Sunday April 28, 2024 by Worship Life Today (2024)

Sunday April 28, 2024Wow. I haven’t considered that choosing not to love someone is just as much a choice as choosing to love someone. Who in my life have I chosen not to love? Have I chosen not to love God with the freedom that He gave me? That hurts to even think about! In today’s message, Pastor Holland will tell you exactly how God wants you to love Him… and just a hint… it requires a choice. God wants you to love Him voluntarily. He’s so good and so faithful. Will you choose to give Him your heart, mind, and soul?Apr 28, 202426:00Sunday April 21, 2024How wonderful is our God? He constantly shows us His mercy and grace when we mess up. He continues to provide for us when times are tough. He showed us the ultimate form of love, when He sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for you and me. Today, Pastor Holland walks you through the wonderfulness of God in the Old Testament – working his way to Joshua from the beginning of the Bible. Pastor Holland teaches you how to “take back the land of your heart,” by giving the Lord the glory He is due.Apr 21, 202426:00Sunday April 14, 2024Do you have a particular love language? Some people feel love from quality time, and others feel love from acts of service - the truth is that we all love to be loved! In today’s message, Pastor Holland walks us through the history behind Israel, the Promise Land. As we hear from this, we will begin seeing that there is a very common theme of God’s love. Let us be reminded that no matter how far we have run, and no matter how bad we’ve been, God has never loved us more than He does right now.Apr 14, 202426:00Sunday April 7, 2024Have you ever had someone tell you they cared about you, but then go talking about you behind your back the next day? I know I have! It’s confusing to try to understand a person’s intentions when they say one thing and then contradict it! The reality is that there is only one complete source of truth. In today’s message, Pastor Holland talks about the clarity that God has in His scriptures. Though there are hundreds of thousands of words in the Bible, not a single one contradicts another.Apr 07, 202426:00Sunday March 31, 2024Have you ever heard the old tale of the man pushing a wheel barrel across a tight rope over a canyon? A bystander says, “I believe you can do it,” so the stunt man responds, “Okay, then get in the wheelbarrel.” You see, in order to have true faith, we must activate it! In today’s message, Pastor Holland tells us the story of the Promised Land and how big of a role faith played in the journey. It’s one thing to say we believe in Jesus, but when we truly put real faith in Him, we can benefit from His promises.Mar 31, 202426:00Sunday March 24, 2024Before the Holy Spirit, before you entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ, everything you did was by your own power. You had to fight all your own battles and face all your stress and anxieties by yourself. But now, on the other side of salvation you don’t have to carry any of that weight, let alone carry it by yourself, Jesus took and continues to take all those difficulties! In today’s message, Pastor Holland will remind you that God has all the control. Allow Him to lead you and bear all your worries and trials!Mar 24, 202426:00Sunday March 17, 2024The Lord does so many different wonders in our lives that He doesn’t have to do. He reveals Himself to us in mighty ways that are so personal to each of us and highly vital to our story of faith. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will encourage you to return to God’s presence. There absolutely will be difficult things and battles you will face every day, but when we have the hope of Jesus none of those trials can even touch your relationship with the Lord. Nothing can disturb you and Him when you’re together!Mar 17, 202426:00Sunday March 10, 2024Having a humble heart is a difficult thing, especially in our world where fame is held so high and everything is about yourself. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will encourage you to be like Daniel and have a willingness to learn and understand the power of having a humble heart. To want to learn from God and His word is so important, most of the time we hear the Bible spoken and we try to bend it to make it say what we want. So today, Pastor Holland will ask you to make that decision of seeking the Lord!Mar 10, 202426:00Sunday March 3, 2024Where in your life are you seeing God’s wonders? What difficulties are you seeing God absolutely and utterly dismantle? Because He is moving in and through all your trials of everyday life! In today’s message, Pastor Holland will show you that in the midst of ALL of your battles the Holy Spirit is showing up…EVERY SINGLE BATTLE! He is with you as you fear, as you doubt, and as you worry about those exact battles! He is always there revealing Himself through signs, wonders, and saved lives!Mar 03, 202426:00Sunday February 25, 2024If you grew up with Christian parents or grandparents you probably heard them talk about the wonders God has done in their lives all the time all throughout your childhood. That can be extremely inspiring and great to hear, and it even might be the reason you became a Christian yourself! But, In today’s message, Pastor Holland will remind you to have your faith as well. Yes, you can be inspired by your peers and their stories but there comes a time when you need to make your own story and have your own faith!Feb 25, 202426:00Sunday February 18, 2024There are many commercials advertising hearing aids for people who don’t hear well. However, there aren’t commercials for those who don’t or won’t listen. In Hebrew and Greek, the same word for obedience is the same word for listen. Obedience implies responding accordingly to what we have heard. God tells us what to do to be blessed. It’s up to us to decide to listen and obey. Today, Pastor Holland gives us scriptural direction on how we can decide to listen and obey God’s direction for our lives.Feb 18, 202426:00Sunday February 11, 2024What are the ways in which we walk with God? There are boundaries God set for us to walk in. We don’t barter or argue with God, we just try to obey all His ways in all we do and say. We try to obey His commands. By obeying His commands, we are showing our love for Him and demonstrating that we trust His guidance and direction. Today, Pastor Holland takes us deeper into what it means to walk with God, and how our obedience to His commandments demonstrates our love for Him.Feb 11, 202426:00Sunday February 4, 2024There are many gods in our world that rule and reign us in all directions. We have to decide whom we will follow. Will it be Almighty God or another god? We can’t teach our children and families about the virtues of God if we don’t know Him ourselves. Many forces are vying for the lives of our children and families. In today’s message, Pastor Holland discusses the importance of having a personal relationship with God. We can’t pass on to our children and families what we don’t possess.Feb 04, 202426:00Sunday January 28, 2024There is a huge cultural war going on in our world that wants to change and alter who God made us to be. We are bombarded every day with messages to ‘fix’ this flaw or that imperfection. We are groomed by TV and social media to not be content with who and how God made us. The enemy wants us to think God made a mistake when he made “me.” Pastor Holland takes us through scripture today to explain how we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and how we can be all He has created us to be.Jan 28, 202426:00Sunday January 21, 2024What is meant when we hear the word holiness? Many thoughts might go to someone with angel wings floating on a cloud in heaven. It’s a popular belief that holiness is something that we achieve based on our behavior. A national study showed that 73% of ADULTS, not exclusively Christians, believe it is possible to achieve holiness. In today’s message, Pastor Holland takes an in-depth study of holiness. What it means to be holy. How Jesus made it possible to live a life that is set apart to glorify Him.Jan 21, 202426:00Sunday December 14, 2024Have you heard someone say that the Old Testament is not as relevant as the New Testament? That there’s a different standard for correctness for the New Testament than for the Old Testament. We have many prophecies delivered almost all the time during a newscast or special government announcement. We have to ask, did it come true? Does this person have a reputation or ‘track record’ of being correct? In his message, Pastor Holland gives scriptural examples of a truthful prophet.Jan 14, 202426:00Sunday January 7, 2024It is normal to be a little skeptical of someone ‘claiming’ to have a prophetic word about someone or something. After all, they ARE giving a ‘prediction’ about someone or something. Only God knows the future and things to come. We have government officials who ‘claim’ that something will happen if we don’t do this or that. They appear to know, but they really don’t. In today’s message, Pastor Holland gives some examples of false prophets and teachers who similarly tried to deceive their own people.Jan 07, 202426:00Sunday December 31, 2023When you hear the term ‘prophet’ used in a statement, do you think of an older bearded man wearing a long robe? It’s natural to only associate a prophet with someone in the religious world. However, we have many so-called prophets active in our society today. There are news anchors, world leaders, government officials, and self-proclaimed experts who think they are prophets. But, they are really false prophets. Pastor Holland will give us several examples of false prophets in his message today.Dec 31, 202326:00Sunday December 24, 2023“Emmanuel, God with us.” As you listen to today’s message from Pastor Holland, he explains to you that humankind was never supposed to live separated from God. God created us to dwell with Him. But that all changed when sin entered the picture. Sin separates us from our loving Father. Pastor Holland encourages each and every person to receive Jesus as their Savior. When you receive Jesus you’re no longer estranged from God. You can enter the Lord’s presence as His beloved child.Dec 24, 202326:00Sunday December 17, 2023Have you ever read a passage of scripture that struck you as just a little bit weird? Throughout the Bible, there are many verses and even entire chapters that often take a lot of studying to begin to understand… And in today’s message, Pastor Holland will encourage you to dig deep into your study of the Bible! Nothing in the Bible was put there as filler or fluff! While a verse may seem a bit of out place at times, you can study, pray, and find out what God might be using that verse to say to you!Dec 17, 202326:00Sunday December 10, 2023Have you found that some words and phrases seem to take on a different meaning as you learn more about their origins? The Jewish people used many descriptive words and phrases to express their desire for deeper relationships with God. Jesus used descriptive phrases to express His promise of eternal life through Him. Today, Pastor Holland takes us through some scriptures where these words were not only used to describe praise and salvation but also had prophetic meaning.Dec 08, 202326:00Sunday December 3, 2023Separation from the people who help us feel we are normal, accepted, and wanted, can be a very isolating feeling. We get a sincere sense of being totally alone by that separation. We were all born separated from God. We are born with a human nature that opposes God’s design of fellowship with Him. In his message today, Pastor Holland takes us through several instances in the scriptures where the people realized their separation and tried many things to be in fellowship with God.Dec 03, 202326:00Sunday November 26, 2023Separation from the people who help us feel we are normal, accepted, and wanted, can be a very isolating feeling. We get a sincere sense of being totally alone by that separation. We were all born separated from God. We are born with a human nature that opposes God’s design of fellowship with Him. In his message today, Pastor Holland takes us through several instances in the scriptures where the people realized their separation and tried many things to be in fellowship with God.Nov 26, 202326:00Sunday November 19, 2023Have you ever been at the end of a one-sided relationship? When you constantly have to be the one to schedule time to hang out with someone or check in on them, and then you receive nothing in return. It’s like you don’t even exist until they choose to put effort into the relationship. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Well, God feels the same way when you choose to put Him off until you really need Him. In today’s message, Pastor Holland is going to remind you that you need to take time to put God in your schedule.Nov 19, 202326:00Sunday November 12, 2023Are you a Christian if you believe there is a God? On the surface, you might think that belief in God means you're saved. Unfortunately, just because you believe there is a God doesn’t mean you are going to heaven. There is a much deeper level of commitment that God is looking for beyond just belief. In today’s message, Pastor Holland is going to explore what it really means to call yourself a believer of Christ. You must have faith in what the Bible says and a personal relationship with Jesus. Nov 12, 202326:00Sunday November 5, 2023Have you ever experienced unconditional love? That means love without conditions. If you’ve ever experienced this kind of love from a parent, a loved one, a friend, or a pastor, then you know how it almost feels unfair. It feels like you don’t deserve to be forgiven because you’ve wronged them, but they haven’t wronged you. In today’s message, Pastor Holland is going to remind you that this is what the love of God is. He loves you unconditionally even when you aren’t faithful to Him.Nov 05, 202326:00Sunday October 29, 2023Has your heart truly been changed for God? It’s one thing to say that you are a believer in the gospel, but does your life reflect that? You might be trying to earn your way into heaven, but God doesn’t give out rewards based on your merit, your social status, or your bank account. He allows you to enter into His eternal kingdom through your faith in Him, and allowing Him to change you from the inside out. In today’s message, Pastor Holland is going to remind you that when your heart changes, so will your actions.Oct 29, 202326:00Sunday October 22, 2023Has your heart truly been changed for God? It’s one thing to say that you are a believer in the gospel, but does your life reflect that? You might be trying to earn your way into heaven, but God doesn’t give out rewards based on your merit, your social status, or your bank account. He allows you to enter into His eternal kingdom through your faith in Him, and allowing Him to change you from the inside out. In today’s message, Pastor Holland is going to remind you that when your heart changes, so will your actions.Oct 22, 202326:00Sunday October 15, 2023Today’s society is a ‘me’ society. Go for it, you deserve it. You can do it! Take it, you earned it. That’s your right. That’s your truth. Oh boy. Those are some dangerous thoughts. It’s not all about us. Folks, you and I came out of the womb. We were knit together to live for one person and one person only. That’s Jesus. He created us. He saved us. The least we can do is put our whole self…body, mind, and soul into LOVING Jesus. This is the truth that Pastor Holland reminds us of today.Oct 15, 202326:00Sunday October 8, 2023What do you do for love? I know it sounds cliche, but I wonder what the Israelites thought as Moses was speaking to them about their relationship with God. Did they blush in embarrassment or shrug their shoulders in indifference? It’s a dangerous thing when we don’t remember why or how much we love. Pastor Holland clarifies today about how putting our faith in anything or anybody other than Jesus is considered idolatry. Are you missing out on His blessings because He’s been replaced?Oct 08, 202326:00Sunday October 1, 2023Why is it hard to lead by example? Maybe it’s the pressure or the simple fact of not thinking about it. Either way, people are watching us, right? The effect we have on other’s lives hinges on our actions that should be supporting what we BELIEVE. Don’t let people know you only for your love of earthly things, but rather for JESUS! In his message today, Pastor Holland challenges us to remember that JESUS should come FIRST in every aspect of our lives. Intentionality. Like an all-or-nothing life.Oct 01, 202326:00Sunday September 24, 2023Our relationship with Jesus should be like that of the poor widow who searched for her last, lost coin until she found it. It's going after it with every fiber of your being. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Leave nothing out. Leave nothing behind. Seek the Lord. Consequently, if you choose not to, Jesus may just take you back to the very beginning. Where sin ran rampant in your life. He did it with Israel. He’ll do it with you if He has to. Are you drifting away or drawing near to Jesus? This is Pastor Holland’s message today.Sep 24, 202326:00Sunday September 17, 2023It’s no secret that all of us have some sort of past that we’re not proud of. Whether we grew up in the church, or just recently became a believer in Jesus, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; however, the good news is that it doesn’t stop there! Today, Pastor Holland will be sharing a message with us about pressing forward in our faith! This relationship we have with God is not something we earned or even deserved; however, we were freely given it so that we can live our best for Him!Sep 17, 202326:00Sunday September 10, 2023Have you ever felt lonely? Have you ever felt like you had no one to help? I have found myself in situations like this before and oftentimes, it’s in those moments that I find Jesus. Today, Pastor Holland is going to be sharing a message with us about stripping away everything of this world and solely focusing on Jesus. This culture we live in is full of distractions and temptations to take our focus away from Him, but when we distance ourselves from all that, that’s when we feel closest to Him.Sep 10, 202326:00Sunday September 3, 2023Have you ever been in a bad situation and wondered why God would allow something like that to happen to you? I know that I have! The truth is, that God doesn’t ever put his children into bondage intentionally. Today, Pastor Holland will be sharing a message with us about how God loves and takes care of His children. Though He never wants to see us suffer through difficulties and trials, He does tell us that we will face them; however, He also promises better days on the other side of our bondage.Sep 03, 202326:00Sunday August 27, 2023Do you need refuge from your life? A place where you can relax in peace and safety? In today's message, Pastor Holland associates Jesus with the names of the cities of refuge that God gave to Joshua. There are specific meanings in the names of the six cities mentioned in Joshua 20. These meanings apply to Jesus as our refuge. Jesus is our righteousness. He has the power to save us from the Avenger. Jesus brings us into a safe place with God. He frees us from captivity. Let’s delight in our city of refuge. Aug 27, 202326:00Sunday August 20, 2023Are you a murderer? An innocent man died. Did you kill Him? In today's message, Pastor Holland declares that we are guilty of murder. Jesus of Nazareth died of no fault of His own. He didn't do anything wrong, certainly not enough to be killed. But He had to be killed. He chose to be killed. He volunteered to be killed. Why? He chose to die in our place. We are guilty and punishable by death, but Jesus died instead of us. Oh, thank you, Jesus! Let's bow down and worship Jesus because He took our death penalty.Aug 20, 202326:00Sunday August 13, 2023Are you enjoying your life? A life filled with abundance and happiness. Are you happy? In today's message, Pastor Holland declares that God intends for us to live abundantly and joyfully. God wants to bless us. Living joyfully comes from maintaining a close relationship with God. This means making His thoughts our thoughts, and His desires our desires. We can't manufacture it. Only God can bring this to us as we draw nearer to Him. Let's not seek His handouts, but rather surrender to Him and become like Him Aug 13, 202326:00Sunday August 6, 2023Have you ever had a supernatural experience with God? Something out of the ordinary. Did you ever see God's promises come true? Today, Pastor Holland notes that God matures us by fulfilling the promises He gave us. He speaks a promise that seems impossible and then He supernaturally fulfills it. Our faith skyrockets when we hear God, obey Him and see Him complete the work. The next time God speaks to us, let's recognize His voice and simply do what He says. He is faithful to do what He has saidAug 06, 202326:00Sunday July 30, 2023Are you limiting yourself? You can only see so far. Do you make decisions based only on your limited knowledge and experience? In today’s message, Pastor Holland teaches us that our unbelief causes us much harm. Edging God out of our decisions prevents us from receiving His blessings. Receiving His blessings requires us to go beyond our current understanding and to trust in something we can't yet see. Let’s believe beyond our limitations and trust the God who knows everything.Jul 30, 202326:00Sunday July 23, 2023Do you have lasting joy in your life? Joy is not a momentary jubilation, but a lasting calm delight. Is your life a calm delight? Today Pastor Holland explains that joy comes from spending time in God's presence. Indeed, there is no other source of real joy. We can find brief moments of celebration, but lasting joy comes only from God. In fact, He created us to spend time with Him. Our lives change as we embrace our Heavenly Father. Let's run into our Father's arms and watch our lives become more like HisJul 23, 202326:00Sunday July 16, 2023Did you ever stop to think about what God considers the most important thing? If you knew what that was, would you do it? Pastor Holland's message today centers around what God thinks is most important. The answer is that God thinks the most important thing we can do is to simply visit with Him. When we rest in God's presence, we naturally become like Him. We start to act like He acts. We start to talk like He talks. We begin to think like He thinks. Let's make time to do the most important thing we can ever do.Jul 16, 202326:00Sunday July 9, 2023Did you ever loan something to someone who ended up thinking they owned it? What a mess trying to get it back. Did they ever give it back? In today's message, Pastor Holland reminds us that the Earth is the Lord's, and He is simply loaning it to us to manage. God created the Earth out of nothing. He spoke it into existence. He owns it. We sometimes forget who ultimately owns our property, our house, or even all our stuff. Let's honor God by worshipping the Creator of everything we see, hear, taste, and smell.Jul 09, 202326:00Sunday July 2, 2023Do you trust God completely? Or do you trust God only if He does what makes sense to you? Do you serve God or does God serve you? Today, Pastor Holland challenges our trust in God and notes that God may not always make sense to us. We learn to trust God when He speaks, we obey, and we see positive results. When we see God working, we learn that He can be trusted, even if it does not make sense at first. Let's build our life trusting God implicitly and realize that He sees all and knows our future.Jul 02, 202326:00Sunday June 25, 2023Who's your father? Who do you look to for direction in your life? Who guides you in your decisions? In today's message, Pastor Holland points out that how we deal with things unveils who our real father is. If God is not our father, then we will look to ourselves or to the world for direction. Without God our decisions are incorrect, leading to more heartache. But, if God is our father, then we gain a powerful advocate. Let’s remember God knows our future and directs our present from this perspective. Jun 25, 202326:00Sunday June 18, 2023Nothing you could do or think or say can disqualify you from God’s loving grace. As Pastor Holland will point out in today’s message, to see God’s grace as that limited and your sin as that great is a symptom of pride. It’s an extremely effective tactic of our enemy and you’re buying right into it. When you lay your pride down before our Savior and acknowledge the supernatural immensity of His love and authority over all things, you can find rest and restoration in His forgiveness.Jun 18, 202325:56Sunday June 11, 2023We like to think that if we just ignore evil in this world it will leave us alone, but that’s not how our enemy works. As Pastor Holland will point out in today’s message, Scripture warns us that Satan is roaming the earth like a lion seeking who he can devour. He’s on the prowl and he’s drawn to the light shining from the redeemed. He wants to snuff it out or intimidate and bring destruction all around our hearts and lives. It is as bad as it sounds and we need to be aware and ready for this battle. Jun 11, 202326:00Sunday June 4, 2023Today's culture is full of evil influences. Look around. If the culture around you isn’t enough to convince you that something is wrong, look to one of the many nations where people are treated with little to no dignity or respect. God's word says that many evil things are a result of demonic forces influencing people's minds. In today's message, Pastor Holland will teach you that because our enemy is a spiritual one, it gives even more reason to turn to God for help rather than manJun 04, 202326:00Sunday May 28, 2023Do you ever become anxious when you watch the news? You hear about corrupt politicians, the nation's economic problems, or even a crazy weather event that’s bound to be catastrophic. The worst part though is that no one seems to be able to agree on how to fix any of it. It can be easy to look to men in power to fix things, but the truth is that man is weak and will always fail. In today's message, Pastor Holland will teach you that true hope amidst the constant turmoil of today can only be found in God’s power and authority.May 28, 202326:00Sunday May 21, 2023Do you feel like you’re where God wants you to be? Have you followed his plan for your life, or do you know deep down that you’ve decided to follow your own plans instead? Choosing God's route isn’t always the easiest or most obvious choice. It requires that you give up living for the things of this world and have faith that God's rewards are better. In today's message, Pastor Holland will teach you that when you choose to follow God's plan for your life he will take care of you every step of the way. May 21, 202326:00
Sunday April 28, 2024 by Worship Life Today (2024)


Why is it important to worship on Sunday? ›

Worship on Sunday is a symbol like the cross or the Apostles'Creed. When we gather to worship on Sunday, it signifies who we are and to whom we belong as those who share Christ's dying and rising. On this day, we experience and celebrate God's abiding presence with us through the Holy Spirit.

When did Christians change the Sabbath to Sunday? ›

At the beginning of the second century the Church Father Ignatius of Antioch approved non-observance of the Sabbath. The now majority practice of Christians is to observe Sunday, called the Lord's Day, rather than the Jewish seventh-day Sabbath as a day of rest and worship.

How to worship God on Sunday? ›

On Sunday, you can take time to turn your thoughts and hearts to God. We can attend church services. We can read the Bible and other books of scripture. And we can talk with God in prayer.

Does the Bible say that Sunday is the Sabbath? ›

The Lord's Day

Until His Resurrection, Jesus Christ and His disciples honored the seventh day as the Sabbath. After His Resurrection, Sunday was held sacred as the Lord's day in remembrance of His Resurrection on that day (see Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2).

What is the spiritual significance of Sunday? ›

For most Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest, holding it as the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection; in the United States, Canada, China, Japan, as well as in parts of South America, Sunday is the first day of the week.

What happens at Sunday worship? ›

During the main Sunday worship, anyone who wishes to contribute can do so. Someone might say a prayer, choose a hymn or read from the Bible. This type of worship centres on the idea of the priesthood of all believers.

What day is the true Sabbath? ›

The Sabbath. The Jewish Sabbath (from Hebrew shavat, “to rest”) is observed throughout the year on the seventh day of the week—Saturday. According to biblical tradition, it commemorates the original seventh day on which God rested after completing the creation.

Did Jesus abolish the Sabbath? ›

This day of rest, Jesus says, is made for humans (Mark 2:27). Jesus claims Himself as 'Lord of the Sabbath. ' This lordship does not abolish the Sabbath – for why would Jesus abolish something over which He claims Himself as ruler? – but instead He reinforces its vitality for life.

Who declared Sunday as a day of worship? ›

Seventh-day Adventist scholar Samuele Bacchiocchi has argued that Sunday worship, unconnected to the Sabbath, was introduced by Constantine the Great in Rome in A.D. 321, and was later enforced by him throughout the Christian church as a substitution for Sabbath worship.

What are 5 things you cannot do on the Sabbath? ›

Observances. The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath, while never clearly defined, includes activities such as baking and cooking, travelling, kindling fire, gathering wood, buying and selling, and bearing burdens from one domain into another.

Do we still need to keep the Sabbath? ›

As followers of Jesus, God does not expect us to live by Israel's laws. However, the wisdom of these laws remains, and the law of the Sabbath is rich with significance for us today. Sabbath is not a commandment we are bound to; it's a promise we're invited to enjoy.

What does the Bible say about going to church on Sunday? ›

Hebrews 10:25 emphasizes the need to encourage one another in the Christian life. We are to “stir up one another.” We are to encourage each other to meet together. This goes beyond a Sunday morning service. This entails sharing life together.

Did God say the Sabbath is on Saturday? ›

No other day has ever been sanctified as the day of rest. The Sabbath Day begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 58:13-14; 56:1-8; Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4, 11; Luke 4:16; Mark 2:27-28; Matthew 12:10-12; Hebrews 4:1-11; Genesis 1:5, 13-14; Nehemiah 13:19.

Where in the Bible does it say not to work on Sundays? ›

The full text of the commandment reads: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God.

What does the New Testament say about keeping the Sabbath day holy? ›

“The Savior said that the Sabbath was for man and not man for the Sabbath. The Sabbath is for man to obey and in which to find profit but not to break or desecrate. The Savior repeatedly insists upon the hallowing of the Sabbath day.

Why is Sunday an important day? ›

It is regarded by most Christians as the Lord's Day, or the weekly memorial of Jesus Christ's Resurrection from the dead. The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times, but details of the actual development of the custom are not clear.

What is the importance of Sunday in our life? ›

Sunday is the day on which we believe God acted decisively to liberate the world from the tyranny of sin, death, and corruption through the Holy Resurrection of Jesus.

Why is it important to keep Sunday holy? ›

The Lord has given the Sabbath day for our benefit and has commanded us to keep it holy. Observing the Sabbath shows our commitment to honor and worship God and keep our covenants. It will bring us closer to the Lord and to our family. It will give us an eternal perspective and spiritual strength.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.