropsl 300 tillable acres.

250 oresentlv under cultivation. 80-acre corn base. Old 2-srorv house, several outbuild ings. 'A mile county road frontaae. 95 miles TWIN CITIES.

Only $28,000, excellent terms. $25,000 River Ranch! Scenic 147-acre Montana ranch with ZU mile river fronraael potential aa-lorei 40 acres irrigated alfalfa and grass hay plus 15 acres dry land hay make this a real livestock carry-inq outfit. include old house. 30x120 hog shed, mobile home hookup, other buildings. Only $25,000.

120-Acre Retreat For Only Secluded and mostly wooded Too hunting area. Within 800 feet of trout stream, 4 mi les to lake. Only $4,000, low down poyment. Lakeshore Dandy Beautiful year-round lake home on Minnesota acres 100-ft. frontage on excellent family fishing and boatinn lake.

Home has beautiful hiqh" setting overlooking lake. 2 bedrooms. Larae livmq room with ireolace, both, full walkout basem*nt. G'jest cabin. goraqe.

Sat sandy beach for kids. Beautiful stand of evergreeni along entrance to oroDerty. $14,900. aood terms. UNITED FARM AGENCY Suite 110 7710 Computer Minneapolis, Minn.

55435 Ph: (612) 926-8881 Sun. 9 to Mon. 8 30 to 7t Tues. thru to 5 p.m. Wfare in need of Hobby A dairy farms, have potential buyers, coil or realty Osseo, Mn.

425-3221 or 428-7400 61 7JFrm I LandfoiRjrt FARM FOR RENT. 5 BR. mod. house, 106 A. 12131 776-3301 Cleaibrook.

618 Farms Wantad We Helo Sell, Trade, Buy ANY BUSINESS OR REAL ESTATE COAST TO COAST Sfnd Details. For F'te Information WRITE AMAR 1509 Marshall NE MpU 55413 'ALL 566 1627 Farms or Acreage Wanted BUYERS ARB HI RE NOW 521 -3641 UPPER MIDWEST 421-2720 4831 Lyndale 55430. FARMS, land" wooded oaeaae wanted within 75 mi. Hardy Realty. 3BI9-58th Ay.

SMALL farm or cabin with acreage within 75 ml. of cities. Under 000. Pvt. -2l74.

DEVELOPER neerfs acreaqe, any ue. Will pay cash, 339-4 ,5 Moli. lARfjE OR SMALL ACREAGE. WitfTin miles. 612- 174-9241 5 TO 40 ACRES to 25 m7TeTNvVW" or SW of Muls.

Bldr. 544-4244. AUTOMOTIVE Station Wagon. 197f AMBASSAuOir- Nlre cor with power steering, power brakes, oir corditionintj. This tat is Al PftiCI tnvQ.

BROOKLYN-AMERICAN 7 Brooklyn Blvd. 560 f)440 70 RUICK ESTATE WAGON 17,000 ArilJAl MIUS. fUHPOW. BAIAItrf Of- i YR 50 01,0 MIH WARRAIJTY. 3M, $.1,195 QUALITY MERC.

494 LYNDA LE S. 861-2278 'a lUirir Wioi; tires f.trq drive this tnel 1100. tw.iu STATION Wagons A growing community with both public and parochial school system and dhu relies of various denominations and only i i iti. ules west of the Twin Beautifully docornted three bed room multi-level home with lots ot closet space, kitrhen with built cabinets, lurtie dininq room, livmq room, full bath, walkout basem*nt with laundry room, romily room. recreation room, office or bedroom and bath, large double qarage.

thermit rtilriA i iy rv-f fsur thril it three zone qas hot water heat and on a very nice lot with newly blcuk-topped street, city gas, water, trwer all connected and paid. Priced be low cost, $42,900. four bedroom older home with newer built-on addition, kitchen with built-in cabinets, d.nma rooir with built-in buflet, study or den with built-in cabinets along one wall, large tomily room with door opening out on balcony, walkout basem*nt with recreation room woikshop, vegetable room with shelves, furnace room, oil hot water heat, city water and sewer, fcxtias include hood, stove, dishwasher, heavy duty commercial type aurbaqe disposal, water sottner, neaily new hot water heater. Total pnte of only $24,900. Duplex with small lot and two modern rental apt.

being rented at present, each apt. havinq two bedrooms, larqe livmq room, kitchen, full both and each have their own gas heatmq system. $14,000. call Clarence Russek rW Buffalo Office 682-3131. Mais.

Line 4J-0366. ROGER FAZENDIN REALTORS FARMS HOMES ACRES 80 A. WOODfcD (WACONIA) 2 m. to metro sewer (5 homes already inl Terms. 75 A WACONIA 20 wood, bal.

field, meadow. $10,000 down. 40 A CHASKA all wooded (choice) $10,000 down. 100 A. WACONIA.

Borders small Iok wood and field $50 per. All of these are bare land (no bldas). Priced to sell. 3 BR. COUNTRY HOME Iw acresl Waconia (tare mod.) T-under qmaoe heat bath cab.

etc. $20,000 w. terms. 2 BR. (FULL MOD.) in Hamburq ($2500 downl 1 BR.

RAMBLER (w. garage! In Plato (terms). 3 BR. STUCCO LAVEVIEW in Wacon- $20,000 3 BR REMOD. Plato.

Large lot, ga-raqe, etc 10 A FARMETTE. Mod. 2 story 4 BR barns, silos, shed. N. of 7 (Carver Co.) 60 A.

LAKESHORE. 1200' wooded shore. Excellent bidqs. Upper 70 s. 80 A.

DAIRY. I m. to 7 iCar Co.) late mod. 1 story home 30 stanch, (room for 40). Newer barn, ail crops excp, small wood lot.

150 A. DAIRY. Waconia 60 stanch, barn, 75' silo, auger feed. etc. $25,000 down 160 A.

WACONIA FARM. 60 wood ed, 60 roll ma. 40 low marainal. Good barn also Lake access. Other bldgs.

poor. Ph. Radde 442- 244 Waconia. MAPLE PLAIN For a family who enjoys private country iivmg and a truiv elegant home, we offer this 3 BR rustic ranch. At the end of a long circular drive, stop at the large enter thru the foyer area, he kitchen with eatmq area formal OR with enc.

balcony are among the first rooms to be seen. The sunken IR w-cathedral ceihnq fpke. are outstanding features. Carpeted hall leads to master bath 3 BRs. Master BR has full bath.

To truly feel fne warmth of this home, you must see if. $43,900. Jack. Johnson 472-1 133, 65-3131 col. EBERHARDT MOUND COUNTRY HOME I have this older 3 bedroom cozy home on 2 acres.

There are many big trees, including evergreens. Has an attached garage and on a blacktop road. The well and heating system are nearly new. This would be a nice starter home or for someone who is retiring and wants space to garden, etc. Also a great area for snowmobilina and aood fishina lakes nearbv.

Taxes are reasonable priced at $19,900, Call me today for a showing. Arlys Bauer 1-682-1482 or 682-3131 or toll free 473-0366. ROGER FAZENDIN Great Country Living! Rush City, Minn. Wonderful for kids, horses, onimals, etc. only 57 miles from Mpls.

De lightful 5 BR. rambler w-fully built-in kitchen, carpeted thruout, 2 baths, amuse, rm. dbl. gar. Larqe insulated barn with separate stalls, enclosed training arena, plus an ad ditional larae bldq.

Over 4 acres with LAKESHORE RIGHTS. Priced in low 40 s. JOE DOODEWARD Cravens Co. Realtors 926-6523 MIS 4940 VIKING DRIVE FOR SALE Income property in Buffalo. 2 apart merits up plus professional offices ist floor.

I his property in downtown Buffalo. Owner is open to offers. Duplex, Has oil. Buyer can have own apartment or con rent boifi. Separate entrance, and heating plants.

All newly remodeled, over-iookina Lake Buffalo. Must he to be appreciated. Call Jack Barstad at etsxMibo or 682-3131 or toll free 473-0346. ROGER FAZENDIN BEFORE YOU BUY OS BUILD SEE THESE TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMESI I. ALBERTVILLE, near 1-94, 4BR on Iqe.

lot with trees. I baths, Ige. family room, 2 car attach. owner transferred. t.

NE Ak ROGERS, Like new soa-oous 3 R. Silt Level with formal Dininq Area. Frplce, 28x32. Gar. Woi-kshop, 2'j Acres more avail.

ALSO, a 40 Villaqe aonroved mobile home court, Mapie Lai'e. Norbert K. Weber Realty Roqers. Mn. 423-2004 IN THE COUNTRY YOUR CHOICE 1 2, 3, 4, acres wooded LOTS TO CHOOSE ROM.

Get away from the pollution. Snowmobile, horseback ride, or just sit back and enioy the birds inq. Custom build, your plan or ours, 4 up. BORDEN REALTORS 755-5050 "MLS" 434-3158 LE SUEUR Scenic 2 Acre 4 BR. Only 1 hr.

to Downtown SPACIOUS FPEN0H COLONIAL Priced Upper Bracket 890-6770 PHIL COY jierrnal-Smaby, Realtors I 31 Located 6 mries W. of RockforH on Hwy 55. You can aet this 4- 7 BR farm Ine -f- II oulbuud ngs for $130,000. Available on a contract for deed bo-Sis. 473-0623 Y.

Sartrlson 474-5464 CHRISTY $13,900 HOWARD LAKE 4 BR older home. dm 7i baths, garage, bq yard, water ewer. Weil maintained. Only 40 mm. from Wpis 474-8244 DONNA SMITH 474 5466 CHRISTY ANOKA AREA ON ACREAGE Ne Homes on ocreaae Completed Under Construction.

FOR SALE 8f BUILDER 427 3220 or 560-1608 ATTRACTIVE fASMETTh 35 mi. W. of Twin Cities. 2 br born ep. sp'ice up.

Brn. dol. gir. on appro 10 A. $3,000 dn.

assume present mprt poss. M. T. Des Marais, 682-17 )0. 682-1 4', 9 PRESCOTf AR'FZONA: 2 acre nome site near National forest.

Best climate in state. $1,995, with low terms. Mrs. Anne Young, Glen-arm Land 2U33 No. 7th Phoenix 85006 FOR Sa'e by owner "in fsontit* BP," 4- ramW.

Well kept home. With carpet, drapes bltins. Fin. bsmt. Gar.

Lg. yd, with b'ktop. driveway. YAjm poss. June I J61 2)747-5270 ST.

CROIX RIVER, Wit. tide. Country Executive. Sandy beach. Norway Pines.

Vhl'e birch wildlife. -(-. Terme. Owner. 1-15- 2 ACfrES.

30 mi. to TC. newer 3" BR, eplit entry, otnfral air. amuse, rm. Att.

dbl. gar. Horse tried, fenred, rorral. orner S0TSMM SoeooOroV.rei'of f.eldt A pines, borders black rood, aaed owner wll sell for J'j5 rer Anaerson keal estate, 617 INVFWF'il 1473 f- front'iae, luke sro'e prop. 14, acres part, d--eiard 8 Cobns, I parcel $44X) down 8g Son late Rt.

I. Bur-t'u" nn CrofViuist, $2 DOWN MODULAR HOME See out D'ipiay Class. 59 Modular Shelter Corp. MufPfj'J eSTiorni, wa TkoTirEsmt, dui ojr. bflih i 40 ml.

from Twin Cum. (6121 150 ACPS nt seclusion on tcnaFl lalre i0kt 4 Pork fiooidt. 6Q3 Qut-of-Town Properly COUNTRY LIVING 20 ACRtS OF StLVFR LAKE Located 4 mi north on Co Rd 2, then 1 mi wait on Co Rd 5, then I ml north on araval road. LAND 180 octet or lioht woods pasture all 1am md. HOME built in 1 925 w- full basem*nt, Vt ettmantcd out, elec hw heat, rental softener, no turn act.

4 vr old asbestos roof. Vt. old Pace Setter alum comb windowi door. Hardwood floors downstairs ttr floori upstairs. 3 Ige bed room i upstairs w-ona bedroom bath down.

kitchen w-pantry cup-boardsj open dining livmgroom area, Closed back porch. Other hi. include chicken barn A im. iheds. Priced at $15,900 down, interest at 7 per annum w-S1 10.00 monthly payments to include interest and principal.

3 ACRES Of" WAVE RLY 5 bedroom house, la kitchen w-loti of wood cabinetj, dble 55 linkj 220 outlet or got hook-uo tor tove; 6x10 entry way off kitchen. Living A dinmgrooin combination 15x30 w-carpetino. 12x12 bedroom w-closet, ciownstain. 7xlS giassed-in front porch. Upitairs 12x15 bedroom w-dosftt A cameling; 12x15 bedroom w-closet; 10x12 bedroom w-closet 6x10 bedfoom, hall cloirt, hall linen closet; full bathroom.

Lae walk up aftic. Full basem*nt, elec hw heater, oil fired hw furnace: 220 outlet for dryer, also washer hook-up; stool A sink. New roof, just finished. Smqle car garage. This house is in excellent condition inside and out.

Located lust 3 mi from Hwy 12 on a backtop county road. A real buy at $11 ,900.00 Fred W. Radde Sons Realtors Wntertown 955-1587 Metro 4161 441 HOMES 1 three bedroom mobil home for year around living on nice lake shore lot and 93 feet of shore line. Near Buffalo. Sno mobtlers or fisher men's paradise.

Priced at only $13,500. A beautiful three bedroom sDht foyer home overlooking Howard Lake. A beautiful view for only $39,900. four bedroom split fover home on a very nice lot in Buffalo. Worth much more than the asking price of only $29,500.

Four bedroom split fover home with walkout basem*nt in Buffalo. A very nice location. Total price $27,150. New four bedroom split fover home in Buffalo for only For information call Clarence Russek Res. 972-2398, Buffalo Office 682-3131 Mpls line 473-0366.

ROGER FAZENDIN REALTORS LOOKING FOR A BUDGET PRICED HOUSE ON 2 ACRES? Thu on ii between Grantsburg Trade Lake. Wis. has 5 mis. bath. Carpeted Ivg.

eat-in 3 brs. Good 20x40 dbl. garaga, steel structure, overhead doors storaqe upstairs. $6,000. MODEST 3 full bath, 1 story home in St.

Croix falls. Wis. conv. to schools. Exterior recently repainted.

10x18 storage shed. Municipal water, sewer nat. gas. A down to earth price for a growing family. $3,000 it worth your looking atl FOR THE GROWING FAMILY! 4 br.

house in Milltown, Wis. w-full barh, ig. eat-in kit. w-lots of cabinets, dininq rm. Ivg.

rm. Full bsmt. w-gas t.a. furnace. Storage shed ott.

to house. Well located on ig. lot. $9,500. Baker Land Title Co.

Since 1874 71 5-483-3454 St. Croix Falls, Wis LAKE WACONIA If vou re lookina to buy or build a home there are many possibilities here. Verv lovely 3 BR home overlooking the lake. Fantastic West exoosure on 2.7 acres. 1 Vi baths, amusa.

dble. available utth nr without I nice shore lite. Also 58 acres of rolling wooded acreaqe across from take. Land near Lake Waconla It rapidly going up In price and. the demand is very hiah.

Make your move nowl Ben Koolmels-ten V22-4160, 922-4166. SPRING 926-2761 S.W. OFFICE ANNANDALE AREA COUNTRY BLDG. SITES near Annan-dale. Enjoy Country Living on one of these spacious virqin timbered utes still enjoy the fine lakes around Annandale.

Located Vi mile from public access to Lake John. REALISTIC prices of $2,395 to $3,250 with terms. Buy a second lot for a SOUND INVESTMENT. WOOD SHOL COMPANY 9 W. 26th Mpls-.

Minn. 55404 823-4144 823-5155 EMIL MAYNARD NILSON Annandale. Minn. Tel. 274-8347 FIRST OFFERING 2 BR.

starter hom*o with la. Ut. 13n150 lot en Main Water- town. Needs soma work. Only $7,000.

IN DELANO Very wall built 3 BR. walkout ramb. with beaut, family 2 onin. ate. La.

comer lot with many shrubs trees. Water, sewer i St. in pd. Mid 30 Ms. Phone Audie Theis 473-5405 or 479-2359 EBERHARDT TBR.

COUNTRY RAMBLER FIRST OFFERING! Only home in the immediate area, and situated on a spacious one acta lot. Handy kitchen with birch cabinets and eating; area. Large carpeted living room. 3 spacious bedrooms, plus a full bath. Full bsmt.

with finished rec. room. 2 car detached garage. $28,000. Terms.F or Lauren Pool Res.

1 -972-2623 MAPLE PLAIN OFFICE 479-2572 HARRY POOL, REALTORS MAKE AN OFFER If your family it outgrowing your present home let me show you this roomy 5 bedroom home). It has been given good care. There ore 3 baths and storage galore. Double attached garage a lot of house for the money. Priced in lower 30'l.

Give me a phone call today. Ar-vs Bauer or 6821432 or Buffalo office 632-3131 or toll free 473-0366. ROGER FAZENDIN SEALED BIDS WILL BE received on fn former Brule Co-op Store until 6 P.M., January 14, 1972. 4200 square brick building with full basem*nt, two bedroom living apartment, gas heat, 7 corner lots, plenty of parHnq space, minimum btd S15.000; 10 cashier check to accompany bid. Tfre Board reserves the nqht to reject any or all bids.

Bnjle Cooperative Association, Bruie, Wisconsin, 54320 Glen R. Miller, President. ONLY 2 LEFT TWO 5 acre bldq. sites. Unique set-ting.

Carlos Avery Farm Sunrise River addition on 2 tides, 5 mi. long man-made lake In front Sunrise River In back. Located 5 mi. E.of Sacy Freeway 1-35. Please cail after 7 p.m.

612-644-7510, St.Poul MODERNbusmes" fefdq. In mall town luitabie fcr offices or light in. dustry. 2500 sa. ft.

wth moo. 3 BR apt. on 2nd floor. $12,900 with ED SHARKEY, owner New Praqu Tolljree 445-C499 5 AC. ON TAR RD.

Recently bit Iq. spht entry with 3 or 4 BR. Spoc, kitcnen, dmmq, with potio. Ail aoti, Lg. fin.

rec. rm. Art qar. jt, oun. BULLICK REALTY AA 4I0 707 1270 CAPEf-tE livinq at On Top of 'he World Clearwater, F'o'iaa, may cost less than you rh.rik..

Vrire Siney r.oten for bro-rtKre, Dept. 5753 54th Ave. St. Petersburg, 33709. 5 ACRE HOBBY FARM 3 dbl gor.f irnall bom, fenced 4 wiied.

Oote to 65 Anoka Co. VOL iNE PEAiTY, Cambnage 69- 3,1 2 or 3 B'J'm. in Village ot Uelano, -er, war, new gas funvire, dbf. OO'oge on I Acre iond. F-nonc-ng aol.

N.ce Icerr on $15,000. 972- 3 Dt ano, nn ocrm, 4 bed oom "oiaer modern ho-re, 'qhwoy fontaae, barn, X. ree. 1 mnet ttcrm of Bjttoio, fi'm Aiency, Starpuck, 7 -v -2 7- HOV? country, 60fnMesTfOTi et- I of lori pitly remod- r- sewer system, Mi'ie fevnt. cosh.

612 S'9- CTJOnvEST C0L07 lots tn BO' ws if, i'irS c- 'j A 4 afian sti fi 4 Obis tt IT De.a-a-e Ave i ,2. NEW HOMES XrH Arrkl Wll Cf CAl. ra. Wate-front fort 1 nrt. its 4 I 4- VJ.

Farms lobby Farms 80A, 68A tillable 2 BR. mod farm home central heat. Excel, larm tor invest. JJi.000 $8,000 dn. bal.

at 7 7. 80 A mod 4 BR home new 3 car aor. HA furn. we can split this farm, several srnoll tracks, one w-a small lake they are reas. priced take your pick.

150 A w-exl beef feeding set up, Iqe. feedinq platform new home. 130A tillable, will give spring poss excl. terms. 6'', A w-2 BR home hns exp.

loom, lots of trees, priced to sell, taxes under $100. We have more. Send tor free catalogue or call tor appt. SHARKEY REALTY New Praque, Mn. 56071 office 445-6499 tve.

Sun. 445-5499 Lonsdale 507 8873767 165 ACRES ELK RIVER Inclules deluxe home with 2 fireplaces 4- full set of buildmgt in excel, condition. MAY DIVIDE. 200 ACRFS CAMBRIDGE PARTLY WOODED 2 BR home being remodeled. TERMS.

80 ACRES $3,900 100 mi. North wooded. TERMS 10 ACRES HOBBY FARM 4 BR completely remodeled homes 3280 burn. St. Francis.

MANY OTHERS CALL OR WRITE 521-3641 421-0911 1673 2054 UPPER MIDWEST 4831 LyndgleNorth, Mpls. 55430 MECCA OF THE WEST! Typical country charm with outsrand-mq development possibilities. Hundreds of lakeshore footaqe on Oak Lake (just East of Watertownb 1 61 4- acres, partially woded, with 2 homes on the property plus an older octagonal Dutch Colonial barn. Possible community center for medium-density condominium hvtnq. Aerial photos in office.

$970 per acre. Contact BILL OGRAM JR. at 473-2136 or at LEVERING GEORGE LEVERING ASSOCIATES REALTORS MLS 473-8864 Acres 10 to 160 farm on 10 acres, 4 BR home out buildings. Monticello area, trees, assume mtg. ta.m on 10 acres, 8 years old, 3 BR Rnmb.

Breezeway dbl. att. gar, many trees, Anoka area. Large mtg. to assume.

acres of rolling land good for farming, building or fun. Buy on CD. acres farm. Barn, out-buildings home, Monticello area. Buy on CD, Doug Ford 560-0083 or 533-8655 Barton Realty SMALL ACREAGE 1 0 miles So.

of Bloomington, nr. 35W exit. Approximately 3 acre lots, partly wooded with ideal bldq. sites. FREEWAY REALTY LAKEVILLE 469-4378 NOT A HOBBY FARM! 80 acres of good heavy soil with larqe typical old farm house aood ana solid but needs dec.

Large block barn and silo. Priced rlqht at $29,900, terms available. 50 miles NE of cities. MPS WIDHOLM Res. 588-1378 ROLLIE HUBER Res.

781-0641 CHAS. ANDERSON Co. 544-0361 MLS REALTORS 200 acres, 120 under cult. 50 seeded to alfalfa. 42 acre com base.

Good bldgs. including 3 bedroom ranch type home with fireplace. Dairy barn with stalls for 36 cows. Silo, Hog barn, granary corn crib, and mch. shed, located in Foley area.

Owner has other interests. First time offered for sale, contract for deed. Easy terms at 5 on balance. $200.00 per acre. Phone 612-344-2378 or write Box G.G 2306 Penn Ave No.

Mpls, Mmn. 13 ACRES with wooded site orchard. 4 BP. 2 story modern home with formal DR nenr New Praque. SANDY BEACH, 3 BR.

lake home with fireplace 2 car aoraae. On wooded lot, near Hawlev. Vern Novotny Realty Mew Prague, Minn. 758 3532 WOODED PARCEL 10 acres with nice trees 6 ml. west of Prior Lake.

600' road frontaae. Natural gas on property. Ideal for building, horses, snowmobiling, etc. $10,000. LAMBERT HENNEN, 447-2617 CARPENTER-COLBECK 447-2137 Prior Lake.

Minn. IMMED. POSS. The closest to town. 15 acres w-7 lakes.

3 BR -f-family rm. stucco home w-heated pool cover. Barn, irplc, gar. Owner wants action. 50 s.

Gordy Nelson 729-7223. ANTON G. HANSON CO. REALTOBS MLS 729-7346 FARM 125 ACRES By Lake Big Marine 35 MILES FSOM MPLS. FT.

PRIVATE LAKrSHORE 4 HOUSE, BtDOSr CITY OAS LINE I MILE 4- another 100x300 lakeshore lot BARISS REALTY 722-2162, 40 acres. 2 Br. modern home, $10,600. 18 acres, 3 Br modern home asking $23,000. 80 acres, very qood 4 Br.

modern home $20,000. 173 ocres. old home, barn, etc. $14,000. 345 acres, new pole barn.

quite new 2 Br. home $40,000. ACTION REAL FSTATF, Box 3V2jAlexandria, Minn. 762-H51 TRAILHAVEN ADDITION Co'corcm oro. 1.5 to 5 acrt parcels.

pnr acrn. Buy now bi(ore Spring when cholco parcols can had at lower prifs. BROOK PAPK 425-502O 70 AarFIOBBY FARM near USuur Appro 'yj open, 35 woods. Beautiful home site overlooking the nvr valiwy. J'i75 per a-r, WEYDERT REALTY 219 W.

Nassau, St. Feter, Minn. Acres, ,325 A.Tuf tivated. Outstond'nq bldas. 218 arres i 60 A cultivated 110 100 A.

cult. Sr-ring Poss. FAHEY SALES Belle Ploine, Minn, Fti 83 7307 DAIRr SETUP, So. of Granite Falls, nearly all tillable, excellent hiqh com base, $320 per A. Contract or cash.

Also several other farms. LIEN REAL ESTAlb, Maynard, Minn. Ph. day or eve. 320 "ACRI FARM; 270 octet under cultivation.

Good buildings, free-stall milking t-up. located en highway 25. Priced ot 1125.00 per acre Phonei 345-4308 Ronald Halls-Irons R. 3 Webster. So Dok.

57274 OWNER. Completely eauipKd 200 ocre dairy tomt. 15 top pro ducino Holstem. 12 Heifers. 3 tror.tort modv, bulk tank, good barn.

woaern BK. horr 2I8) 402.2, AIILNIKiN MUNIkfy 2U A. torn-tnq Aqna'iz State ferltial gome Ex. goose deer hunting, 2 small lakes Dale IJelson, Good ndue, Mn, 1218) 38 31 IV. 200 A.

FARM by private potty, Paynesville Eden Valley area, Bla'lt soil, sorrie timler, Wn'e toi 7UJ W. Ma 56362. 80 estate I7A tillable. Evergreen bldg, it mt. elf tar rd Loc.

8 5. of Atwater Ph. 4 No S-jn. calls. kAHN RLAlTORS "48) 00 3l" 1901 No lexinqton, St.

Puuio0li3 40 A'klS at Suderv.ile, i Vi on acre, 10 down. 137 8)6V IVt oreo, S'i ACRES mobile home I trees. Peas, ICi A hobby farm. 4 8R home itabjo. 941-101 Rltr.

57 ACRIS tX Elk ier $280 per ocre. 1500 down. 484-7496. Spat. 5 BR, 2 story, aood borders e'eek, 3 mi.

to Roaers. New 4 BR Cane Cod on 80 rolling timbered acres. Elk River. Country living at its best! Next to wild life 80 acres 50 wild, also 80 acre -15 wooded on blacktop -Choose now Der. CHRISTIAN 428-2685 WESTERN MINNESOTA! $15 PER ACRE 120 aues qood timber, 40 acres low land.

$1 ,800. Riverfront home, large lot, near Park Raoids. $9,500. Terms. 320 acres.

Good timber coveraqe. some open land, lake, on hwy near ski lodge. $10,000. Terms. 160 acre farm, race track, many Improvements, equip, home.

Close in Park Rapids. $33 500. Terms. FREE 1972 SPRING CATALOG! Coast to coast farms, hemes, business, retirement. All types, sizes, prices.

PHOTOS1 SAFE-BUY Real Estate Aqency 4110 Polk St. NE-MT, Minneapolis, Mn. 55421 Ph: 612-788-7765 IN FAIR HAVEN, MN. 237 A. with 6 12 yr.

old house (oil hot water heat). 1 smqle 1 dbl. steel strand hog finishing barn, machine shed, pole barn, hog fairowing barn, 2 steel cribs, granary, 5 wells, trout slream running thru. 11C A. tillable, balance woods pasture.

$64,900. For add'l. ir'o. write or ohone AUBIE THEIS. 473-5405, 479-2359.

EBERHARDT 1400 E. WAYZATA BLVD. WAYZATA, MN. 55391 17', ACRE FARM 1,400 sq. 6-year-old 3 BR.

rambler. Liv. din. rm. kitchen, range refrig.

Included. 3 Stall 30'x50' insulated heated qarage. Close to 35W exit, about 19 miles south of Bloominqton. FREEWAY REALTY LAKEVILLE 469-4373 630 acres with modern home any wife would be proud to call her own. larqe barn, poie shed, siios near concrete eedinq area.

Present owner has lived on farm for most of his life and is now ready for retirement. Just off state hiqhway in very good area noted for its hiqhly productive soil. You must see thu to appreciate it. Terms. Boyum Agency Rushford, Minnesota Ph.J507) 864-9381 COMMUTERS DREAM 40 A Farm on blacktop road in beautiful valley near Cannon Falls.

Nice 3 bedroom home with 2 cor attached garage. Oher buddings consist of barn and workshop. Immediate possession. CANNON REALTY CO. Cannon Falls, Minn.

55009 Ph. 507-263-3477 FARMERS! II 360 acres of b'ack, level, tiled, class 1 land 5 mi. SW of Austin, Minn. 62,000 bu modern qrain storage 1 'j story home built 1949. We re offering as a whole or part, your choice! 6 contract! Please call or write for ownership cost, soils maps, descriptive letter.

HILL, INC. Realtors 1234 So. Oak. wgtpn OjJA 50 4 i 9 1J. 160 ACRE farm, close to town, blacktop good feeding setuo, good building, modern house, excep.

good form land. Also 240 acre farm, 4 7j mi. from town, mi. off blacktop, new 30x60 Quonset other buddings are fair, 180 A. of aood productive farm land.

Good pasture with a farm pond. Clarence Gorecki, "FOR SALE 320 acre farm with nearly new rambler house with attached qaraae. Very aood outside buddings, 1 'i milei from town school. 295 acres crop land 97 acres com base, '82 bushel yield, 1 5 cons, acres, S. M.

Kallevg Wlilmar Insurance Aqency Willmar, Minnesota 235-1114 or 235-3275 after 5:00 KM 120 A. Carver County dairy farm. 3 mi. E. of Mayer.

Close to Hwy. 7. 90 A. plow qround, 4 BR older home, 40x80 auonset shed, 2 14x36 silos larqe feed thed, 37 stanchion dairy barn. New miik house, dbl.

aar. qrainary, chicken barn. 30 nrn. from Twin Cities suburbs. Contact O.

Jaekel, Young America, 467-2222. 40 Acre ranch Upper bracket home horse I'able. Architect dpsigned 5 BP walkout rambler, 2 barns. Main barn exterior to match th- home. Addition 40 acres alio available.

BoA Jere KVibunde ftW-W? BEECHER WLS FALTOPS 80 A. 40A, roiling hills with trees 5 BS. Mod. home oveHootring Prior Late, No. of Spring Lake.

Newer born gd. 4 boy trixk 4 ihed comb. Mr. Scheffler BARTON REALTY GPADE A DAIRY A level, fertile toil. Modern 1 Story born has 40 ttaili expansion room, barn cleaner, 2 larqe new tilov New 4QH2 pole barn, ihelte'ed feed bunk, aranary, i other bldqj.

or rail Norhe't orman, E'len Vatiey, Metro Agtry TJojd 30 A. Fdn Vatip, So. edqe Piaeon tae Mod. 2 s'o'y nejr hoT-e. 1 Vj bofh, Gd-bQ'n, QfonOfy.

Louil t'Josif Pr-o'Tor P'Ch'n-jnJ, nn 01 A. Farm Wright Cty. 84 ocres under cultivation. Over rru. LuKeshore on Pewan Lol-e.

Good i bk home, born otnei b.d'tv Oill HA CO ID 425-2886 BPOOK PARK 425-5020 BARGAINS FOR ACREAGE 40 Acres, 32 mi. North ot Twin Cit ies. Adl. to maior Hwy. 65 in Is antl Cty.

Will dsct. for coin. Call 12181 236-7320. or wntei Box 398. oorheod, Minn.

5660, FARMINGTON AREA 273 ACRE FARM 2 modern homes -t- other bidqs. 180 arret tillable. KOPP 4 KOf-P MIS 890-2667 120 ACRES faim. 4 B9 trick house 95 ocres plow, 25 acre pasture with creek. 159.900 with leimt.

10 mi. Sa. of Prior Lae. 44A7392 Vevea Realty 447 5I SOUTHERN FARMS I Free illustrated catalogue of Dairy and General farms. Also many rom mef inl proriertiet available.

I -STOP PIAITY, K'Jison, M.nn. 50944. Lake Minnetonka Area Includes Bldgs. 4 Machinery 4 4 tor only Frank Olson 471 -7243 Jork, fceanoit 418441. 5 ACRf Wooaed On Ma.n St.

2 mi Fast of Anoka $6500. EPV THOMPSON 140 5043, CAtltOUNPfALT S27-55I l. 640 Acres. 3 BR. msxern Tiouse.

Ft RN TARMANN PEL1Y. 774-4980 $700 A "80 WITH BIDGS. SO. iM DOWN. 888-7885.

AGI. TA 2- 3I2 80 buTIJings. rVRpTi lake, mn, 963 370S. 40 ACRE FARM 3 BR. older, modern home, barn.

Dbl. garaqe other bldgs. 4 mi. W. of about 30 mi.

So. of Bloomington in Rice County. $28,500. FREEWAY REALTY LAKEVILLE 469-4378 MORA AREA 80 Acre farm. 40 a.

under cultivation. Large barn machine shed. Neatly remodeled 3 BR home on wooded building lite. Financing available. $21,900 CALL MRS.

PAAPE 633-5609 or MRS. PALMER 786-6707. SPRING 788-9731 N.E. OFFICE NORTHFIELD INTERCHANGE 35-W 40 acres with Modern home and excellent barn. Ideal for commuting.

Over 20 other small and large farm for sale. Write or call for listinqs. FARIBO REALTY Bill Sharkey 823 S.W. Fifth Faribault, Mmn. 55021 l507334-5893 Hobby Farm-Fresh Air 40 A.

farm on blacktop. 8 mi. from 35W. by Pine City, Mmn. 1 hour drive from Mpls.

4 BR modern home, good kit, eating area closets. Call VI Makie, 788-3802 or 788-8671. KATE WOODINGTON 37 acres of land with 20 acre end test being 35 ft. of good qravei and Balance qood for campinq ground located 12 miles north of Willmar or 12 mile south of Belqrade on Hiqhway 71. There were 40 acres and the 3 acres was taken for the highway.

Sig AHndsr, New London Phone 354-2972 SAVE $2,000.00 Reduced to $16,500. 16 acres, cp-prox. 600 feet of lakeshore. Very good two bedroom, a 1 1 modern home. Double qaraqe and shop, small horse barn.

6,000 trees planted. One mite off paved hiqhway. GENE FOOTE, Realtor 132 Wain, C-osby, Mmn 56441, NOW IS THE TIME to buy this hot income farm rent out while investment matures Buy ad 240 arres or pace's of 80 or 160. CLOSE-IN DAKOTA COUNTY NEAR CEDAR. Estate owns 4

nanre qood terms. Debbie Seev- ers, 926-1347. 920 1091 FRANK KRFlSrRSHLS PFAl ESTATE OPFN 1-5 $24,900 HOBBY FARM 10 acres. N.ce 2 BP home with Ink. 3 car gar.

Barn. All bldas. in good cond. On bla'ktoo. 20 acres avail.

Vm dn. passible. 10 mi. N. of Anoka on 47 4 then 1 mi, V.

on 22. We take trades. 572-3669 or 421-3192 RFAITY FXCHANGF CO. DAIRY BEEF HOBBf From 10 to 900 Acres Write or call METRO REALTORS 24 9th Ave. No.

St. Cloud, Minn. 203-1166 Evenings, 2j2 4165 80 A. BR AH AM 35 cow barn, mod. 4 house.

Terms, 80 A. ON CREEK Me 3 BR home. lg. gar. 2 r-o'e Termi MOLINf 689 359 KANABEC COUNTY 280 ocres 8 mi.

NW of H.ncHey. giode A dairy set up! New Lester arji'y hn-n, modern home, s.lo 4 other bldgs. Adiocent to Grindstone vr, ono Gov. oond. Mr.

Rahn, DKA! 10 I mi. So. 40 acreT 11 divide. Hobby Farm 6 nrtmt r.n. UUArCt-llA walk to high school.

Other farms for sale. APT JOHLFS 922-4853. Thorp B'os, 976-7791. SEE OUR LARGE FARM AD IN FRIDAYS PAPER EBERHARDT MOUND FARMS FOR SALE Wnte for FPFf farm coaloa'. PINSKE REAL ESTATE 1 M5 i In Finfayson 'aonly 100 mi.

N. Twin Oties. Irieolly loc. for snowmobihnq, hunting, firmly romping, etc. Small down.

Call Mr. Wilson oftw 6 p.m. 533 -965, 160 A' mo'icrn 4 bioorn qood burn A si'o. Jtnn Psalty 160 oer du.r (arm, ttfirKlnOni, 4 bvjioom mod.n honi, ihi out-buiidmqs. Unitd Farm Star bK.

nn. mo'iwrn A' Good P', 1 mi. to to. I brink. Mutt MfJ for sio'.

Co') IV, 5QfJ 41 19. 195 A. oil riHobi nr bidcj. On of ft hightnt o'odixf in Wiser a Gnfy. Contract (of dwd, 2b2 A'fFS nr.

$f90por 160 farmland In Mvrrltoft hi I (man, Winn. Ii-i3-40i4, BUICK ffl', ttOQ 62 orval, $Q0 42I-SI37 BUI' As "is," 1st $I0() inkos, 78? 9021 67 buk "ol. PS, PB, )5Q 926 9104, '69 BUK Hectra 225. PS. PB.

Air" WJlr Hr HT, auto "Trrr 41,000 ml. jvJ 5' 5 34,6 'W or offer, 724 9198 good Uft new tites 95- mr, JW) J4, Want ads give you so much for so little 372-4242 Mil. call 47V9U,.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.